~~~~~01|Dark Elf ~~~~~02|Races|Dark Elf #####R=== Dark Elves === #####GDescription Another dark, cave-dwelling race, likewise unhampered by darkness attacks, the Dark Elves have a long tradition and knowledge of magic. With their intelligence they can become superb mages or priests, and they have an inherent magic missile attack available to them at a low level. With their keen sight, they also learn to see invisible things as their relatives High-Elves do, but at a higher level. #####GStat Modifiers Strength -1 Intelligence +3 Wisdom +2 Dexterity +2 Constitution -2 Charisma +1 Hit Dice Sides 9 Exp Penalty +50% #####GSkill Bonuses (supplementary to existing skills) Magic 0.000 [0.200]