/* * Copyright (c) 2001 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke, DarkGod * * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and * not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are * included in all such copies. */ #include "powers.hpp" #include "cave.hpp" #include "cave_type.hpp" #include "cmd1.hpp" #include "cmd2.hpp" #include "cmd5.hpp" #include "cmd7.hpp" #include "dungeon_flag.hpp" #include "feature_flag.hpp" #include "feature_type.hpp" #include "files.hpp" #include "game.hpp" #include "hooks.hpp" #include "mimic.hpp" #include "monster2.hpp" #include "monster3.hpp" #include "monster_race.hpp" #include "monster_race_flag.hpp" #include "monster_type.hpp" #include "object1.hpp" #include "object2.hpp" #include "object_kind.hpp" #include "options.hpp" #include "player_type.hpp" #include "spells1.hpp" #include "spells2.hpp" #include "stats.hpp" #include "tables.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include "util.h" #include "variable.h" #include "variable.hpp" #include "xtra2.hpp" #include "z-rand.hpp" #include static bool power_chance(power_activation const &x_ref) { auto x_ptr = &x_ref; bool use_hp = FALSE; int diff = x_ptr->diff; /* Always true ? */ if (!x_ptr->cost) { return true; } /* Not enough mana - use hp */ if (p_ptr->csp < x_ptr->cost) { use_hp = true; } /* Power is not available yet */ if (p_ptr->lev < x_ptr->level) { msg_format("You need to attain level %d to use this power.", x_ptr->level); energy_use = 0; return false; } /* Too confused */ else if (p_ptr->confused) { msg_print("You are too confused to use this power."); energy_use = 0; return false; } /* Risk death? */ else if (use_hp && (p_ptr->chp < x_ptr->cost)) { if (!(get_check("Really use the power in your weakened state? "))) { energy_use = 0; return false; } } /* Else attempt to do it! */ if (p_ptr->stun) { diff += p_ptr->stun; } else if (p_ptr->lev > x_ptr->level) { int const lev_adj = std::min((p_ptr->lev - x_ptr->level) / 3, 10); diff -= lev_adj; } diff = std::max(diff, 5); /* take time and pay the price */ if (use_hp) { take_hit(((x_ptr->cost / 2) + (randint(x_ptr->cost / 2))), "concentrating too hard"); } else { p_ptr->csp -= (x_ptr->cost / 2 ) + (randint(x_ptr->cost / 2)); } energy_use = 100; /* Redraw mana and hp */ p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_FRAME); /* Window stuff */ p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER); /* Success? */ if (randint(p_ptr->stat_cur[x_ptr->stat]) >= ((diff / 2) + randint(diff / 2))) { return true; } flush_on_failure(); msg_print("You've failed to concentrate hard enough."); return false; } static void power_activate(int power) { auto const &f_info = game->edit_data.f_info; s16b plev = p_ptr->lev; char ch = 0; int amber_power = 0; int dir = 0, dummy; object_type *q_ptr; object_type forge; int ii = 0, ij = 0; const char *q; const char *s; int x, y; cave_type *c_ptr; /* Break goi/manashield */ if (p_ptr->invuln) { set_invuln(0); } if (p_ptr->disrupt_shield) { set_disrupt_shield(0); } /* Check that we activate successfully */ if (!power_chance(game->powers.at(power)->activation)) { return; } switch (power) { case PWR_BALROG: { set_mimic(p_ptr->lev / 2, resolve_mimic_name("Balrog"), p_ptr->lev); } break; case PWR_BEAR: { set_mimic(150 + (p_ptr->lev * 10) , resolve_mimic_name("Bear"), p_ptr->lev); } break; case PWR_COMPANION: { if (!can_create_companion()) { msg_print("You cannot have more companions."); } else { monster_type *m_ptr; int ii, jj; msg_print("Select the friendly monster:"); if (!tgt_pt(&ii, &jj)) return; if (cave[jj][ii].m_idx) { m_ptr = &m_list[cave[jj][ii].m_idx]; if (m_ptr->status != MSTATUS_PET) { msg_print("You cannot convert this monster."); return; } m_ptr->status = MSTATUS_COMPANION; } } } break; case PWR_MAGIC_MAP: { msg_print("You sense the world around you."); map_area(); } break; case PWR_PASSWALL: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; if (passwall(dir, TRUE)) msg_print("A passage opens, and you step through."); else msg_print("There is no wall there!"); } break; case PWR_COOK_FOOD: { /* Get local object */ q_ptr = &forge; /* Create the item */ object_prep(q_ptr, 21); /* Drop the object from heaven */ drop_near(q_ptr, -1, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px); msg_print("You cook some food."); } break; case PWR_UNFEAR: { msg_print("You play tough."); set_afraid(0); } break; case PWR_BERSERK: { msg_print("RAAAGH!"); set_afraid(0); set_shero(p_ptr->shero + 10 + randint(plev)); hp_player(30); } break; case PWR_EXPL_RUNE: { msg_print("You carefully set an explosive rune..."); explosive_rune(); } break; case PWR_STM: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_print("You bash at a stone wall."); wall_to_mud(dir); } break; case PWR_ROHAN: /* Select power to use */ while (TRUE) { if (!get_com("Use [F]lash aura or [L]ight speed jump? ", &ch)) { amber_power = 0; break; } if (ch == 'F' || ch == 'f') { amber_power = 1; break; } if (ch == 'L' || ch == 'l') { amber_power = 2; break; } } if (amber_power == 1) { power_activation x_ptr_foo; x_ptr_foo.level = 1; x_ptr_foo.cost = 9; x_ptr_foo.stat = A_CHR; x_ptr_foo.diff = 7; if (power_chance(x_ptr_foo)) { if (!(get_aim_dir(&dir))) break; msg_print("You flash a bright aura."); if (p_ptr->lev < 10) fire_bolt(GF_CONFUSION, dir, plev*2); else fire_ball(GF_CONFUSION, dir, plev*2, 2); } } if (amber_power == 2) { power_activation x_ptr_foo; x_ptr_foo.level = 30; x_ptr_foo.cost = 30; x_ptr_foo.stat = A_WIS; x_ptr_foo.diff = 7; if (power_chance(x_ptr_foo)) { set_light_speed(p_ptr->lightspeed + 3); } } break; case PWR_POIS_DART: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_print("You throw a dart of poison."); fire_bolt(GF_POIS, dir, plev); } break; case PWR_DETECT_TD: { msg_print("You examine your surroundings."); detect_doors(DEFAULT_RADIUS); detect_stairs(DEFAULT_RADIUS); } break; case PWR_MAGIC_MISSILE: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_print("You cast a magic missile."); fire_bolt_or_beam(10, GF_MISSILE, dir, damroll(3 + ((plev - 1) / 5), 4)); } break; case PWR_THUNDER: /* Select power to use */ while (TRUE) { if (!get_com("Use [T]hunder strike, [R]ide the straight road, go [B]ack in town? ", &ch)) { amber_power = 0; break; } if (ch == 'T' || ch == 't') { amber_power = 1; break; } if (ch == 'R' || ch == 'r') { amber_power = 2; break; } if (ch == 'B' || ch == 'b') { amber_power = 3; break; } } if (amber_power == 1) { power_activation x_ptr_foo; x_ptr_foo.level = 1; x_ptr_foo.cost = p_ptr->lev; x_ptr_foo.stat = A_CON; x_ptr_foo.diff = 6; if (power_chance(x_ptr_foo)) { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_format("You conjure up thunder!"); fire_beam(GF_ELEC, dir, p_ptr->lev * 2); fire_beam(GF_SOUND, dir, p_ptr->lev * 2); p_ptr->energy -= 100; } } if (amber_power == 2) { if (dungeon_flags & DF_NO_TELEPORT) { msg_print("No teleport on special levels ..."); break; } power_activation x_ptr_foo; x_ptr_foo.level = 3; x_ptr_foo.cost = 15; x_ptr_foo.stat = A_CON; x_ptr_foo.diff = 6; if (power_chance(x_ptr_foo)) { msg_print("You enter the straight road and fly beside the world. Where to exit?"); if (!tgt_pt(&ii, &ij)) return; p_ptr->energy -= 60 - plev; if (!cave_empty_bold(ij, ii) || (cave[ij][ii].info & CAVE_ICKY) || (distance(ij, ii, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px) > plev*20 + 2) || !