path: root/src/z_pack.pkg
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/z_pack.pkg')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 398 deletions
diff --git a/src/z_pack.pkg b/src/z_pack.pkg
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a46b3b2..00000000
--- a/src/z_pack.pkg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-/* File: z_pack.pkg */
- * Purpose: Lua interface defitions for z-*.c
- * To be processed by tolua to generate C source code.
- */
-$#include "angband.h"
-/** @typedef cptr
- * @note String
- */
-typedef char* cptr;
-/** @typedef errr
- * @note Number
- */
-typedef int errr;
-/** @typedef bool
- * @note Boolean
- */
-typedef unsigned char bool;
-/** @typedef byte
- * @note Number
- */
-typedef unsigned char byte;
-/** @typedef s16b
- * @note Number
- */
-typedef signed short s16b;
-/** @typedef u16b
- * @note Number
- */
-typedef unsigned short u16b;
-/** @typedef s32b
- * @note Number
- */
-typedef signed int s32b;
-/** @typedef u32b
- * @note Number
- */
-typedef unsigned int u32b;
-/** @name Terminal actions
- * @{ */
- * @note Process some pending events
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_EVENT 1
- * @note Flush all pending events
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_FLUSH 2
- * @note Clear the entire window
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_CLEAR 3
- * @note Set cursor shape (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_SHAPE 4
- * @note Flush one row (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_FROSH 5
- * @note Flush all rows (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_FRESH 6
- * @note Make a noise (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_NOISE 7
- * @note Make a sound (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_SOUND 8
- * @note Handle stuff when bored (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_BORED 9
- * @note React to global changes (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_REACT 10
- * @note Change the "hard" level (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_ALIVE 11
- * @note Change the "soft" level (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_LEVEL 12
- * @note Delay some milliseconds (optional)
- */
-#define TERM_XTRA_DELAY 13
- * @note Get the cuyrrent time in milliseconds (optional)
- */
- * @note Scan for subdir in a dir
- */
-/** @} */
-/** @var Term_xtra_long
- * @brief Number
- */
-extern long Term_xtra_long;
-/** @var scansubdir_dir[1024]
- * @brief String
- * @note The directory which is scanned for sub-directories.
- */
-char scansubdir_dir[1024];
-/** @var scansubdir_max
- * @brief Number
- * @note The number of entries in the scansubdir_result array.
- */
-int scansubdir_max;
-/** @var scansubdir_result[scansubdir_max]
- * @brief String
- * @note The sub-directories of scansubdir_dir directory.
- */
-cptr scansubdir_result[scansubdir_max];
-/** @fn Term_xtra(int n, int v)
- * @brief Generic function to perform system dependant terminal actions.\n
- * @param n Number \n a terminal action (see TERM_XTRA fields).
- * @brief Terminal action
- * @param v Number \n variable depending on the terminal action.
- * @brief Variable
- * @return Number \n Result of the terminal action.
- * @note
- * The "Term->xtra_hook" hook provides a variety of different functions,
- * based on the first parameter (which should be taken from the various
- * TERM_XTRA_* defines) and the second parameter (which may make sense
- * only for some first parameters). It is available to the program via
- * the "Term_xtra()" function, though some first parameters are only
- * "legal" when called from inside this package.
- * @note (see file z-term.c)
- */
-extern errr Term_xtra(int n, int v);
-/** @fn Term_set_cursor(int v)
- * @brief Set the cursor visibility.\n
- * @param v Number \n v is the visibility.
- * @brief Visibility
- * @return Number \n 1 if visibility was unchanged, otherwise 0.
- * @note
- * Cursor visibility (field "cv") is defined as a boolean, so take care what
- * value is assigned to "v".
- * @note (see file z-term.c)
- */
-extern errr Term_set_cursor(int v);
-/** @fn Term_gotoxy(int x, int y)
- * @brief Place the cursor at a given location.\n
- * @param x Number \n x-coordinate of target location.
- * @brief X-coordinate
- * @param y Number \n y-coordinate of target location.
- * @brief Y-coordinate
- * @return Number \n -1 if cursor could not be placed at given location,
- * otherwise 0.
