path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 1772 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4650923e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1772 @@
+/* File: main-x11.c */
+ * Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, and others
+ *
+ * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
+ * and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
+ * are included in all such copies.
+ */
+ * This file helps Angband work with UNIX/X11 computers.
+ *
+ * To use this file, compile with "USE_X11" defined, and link against all
+ * the various "X11" libraries which may be needed.
+ *
+ * See also "main-xaw.c".
+ *
+ * Part of this file provides a user interface package composed of several
+ * pseudo-objects, including "metadpy" (a display), "infowin" (a window),
+ * "infoclr" (a color), and "infofnt" (a font). Actually, the package was
+ * originally much more interesting, but it was bastardized to keep this
+ * file simple.
+ *
+ * The rest of this file is an implementation of "main-xxx.c" for X11.
+ *
+ * Most of this file is by Ben Harrison (
+ */
+ * The following shell script can be used to launch Angband, assuming that
+ * it was extracted into "~/Angband", and compiled using "USE_X11", on a
+ * Linux machine, with a 1280x1024 screen, using 6 windows (with the given
+ * characteristics), with gamma correction of 1.8 -> (1 / 1.8) * 256 = 142,
+ * and without graphics (add "-g" for graphics). Just copy this comment
+ * into a file, remove the leading " * " characters (and the head/tail of
+ * this comment), and make the file executable.
+ *
+ *
+ * #!/bin/csh
+ *
+ * # Describe attempt
+ * echo "Launching angband..."
+ * sleep 2
+ *
+ * # Main window
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_FONT_0 10x20
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_X_0 5
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_Y_0 510
+ *
+ * # Message window
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_FONT_1 8x13
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_X_1 5
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_Y_1 22
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_ROWS_1 35
+ *
+ * # Inventory window
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_FONT_2 8x13
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_X_2 635
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_Y_2 182
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_ROWS_3 23
+ *
+ * # Equipment window
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_FONT_3 8x13
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_X_3 635
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_Y_3 22
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_ROWS_3 12
+ *
+ * # Monster recall window
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_FONT_4 6x13
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_X_4 817
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_Y_4 847
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_COLS_4 76
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_ROWS_4 11
+ *
+ * # Object recall window
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_FONT_5 6x13
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_X_5 817
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_AT_Y_5 520
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_COLS_5 76
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_ROWS_5 24
+ *
+ * # The build directory
+ * cd ~/Angband
+ *
+ * # Gamma correction
+ * setenv ANGBAND_X11_GAMMA 142
+ *
+ * # Launch Angband
+ * ./src/angband -mx11 -- -n6 &
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.hpp"
+#include "defines.hpp"
+#include "frontend.hpp"
+#include "loadsave.hpp"
+#include "main.hpp"
+#include "util.hpp"
+#include "variable.hpp"
+#include "z-form.hpp"
+#include "z-util.hpp"
+#ifndef __MAKEDEPEND__
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <X11/keysym.h>
+#include <X11/keysymdef.h>
+#include <X11/Xatom.h>
+#endif /* __MAKEDEPEND__ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <climits>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+using boost::algorithm::equals;
+using boost::algorithm::starts_with;
+#define FORCELOWER(A) ((isupper((A))) ? tolower((A)) : (A))
+ * This file is designed to be "included" by "main-x11.c" or "main-xaw.c",
+ * which will have already "included" several relevant header files.
+ */
+#ifndef IsModifierKey
+ * Keysym macros, used on Keysyms to test for classes of symbols
+ * These were stolen from one of the X11 header files
+ *
+ * Also appears in "main-x11.c".
+ */
+#define IsKeypadKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_KP_Space) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_KP_Equal))
+#define IsCursorKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_Home) && ((unsigned)(keysym) < XK_Select))
+#define IsPFKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_KP_F1) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_KP_F4))
+#define IsFunctionKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_F1) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_F35))
+#define IsMiscFunctionKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_Select) && ((unsigned)(keysym) < XK_KP_Space))
+#define IsModifierKey(keysym) \
+(((unsigned)(keysym) >= XK_Shift_L) && ((unsigned)(keysym) <= XK_Hyper_R))
+#endif /* IsModifierKey */
+ * Checks if the keysym is a special key or a normal key
+ * Assume that XK_MISCELLANY keysyms are special
+ *
+ * Also appears in "main-x11.c".
+ */
+#define IsSpecialKey(keysym) \
+((unsigned)(keysym) >= 0xFF00)
+ * Hack -- Convert an RGB value to an X11 Pixel, or die.
+ *
+ * Original code by Desvignes Sebastien (
+ *
+ * BMP format support by Denis Eropkin (
+ *
+ * Major fixes and cleanup by Ben Harrison (
+ */
+static unsigned long create_pixel(Display *dpy, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
+ Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy));
+ char cname[8];
+ XColor xcolour;
+ /* Build the color */
+ = red * 255 + red;
+ = green * 255 + green;
+ = blue * 255 + blue;
+ xcolour.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ /* Attempt to Allocate the Parsed color */
+ if (!(XAllocColor(dpy, cmap, &xcolour)))
+ {
+ quit_fmt("Couldn't allocate bitmap color '%s'\n", cname);
+ }
+ return (xcolour.pixel);
+ * Notes on Colors:
+ *
+ * 1) On a monochrome (or "fake-monochrome") display, all colors
+ * will be "cast" to "fg," except for the bg color, which is,
+ * obviously, cast to "bg". Thus, one can ignore this setting.