(cave[ij][ii].info & CAVE_MARK)) { msg_print("You fail to exit correctly!"); p_ptr->energy -= 100; teleport_player(10); } else teleport_player_to(ij, ii); } } if (amber_power == 3) { if (dungeon_flags & DF_NO_TELEPORT) { msg_print("No recall on special levels.."); break; } power_activation x_ptr_foo; x_ptr_foo.level = 7; x_ptr_foo.cost = 30; x_ptr_foo.stat = A_CON; x_ptr_foo.diff = 6; if (power_chance(x_ptr_foo)) { if (dun_level == 0) msg_print("You are already in town!"); else { msg_print("You enter the straight road and fly beside the world."); p_ptr->energy -= 100; p_ptr->word_recall = 1; } } } break; case PWR_GROW_TREE: { msg_print("You make the trees grow!"); grow_trees((plev / 8 < 1) ? 1 : plev / 8); } break; case PWR_DEATHMOLD: do_cmd_immovable_special(); break; case PWR_BR_COLD: { msg_print("You breathe cold..."); if (get_aim_dir(&dir)) fire_ball(GF_COLD, dir, p_ptr->lev * 2, 1 + (p_ptr->lev / 20)); } break; case PWR_BR_CHAOS: { msg_print("You breathe chaos..."); if (get_aim_dir(&dir)) fire_ball(GF_CHAOS, dir, p_ptr->lev * 2, 1 + (p_ptr->lev / 20)); } break; case PWR_BR_ELEM: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_format("You breathe the elements."); fire_ball(GF_MISSILE, dir, (p_ptr->lev)*2, ((p_ptr->lev) / 15) + 1); } break; case PWR_SUMMON_MONSTER: { do_cmd_beastmaster(); } break; case PWR_WRECK_WORLD: msg_print("The power of Eru Iluvatar flows through you!"); msg_print("The world changes!"); autosave_checkpoint(); /* Leaving */ p_ptr->leaving = TRUE; break; case PWR_VAMPIRISM: { /* Only works on adjacent monsters */ if (!get_rep_dir(&dir)) break; /* was get_aim_dir */ y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir]; x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir]; c_ptr = &cave[y][x]; if (!(c_ptr->m_idx)) { msg_print("You bite into thin air!"); break; } msg_print("You grin and bare your fangs..."); dummy = plev + randint(plev) * MAX(1, plev / 10); /* Dmg */ if (drain_life(dir, dummy)) { if (p_ptr->food < PY_FOOD_FULL) /* No heal if we are "full" */ hp_player(dummy); else msg_print("You were not hungry."); /* Gain nutritional sustenance: 150/hp drained */ /* A Food ration gives 5000 food points (by contrast) */ /* Don't ever get more than "Full" this way */ /* But if we ARE Gorged, it won't cure us */ dummy = p_ptr->food + MIN(5000, 100 * dummy); if (p_ptr->food < PY_FOOD_MAX) /* Not gorged already */ set_food(dummy >= PY_FOOD_MAX ? PY_FOOD_MAX - 1 : dummy); } else msg_print("Yechh. That tastes foul."); } break; case PWR_SCARE: { msg_print("You emit an eldritch howl!"); if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; fear_monster(dir, plev); } break; case PWR_REST_LIFE: { msg_print("You attempt to restore your lost energies."); restore_level(); } break; case PWR_HYPNO: { int dir, x, y; cave_type *c_ptr; monster_type *m_ptr; object_type *q_ptr; object_type forge; msg_print("Hypnotize which pet?"); if (!get_rep_dir(&dir)) return; y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir]; x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir]; c_ptr = &cave[y][x]; if (c_ptr->m_idx) { m_ptr = &m_list[c_ptr->m_idx]; auto const r_ptr = m_ptr->race(); if ((r_ptr->flags & RF_NEVER_MOVE) && (m_ptr->status == MSTATUS_PET) && (!