# Automatic option dump # Option 'Rogue-like commands' X:rogue_like_commands # Option 'Activate quick messages' Y:quick_messages # Option 'Prompt before picking things up' X:carry_query_flag # Option 'Use old target by default' X:use_old_target # Option 'Pick things up by default' X:always_pickup # Option 'Prompt before picking up heavy objects' Y:prompt_pickup_heavy # Option 'Repeat obvious commands' Y:always_repeat # Option 'Audible bell (on errors, etc)' X:ring_bell # Option 'Use color if possible (slow)' Y:use_color # Option 'Run past stairs' Y:find_ignore_stairs # Option 'Run through open doors' Y:find_ignore_doors # Option 'Run past known corners' Y:find_cut # Option 'Run into potential corners' Y:find_examine # Option 'Disturb whenever any monster moves' X:disturb_move # Option 'Disturb whenever viewable monster moves' Y:disturb_near # Option 'Disturb whenever map panel changes' Y:disturb_panel # Option 'Disturb whenever player state changes' Y:disturb_state # Option 'Disturb whenever boring things happen' X:disturb_minor # Option 'Disturb whenever random things happen' X:disturb_other # Option 'Alert user to various failures' Y:alert_failure # Option 'Get last words when the character dies' Y:last_words # Option 'Confirm to wear/wield known cursed items' Y:confirm_wear # Option 'Prompt before exiting a dungeon level' X:confirm_stairs # Option 'Disturb when visible pets move' X:disturb_pets # Option 'Automatically open doors' Y:easy_open # Option 'Automatically tunnel walls' Y:easy_tunnel # Option 'Auto-haggle in stores' Y:auto_haggle # Option 'Auto-scum for good levels' Y:auto_scum # Option 'Expand the power of the look command' Y:expand_look # Option 'Expand the power of the list commands' Y:expand_list # Option 'Map remembers all perma-lit grids' Y:view_perma_grids # Option 'Map remembers all torch-lit grids' Y:view_torch_grids # Option 'Allow some monsters to carry light' Y:monster_lite # Option 'Generate dungeons with aligned rooms' Y:dungeon_align # Option 'Generate dungeons with connected stairs' Y:dungeon_stair # Option 'Monsters chase current location (v.slow)' X:flow_by_sound # Option 'Monsters learn from their mistakes' X:smart_learn # Option 'Allow unusually small dungeon levels' Y:small_levels # Option 'Allow empty 'arena' levels' Y:empty_levels # Option 'Reduce lite-radius when running' X:view_reduce_lite # Option 'Avoid checking for user abort' X:avoid_abort # Option 'Avoid extra shimmering (fast)' Y:avoid_shimmer # Option 'Avoid processing special colors (fast)' X:avoid_other # Option 'Flush input on various failures' Y:flush_failure # Option 'Flush input whenever disturbed' X:flush_disturb # Option 'Flush input before every command' X:flush_command # Option 'Flush output before every command' Y:fresh_before # Option 'Flush output after every command' X:fresh_after # Option 'Flush output after every message' X:fresh_message # Option 'Compress messages in savefiles' Y:compress_savefile # Option 'Hilite the player with the cursor' X:hilite_player # Option 'Use special colors for torch-lit grids' X:view_yellow_lite # Option 'Use special colors for 'viewable' grids' X:view_bright_lite # Option 'Use special colors for wall grids (slow)' X:view_granite_lite # Option 'Use special colors for floor grids (slow)' X:view_special_lite # Option 'Center the view on the player (very slow)' X:center_player # Option 'Ingame contextual help' X:ingame_help # Option 'Use the old(Z) coloring scheme(reload the game)' X:old_colors # Option 'Automatically clear '-more-' prompts' X:auto_more # Option 'Player char represent his/her health' Y:player_char_health # Option 'Stats are represented in a linear way' Y:linear_stats # Option 'In option windows, just omit the select char' X:inventory_no_move # Option 'Allow objects to stack on floor' Y:testing_stack # Option 'Allow monsters to carry objects' Y:testing_carry # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display inven/equip' W:1:0:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display equip/inven' W:1:1:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display character' W:1:3:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Show visible monsters' W:1:4:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display IRC messages' W:1:5:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display messages' W:1:6:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display overhead view' W:1:7:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display monster recall' W:1:8:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display object recall' W:1:9:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display snap-shot' W:1:11:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display borg messages' W:1:14:0 # Window 'Mirror', Flag 'Display borg status' W:1:15:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display inven/equip' W:2:0:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display equip/inven' W:2:1:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display character' W:2:3:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Show visible monsters' W:2:4:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display IRC messages' W:2:5:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display messages' W:2:6:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display overhead view' W:2:7:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display monster recall' W:2:8:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display object recall' W:2:9:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display snap-shot' W:2:11:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display borg messages' W:2:14:0 # Window 'Recall', Flag 'Display borg status' W:2:15:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display inven/equip' W:3:0:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display equip/inven' W:3:1:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display character' W:3:3:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Show visible monsters' W:3:4:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display IRC messages' W:3:5:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display messages' W:3:6:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display overhead view' W:3:7:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display monster recall' W:3:8:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display object recall' W:3:9:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display snap-shot' W:3:11:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display borg messages' W:3:14:0 # Window 'Choice', Flag 'Display borg status' W:3:15:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display inven/equip' W:4:0:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display equip/inven' W:4:1:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display character' W:4:3:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Show visible monsters' W:4:4:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display IRC messages' W:4:5:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display messages' W:4:6:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display overhead view' W:4:7:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display monster recall' W:4:8:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display object recall' W:4:9:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display snap-shot' W:4:11:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display borg messages' W:4:14:0 # Window 'Term-4', Flag 'Display borg status' W:4:15:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display inven/equip' W:5:0:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display equip/inven' W:5:1:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display character' W:5:3:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Show visible monsters' W:5:4:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display IRC messages' W:5:5:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display messages' W:5:6:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display overhead view' W:5:7:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display monster recall' W:5:8:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display object recall' W:5:9:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display snap-shot' W:5:11:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display borg messages' W:5:14:0 # Window 'Term-5', Flag 'Display borg status' W:5:15:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display inven/equip' W:6:0:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display equip/inven' W:6:1:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display character' W:6:3:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Show visible monsters' W:6:4:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display IRC messages' W:6:5:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display messages' W:6:6:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display overhead view' W:6:7:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display monster recall' W:6:8:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display object recall' W:6:9:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display snap-shot' W:6:11:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display borg messages' W:6:14:0 # Window 'Term-6', Flag 'Display borg status' W:6:15:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display inven/equip' W:7:0:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display equip/inven' W:7:1:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display character' W:7:3:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Show visible monsters' W:7:4:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display IRC messages' W:7:5:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display messages' W:7:6:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display overhead view' W:7:7:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display monster recall' W:7:8:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display object recall' W:7:9:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display snap-shot' W:7:11:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display borg messages' W:7:14:0 # Window 'Term-7', Flag 'Display borg status' W:7:15:0