+ *
+ * 2) Because of the inner functioning of the color allocation
+ * routines, colors may be specified as (a) a typical color name,
+ * (b) a hexidecimal color specification (preceded by a pound sign),
+ * or (c) by strings such as "fg", "bg", "zg".
+ *
+ * 3) Due to the workings of the init routines, many colors
+ * may also be dealt with by their actual pixel values. Note that
+ * the pixel with all bits set is "zg = (1<<metadpy->depth)-1", which
+ * is not necessarily either black or white.
+ */
+/**** Generic Types ****/
+ * An X11 pixell specifier
+ */
+typedef unsigned long Pixell;
+ * The structures defined below
+ */
+typedef struct metadpy metadpy;
+typedef struct infowin infowin;
+typedef struct infoclr infoclr;
+typedef struct infofnt infofnt;
+ * A structure summarizing a given Display.
+ *
+ * - The Display itself
+ * - The default Screen for the display
+ * - The virtual root (usually just the root)
+ * - The default colormap (from a macro)
+ *
+ * - The "name" of the display
+ *
+ * - The socket to listen to for events
+ *
+ * - The width of the display screen (from a macro)
+ * - The height of the display screen (from a macro)
+ * - The bit depth of the display screen (from a macro)
+ *
+ * - The black Pixell (from a macro)
+ * - The white Pixell (from a macro)
+ *
+ * - The background Pixell (default: black)
+ * - The foreground Pixell (default: white)
+ * - The maximal Pixell (Equals: ((2 ^ depth)-1), is usually ugly)
+ *
+ * - Bit Flag: Force all colors to black and white (default: !color)
+ * - Bit Flag: Allow the use of color (default: depth > 1)
+ * - Bit Flag: We created 'dpy', and so should nuke it when done.
+ */
+struct metadpy
+ Display *dpy;
+ Screen *screen;
+ Window root;
+ Colormap cmap;
+ char *name;
+ int fd;
+ unsigned int width;
+ unsigned int height;
+ unsigned int depth;
+ Pixell black;
+ Pixell white;
+ Pixell bg;
+ Pixell fg;
+ Pixell zg;
+unsigned int mono:
+ 1;
+unsigned int color:
+ 1;
+unsigned int nuke:
+ 1;
+ * A Structure summarizing Window Information.
+ *
+ * I assume that a window is at most 30000 pixels on a side.
+ * I assume that the root windw is also at most 30000 square.
+ *
+ * - The Window
+ * - The current Input Event Mask
+ *
+ * - The location of the window
+ * - The width, height of the window
+ * - The border width of this window
+ *
+ * - Byte: 1st Extra byte
+ *
+ * - Bit Flag: This window is currently Mapped
+ * - Bit Flag: This window needs to be redrawn
+ * - Bit Flag: This window has been resized
+ *
+ * - Bit Flag: We should nuke 'win' when done with it
+ *
+ * - Bit Flag: 1st extra flag
+ * - Bit Flag: 2nd extra flag
+ * - Bit Flag: 3rd extra flag
+ * - Bit Flag: 4th extra flag
+ */
+struct infowin
+ Window win;
+ long mask;
+ s16b ox, oy;
+ s16b x, y;
+ s16b w, h;
+ u16b b;
+ byte byte1;
+unsigned int mapped:
+ 1;
+unsigned int redraw:
+ 1;
+unsigned int resize:
+ 1;
+unsigned int nuke:
+ 1;
+unsigned int flag1:
+ 1;
+unsigned int flag2:
+ 1;
+unsigned int flag3:
+ 1;
+unsigned int flag4:
+ 1;
+ * A Structure summarizing Operation+Color Information
+ *
+ * - The actual GC corresponding to this info
+ *
+ * - The Foreground Pixell Value
+ * - The Background Pixell Value
+ *
+ * - Num (0-15): The operation code (As in Clear, Xor, etc)
+ * - Bit Flag: The GC is in stipple mode
+ * - Bit Flag: Destroy 'gc' at Nuke time.
+ */
+struct infoclr
+ GC gc;
+ Pixell fg;
+ Pixell bg;
+ unsigned int code: 4;
+ unsigned int nuke: 1;
+ * A Structure to Hold Font Information
+ *
+ * - The 'XFontStruct*' (yields the 'Font')
+ *
+ * - The font name
+ *
+ * - The default character width
+ * - The default character height
+ * - The default character ascent
+ *
+ * - Byte: Pixel offset used during fake mono
+ *
+ * - Flag: Force monospacing via 'wid'
+ * - Flag: Nuke info when done
+ */
+struct infofnt
+ XFontStruct *info;
+ const char *name;
+ s16b wid;
+ s16b twid;
+ s16b hgt;
+ s16b asc;
+ byte off;
+unsigned int mono:
+ 1;
+unsigned int nuke:
+ 1;
+/**** Generic Globals ****/
+ * The "default" values
+ */
+static metadpy metadpy_default;
+ * The "current" variables
+ */
+static metadpy *Metadpy = &metadpy_default;
+/**** Generic code ****/
+ * Simple routine to save the state of the game when the display connection
+ * is broken. Remember, you cannot do anything in this function that will
+ * generate X protocol requests.