(r_ptr->flags & RF_SPECIAL_GENE))) { q_ptr = &forge; object_prep(q_ptr, lookup_kind(TV_HYPNOS, 1)); q_ptr->number = 1; q_ptr->pval = m_ptr->r_idx; q_ptr->pval2 = m_ptr->hp; object_aware(q_ptr); object_known(q_ptr); drop_near(q_ptr, 0, y, x); delete_monster(y, x); health_who = 0; } else msg_print("You can only hypnotize monsters that can't move."); } else msg_print("There is no pet here!"); } break; case PWR_UNHYPNO: { monster_type *m_ptr; int m_idx; int item, x, y, d; object_type *o_ptr; const char *q; const char *s; /* Get an item */ q = "Awaken which monster? "; s = "You have no monster to awaken."; if (!get_item(&item, q, s, (USE_FLOOR), object_filter::TVal(TV_HYPNOS))) return; o_ptr = &o_list[0 - item]; d = 2; while (d < 100) { scatter(&y, &x, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, d); if (cave_floor_bold(y, x) && (!cave[y][x].m_idx)) break; d++; } if (d >= 100) return; if ((m_idx = place_monster_one(y, x, o_ptr->pval, 0, FALSE, MSTATUS_PET)) == 0) return; m_ptr = &m_list[m_idx]; m_ptr->hp = o_ptr->pval2; floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1); floor_item_describe(0 - item); floor_item_optimize(0 - item); } break; case PWR_NECRO: { do_cmd_necromancer(); break; } case PWR_INCARNATE: { do_cmd_integrate_body(); break; } case PWR_SPIT_ACID: { msg_print("You spit acid..."); if (get_aim_dir(&dir)) fire_ball(GF_ACID, dir, p_ptr->lev, 1 + (p_ptr->lev / 30)); } break; case PWR_BR_FIRE: { msg_print("You breathe fire..."); if (get_aim_dir(&dir)) fire_ball(GF_FIRE, dir, p_ptr->lev * 2, 1 + (p_ptr->lev / 20)); } break; case PWR_HYPN_GAZE: { msg_print("Your eyes look mesmerising..."); if (get_aim_dir(&dir)) charm_monster(dir, p_ptr->lev); } break; case PWR_TELEKINES: { msg_print("You concentrate..."); if (get_aim_dir(&dir)) fetch(dir, p_ptr->lev * 10, TRUE); } break; case PWR_VTELEPORT: { msg_print("You concentrate..."); teleport_player(10 + 4*(p_ptr->lev)); } break; case PWR_MIND_BLST: { msg_print("You concentrate..."); if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) return; fire_bolt(GF_PSI, dir, damroll(3 + ((p_ptr->lev - 1) / 5), 3)); } break; case PWR_RADIATION: { msg_print("Radiation flows from your body!"); fire_ball(GF_NUKE, 0, (p_ptr->lev * 2), 3 + (p_ptr->lev / 20)); } break; case PWR_SMELL_MET: { detect_treasure(DEFAULT_RADIUS); } break; case PWR_SMELL_MON: { detect_monsters_normal(DEFAULT_RADIUS); } break; case PWR_BLINK: { teleport_player(10); } break; case PWR_EAT_ROCK: { int x, y, ox, oy; cave_type *c_ptr; if (!get_rep_dir(&dir)) break; y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir]; x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir]; c_ptr = &cave[y][x]; if (cave_floor_bold(y, x)) { msg_print("You bite into thin air!"); break; } else if ((f_info[c_ptr->feat].flags & FF_PERMANENT) || (c_ptr->feat == FEAT_MOUNTAIN)) { msg_print("Ouch! This wall is harder than your teeth!"); break; } else if (c_ptr->m_idx) { msg_print("There's something in the way!"); break; } else if (c_ptr->feat == FEAT_TREES) { msg_print("You don't like the woody taste!"); break; } else { if ((c_ptr->feat >= FEAT_DOOR_HEAD) && (c_ptr->feat <= FEAT_RUBBLE)) { set_food(p_ptr->food + 3000); } else if ((c_ptr->feat >= FEAT_MAGMA) && (c_ptr->feat <= FEAT_QUARTZ_K)) { set_food(p_ptr->food + 5000); } else if ((c_ptr->feat >= FEAT_SANDWALL) && (c_ptr->feat <= FEAT_SANDWALL_K)) { set_food(p_ptr->food + 500); } else { msg_print("This granite is very filling!"); set_food(p_ptr->food + 10000); } } wall_to_mud(dir); oy = p_ptr->py; ox = p_ptr->px; p_ptr->py = y; p_ptr->px = x; lite_spot(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px); lite_spot(oy, ox); verify_panel(); p_ptr->update |= (PU_VIEW | PU_FLOW | PU_MON_LITE); p_ptr->update |= (PU_DISTANCE); p_ptr->window |= (PW_OVERHEAD); } break; case PWR_SWAP_POS: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) return; teleport_swap(dir); } break; case PWR_SHRIEK: { fire_ball(GF_SOUND, 0, 4 * p_ptr->lev, 8); aggravate_monsters(0); } break; case PWR_ILLUMINE: { lite_area(damroll(2, (p_ptr->lev / 2)), (p_ptr->lev / 10) + 1); } break; case PWR_POLYMORPH: { do_poly_self(); } break; case PWR_MIDAS_TCH: { alchemy(); } break; case PWR_GROW_MOLD: { int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { summon_specific_friendly(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, p_ptr->lev, SUMMON_BIZARRE1, FALSE); } } break; case PWR_RESIST: { int num = p_ptr->lev / 10; int dur = randint(20) + 20; if (rand_int(5) < num) { set_oppose_acid(p_ptr->oppose_acid + dur); num--; } if (rand_int(4) < num) { set_oppose_elec(p_ptr->oppose_elec + dur); num--; } if (rand_int(3) < num) { set_oppose_fire(p_ptr->oppose_fire + dur); num--; } if (rand_int(2) < num) { set_oppose_cold(p_ptr->oppose_cold + dur); num--; } if (num) { set_oppose_pois(p_ptr->oppose_pois + dur); num--; } } break; case PWR_EARTHQUAKE: { /* Prevent destruction of quest levels and town */ if (!is_quest(dun_level) && dun_level) earthquake(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, 10); } break; case PWR_EAT_MAGIC: { object_type * o_ptr; int lev, item; /* Get an item */ q = "Drain which item? "; s = "You have nothing to drain."; if (!get_item(&item, q, s, (USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR), item_tester_hook_recharge())) break; o_ptr = get_object(item); lev = o_ptr->k_ptr->level; if (o_ptr->tval == TV_ROD_MAIN) { if (!o_ptr->timeout) { msg_print("You can't absorb energy from a discharged rod."); } else { p_ptr->csp += o_ptr->timeout; o_ptr->timeout = 0; } } else { if (o_ptr->pval > 0) { p_ptr->csp += o_ptr->pval * lev; o_ptr->pval = 0; } else { msg_print("There's no energy there to absorb!"); } } if (p_ptr->csp > p_ptr->msp) { p_ptr->csp = p_ptr->msp; } p_ptr->notice |= (PN_COMBINE | PN_REORDER); p_ptr->window |= (PW_INVEN); } break; case PWR_WEIGH_MAG: { report_magics(); } break; case PWR_STERILITY: { /* Fake a population explosion. */ msg_print("You suddenly have a headache!"); take_hit(randint(30) + 30, "the strain of forcing abstinence"); num_repro += MAX_REPRO; } break; case PWR_PANIC_HIT: { int x, y; if (!get_rep_dir(&dir)) return; y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir]; x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir]; if (cave[y][x].m_idx) { py_attack(y, x, -1); teleport_player(30); } else { msg_print("You don't see any monster in this direction."); msg_print(NULL); } } break; case PWR_DAZZLE: { stun_monsters(p_ptr->lev * 4); confuse_monsters(p_ptr->lev * 4); turn_monsters(p_ptr->lev * 4); } break; case PWR_DARKRAY: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) return; fire_beam(GF_LITE, dir, 2*p_ptr->lev); } break; case PWR_RECALL: { if (!(dungeon_flags & DF_ASK_LEAVE) || ((dungeon_flags & DF_ASK_LEAVE) && !get_check("Leave this unique level forever? "))) { recall_player(21, 15); } } break; case PWR_BANISH: { if (!get_rep_dir(&dir)) return; const int x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir]; const int y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir]; cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[y][x]; if (!(c_ptr->m_idx)) { msg_print("You sense no evil there!"); break; } monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[c_ptr->m_idx]; auto const r_ptr = m_ptr->race(); if (r_ptr->flags & RF_EVIL) { /* Delete the monster, rather than killing it. */ delete_monster_idx(c_ptr->m_idx); msg_print("The evil creature vanishes in a puff of sulphurous smoke!"); } else { msg_print("Your invocation is ineffectual!"); } } break; case PWR_COLD_TOUCH: { int x, y; cave_type *c_ptr; if (!get_rep_dir(&dir)) return; y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir]; x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir]; c_ptr = &cave[y][x]; if (!