~~~~~01|Eagle ~~~~~02|Races|Eagle #####R=== Eagles === #####GDescription "The Eagles are coming! The Eagles are coming!" Ever has this cry signified the Great Eagles of Manwe coming to a battlefield or a dire emergency to aid the forces of good. Majestic magical birds ever faithful to Manwe Sulimo, though they may choose to worship other Valar during their time on Arda. They have been given many gifts by Manwe, not the least important of which is the ability to resist the elements as they mature. They cannot wield weapons, bows, or play musical instruments, however. The Eagles' greatest enemies are the dragons, and they learn to detect the presence of dragons fairly early. As winged creatures, Eagles may not wear cloaks. #####GStat Modifiers Strength +6 Intelligence +2 Wisdom +1 Dexterity -2 Constitution +3 Charisma +6 Hit Dice Sides 12 Exp Penalty +200% #####GRacial Skills Combat 0.000 [0.000] Barehand-combat 1.000 [0.300] Sneakiness 3.000 [0.000] Stealth -16.000 [0.000] Disarming 6.000 [0.000] Spirituality 5.000 [0.000]