+ */
+int x_io_error_handler(Display *d)
+ /* We have nothing to save */
+ if (!character_generated) return 0;
+ save_dungeon();
+ save_player();
+ return 0;
+ * Create a new metadpy and initialize it.
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * name: The name of the Display
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * If 'name' is NULL, but 'dpy' is set, extract name from dpy
+ * If 'dpy' is NULL, then Create the named Display
+ * If 'name' is NULL, and so is 'dpy', use current Display
+ *
+ * Return -1 on error.
+ */
+static errr Metadpy_new(const char *name)
+ metadpy *m = Metadpy;
+ /*** Create the display ***/
+ Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(name);
+ if (!dpy) return ( -1);
+ m->nuke = 1;
+ XSetIOErrorHandler(x_io_error_handler);
+ /*** Save some information ***/
+ /* Save the Display itself */
+ m->dpy = dpy;
+ /* Get the Screen and Virtual Root Window */
+ m->screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy);
+ m->root = RootWindowOfScreen(m->screen);
+ /* Get the default colormap */
+ m->cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(m->screen);
+ /* Extract the true name of the display */
+ m->name = DisplayString(dpy);
+ /* Extract the fd */
+ m->fd = ConnectionNumber(Metadpy->dpy);
+ /* Save the Size and Depth of the screen */
+ m->width = WidthOfScreen(m->screen);
+ m->height = HeightOfScreen(m->screen);
+ m->depth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(m->screen);
+ /* Save the Standard Colors */
+ m->black = BlackPixelOfScreen(m->screen);
+ m->white = WhitePixelOfScreen(m->screen);
+ /*** Make some clever Guesses ***/
+ /* Guess at the desired 'fg' and 'bg' Pixell's */
+ m->bg = m->black;
+ m->fg = m->white;
+ /* Calculate the Maximum allowed Pixel value. */
+ m->zg = (1 << m->depth) - 1;
+ /* Save various default Flag Settings */
+ m->color = ((m->depth > 1) ? 1 : 0);
+ m->mono = ((m->color) ? 0 : 1);
+ /* Return "success" */
+ return (0);
+ * Set the name (in the title bar) of Infowin
+ */
+static void Infowin_set_name(infowin *iwin, std::string_view name_sv)
+ char buf[128];
+ // Trim to the size of the buffer - 1 so that
+ // strncpy is guaranteed to NUL-terminate.
+ auto name = name_sv.substr(0, sizeof(buf) - 1);
+ // Copy
+ strncpy(buf, name.begin(), name.size());
+ buf[name.size()] = '\0';
+ char *bp = buf;
+ // Set
+ XTextProperty tp;
+ Status st = XStringListToTextProperty(&bp, 1, &tp);
+ if (st)
+ {
+ XSetWMName(Metadpy->dpy, iwin->win, &tp);
+ }
+ * Prepare a new 'infowin'.
+ */
+static errr Infowin_prepare(infowin *iwin, Window xid)
+ Window tmp_win;
+ XWindowAttributes xwa;
+ int x, y;
+ unsigned int w, h, b, d;
+ /* Assign stuff */
+ iwin->win = xid;
+ /* Check For Error XXX Extract some ACTUAL data from 'xid' */
+ XGetGeometry(Metadpy->dpy, xid, &tmp_win, &x, &y, &w, &h, &b, &d);
+ /* Apply the above info */
+ iwin->x = x;
+ iwin->y = y;
+ iwin->w = w;
+ iwin->h = h;
+ iwin->b = b;
+ /* Check Error XXX Extract some more ACTUAL data */
+ XGetWindowAttributes(Metadpy->dpy, xid, &xwa);
+ /* Apply the above info */
+ iwin->mask = xwa.your_event_mask;
+ iwin->mapped = ((xwa.map_state == IsUnmapped) ? 0 : 1);
+ /* And assume that we are exposed */
+ iwin->redraw = 1;
+ /* Success */
+ return (0);
+ * Init an infowin by giving some data.