(c_ptr->m_idx)) { msg_print("You wave your hands in the air."); break; } fire_bolt(GF_COLD, dir, 2 * (p_ptr->lev)); } break; case PWR_LAUNCHER: { /* Gives a multiplier of 2 at first, up to 5 at 48th */ p_ptr->throw_mult = 2 + (p_ptr->lev / 16); do_cmd_throw(); p_ptr->throw_mult = 1; } break; case PWR_DODGE: use_ability_blade(); break; case POWER_INVISIBILITY: set_invis(20 + randint(30), 30); break; case POWER_WEB: /* Warning, beware of f_info changes .. I hate to do that .. */ grow_things(16, 1 + (p_ptr->lev / 10)); break; case POWER_COR_SPACE_TIME: if (p_ptr->corrupt_anti_teleport_stopped) { p_ptr->corrupt_anti_teleport_stopped = FALSE; msg_print("You stop controlling your corruption."); p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS; } else { p_ptr->corrupt_anti_teleport_stopped = TRUE; msg_print("You start controlling your corruption, teleportation works once more."); p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS; } break; default: abort(); break; } p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_FRAME); p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER); } /* * Print a batch of power. */ static void print_power_batch(std::vector const &power_idxs, int start, int max) { int j = 0; prt(fmt::format("{:<10}{:<31} Level Mana Fail", "", "Name"), 1, 19); for (int i = start; i < (start + 20); i++) { if (i >= max) { break; } auto spell = game->powers.at(power_idxs.at(i)); auto buff = fmt::format( " {} -{:>3}) {:<30} {:>5} {:>4} {}@{}", I2C(j), power_idxs.at(i) + 1, spell->name, spell->activation.level, spell->activation.cost, stat_names[spell->activation.stat], spell->activation.diff ); prt(buff, 2 + j, 19); j++; } prt("", 2 + j, 19); prt(fmt::format("Select a power (a-{}), +/- to scroll:", I2C(j - 1)), 0, 0); } /* * List powers and ask to pick one. */ static boost::optional select_power() { // Find selectable power indexes std::vector power_idxs; std::copy( std::begin(p_ptr->powers), std::end(p_ptr->powers), std::back_inserter(power_idxs)); std::sort( std::begin(power_idxs), std::end(power_idxs)); /* Exit if there aren't powers */ if (power_idxs.empty()) { msg_print("You don't have any special powers."); return boost::none; } else { int start = 0; int const max = power_idxs.size(); // Save character_icky = TRUE; Term_save(); // Loop until we get a result. boost::optional result; while (1) { print_power_batch(power_idxs, start, max); char which = inkey(); if (which == ESCAPE) { break; } else if (which == '+') { start += 20; if (start >= max) start -= 20; Term_load(); character_icky = FALSE; } else if (which == '-') { start -= 20; if (start < 0) start += 20; Term_load(); character_icky = FALSE; } else { which = tolower(which); if (start + A2I(which) >= max) { bell(); continue; } if (start + A2I(which) < 0) { bell(); continue; } result = power_idxs[start + A2I(which)]; break; } } Term_load(); character_icky = FALSE; return result; } } /* Ask & execute a power */ void do_cmd_power() { int x_idx; bool push = true; /* Get the skill, if available */ if (repeat_pull(&x_idx)) { if (!game->powers.count(x_idx)) { return; } push = false; } else if (!command_arg) { if (auto i = select_power()) { x_idx = *i; } else { return; } } else { x_idx = command_arg - 1; if (!game->powers.count(x_idx)) { return; } } if (push) { repeat_push(x_idx); } if (p_ptr->powers.count(x_idx)) { power_activate(x_idx); } else { msg_print("You do not have access to this power."); } }