-- The earth school STONESKIN = add_spell { ["name"] = "Stone Skin", ["school"] = SCHOOL_EARTH, ["level"] = 1, ["mana"] = 1, ["mana_max"] = 50, ["fail"] = 10, ["inertia"] = { 2, 50 }, ["spell"] = function() return earth_stone_skin() end, ["info"] = function() return earth_stone_skin_info() end, ["desc"] = { "Creates a shield of earth around you to protect you", "At level 25 it starts dealing damage to attackers" } } DIG = add_spell { ["name"] = "Dig", ["school"] = SCHOOL_EARTH, ["level"] = 12, ["mana"] = 14, ["mana_max"] = 14, ["fail"] = 20, ["stick"] = { ["charge"] = { 15, 5 }, [TV_WAND] = { ["rarity"] = 25, ["base_level"] = { 1, 1 }, ["max_level"] = { 1, 1 }, }, }, ["spell"] = function() return earth_dig() end, ["info"] = function() return earth_dig_info() end, ["desc"] = { "Digs a hole in a wall much faster than any shovels", } } STONEPRISON = add_spell { ["name"] = "Stone Prison", ["school"] = SCHOOL_EARTH, ["level"] = 25, ["mana"] = 30, ["mana_max"] = 50, ["fail"] = 65, ["stick"] = { ["charge"] = { 5, 3 }, [TV_WAND] = { ["rarity"] = 57, ["base_level"] = { 1, 3 }, ["max_level"] = { 5, 20 }, }, }, ["spell"] = function() return earth_stone_prison() end, ["info"] = function() return earth_stone_prison_info() end, ["desc"] = { "Creates a prison of walls around you", "At level 10 it allows you to target a monster" } } STRIKE = add_spell { ["name"] = "Strike", ["school"] = {SCHOOL_EARTH}, ["level"] = 30, ["mana"] = 30, ["mana_max"] = 50, ["fail"] = 60, ["stick"] = { ["charge"] = { 2, 6 }, [TV_WAND] = { ["rarity"] = 635, ["base_level"] = { 1, 5 }, ["max_level"] = { 10, 50 }, }, }, ["spell"] = function() return earth_strike() end, ["info"] = function() return earth_strike_info() end, ["desc"] = { "Creates a micro-ball of force that will push monsters backwards", "If the monster is caught near a wall, it'll be crushed against it", "At level 12 it turns into a ball of radius 1" } } SHAKE = add_spell { ["name"] = "Shake", ["school"] = {SCHOOL_EARTH}, ["level"] = 27, ["mana"] = 25, ["mana_max"] = 30, ["fail"] = 60, ["stick"] = { ["charge"] = { 5, 10 }, [TV_STAFF] = { ["rarity"] = 75, ["base_level"] = { 1, 3 }, ["max_level"] = { 9, 20 }, }, }, ["inertia"] = { 2, 50 }, ["spell"] = function() return earth_shake() end, ["info"] = function() return earth_shake_info() end, ["desc"] = { "Creates a localised earthquake", "At level 10 it can be targeted at any location" } }