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * dad: The Window that should own this Window (if any)
+ * x,y: The position of this Window
+ * w,h: The size of this Window
+ * b,d: The border width and pixel depth
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * If 'dad == None' assume 'dad == root'
+ */
+static errr Infowin_init_data(infowin *iwin, Window dad, int x, int y, int w, int h,
+ int b, Pixell fg, Pixell bg)
+ Window xid;
+ /* Wipe it clean */
+ memset(iwin, 0, sizeof(struct infowin));
+ /*** Error Check XXX ***/
+ /*** Create the Window 'xid' from data ***/
+ /* What happened here? XXX XXX XXX */
+ /* If no parent given, depend on root */
+ if (dad == None)
+ /* #ifdef USE_GRAPHICS
+ xid = XCreateWindow(Metadpy->dpy, Metadpy->root, x, y, w, h, b, 8, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, 0, 0);
+ else
+ */
+ /* #else */
+ dad = Metadpy->root;
+ /* #endif */
+ /* Create the Window XXX Error Check */
+ xid = XCreateSimpleWindow(Metadpy->dpy, dad, x, y, w, h, b, fg, bg);
+ /* Start out selecting No events */
+ XSelectInput(Metadpy->dpy, xid, 0L);
+ /*** Prepare the new infowin ***/
+ /* Mark it as nukable */
+ iwin->nuke = 1;
+ /* Attempt to Initialize the infowin */
+ return Infowin_prepare(iwin, xid);
+ * Modify the event mask of an Infowin
+ */
+static void Infowin_set_mask(infowin *iwin, long mask)
+ /* Save the new setting */
+ iwin->mask = mask;
+ /* Execute the Mapping */
+ XSelectInput(Metadpy->dpy, iwin->win, iwin->mask);
+ * Request that Infowin be mapped
+ */
+static void Infowin_map(infowin *iwin)
+ /* Execute the Mapping */
+ XMapWindow(Metadpy->dpy, iwin->win);
+ * Request that Infowin be raised
+ */
+static void Infowin_raise(infowin *iwin)
+ /* Raise towards visibility */
+ XRaiseWindow(Metadpy->dpy, iwin->win);
+ * Request that Infowin be moved to a new location
+ */
+static void Infowin_impell(infowin *iwin, int x, int y)
+ XMoveWindow(Metadpy->dpy, iwin->win, x, y);
+ * Visually clear Infowin
+ */
+static void Infowin_wipe(infowin *iwin)
+ XClearWindow(Metadpy->dpy, iwin->win);
+ * Opcodes for Infoclr_init_data().
+ */
+static constexpr int Infoclr_Opcode_CPY = 3;
+static constexpr int Infoclr_Opcode_XOR = 6;
+ * Initialize an infoclr with some data
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * fg: The Pixell for the requested Foreground (see above)
+ * bg: The Pixell for the requested Background (see above)
+ * op: The Opcode for the requested Operation (see above)
+ * stip: The stipple mode
+ */
+static errr Infoclr_init_data(infoclr *iclr, Pixell fg, Pixell bg, int op)
+ GC gc;
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ unsigned long gc_mask;
+ /*** Simple error checking of opr and clr ***/
+ /* Check the 'Pixells' for realism */
+ if (bg > Metadpy->zg) return ( -1);
+ if (fg > Metadpy->zg) return ( -1);
+ /* Check the data for trueness */
+ if ((op < 0) || (op > 15)) return ( -1);
+ /*** Create the requested 'GC' ***/
+ /* Assign the proper GC function */
+ gcv.function = op;
+ /* Assign the proper GC background */
+ gcv.background = bg;
+ /* Assign the proper GC foreground */
+ gcv.foreground = fg;
+ /* Hack -- Handle XOR (xor is code 6) by hacking bg and fg */
+ if (op == Infoclr_Opcode_XOR)
+ {
+ gcv.background = 0;
+ gcv.foreground = (bg ^ fg);
+ }
+ /* Assign the proper GC Fill Style */
+ gcv.fill_style = FillSolid;
+ /* Turn off 'Give exposure events for pixmap copying' */
+ gcv.graphics_exposures = False;
+ /* Set up the GC mask */
+ gc_mask = (GCFunction | GCBackground | GCForeground |
+ GCFillStyle | GCGraphicsExposures);
+ /* Create the GC detailed above */
+ gc = XCreateGC(Metadpy->dpy, Metadpy->root, gc_mask, &gcv);
+ /*** Initialize ***/
+ /* Wipe the iclr clean */
+ memset(iclr, 0, sizeof(struct infoclr));
+ /* Assign the GC */
+ iclr->gc = gc;
+ /* Nuke it when done */
+ iclr->nuke = 1;
+ /* Assign the parms */
+ iclr->fg = fg;
+ iclr->bg = bg;
+ iclr->code = op;
+ /* Success */
+ return (0);
+ * Change the 'fg' for an infoclr
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * fg: The Pixell for the requested Foreground (see above)
+ */
+static errr Infoclr_change_fg(infoclr *iclr, Pixell fg)
+ /*** Simple error checking of opr and clr ***/
+ /* Check the 'Pixells' for realism */
