61 *********** BUFFER LINE ********************** DO NOT REMOVE ***************** says: 'I am too young to die.' says: 'Ok, ok!' screams: 'Help, ho!' screams: 'What ho! Help!' says: 'You will pay for this!' says: 'Violence is no solution!' says: 'I thought you liked me.' says: 'Such senseless violence! I don't understand it!' screams: 'Ho! Murder! Murder!' says: 'Look, behind you!' screams: 'Run away!' screams: 'Run to the hills! Run for your lives!' says: 'Wait! Spare me and I'll make you rich! Money isn't a problem!' says: 'I'll be back...' begs for you to spare its life. says: 'All my possession for a moment of time!' says: 'Hey, it was only a joke, all right?' says: 'Stop!' grovels at your feet. says: 'Money? Sure, take it all back!' screams: 'Cowards! Why did you not protect me?' sobs: 'I didn't MEAN it...' begs: 'Spare me and I'll get you Ringil! Really!' whimpers and grovels. screams: 'Keep that lunatic away from me!' shouts: 'Drop that weapon, now!' says: 'Fool! You don't know what you're doing!' screams for help! begs for mercy. sobs. screams: 'Help! The maniac's murdering me!' sobs: 'All right! I apologise! I really, really do!' says: 'Wait! Let's make a deal!' says: 'Just can't stop this surmounting terror!' says: 'If there is a God, then why has he let me die?' cringes and whimpers. says: 'No hope, no life, just pain and fear.' says: 'I am a fugitive, hunted down like game.' says: 'You'll live to regret this blasphemous offence!' says: 'All my life's blood is slowly draining away...' asks: 'Should we be fighting at all?' asks: 'What are we fighting for?' asks you: 'Can you say you are proud of what you've done?' says: 'Every minute I get weaker...' says: 'All my life I've run away...' says: 'All that I see, absolute horror!' says: 'I have fallen prey to failure.' says: 'Just leave me alone!' says: 'Please, save me!' says: 'You've won a battle, but I'll win the war!' says: 'You've won this round, next time it's *my* turn!' says: 'Another time, another battlefield, *my* victory.' says: 'I've got to keep running.' says: 'It's all so futile!' says: 'Cowards live to fight another day.' says: 'Life it seems will fade away, drifting further every day.' says: 'Emptiness is filling me, to the point of agony.' says: 'Cannot stand this hell I feel!' cries: 'Someone help me, oh please God help me!' prays fervently to any Gods that are listening. cries: 'Spare me!'