#include using namespace bandit::Matchers; SPEC_BEGIN(Matchers::BeGTE) describe("be_gte matcher", [&]{ int someInteger = 10; describe("when the actual value is a built-in type", [&]{ int actualValue = someInteger; describe("and the expected value is the same built-in type", [&]{ int expectedValue; describe("and the actual value is greater than the expected value", [&]{ before_each([&]{ expectedValue = 1; }); it("must pass a positive match", [&]{ actualValue must be_gte(expectedValue); actualValue must be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }); it("must reject a negative match", [&]{ AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must_not be_gte(expectedValue); }()); AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must_not be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }()); }); }); describe("and the actual value is less than the expected value", [&]{ before_each([&]{ expectedValue = 100; }); it("must pass a negative match", [&]{ actualValue must_not be_gte(expectedValue); actualValue must_not be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }); it("must reject a positive match", [&]{ AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must be_gte(expectedValue); }()); AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }()); }); }); describe("and the actual value equals the expected value", [&]{ before_each([&]{ expectedValue = actualValue; }); it("must pass a positive match", [&]{ actualValue must be_gte(expectedValue); actualValue must be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }); it("must reject a negative match", [&]{ AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must_not be_gte(expectedValue); }()); AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must_not be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }()); }); }); }); describe("and the expected value is a different, but comparable, built-in type", [&]{ float expectedValue; describe("and the actual value is greater than the expected value", [&]{ before_each([&]{ expectedValue = 1.1; }); it("must pass a positive match", [&]{ actualValue must be_gte(expectedValue); actualValue must be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }); it("must reject a negative match", [&]{ AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must_not be_gte(expectedValue); }()); AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must_not be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }()); }); }); describe("and the actual value is less than the expected value", [&]{ before_each([&]{ expectedValue = 100.1; }); it("must pass a negative match", [&]{ actualValue must_not be_gte(expectedValue); actualValue must_not be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }); it("must reject a positive match", [&]{ AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must be_gte(expectedValue); }()); AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }()); }); }); describe("and the actual value equals the expected value", [&]{ before_each([&]{ expectedValue = someInteger / 1.0; }); it("must pass a positive match", [&]{ actualValue must be_gte(expectedValue); actualValue must be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }); it("must reject a negative match", [&]{ AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must_not be_gte(expectedValue); }()); AssertThrows(std::exception, [&]{ actualValue must_not be_greater_than_or_equal_to(expectedValue); }()); }); }); }); }); }); SPEC_END