+ if (fg > Metadpy->zg) return ( -1);
+ /*** Change ***/
+ /* Change */
+ XSetForeground(Metadpy->dpy, iclr->gc, fg);
+ /* Success */
+ return (0);
+ * Prepare a new 'infofnt'
+ */
+static errr Infofnt_prepare(infofnt *ifnt, XFontStruct *info)
+ /* Assign the struct */
+ ifnt->info = info;
+ /* Jump into the max bouonds thing */
+ auto cs = &(info->max_bounds);
+ /* Extract default sizing info */
+ ifnt->asc = info->ascent;
+ ifnt->hgt = info->ascent + info->descent;
+ ifnt->wid = cs->width;
+ ifnt->twid = ifnt->wid;
+ /* Success */
+ return (0);
+ * Init an infofnt by its Name
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * name: The name of the requested Font
+ */
+static errr Infofnt_init_data(infofnt *ifnt, const char *name)
+ XFontStruct *info;
+ /*** Load the info Fresh, using the name ***/
+ /* If the name is not given, report an error */
+ if (!name) return ( -1);
+ /* Attempt to load the font */
+ info = XLoadQueryFont(Metadpy->dpy, name);
+ /* The load failed, try to recover */
+ if (!info) return ( -1);
+ /*** Init the font ***/
+ /* Wipe the thing */
+ memset(ifnt, 0, sizeof(struct infofnt));
+ /* Attempt to prepare it */
+ if (Infofnt_prepare(ifnt, info))
+ {
+ /* Free the font */
+ XFreeFont(Metadpy->dpy, info);
+ /* Fail */
+ return ( -1);
+ }
+ /* Save a copy of the font name */
+ ifnt->name = strdup(name);
+ /* Mark it as nukable */
+ ifnt->nuke = 1;
+ /* Success */
+ return (0);
+ * Standard Text
+ */
+static void Infofnt_text_std(infowin *iwin, infoclr *iclr, infofnt *ifnt, int x, int y, const char *str, int len)
+ /*** Do a brief info analysis ***/
+ /* Do nothing if the string is null */
+ if (!str || !*str)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Get the length of the string */
+ if (len < 0) len = strlen(str);
+ /*** Decide where to place the string, vertically ***/
+ /* Ignore Vertical Justifications */
+ y = (y * ifnt->hgt) + ifnt->asc + iwin->oy;
+ /*** Decide where to place the string, horizontally ***/
+ /* Line up with x at left edge of column 'x' */
+ x = (x * ifnt->wid) + iwin->ox;
+ /*** Actually draw 'str' onto the infowin ***/
+ /* Be sure the correct font is ready */
+ XSetFont(Metadpy->dpy, iclr->gc, ifnt->info->fid);
+ /*** Handle the fake mono we can enforce on fonts ***/
+ /* Monotize the font */
+ if (ifnt->mono)
+ {
+ /* Do each character */
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ {
+ /* Note that the Infoclr is set up to contain the Infofnt */
+ XDrawImageString(Metadpy->dpy, iwin->win, iclr->gc,
+ x + i * ifnt->wid + ifnt->off, y, str + i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Assume monoospaced font */
+ else
+ {
+ /* Note that the Infoclr is set up to contain the Infofnt */
+ XDrawImageString(Metadpy->dpy, iwin->win, iclr->gc,
+ x, y, str, len);
+ }
+ * Painting where text would be
+ */
+static void Infofnt_text_non(infowin *iwin, infoclr *iclr, infofnt *ifnt, int x, int y, const char *str, int len)
+ /*** Find the width ***/
+ /* Negative length is a flag to count the characters in str */
+ if (len < 0) len = strlen(str);
+ /* The total width will be 'len' chars * standard width */
+ int const w = len * ifnt->wid;
+ /*** Find the X dimensions ***/
+ /* Line up with x at left edge of column 'x' */
+ x = x * ifnt->wid + iwin->ox;
+ /*** Find other dimensions ***/
+ /* Simply do 'Infofnt->hgt' (a single row) high */
+ int const h = ifnt->hgt;
+ /* Simply do "at top" in row 'y' */
+ y = y * h + iwin->oy;
+ /*** Actually 'paint' the area ***/
+ /* Just do a Fill Rectangle */
+ XFillRectangle(Metadpy->dpy, iwin->win, iclr->gc, x, y, w, h);
+ * Angband specific code follows... (ANGBAND)
+ */
+ * Hack -- cursor color
+ */
+static infoclr *cursor_clr;
+ * Actual color table
+ */
+static infoclr *clr[256];
+ * Color info (unused, red, green, blue).
+ */
+static byte color_table[256][4];
+ * Forward declare
+ */
+typedef struct term_data term_data;
+ * A structure for each "term"
+ */
+struct term_data
+ term *term_ptr;
+ infofnt *fnt;
+ infowin *win;
+ * The number of term data structures
+ */
+#define MAX_TERM_DATA 8
+ * The array of term data structures
+ */
+static term_data data[MAX_TERM_DATA];
+ * Process a keypress event
+ *
+ * Also appears in "main-xaw.c".
