/* * Copyright (c) 1989, 1999 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke, * Robert Ruehlmann * * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and * not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are * included in all such copies. */ #include "notes.hpp" #include "files.hpp" #include "game.hpp" #include "player_class.hpp" #include "player_type.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include "util.h" #include "variable.h" #include "variable.hpp" /* * Show the notes file on the screen */ void show_notes_file() { char basename[13]; char buf[1024]; char caption[10 + 13]; /* Hack -- extract first 8 characters of name and append an extension */ strnfmt(basename, sizeof(basename), "%.8s.nte", game->player_base.c_str()); basename[sizeof(basename) - 1] = '\0'; /* Build the path */ path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_NOTE, basename); /* Use a caption, forcing direct access to the note file */ sprintf(caption, "Note file %s", basename); /* Invoke show_file */ show_file(buf, caption); /* Done */ return; } /* * Output a string to the notes file. * This is the only function that references that file. */ void output_note(const char *final_note) { FILE *fff; char basename[13]; char buf[1024]; /* Hack -- extract first 8 characters of name and append an extension */ strnfmt(basename, sizeof(basename), "%.8s.nte", game->player_base.c_str()); basename[sizeof(basename) - 1] = '\0'; /* Build the path */ path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_NOTE, basename); /* Open notes file */ fff = my_fopen(buf, "a"); /* Failure */ if (!fff) return; /* Add note, and close note file */ fprintf(fff, "%s\n", final_note); /* Close the handle */ my_fclose(fff); /* Done */ return; } /* * Add note to file using a string + character symbol * to specify its type so that the notes file can be * searched easily by external utilities. */ void add_note(char *note, char code) { char buf[100]; char final_note[100]; char turn_s[50]; char depths[32]; /* Get the first 60 chars - so do not have an overflow */ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); strncpy(buf, note, 60); /* Get date and time */ sprintf(turn_s, "Turn % 12ld", static_cast(turn)); /* Get depth */ if (!dun_level) strcpy(depths, " Town"); else sprintf(depths, "Lev%3d", dun_level); /* Make note */ sprintf(final_note, "%-20s %s %c: %s", turn_s, depths, code, buf); /* Output to the notes file */ output_note(final_note); } /* * Append a note to the notes file using a "type". */ void add_note_type(int note_number) { auto const &class_info = game->edit_data.class_info; char true_long_day[50]; char buf[1024]; time_t ct = time((time_t*)0); /* Get the date */ strftime(true_long_day, 30, "%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S", localtime(&ct)); /* Work out what to do */ switch (note_number) { case NOTE_BIRTH: { /* Player has just been born */ char player[100]; /* Build the string containing the player information */ auto const player_race_name = get_player_race_name(p_ptr->prace, p_ptr->pracem); sprintf(player, "the %s %s", player_race_name.c_str(), class_info[p_ptr->pclass].spec[p_ptr->pspec].title); /* Add in "character start" information */ sprintf(buf, "\n" "================================================\n" "%s %s\n" "Born on %s\n" "================================================\n", game->player_name.c_str(), player, true_long_day); break; } case NOTE_WINNER: { sprintf(buf, "%s slew Morgoth on %s\n" "Long live %s!\n" "================================================", game->player_name.c_str(), true_long_day, game->player_name.c_str()); break; } case NOTE_SAVE_GAME: { /* Saving the game */ sprintf(buf, "\nSession end: %s", true_long_day); break; } case NOTE_ENTER_DUNGEON: { /* Entering the game after a break. */ sprintf(buf, "================================================\n" "New session start: %s\n", true_long_day); break; } default: return; } /* Output the notes to the file */ output_note(buf); }