/* File: main-gcu.c */ /* * Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, and others * * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, * and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement * are included in all such copies. */ /* * This file helps Angband run on Unix/Curses machines. * * * To use this file, you must define "USE_NET" in the Makefile. * * * Note that this file is not "intended" to support non-Unix machines, * nor is it intended to support VMS or other bizarre setups. * * Also, this package assumes that the underlying "curses" handles both * the "nonl()" and "cbreak()" commands correctly, see the "OPTION" below. * * This code should work with most versions of "curses" or "ncurses", * and the "main-ncu.c" file (and USE_NCU define) are no longer used. * * See also "USE_CAP" and "main-cap.c" for code that bypasses "curses" * and uses the "termcap" information directly, or even bypasses the * "termcap" information and sends direct vt100 escape sequences. * * This file provides up to 4 term windows. * * This file will attempt to redefine the screen colors to conform to * standard Angband colors. It will only do so if the terminal type * indicates that it can do so. See the page: * * http://www.umr.edu/~keldon/ang-patch/ncurses_color.html * * for information on this. * * Consider the use of "savetty()" and "resetty()". XXX XXX XXX */ #include "angband.h" #ifdef USE_NET /* The server connection */ ip_connection net_serv_connection_forge; ip_connection *net_serv_connection = &net_serv_connection_forge; /* The client connection */ ip_connection net_connection_forge; ip_connection *net_connection = &net_connection_forge; #define PACKET_STOP 255 #define PACKET_TEXT 254 #define PACKET_CLEAR 253 /* * Information about a term */ typedef struct term_data term_data; struct term_data { term t; /* All term info */ }; /* Max number of windows on screen */ #define MAX_TERM_DATA 4 /* Information about our windows */ static term_data data[MAX_TERM_DATA]; /* * Hack -- Number of initialized "term" structures */ static int active = 0; /* * Suspend/Resume */ static errr Term_xtra_net_alive(int v) { int x, y; /* Suspend */ if (!v) {} /* Resume */ else {} /* Success */ return (0); } /* * Init the "net" system */ static void Term_init_net(term *t) { term_data *td = (term_data *)(t->data); /* Count init's, handle first */ if (active++ != 0) return; } /* * Nuke the "net" system */ static void Term_nuke_net(term *t) { int x, y; term_data *td = (term_data *)(t->data); } /* * Process events (with optional wait) */ static errr Term_xtra_net_event(int v) { int i, k; char buf[2]; /* Wait */ if (v) { /* Wait for one byte */ i = zsock.read_simple(net_connection, buf, 1); #if 1 /* Hack -- Handle bizarre "errors" */ // if (!i) exit_game_panic(); if (!i) return 1; #else /* Try again(must be a new connection) */ while (!i) i = zsock.read_simple(net_connection, buf, 1); #endif } /* Do not wait */ else { /* Read one byte, if possible */ if (zsock.can_read(net_connection)) zsock.read_simple(net_connection, buf, 1); } /* Ignore "invalid" keys */ if (!buf[0]) return (1); /* Enqueue the keypress */ Term_keypress(buf[0]); /* Success */ return (0); } /* * React to changes */ static errr Term_xtra_net_react(void) { #ifdef A_COLOR int i; /* Cannot handle color redefinition */ if (!can_fix_color) return (0); /* Set the colors */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { /* Set one color (note scaling) */ init_color(i, angband_color_table[i][1] * 1000 / 255, angband_color_table[i][2] * 1000 / 255, angband_color_table[i][3] * 1000 / 255); } #endif /* Success */ return (0); } /* * Handle a "special request" */ static errr Term_xtra_net(int n, int v) { term_data *td = (term_data *)(Term->data); char buf[2]; /* Analyze the request */ switch (n) { /* Clear screen */ case TERM_XTRA_CLEAR: buf[0] = PACKET_CLEAR; buf[1] = '\0'; zsock.write_simple(net_connection, buf); return (0); /* Make