+ */
+static void react_keypress(XKeyEvent *xev)
+ int i, n, mc, ms, mo, mx;
+ unsigned int ks1;
+ XKeyEvent *ev = (XKeyEvent*)(xev);
+ KeySym ks;
+ char buf[128];
+ char msg[128];
+ /* Check for "normal" keypresses */
+ n = XLookupString(ev, buf, 125, &ks, NULL);
+ /* Terminate */
+ buf[n] = '\0';
+ /* Hack -- Ignore "modifier keys" */
+ if (IsModifierKey(ks)) return;
+ /* Hack -- convert into an unsigned int */
+ ks1 = (unsigned int)(ks);
+ /* Extract four "modifier flags" */
+ mc = (ev->state & ControlMask) ? true : false;
+ ms = (ev->state & ShiftMask) ? true : false;
+ mo = (ev->state & Mod1Mask) ? true : false;
+ mx = (ev->state & Mod2Mask) ? true : false;
+ /* Normal keys with no modifiers */
+ if (n && !mo && !mx && !IsSpecialKey(ks))
+ {
+ /* Enqueue the normal key(s) */
+ for (i = 0; buf[i]; i++) Term_keypress(buf[i]);
+ /* All done */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Handle a few standard keys (bypass modifiers) XXX XXX XXX */
+ switch (ks1)
+ {
+ case XK_Escape:
+ {
+ Term_keypress(ESCAPE);
+ return;
+ }
+ case XK_Return:
+ {
+ Term_keypress('\r');
+ return;
+ }
+ case XK_Tab:
+ {
+ Term_keypress('\t');
+ return;
+ }
+ case XK_Delete:
+ case XK_BackSpace:
+ {
+ Term_keypress('\010');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Hack -- Use the KeySym */
+ if (ks)
+ {
+ sprintf(msg, "%c%s%s%s%s_%lX%c", 31,
+ mc ? "N" : "", ms ? "S" : "",
+ mo ? "O" : "", mx ? "M" : "",
+ (unsigned long)(ks), 13);
+ }
+ /* Hack -- Use the Keycode */
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(msg, "%c%s%s%s%sK_%X%c", 31,
+ mc ? "N" : "", ms ? "S" : "",
+ mo ? "O" : "", mx ? "M" : "",
+ ev->keycode, 13);
+ }
+ /* Enqueue the "macro trigger" string */
+ for (i = 0; msg[i]; i++) Term_keypress(msg[i]);
+ /* Hack -- auto-define macros as needed */
+ if (n && (macro_find_exact(msg) < 0))
+ {
+ /* Create a macro */
+ macro_add(msg, buf);
+ }
+ * Process events
+ */
+static errr CheckEvent(term_data *old_td, bool wait)
+ XEvent xev_body, *xev = &xev_body;
+ term_data *td = NULL;
+ infowin *iwin = NULL;
+ int i;
+ /* Do not wait unless requested */
+ if (!wait && !XPending(Metadpy->dpy)) return (1);
+ /* Load the Event */
+ XNextEvent(Metadpy->dpy, xev);
+ /* Notice new keymaps */
+ if (xev->type == MappingNotify)
+ {
+ XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&xev->xmapping);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Scan the windows */
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_TERM_DATA; i++)
+ {
+ if (xev->xany.window == data[i].win->win)
+ {
+ td = &data[i];
+ iwin = td->win;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Unknown window */
+ if (!td || !iwin) return (0);
+ /* Hack -- activate the Term */
+ Term_activate(td->term_ptr);
+ /* Switch on the Type */
+ switch (xev->type)
+ {
+ case KeyPress:
+ {
+ /* Hack -- use "old" term */
+ Term_activate(old_td->term_ptr);
+ /* Process the key */
+ react_keypress(&(xev->xkey));
+ break;
+ }
+ case Expose:
+ {
+ /* Ignore "extra" exposes */
+ if (xev->xexpose.count) break;
+ /* Clear the window */
+ Infowin_wipe(iwin);
+ /* Redraw */
+ Term_redraw();
+ break;
+ }
+ case MapNotify:
+ {
+ iwin->mapped = 1;
+ Term_mapped();
+ break;
+ }
+ case UnmapNotify:
+ {
+ iwin->mapped = 0;
+ Term_unmapped();
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Move and/or Resize */
+ case ConfigureNotify:
+ {
+ int cols, rows;
+ int ox = iwin->ox;
+ int oy = iwin->oy;
+ /* Save the new Window Parms */
+ iwin->x = xev->xconfigure.x;
+ iwin->y = xev->xconfigure.y;
+ iwin->w = xev->xconfigure.width;
+ iwin->h = xev->xconfigure.height;
+ /* Determine "proper" number of rows/cols */
+ cols = ((iwin->w - (ox + ox)) / td->fnt->wid);
+ rows = ((iwin->h - (oy + oy)) / td->fnt->hgt);
+ /* Hack -- minimal size */
+ if (td == &data[0])
+ {
+ if (cols < 80) cols = 80;
+ if (rows < 24) rows = 24;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (cols < 1) cols = 1;
+ if (rows < 1) rows = 1;
+ }
+ /* Paranoia */
+ if (cols > 255) cols = 255;
+ if (rows > 255) rows = 255;
+ /* Resize the Term (if needed) */
+ Term_resize(cols, rows);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Hack -- Activate the old term */
+ Term_activate(old_td->term_ptr);
+ /* Success */
+ return (0);
+ * UserInterace for X11
+ */
+class X11Frontend final : public Frontend {
+ term_data *m_term_data;
+ explicit X11Frontend(term_data *term_data)
+ : m_term_data(term_data)
+ {
+ }
+ void init() final
+ {
+ // No action necessary
+ }
+ bool soft_cursor() const final
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool icky_corner() const final
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ void nuke() final
