-- -- This file takes care of providing the Shiny-Test class -- with .. erm .. powerful spells -- ------------------------------ MAGICTYPE -- M KEY --------------------------------- zog_magic = add_magic { ["fail"] = function(chance) msg_print("So bad, we had "..chance.." chances to succeed.") msg_print("Hooo bad luck the spell backfires !.") take_hit("stupidity", 5) end, ["stat"] = A_CON, -- Must return a number between 0 and 50 representing a level ["get_level"] = function() return get_skill_scale(SKILL_MAGIC, 25) + get_skill_scale(SKILL_SPIRITUALITY, 25) end, ["spell_list"] = { { ["name"] = "Zog1", ["desc"] = "dessssc zog1", ["mana"] = 1, ["level"] = 1, ["fail"] = 10, ["spell"] = function() local ret, dir -- Get a direction ret, dir = get_aim_dir(); if (ret == FALSE) then return end fire_ball(GF_MANA, dir, 2000, 10) end, ["info"] = function() return " dam 2000" end, }, { ["name"] = "Zog2", ["desc"] = "dessssc zog2", ["mana"] = 3, ["level"] = 3, ["fail"] = 30, ["spell"] = function() local ret, item, obj, o_name -- Ask for an item ret, item = get_item("What to uber-ize?", "You have nothing you can uber-ize", bor(USE_INVEN, USE_EQUIP), function (obj) if (obj.tval == TV_HAFTED) or (obj.tval == TV_SWORD) or (obj.tval == TV_POLEARM) or (obj.tval == TV_AXE) then return TRUE end return FALSE end ) if ret == TRUE then -- get the item obj = get_object(item) -- modify it obj.dd = 255 obj.ds = 255 obj.to_d = 1000 obj.to_h = 1000 -- get the name o_name = object_desc(obj, FALSE, 0); msg_print("Your "..o_name.." is hit by a pure wave of uber-ification!") end end, ["info"] = function() return " cooool" end, }, { ["name"] = "Zog3", ["desc"] = "dessssc zog3", ["mana"] = 4, ["level"] = 5, ["fail"] = 50, ["spell"] = function() local list = {[1] = "Novice Warrior", [2] = "Novice Mage"} local x, y, num, max num = rand_range(1, 2) max = damroll(1, 2) while (max > 0) do y, x = find_position(player.py, player.px) place_monster_one(y, x, test_monster_name(list[num]), 0, FALSE, MSTATUS_FRIEND) max = max - 1 end end, ["info"] = function() return " summons 1d2 monsters" end, }, }, } -- Register a new magic type MKEY_SHINY_TEST = 1000 add_mkey { ["mkey"] = MKEY_SHINY_TEST, ["fct"] = function() execute_magic(zog_magic) -- use up some energy energy_use = energy_use + 100; end } ------------------------------ EXTRA POWERS --------------------------------- -- Register a new power (the 'U' menu) POWER_TEST = add_power { ["name"] = "Test power", ["desc"] = "You are a shinny test", ["desc_get"] = "You become a shinny test", ["desc_lose"] = "You are no more a shinny test", ["level"] = 1, ["cost"] = 5, ["stat"] = A_CON, ["fail"] = 6, ["power"] = function() msg_print("Zogzog !") end, } ---- tests function test_write() local conn = zsock:new_connection() zsock:setup(conn, "", 2262, ZSOCK_TYPE_TCP, FALSE) zsock:open(conn) local res, len = zsock:write(conn, "footest", FALSE) msg_print("res "..res.." :: len "..len) zsock:close(conn) zsock:unsetup(conn) zsock:free_connection(conn); end function test_read() local conn = zsock:new_connection() zsock:setup(conn, "", 2262, ZSOCK_TYPE_TCP, FALSE) zsock:open(conn) zsock:wait(conn, 50) local res, str, len = zsock:read(conn, 9, TRUE) msg_print("res "..res.." :: len "..len.." '"..str.."'") zsock:close(conn) zsock:unsetup(conn) zsock:free_connection(conn); end -- A level generator being tested CORRIDOR = 1 ROOM = 2 possible_walls = {} function level_generator_dungeon2_room(feat, y, x, h, w) if feat == CORRIDOR then -- Add the possible walls for i = x, x + w - 1 do tinsert(possible_walls, {y, i}) tinsert(possible_walls, {y + h - 1, i}) end for i = x, x + w - 1 do tinsert(possible_walls, {x, i}) tinsert(possible_walls, {x, i + h - 1}) end for i = x + 1, x + w - 2 do for j = y + 1, y + h - 2 do place_floor(j, i) end end else -- Add the possible walls for i = x, x + w - 1 do tinsert(possible_walls, {y, i}) tinsert(possible_walls, {y + h - 1, i}) end for i = x, x + w - 1 do tinsert(possible_walls, {x, i}) tinsert(possible_walls, {x, i + h - 1}) end for i = x, x + w - 1 do for j = y, y + h - 1 do cave(j, i).feat = 56 end end for i = x + 1, x + w - 2 do for j = y + 1, y + h - 2 do place_floor(j, i) end end end end function select_feature(dir) if magik(30) == TRUE then return ROOM, rand_range(5, 12), rand_range(7, 17) -- Corridor selection elseif dir == "up" or dir == "down" then return CORRIDOR, rand_range(5, 17), 3 else return CORRIDOR, 3, rand_range(3, 15) end end function put_feature(feat, y, x, h, w) level_generator_dungeon2_room(feat, y, x, h, w) end function can_feature(y, x, h, w) for i = x, x + w - 1 do for j = y, y + h - 1 do if j <= 0 or i <= 0 or i >= cur_wid - 1 or j >= cur_hgt - 1 then return nil end if cave_is(cave(j, i), FF1_WALL) == FALSE then return nil end end end return not nil end function is_near_wall(y, x) if y <= 0 or x <= 0 or x >= cur_wid - 1 or y >= cur_hgt - 1 then return nil end if cave_is(cave(y, x), FF1_WALL) == FALSE then return nil end if cave_is(cave(y - 1, x), FF1_FLOOR) == TRUE then return "down" end if cave_is(cave(y + 1, x), FF1_FLOOR) == TRUE then return "up" end if cave_is(cave(y, x - 1), FF1_FLOOR) == TRUE then return "right" end if cave_is(cave(y, x + 1), FF1_FLOOR) == TRUE then return "left" end return nil end function find_spot() --[[ local y, x = 1, 1 while not is_near_wall(y, x) do y, x = rand_range(1, cur_hgt - 2), rand_range(1, cur_wid - 2) end]] local i = rand_range(1, getn(possible_walls)) local y, x = possible_walls[i][1], possible_walls[i][2] while not is_near_wall(y, x) do i = rand_range(1, getn(possible_walls)) y, x = possible_walls[i][1], possible_walls[i][2] end tremove(possible_walls, i) return is_near_wall(y, x), y, x end function adjust_dir(dir, y, x, h, w) if dir == "up" then y = y - (h - 1) x = x - (w / 2) elseif dir == "down" then x = x - (w / 2) elseif dir == "left" then y = y - (h / 2) x = x - (w - 1) elseif dir == "up" then y = y - (h / 2) end return y, x end level_generator { ["name"] = "dungeon2", ["stairs"] = FALSE, ["monsters"] = FALSE, ["objects"] = FALSE, ["miscs"] = FALSE, ["gen"] = function() for i = 1, cur_wid - 1 do for j = 1, cur_hgt - 1 do place_filler(j, i) end end -- the first room level_generator_dungeon2_room(ROOM, cur_hgt / 2, cur_wid / 2, rand_range(3, 10), rand_range(5, 15)) -- Place 10 features for nb = 1, 0 do -- Find a spot near an empty space local dir, y, x = find_spot() local feat, h, w = select_feature(dir) local sy, sx = adjust_dir(dir, y, x, h, w) if can_feature(sy, sx, h, w) then put_feature(feat, sy, sx, h, w) cave(y, x).feat = 32 end end player.py = cur_hgt / 2 player.px = cur_wid / 2 return TRUE end, } -- exmaple of display_list function input_list_example() local list = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "h", "g" } local sel = 1 local begin = 1 local res = nil screen_save() while not nil do display_list(1, 0, 5, 9, "select", list, begin, sel, TERM_L_BLUE) local key = inkey() if key == ESCAPE then break elseif key == strbyte("8") then sel = sel - 1 if sel < 1 then sel = 1 end if sel < begin then begin = begin - 1 end elseif key == strbyte("2") then sel = sel + 1 if sel > getn(list) then sel = getn(list) end if sel >= begin + 4 then begin = begin + 1 end elseif key == strbyte("\r") then res = list[sel] break end end screen_load() if res then msg_print("Selected: " .. res) end end