function drop_text_left(c, str, y, o) local i = strlen(str) local x = 39 - (strlen(str) / 2) + o while (i > 0) do local a = 0 local time = 0 if (strbyte(str, i) ~= strbyte(" ", 1)) then while (a < x + i - 1) do Term_putch(a - 1, y, c, 32) Term_putch(a, y, c, strbyte(str, i)) time = time + 1 if time >= 4 then Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, 1) time = 0 end Term_redraw_section(a - 1, y, a, y) a = a + 1 inkey_scan = TRUE if (inkey() ~= 0) then return TRUE end end end i = i - 1 end return FALSE end function drop_text_right(c, str, y, o) local x = 39 - (strlen(str) / 2) + o local i = 1 while (i <= strlen(str)) do local a = 79 local time = 0 if (strbyte(str, i) ~= strbyte(" ", 1)) then while (a >= x + i - 1) do Term_putch(a + 1, y, c, 32) Term_putch(a, y, c, strbyte(str, i)) time = time + 1 if time >= 4 then Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, 1) time = 0 end Term_redraw_section(a, y, a + 1, y) a = a - 1 inkey_scan = TRUE if (inkey() ~= 0) then return TRUE end end end i = i + 1 end return FALSE end function tome_intro() screen_save() Term_clear() if (TRUE == drop_text_left(TERM_L_BLUE, "Art thou an adventurer,", 10, 0)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_right(TERM_L_BLUE, "One who passes through the waterfalls we call danger", 11, -1)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_left(TERM_L_BLUE, "to find the true nature of the legends beyond them?", 12, 0)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_right(TERM_L_BLUE, "If this is so, then seeketh me.", 13, -1)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_left(TERM_WHITE, "[Press any key to continue]", 23, -1)) then screen_load() return end Term_putch(0, 0, TERM_DARK, 32) inkey_scan = FALSE inkey() Term_clear() if (TRUE == drop_text_left(TERM_L_BLUE, "DarkGod", 8, 0)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_right(TERM_WHITE, "in collaboration with", 9, -1)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_left(TERM_L_GREEN, "Eru Iluvatar,", 10, 0)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_right(TERM_L_GREEN, "Manwe", 11, -1)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_left(TERM_WHITE, "and", 12, 0)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_right(TERM_L_GREEN, "All the T.o.M.E. contributors(see credits.txt)", 13, -1)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_left(TERM_WHITE, "present", 15, 1)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_right(TERM_YELLOW, "T.o.M.E.", 16, 0)) then screen_load() return end if (TRUE == drop_text_left(TERM_WHITE, "[Press any key to continue]", 23, -1)) then screen_load() return end Term_putch(0, 0, TERM_DARK, 32) inkey_scan = FALSE inkey() screen_load() return end add_hook_script(HOOK_INIT, "tome_intro", "lua_intro_init")