-- Savefile helpers -- function called when a key in the variable part ofthe savefile is read -- if the key matches what we need, we use it, otehrwise just ignore it function __savefile_load(key, val) local index, elem for index, elem in __loadsave_name do if (key == elem.name) then dostring(elem.name.." = "..val) end end end -- called when the game is saved, can only save numbers -- assosiate a key with them to allow the loading code to recognize them function __savefile_save() local index, elem for index, elem in __loadsave_name do dostring("__loadsave_tmp = "..elem.name) save_number_key(elem.name, __loadsave_tmp); end end register_savefile(__loadsave_max) add_hook_script(HOOK_LOAD_GAME, "__savefile_load", "__hook_load") add_hook_script(HOOK_SAVE_GAME, "__savefile_save", "__hook_save") -- Parse a flattened(i.e: foo.bar.zog) table path and recrate tables function reconstruct_table(name) for i = 1, strlen(name) - 1 do if strsub(name, i, i) == "." then local tbl = strsub(name, 1, i - 1) if dostring("return "..tbl) == nil then dostring(tbl.."={}") end end end end -- Automagically set unkown variables, otherwise the savefile code -- might get VERY upset do local k, e -- We need to be able to check for unknown globals unset_safe_globals() for k, e in __loadsave_name do reconstruct_table(e.name) if dostring("return "..(e.name)) == nil then dostring((e.name).." = "..(e.default)) end end -- Now taht we did, we set it back, for it is usefull ;) set_safe_globals() end