#undef cquest #define cquest (quest[QUEST_POISON]) static int wild_locs[4][2] = { { 32, 49, }, { 32, 48, }, { 33, 48, }, { 34, 48, }, }; static bool create_molds_hook(int r_idx) { monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[r_idx]; if (r_ptr->flags4 & RF4_MULTIPLY) return FALSE; if (r_ptr->d_char == 'm') return TRUE; else if (r_ptr->d_char == ',') return TRUE; else if (r_ptr->d_char == 'e') return TRUE; else return FALSE; } bool quest_poison_gen_hook(char *fmt) { int cy = 1, cx = 1, x, y, try = 10000, r_idx; bool (*old_get_mon_num_hook)(int r_idx); if (cquest.status != QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) return FALSE; if (p_ptr->wilderness_y != wild_locs[cquest.data[0]][0]) return FALSE; if (p_ptr->wilderness_x != wild_locs[cquest.data[0]][1]) return FALSE; if (p_ptr->wild_mode) return FALSE; /* Find a good position */ while (try) { /* Get a random spot */ cy = randint(cur_hgt - 24) + 22; cx = randint(cur_wid - 34) + 32; /* Is it a good spot ? */ if (cave_empty_bold(cy, cx)) break; /* One less try */ try--; } /* Place the baddies */ /* Backup the old hook */ old_get_mon_num_hook = get_mon_num_hook; /* Require "okay" monsters */ get_mon_num_hook = create_molds_hook; /* Prepare allocation table */ get_mon_num_prep(); /* Pick a monster, using the level calculation */ for (x = cx - 25; x <= cx + 25; x++) for (y = cy - 25; y <= cy + 25; y++) { if (!in_bounds(y, x)) continue; if (distance(cy, cx, y, x) > 25) continue; if (magik(80) && ((cave[y][x].feat == FEAT_DEEP_WATER) || (cave[y][x].feat == FEAT_SHAL_WATER))) cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_TAINTED_WATER); if (distance(cy, cx, y, x) > 10) continue; if (magik(60)) { int m_idx; r_idx = get_mon_num(30); m_idx = place_monster_one(y, x, r_idx, 0, FALSE, MSTATUS_ENEMY); /* Sometimes make it up some levels */ if (magik(80) && m_idx) { monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[m_idx]; if (m_ptr->level < p_ptr->lev) { m_ptr->exp = MONSTER_EXP(m_ptr->level + randint(p_ptr->lev - m_ptr->level)); monster_check_experience(m_idx, TRUE); } } } } /* Reset restriction */ get_mon_num_hook = old_get_mon_num_hook; /* Prepare allocation table */ get_mon_num_prep(); return FALSE; } bool quest_poison_finish_hook(char *fmt) { object_type forge, *q_ptr; s32b q_idx; q_idx = get_next_arg(fmt); if (q_idx != QUEST_POISON) return FALSE; c_put_str(TERM_YELLOW, "The water is clean again! Thank you so much.", 8, 0); c_put_str(TERM_YELLOW, "The beautiful Mallorns are safe. Take this as a proof of our gratitude.", 9, 0); q_ptr = &forge; object_prep(q_ptr, lookup_kind(TV_DRAG_ARMOR, SV_DRAGON_BLUE)); q_ptr->found = OBJ_FOUND_REWARD; q_ptr->number = 1; q_ptr->name2 = EGO_ELVENKIND; apply_magic(q_ptr, 1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); object_aware(q_ptr); object_known(q_ptr); q_ptr->ident |= IDENT_STOREB; (void)inven_carry(q_ptr, FALSE); /* Continue the plot */ *(quest[q_idx].plot) = QUEST_NULL; del_hook(HOOK_QUEST_FINISH, quest_poison_finish_hook); process_hooks_restart = TRUE; return TRUE; } bool quest_poison_dump_hook(char *fmt) { if (cquest.status >= QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED) { fprintf(hook_file, "\n You saved the beautiful Mallorns of Lothlorien."); } return (FALSE); } bool quest_poison_quest_hook(char *fmt) { object_type forge, *q_ptr; s32b q_idx; q_idx = get_next_arg(fmt); if (q_idx != QUEST_POISON) return FALSE; q_ptr = &forge; object_prep(q_ptr, lookup_kind(TV_POTION2, SV_POTION2_CURE_WATER)); q_ptr->number = 99; object_aware(q_ptr); object_known(q_ptr); q_ptr->ident |= IDENT_STOREB; q_ptr->note = quark_add("quest"); (void)inven_carry(q_ptr, FALSE); del_hook(HOOK_INIT_QUEST, quest_poison_quest_hook); process_hooks_restart = TRUE; return FALSE; } bool quest_poison_drop_hook(char *fmt) { s32b mcnt = 0, i, x, y, o_idx; object_type *o_ptr; o_idx = get_next_arg(fmt); o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[o_idx]; if (cquest.status != QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) return FALSE; if (p_ptr->wilderness_y != wild_locs[cquest.data[0]][0]) return FALSE; if (p_ptr->wilderness_x != wild_locs[cquest.data[0]][1]) return FALSE; if (p_ptr->wild_mode) return FALSE; if (o_ptr->tval != TV_POTION2) return FALSE; if (o_ptr->sval != SV_POTION2_CURE_WATER) return FALSE; for (i = m_max - 1; i >= 1; i--) { /* Access the monster */ monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[i]; /* Ignore "dead" monsters */ if (!m_ptr->r_idx) continue; if (m_ptr->status <= MSTATUS_NEUTRAL) mcnt++; } if (mcnt < 10) { for (x = 1; x < cur_wid - 1; x++) for (y = 1; y < cur_hgt - 1; y++) { if (!in_bounds(y, x)) continue; if (cave[y][x].feat == FEAT_TAINTED_WATER) cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_SHAL_WATER); } cmsg_print(TERM_YELLOW, "Well done! The water seems to be clean now."); cquest.status = QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED; del_hook(HOOK_DROP, quest_poison_drop_hook); process_hooks_restart = TRUE; return FALSE; } else { msg_print("There are too many monsters left to cure the water."); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool quest_poison_init_hook(int q_idx) { /* Get a place to place the poison */ if (!cquest.data[1]) { cquest.data[1] = TRUE; cquest.data[0] = rand_int(4); if (wizard) message_add(MESSAGE_MSG, format("Wilderness poison %d, %d", wild_locs[cquest.data[0]][0], wild_locs[cquest.data[0]][1]), TERM_BLUE); } if ((cquest.status >= QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) && (cquest.status < QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED)) { add_hook(HOOK_DROP, quest_poison_drop_hook, "poison_drop"); add_hook(HOOK_WILD_GEN, quest_poison_gen_hook, "poison_gen"); add_hook(HOOK_QUEST_FINISH, quest_poison_finish_hook, "poison_finish"); } if (cquest.status < QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED) { add_hook(HOOK_INIT_QUEST, quest_poison_quest_hook, "poison_iquest"); } add_hook(HOOK_CHAR_DUMP, quest_poison_dump_hook, "poison_dump"); return (FALSE); }