- * @note
- * Note -- "illegal" requests do not move the cursor.\n\n
- * The cursor is flagged as useful if it placed okay.
- * @note (see file z-term.c)
- */
-extern errr Term_gotoxy(int x, int y);
-/** @fn Term_putch(int x, int y, byte a, char c)
- * @brief Move to a location and, using an attr, add a char.\n
- * @param x Number \n x-coordinate of target location.
- * @brief X-coordinate
- * @param y Number \n y-coordinate of target location.
- * @brief Y-coordinate
- * @param a Number \n attribute of character.
- * @brief Attribute
- * @param c String \n the character.
- * @brief Character
- * @return Number \n <0 if error, 0 if success, 1 if success but cursor is
- * useless.
- * @note
- * We return "-2" if the character is "illegal". XXX XXX\n\n
- * We return "-1" if the cursor is currently unusable.\n\n
- * We queue the given attr/char for display at the current
- * cursor location, and advance the cursor to the right,
- * marking it as unuable and returning "1" if it leaves
- * the screen, and otherwise returning "0".\n\n
- * So when this function returns a positive value, future calls to this
- * function will return negative ones.
- * @note (see file z-term.c)
- */
-extern errr Term_putch(int x, int y, byte a, char c);
-/** @fn Term_putstr(int x, int y, int n, byte a, cptr s)
- * @brief Move to a location and, using an attr, add a string.\n
- * @param x Number \n x-coordinate of target location.
- * @brief X-coordinate
- * @param y Number \n y-coordinate of target location.
- * @brief Y-coordinate
- * @param n Number \n length of string.
- * @brief Length
- * @param a Number \n attribute of string.
- * @brief Attribute
- * @param s String \n the string.
- * @brief String
- * @return Number \n <0 if error, 0 if success, 1 if success but cursor is
- * useless.
- * @note
- * For length "n", using negative values to imply the largest possible value,
- * and then we use the minimum of this length and the "actual" length of the
- * string as the actual number of characters to attempt to display, never
- * displaying more characters than will actually fit, since we do NOT attempt
- * to "wrap" the cursor at the screen edge.\n\n
- * We return "-1" if the cursor is currently unusable.\n
- * We return "N" if we were "only" able to write "N" chars, even if all of the
- * given characters fit on the screen, and mark the cursor as unusable for
- * future attempts.\n\n
- * So when this function, returns a positive value, future calls to this
- * function will return negative ones.
- * @note (see file z-term.c)
- */
-extern errr Term_putstr(int x, int y, int n, byte a, cptr s);
-/** @fn Term_clear(void)
- * @brief Clear the entire window, and move to the top left corner.
- * @return Number \n 0 (always).
- * @note
- * Note the use of the special "total_erase" code
- * @note (see file z-term.c)
- */
-extern errr Term_clear(void);
-/** @fn Term_redraw(void)
- * @brief Redraw (and refresh) the whole window.
- * @return Number \n 0 (always).
- * @note (see file z-term.c)
- */
-extern errr Term_redraw(void);
-/** @fn Term_redraw_section(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
- * @brief Redraw part of a window.\n
- * @param x1 Number \n x-coordinate of top-left location.
- * @brief X-coordinate (top left)
- * @param y1 Number \n y-coordinate of top-left location.
- * @brief Y-coordinate (top left)
- * @param x2 Number \n x-coordinate of bottom-right location.
- * @brief X-coordinate (bottom right)
- * @param y2 Number \n y-coordinate of bottom-right location.
- * @brief Y-coordinate (bottom right)
- * @return Number \n 0 (always).
- * @note (see file z-term.c)
- */
-extern errr Term_redraw_section(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
-/** @fn Term_get_size(int *w, int *h)
- * @brief Extract the current window size.\n
- * @param *w Number
- * @brief Screen width
- * @param *h Number
- * @brief Screen height
- * @return Number \n 0 (always).
- * @return *w Number \n The width of the screen (in characters).
- * @return *h Number \n The height of the screen (in characters).
- * @note (see file z-term.c)
- */
-extern errr Term_get_size(int *w, int *h);
- * random numbers
- */
-$static s32b lua_rand_int(s32b m) {return rand_int(m);}
-/** @fn rand_int(s32b m);
- * @brief Generate a random integer between 0 and (m - 1).\n
- * @param m Number \n maximum value of random integer. The random integer
- * will be less than "m".
