------------------------ | Monstrous Compendium 3 | | Insects | ------------------------ *** Ants (a) *** Ants are worker six-legged insects, and adventurers will encounter many different kinds of these on their travels. The [[[[[uSoldier ants] and [[[[[oGiant army ants] are just your garden-variety ants, and there are also [[[[[UTermites], which breed very quickly, and [[[[[BAquatic ants], which have adapted to living underwater. The majority of ants, however, come from different families, with rudimentary mastery of the elements - they vary from [[[[[wwhite], [[[[[rred], [[[[[sgrey], [[[[[Wsilver], [[[[[Dblack], and [[[[[yyellow] to [[[[[bblue], [[[[[Rfire], [[[[[gtree], and [[[[[Ggreen]. *** Flying insects (I) *** There are many different kinds of flying insects in Middle- earth - some, like [[[[[BButterflies], are harmless, others are only slightly dangerous (like [[[[[WMoths], [[[[[uInsect swarms], and [[[[[sGiant fleas]). Yet others are serious nuisances due to their explosive breeding, among them are [[[[[gNeekerbreekers], [[[[[GGiant] [[[[[Gfruit flies], [[[[[DGiant black midges] and [[[[[wGiant white midges]. Adventurers should be wary of [[[[[yHummerhorns], [[[[[oKiller bees], [[[[[rGiant fireflies], and [[[[[UFlies of Mordor]. *** Dragonflies (F) *** Large insects with dazzling wings, the dragonflies inhabit many different areas on Middle-earth. Among them are giant [[[[[Baquatic], [[[[[ygold], [[[[[sblack], [[[[[Ubronze], [[[[[Ggreen], [[[[[wwhite], [[[[[oswamp], [[[[[rred], [[[[[gforest], [[[[[bblue], [[[[[ubrown], [[[[[Wsilver], [[[[[vviolet], and [[[[[Rpink] ones - all with rudimentary command of some of the elements. The [[[[[DDeath dragonflies] are worth watching out for. *** Spiders (S) *** Ugly eight-legged creatures, the spiders tend to travel in packs, and are thus to be reckoned with. The weaker species include the [[[[[BPhase spiders], [[[[[DCave spiders], [[[[[WGiant spiders], and [[[[[UWood spiders] - these are only dangerous to very inexperienced adventurers. The [[[[[RGiant fire ticks], uGiant brown ticks], [[[[[oGiant] [[[[[otarantulas], [[[[[wGiant white ticks], [[[[[sGiant grey scorpions], [[[[[rGiant] [[[[[rred scorpions], and [[[[[yGiant yellow scorpions] are more dangerous than their smaller cousins. The most dangerous of all spiders are the aquatic [[[[[gMurk dwellers], the [[[[[rAraneas], the [[[[[bDriders], the dreadful [[[[[GMirkwood spiders], and the powerful [[[[[vElder araneas].