a noise */ case TERM_XTRA_NOISE: return (0); /* Flush the Curses buffer */ case TERM_XTRA_FRESH: return (0); /* Suspend/Resume curses */ case TERM_XTRA_ALIVE: return (Term_xtra_net_alive(v)); /* Process events */ case TERM_XTRA_EVENT: return (Term_xtra_net_event(v)); /* Flush events */ case TERM_XTRA_FLUSH: while (!Term_xtra_net_event(FALSE)); return (0); /* Delay */ case TERM_XTRA_DELAY: usleep(1000 * v); return (0); /* Get Delay of some milliseconds */ case TERM_XTRA_GET_DELAY: { int ret; struct timeval tv; ret = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); Term_xtra_long = (tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000); return ret; } /* React to events */ case TERM_XTRA_REACT: Term_xtra_net_react(); return (0); } /* Unknown */ return (1); } /* * Actually MOVE the hardware cursor */ static errr Term_curs_net(int x, int y) { term_data *td = (term_data *)(Term->data); /* Literally move the cursor */ // DGDGDGD /* Success */ return (0); } /* * Erase a grid of space * Hack -- try to be "semi-efficient". */ static errr Term_wipe_net(int x, int y, int n) { char buf[2]; term_data *td = (term_data *)(Term->data); buf[0] = PACKET_CLEAR; buf[1] = '\0'; zsock.write_simple(net_connection, buf); /* Success */ return (0); } /* * Place some text on the screen using an attribute */ static errr Term_text_net(int x, int y, int n, byte a, cptr s) { term_data *td = (term_data *)(Term->data); char buf[5]; buf[0] = PACKET_TEXT; buf[1] = y + 1; buf[2] = x + 1; buf[3] = a + 1; buf[4] = '\0'; zsock.write_simple(net_connection, buf); zsock.write_simple(net_connection, s); buf[0] = PACKET_STOP; buf[1] = '\0'; zsock.write_simple(net_connection, buf); /* Success */ return (0); } /* * Create a window for the given "term_data" argument. * * Assumes legal arguments. */ static errr term_data_init_net(term_data *td, int rows, int cols) { term *t = &td->t; /* Initialize the term */ term_init(t, cols, rows, 256); /* Erase with "white space" */ t->attr_blank = TERM_WHITE; t->char_blank = ' '; /* Set some hooks */ t->init_hook = Term_init_net; t->nuke_hook = Term_nuke_net; /* Set some more hooks */ t->text_hook = Term_text_net; t->wipe_hook = Term_wipe_net; t->curs_hook = Term_curs_net; t->xtra_hook = Term_xtra_net; /* Save the data */ t->data = td; /* Activate it */ Term_activate(t); /* Success */ return (0); } static void hook_quit(cptr str) { /* Unused */ (void)str; } static void net_lost_connection_hook(ip_connection *conn) { printf("Lost connection ! ARGGGG\nAccepting a new one...\n"); zsock.accept(net_serv_connection, net_connection); zsock.set_lose_connection(net_connection, net_lost_connection_hook); printf("...accepted\n"); } /* * Prepare "curses" for use by the file "z-term.c" * * Installs the "hook" functions defined above, and then activates * the main screen "term", which clears the screen and such things. * * Someone should really check the semantics of "initscr()" */ errr init_net(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int num_term = MAX_TERM_DATA, next_win = 0; int port = 6666; /* Parse args */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (prefix(argv[i], "-P")) { port = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i++; continue; } plog_fmt("Ignoring option: %s", argv[i]); } /* Activate hooks */ quit_aux = hook_quit; core_aux = hook_quit; /* Create a term */ term_data_init_net(&data[0], 25, 80); /* Remember the term */ angband_term[0] = &data[0].t; /* Activate the "Angband" window screen */ Term_activate(&data[0].t); /* Remember the active screen */ term_screen = &data[0].t; /* Initialize the server and wait for thhe client */ zsock.setup(net_serv_connection, "", port, ZSOCK_TYPE_TCP, TRUE); zsock.open(net_serv_connection); printf("Accepting...\n"); zsock.accept(net_serv_connection, net_connection); zsock.set_lose_connection(net_connection, net_lost_connection_hook); printf("...accepted\n"); /* Success */ return (0); } #endif /* USE_NET */