~~~~~01|Hobbit ~~~~~02|Races|Hobbit #####R=== Hobbits === #####GDescription Hobbits, or Halflings, are very good at ranged combat (especially with slings), throwing, and have good saving throws. They also are very good at searching, disarming, perception and stealth; so they make excellent rogues, but prefer to be called burglars. They are much weaker than humans, and no good at melee fighting. Halflings have fair infra-vision, so they can detect warm creatures at a distance. Hobbits have their dexterity sustained and in time they learn to cook a delicious meal from available ingredients. Their sturdy constitutions also allow them to resist the insidious poison of the ring-wraiths #####GStat Modifiers Strength -2 Intelligence +2 Wisdom +1 Dexterity +3 Constitution +2 Charisma +1 Hit Dice Sides 7 Exp Penalty +10% #####GSkill Bonuses (supplementary to existing skills) Sling-mastery 0.000 [0.300]