- * @brief Maximum
- * @return Number \n The random number.
- * @note (see file w_z_pack.c)
- */
-static s32b lua_rand_int @ rand_int(s32b m);
- * Generates a random long integer X where A<=X<=B
- * The integer X falls along a uniform distribution.
- * Note: rand_range(0,N-1) == rand_int(N)
- */
-$static s32b lua_rand_range(s32b A, s32b B) {return ((A) + (rand_int(1+(B)-(A))));}
-/** @fn rand_range(s32b A, s32b B);
- * @brief Generate a random integer between A and B inclusive.\n
- * @param A Number \n minimum number.
- * @brief Minimum
- * @param B Number \n maximum number.
- * @brief Maximum
- * @return Number \n The random number.
- * @note (see file w_z_pack.c)
- */
-static s32b lua_rand_range @ rand_range(s32b A, s32b B);
- * Generate a random long integer X where A-D<=X<=A+D
- * The integer X falls along a uniform distribution.
- * Note: rand_spread(A,D) == rand_range(A-D,A+D)
- */
-$static s32b lua_rand_spread(s32b A, s32b D) {return ((A) + (rand_int(1+(D)+(D))) - (D));}
-/** @fn rand_spread(s32b A, s32b D);
- * @brief Generate a radom integer between A-D and A+D inclusive.\n
- * @param A Number \n average number.
- * @brief Average
- * @param D Number \n deviation from average.
- * @brief Deviation
- * @return Number \n The random number.
- * @note (see file w_z_pack.c)
- */
-static s32b lua_rand_spread @ rand_spread(s32b A, s32b D);
- * Generate a random long integer X where 1<=X<=M
- * Also, "correctly" handle the case of M<=1
- */
-$static s32b lua_randint(s32b m) {return rand_int(m) + 1;}
-/** @fn randint(s32b m);
- * @brief Generate a random integer between 1 and M inclusive.\n
- * @param m Number \n maximum value of random integer.
- * @brief Maximum
- * @return Number \n The random number.
- * @note (see file w_z_pack.c)
- */
-static s32b lua_randint @ randint(s32b m);
- * Evaluate to TRUE "P" percent of the time
- */
-$static bool lua_magik(s32b P) {return (rand_int(100) < (P));}
-/** @fn magik(s32b P);
- * @brief Return TRUE "P" % of the time.
- * @param P Number \n percent chance the function returns TRUE.
- * @brief Percent true
- * @return Boolean \n TRUE if a random number from 0 to 99 is less than P,
- * otherwise FALSE.
- * @note (see file w_z_pack.c)
- */
-static bool lua_magik @ magik(s32b P);
-/**** Available Variables ****/
-/** @var Rand_quick
- * @brief Boolean
- * @note
- * If this is TRUE, then use the "simple" Random Number Generator.\n
- * If this is FALSE, then use the "complex" Random Number Generator.
- */
-extern bool Rand_quick;
-/** @var Rand_value
- * @brief Number
- * @note
- * The current value (seed) of the simple Random Number Generator.
- */
-extern u32b Rand_value;
-/**** Available Functions ****/
-/** @fn damroll(int num, int sides)
- * @brief Generates damage for "2d6" style dice rolls.\n
- * @param num Number \n the number of "dice" used.
- * @brief Number
- * @param sides Number \n the number of sides on each "die".
- * @brief Sides
- * @return Number \n The random number.
- * @note
- * The function simulates the rolling of "num" "sides"-sided dice. Each die
- * will result in a random number from 1 to "sides".
- * @note (see file z-rand.c)
- */
-extern s16b damroll(int num, int sides);
-/** @fn maxroll(int num, int sides)
- * @brief Generate the maximum damage for "num" dice with "sides" sides each.
- * @param num Number \n The number of "dice" used.
- * @brief Number
- * @param sides Number \n The number of sides on each "die".
- * @brief Sides
- * @return Number \n "num" * "sides".
- * @note (see file z-rand.c)
- */
-extern s16b maxroll(int num, int sides);