path: root/vendor/bandit/specs/reporters/xunit_reporter.spec.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/bandit/specs/reporters/xunit_reporter.spec.cpp')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/bandit/specs/reporters/xunit_reporter.spec.cpp b/vendor/bandit/specs/reporters/xunit_reporter.spec.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07f0c3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/bandit/specs/reporters/xunit_reporter.spec.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#include <specs/specs.h>
+namespace bd = bandit::detail;
+ describe("xunit_reporter:", [&](){
+ std::unique_ptr<std::stringstream> stm;
+ bd::default_failure_formatter formatter;
+ std::unique_ptr<bd::xunit_reporter> reporter;
+ auto output = [&](){ return stm->str(); };
+ before_each([&](){
+ stm = std::unique_ptr<std::stringstream>(new std::stringstream());
+ reporter = std::unique_ptr<bd::xunit_reporter>(new bd::xunit_reporter(*stm, formatter));
+ });
+ describe("an empty test run", [&](){
+ before_each([&](){
+ reporter->test_run_starting();
+ reporter->test_run_complete();
+ });
+ it("adds a header to the output", [&](){
+ AssertThat(output(), StartsWith("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"));
+ });
+ it("outputs an empty test report", [&](){
+ AssertThat(output(), Contains(
+ "<testsuite name=\"bandit\" tests=\"0\" errors=\"0\" failures=\"0\">\n"
+ "</testsuite>\n"));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("a test run with one, successful, test", [&](){
+ before_each([&](){
+ reporter->test_run_starting();
+ reporter->context_starting("my context");
+ reporter->it_starting("my test");
+ reporter->it_succeeded("my test");
+ reporter->context_ended("my context");
+ reporter->test_run_complete();
+ });
+ it("outputs info about the successful test", [&](){
+ AssertThat(output(), Contains(
+ "<testsuite name=\"bandit\" tests=\"1\" errors=\"0\" failures=\"0\">\n"
+ "\t<testcase classname=\"my context\" name=\"my test\" time=\"0\">\n"
+ "\t</testcase>\n"
+ "</testsuite>\n"));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("a test run with one, failing test", [&](){
+ before_each([&](){
+ reporter->test_run_starting();
+ reporter->context_starting("my context");
+ reporter->it_starting("my test");
+ bd::assertion_exception exception("assertion failed!", "some_file", 123);
+ reporter->it_failed("my test", exception);
+ reporter->context_ended("my context");
+ reporter->test_run_complete();
+ });
+ it("outputs the failing test", [&](){
+ AssertThat(output(), Contains(
+ "<testsuite name=\"bandit\" tests=\"1\" errors=\"0\" failures=\"1\">\n"
+ "\t<testcase classname=\"my context\" name=\"my test\" time=\"0\">\n"
+ "\t\t<failure message=\"some_file:123: assertion failed!\" />\n"
+ "\t</testcase>\n"
+ "</testsuite>\n"));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("a test run with one test with an unknown error", [&](){
+ before_each([&](){
+ reporter->test_run_starting();
+ reporter->context_starting("my context");
+ reporter->it_starting("my test");
+ reporter->it_unknown_error("my test");
+ reporter->context_ended("my context");
+ reporter->test_run_complete();
+ });
+ it("outputs the erroneous test", [&](){
+ AssertThat(output(), Contains(
+ "<testsuite name=\"bandit\" tests=\"1\" errors=\"0\" failures=\"1\">\n"
+ "\t<testcase classname=\"my context\" name=\"my test\" time=\"0\">\n"
+ "\t\t<failure message=\"Unknown exception\" />\n"
+ "\t</testcase>\n"
+ "</testsuite>\n"));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("a test run with one test failing with characters that need escaping", [&](){
+ before_each([&](){
+ reporter->test_run_starting();
+ reporter->context_starting("my context & < > \\ \"");
+ reporter->it_starting("my test & < > \\ \"");
+ bd::assertion_exception exception("assertion failed & < > \\ \"", "some_file", 123);
+ reporter->it_failed("my test & < > \\ \"", exception);
+ reporter->context_ended("my context & < > \\ \"");
+ reporter->test_run_complete();
+ });
+ it("outputs the escaped characters", [&](){
+ AssertThat(output(), Contains(
+ "<testsuite name=\"bandit\" tests=\"1\" errors=\"0\" failures=\"1\">\n"
+ "\t<testcase classname=\"my context &amp; &lt; &gt; &apos; &quot;\" name=\"my test &amp; &lt; &gt; &apos; &quot;\" time=\"0\">\n"
+ "\t\t<failure message=\"some_file:123: assertion failed &amp; &lt; &gt; &apos; &quot;\" />\n"
+ "\t</testcase>\n"
+ "</testsuite>\n"));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("a context with a skipped test", [&](){
+ before_each([&](){
+ reporter->test_run_starting();
+ reporter->context_starting("my context");
+ reporter->it_starting("my test");
+ reporter->it_succeeded("my test");
+ reporter->it_skip("my skipped test");
+ reporter->context_ended("my context");
+ reporter->test_run_complete();
+ });
+ it("outputs info about the skipped test", [&](){
+ AssertThat(output(), Contains(
+ "<testsuite name=\"bandit\" tests=\"1\" errors=\"0\" failures=\"0\" skipped=\"1\">\n"
+ "\t<testcase classname=\"my context\" name=\"my test\" time=\"0\">\n"
+ "\t</testcase>\n"
+ "\t<testcase classname=\"my context\" name=\"my skipped test\" time=\"0\">\n"
+ "\t\t<skipped />\n"
+ "\t</testcase>\n"
+ "</testsuite>\n"));
+ });
+ });
+ });