+ {
+ // No action necessary
+ }
+ void process_event(bool wait) final
+ {
+ CheckEvent(m_term_data, wait);
+ }
+ void flush_events() final
+ {
+ while (!CheckEvent(m_term_data, false))
+ {
+ // Keep flushing
+ }
+ }
+ void clear() final
+ {
+ Infowin_wipe(m_term_data->win);
+ }
+ void flush_output() final
+ {
+ XFlush(Metadpy->dpy);
+ }
+ void noise() final
+ {
+ XBell(Metadpy->dpy, 100);
+ }
+ void process_queued_events() final
+ {
+ CheckEvent(m_term_data, false);
+ }
+ void react() final
+ {
+ if (Metadpy->color)
+ {
+ /* Check the colors */
+ for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ if ((color_table[i][0] != angband_color_table[i][0]) ||
+ (color_table[i][1] != angband_color_table[i][1]) ||
+ (color_table[i][2] != angband_color_table[i][2]) ||
+ (color_table[i][3] != angband_color_table[i][3]))
+ {
+ Pixell pixel;
+ /* Save new values */
+ color_table[i][0] = angband_color_table[i][0];
+ color_table[i][1] = angband_color_table[i][1];
+ color_table[i][2] = angband_color_table[i][2];
+ color_table[i][3] = angband_color_table[i][3];
+ /* Create pixel */
+ pixel = create_pixel(Metadpy->dpy,
+ color_table[i][1],
+ color_table[i][2],
+ color_table[i][3]);
+ /* Change the foreground */
+ Infoclr_change_fg(clr[i], pixel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void rename_main_window(std::string_view sv) final
+ {
+ Infowin_set_name(m_term_data->win, sv);
+ }
+ void draw_cursor(int x, int y) final
+ {
+ Infofnt_text_non(m_term_data->win, cursor_clr, m_term_data->fnt, x, y, " ", 1);
+ }
+ void draw_text(int x, int y, int n, byte a, const char *s) final
+ {
+ Infofnt_text_std(m_term_data->win, clr[a], m_term_data->fnt, x, y, s, n);
+ }
+ * Initialize a term_data
+ */
+static term *term_data_init(term_data *td, int i)
+ const char *name = angband_term_name[i];
+ const char *font;
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ int cols = 80;
+ int rows = 24;
+ int ox = 1;
+ int oy = 1;
+ int wid, hgt, num;
+ char buf[80];
+ const char *str;
+ int val;
+ XClassHint *ch;
+ char res_name[20];
+ char res_class[20];
+ XSizeHints *sh;
+ /* Window specific font name */
+ sprintf(buf, "ANGBAND_X11_FONT_%d", i);
+ /* Check environment for that font */
+ font = getenv(buf);
+ /* Check environment for "base" font */
+ if (!font) font = getenv("ANGBAND_X11_FONT");
+ /* No environment variables, use default font */
+ if (!font)
+ {
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ font = DEFAULT_X11_FONT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ {
+ font = DEFAULT_X11_FONT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ {
+ font = DEFAULT_X11_FONT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ {
+ font = DEFAULT_X11_FONT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ {
+ font = DEFAULT_X11_FONT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ {
+ font = DEFAULT_X11_FONT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ {
+ font = DEFAULT_X11_FONT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ {
+ font = DEFAULT_X11_FONT;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ font = DEFAULT_X11_FONT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Window specific location (x) */
+ sprintf(buf, "ANGBAND_X11_AT_X_%d", i);
+ str = getenv(buf);
+ x = (str != NULL) ? atoi(str) : -1;
+ /* Window specific location (y) */
+ sprintf(buf, "ANGBAND_X11_AT_Y_%d", i);
+ str = getenv(buf);
+ y = (str != NULL) ? atoi(str) : -1;
+ /* Window specific cols */
+ sprintf(buf, "ANGBAND_X11_COLS_%d", i);
+ str = getenv(buf);
+ val = (str != NULL) ? atoi(str) : -1;
+ if (val > 0) cols = val;
+ /* Window specific rows */
+ sprintf(buf, "ANGBAND_X11_ROWS_%d", i);
+ str = getenv(buf);
+ val = (str != NULL) ? atoi(str) : -1;
+ if (val > 0) rows = val;
+ /* Window specific inner border offset (ox) */
+ sprintf(buf, "ANGBAND_X11_IBOX_%d", i);
+ str = getenv(buf);
+ val = (str != NULL) ? atoi(str) : -1;
+ if (val > 0) ox = val;
+ /* Window specific inner border offset (oy) */
+ sprintf(buf, "ANGBAND_X11_IBOY_%d", i);
+ str = getenv(buf);
+ val = (str != NULL) ? atoi(str) : -1;
+ if (val > 0) oy = val;
+ /* Prepare the standard font */
+ td->fnt = (infofnt *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct infofnt));
+ if (td->fnt == NULL)
+ {
+ abort();
+ }
+ Infofnt_init_data(td->fnt, font);
+ /* Hack -- key buffer size */
+ num = (i == 0 ? 1024 : 16);
+ /* Assume full size windows */
+ wid = cols * td->fnt->wid + (ox + ox);
+ hgt = rows * td->fnt->hgt + (oy + oy);
+ /* Create a top-window */
+ td->win = (infowin *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct infowin));
