tome (2.3.11-ah-2) unstable; urgency=low T.o.M.E 2.3.10 (ah) User Interface: - Always display list of selectable objects, i.e. remove the option of pressing '*' to hide list. - GTK2: Allow running with Shift + arrow keys. (Thanks to Lord Estraven.) - SDL fixes. (Thanks to Lord Estraven.) - System-wide character scores were removed. Use the ladder at instead. - Panic saves are no longer created. Saving state when memory is likely corrupted seems like a bad idea. - Remove long-obsolete front-ends. - Unix: Removed pointless and error-prone signal handling aimed at preventing cheating. - Removed gamma correction. Game: - Killerbunnies: Character dump now lists companions. - Killerbunnies: Fix dodge messages. - Imported Theme 1.2.0 since this excellent module by Furiosity seems to not be downloadable any more. - Further Thaumaturgy tweaks by Lord Estraven T.o.M.E 2.3.9 (ah) User Interface: - Always display list of selectable objects immediately instead of requiring user to press '*'. - Fix display issues with extremely wide terminals. - Automatizer: Fix memory corruption issues. - Remove obsolete and pointless options. Game: - Items are now immediately pseudo-identified upon pickup. - Psycometry now always Identifies regardless of level. - Remove the need to instantly leave for a certain quest. Lots of players would get caught out by this. - A few Mindcraft powers now scale with skill level. (Credit for these goes to Lord Estraven.) - "Far reaching attack" now works for *all* polearms. - Fixes and tweaks for Thaumaturgy to make view/area spells less overpowered and to make bolt/ball spells more useful. (Credit goes to Lord Estraven.) T.o.M.E 2.3.8 (ah) Game: - Fix duration display for the Shapeshift Mimicry power. Thanks to morchant for the fix. - Fix for creating "inventory" and "equipment" rules from the Automatizer UI. Thanks to morchant for the fix. - Fix for Lua code which should hopefully get things working better for OpenBSD users. Thanks to Kernigh for the patch. - Change "molten glass wall" to use a different internal code to hopefully avoid clashes with modules such as Theme. - Removed the check on low fuel on your light source when traveling. It doesn't make sense since you can already travel without any light equipped. T.o.M.E 2.3.7 (ah) - Remove item pval from antimagic field strength calculation since it may be both non-zero and invisible (to the player). - Miscellaneous 64 bit fixes. - Fix Lua errors when hitting while choosing spell. - Killerbunnies: Automatizer: Add patch which adds new and rules. - Killerbunnies: Add "you do not know all your fate" to Fate menu if you haven't been discovered all your fates. - Killerbunnies: Display a message if trying to activate Piercing Shots without the necessary skill levels. T.o.M.E 2.3.6 (ah) - Don't generate impassable glass walls. - Mark *all* quest monsters properly. - Avoid generating up staircases in selected dungeons. - Mimicry cloaks of Abomination now aggravate properly. - Properly handle item set effects with certain traps. - Fix crash bug during character dumps. - Misc. Mimicry fixes. - Prevent immunities from Balrog Form persisting too long. - Fix for loading/saving on Linux distribution using Fortify. - Fix for module directory paths. - Fix miscellaneous problems on 64-bit platforms. - Princess room should now always be generated. - Extra Blows applies to barehand combat too. -- Manoj Srivastava Wed, 14 May 2014 23:56:28 -0700 tome (2.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * Yet again, the save file format has changed incompatibly, requiring that a new character be created from scratch. -- Manoj Srivastava Sun, 23 Jan 2005 10:57:26 -0600 tome (2.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * This version changed the save format, so older save files can not be read by this version. -- Manoj Srivastava Sun, 23 Jan 2005 10:56:42 -0600