+ if (td->win == NULL)
+ {
+ abort();
+ }
+ Infowin_init_data(td->win, None, x, y, wid, hgt, 0,
+ Metadpy->fg, Metadpy->bg);
+ /* Ask for certain events */
+ Infowin_set_mask(td->win,
+ ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask | KeyPressMask |
+ PointerMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask);
+ /* Set the window name */
+ Infowin_set_name(td->win, name);
+ /* Save the inner border */
+ td->win->ox = ox;
+ td->win->oy = oy;
+ /* Make Class Hints */
+ ch = XAllocClassHint();
+ if (ch == NULL) quit("XAllocClassHint failed");
+ strcpy(res_name, name);
+ res_name[0] = FORCELOWER(res_name[0]);
+ ch->res_name = res_name;
+ strcpy(res_class, "Angband");
+ ch->res_class = res_class;
+ XSetClassHint(Metadpy->dpy, td->win->win, ch);
+ /* Make Size Hints */
+ sh = XAllocSizeHints();
+ /* Oops */
+ if (sh == NULL) quit("XAllocSizeHints failed");
+ /* Fixed window size */
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ /* Main window: 80x24 -- 255x255 */
+ sh->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize;
+ sh->min_width = 80 * td->fnt->wid + (ox + ox);
+ sh->min_height = 24 * td->fnt->hgt + (oy + oy);
+ sh->max_width = 255 * td->fnt->wid + (ox + ox);
+ sh->max_height = 255 * td->fnt->hgt + (oy + oy);
+ }
+ /* Variable window size */
+ else
+ {
+ /* Subwindows: 1x1 -- 255x255 */
+ sh->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize;
+ sh->min_width = td->fnt->wid + (ox + ox);
+ sh->min_height = td->fnt->hgt + (oy + oy);
+ sh->max_width = 255 * td->fnt->wid + (ox + ox);
+ sh->max_height = 255 * td->fnt->hgt + (oy + oy);
+ }
+ /* Resize increment */
+ sh->flags |= PResizeInc;
+ sh->width_inc = td->fnt->wid;
+ sh->height_inc = td->fnt->hgt;
+ /* Base window size */
+ sh->flags |= PBaseSize;
+ sh->base_width = (ox + ox);
+ sh->base_height = (oy + oy);
+ /* Use the size hints */
+ XSetWMNormalHints(Metadpy->dpy, td->win->win, sh);
+ /* Map the window */
+ Infowin_map(td->win);
+ /* Move the window to requested location */
+ if ((x >= 0) && (y >= 0))
+ {
+ Infowin_impell(td->win, x, y);
+ }
+ /* Initialize the term */
+ td->term_ptr = term_init(cols, rows, num, std::make_shared<X11Frontend>(td));
+ /* Activate (important) */
+ Term_activate(td->term_ptr);
+ /* Success */
+ return td->term_ptr;
+ * Initialization function for an "X11" module to Angband
+ */
+errr init_x11(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int i;
+ const char *dpy_name = "";
+ int num_term = 1;
+ /* Parse args */
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ {
+ if (starts_with(argv[i], "-d"))
+ {
+ dpy_name = &argv[i][2];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (starts_with(argv[i], "-n"))
+ {
+ num_term = atoi(&argv[i][2]);
+ if (num_term > MAX_TERM_DATA) num_term = MAX_TERM_DATA;
+ else if (num_term < 1) num_term = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring option: %s", argv[i]);
+ }
+ /* Init the Metadpy if possible */
+ if (Metadpy_new(dpy_name)) return ( -1);
+ /* Prepare cursor color */
+ cursor_clr = (infoclr *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct infoclr));
+ if (cursor_clr == NULL)
+ {
+ abort();
+ }
+ Infoclr_init_data(cursor_clr, Metadpy->fg, Metadpy->bg, Infoclr_Opcode_XOR);
+ /* Prepare normal colors */
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
+ {
+ Pixell pixel;
+ clr[i] = (infoclr *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct infoclr));
+ if (clr[i] == NULL)
+ {
+ abort();
+ }
+ /* Acquire Angband colors */
+ color_table[i][0] = angband_color_table[i][0];
+ color_table[i][1] = angband_color_table[i][1];
+ color_table[i][2] = angband_color_table[i][2];
+ color_table[i][3] = angband_color_table[i][3];
+ /* Default to monochrome */
+ pixel = ((i == 0) ? Metadpy->bg : Metadpy->fg);
+ /* Handle color */
+ if (Metadpy->color)
+ {
+ /* Create pixel */
+ pixel = create_pixel(Metadpy->dpy,
+ color_table[i][1],
+ color_table[i][2],
+ color_table[i][3]);
+ }
+ /* Initialize the color */
+ Infoclr_init_data(clr[i], pixel, Metadpy->bg, Infoclr_Opcode_CPY);
+ }
+ /* Initialize the windows */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_term; i++)
+ {
+ term_data *td = &data[i];
+ /* Initialize the term_data */
+ term *t = term_data_init(td, i);
+ /* Save global entry */
+ angband_term[i] = t;
+ }
+ /* Raise the "Angband" window */
+ Infowin_raise(data[0].win);
+ /* Activate the "Angband" window screen */
+ Term_activate(data[0].term_ptr);
+ /* Success */
+ return (0);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ return main_real(
+ argc,
+ argv,
+ "x11",
+ init_x11,
+ " -- -n# Number of terms to use\n"
+ " -- -d<name> Display to use\n");