#include using namespace bandit::fakes; using namespace bandit::specs::util; namespace bd = bandit::detail; go_bandit([](){ describe("run:", [&](){ std::unique_ptr specs; std::unique_ptr argv; fake_reporter_ptr reporter; std::unique_ptr context_stack; auto call_run = [&](){ bd::options opt(argv->argc(), argv->argv()); return bandit::run(opt, *specs, *context_stack, *reporter); }; before_each([&](){ specs = std::unique_ptr(new bd::spec_registry()); reporter = fake_reporter_ptr(new fake_reporter()); context_stack = std::unique_ptr(new bd::contextstack_t()); const char* args[] = {"executable"}; argv = std::unique_ptr(new argv_helper(1, args)); }); it("pushes the global context on the context stack", [&](){ call_run(); AssertThat(*context_stack, Is().OfLength(1)); }); describe("a successful test run", [&](){ int number_of_specs_called; before_each([&](){ number_of_specs_called = 0; specs->push_back([&](){ number_of_specs_called++; }); }); it("calls the context", [&](){ call_run(); AssertThat(number_of_specs_called, Equals(1)); }); it("tells reporter a test run is about to start", [&](){ call_run(); AssertThat(reporter->call_log(), Has().Exactly(1).EqualTo("test_run_starting")); }); it("tells reporter a test run has completed", [&](){ call_run(); AssertThat(reporter->call_log(), Has().Exactly(1).EqualTo("test_run_complete")); }); it("returns 0 as no specs failed", [&](){ AssertThat(call_run(), Equals(0)); }); }); describe("a failing test run", [&](){ before_each([&](){ reporter->set_test_run_status(false); }); it("returns a non-zero error code", [&](){ AssertThat(call_run(), IsGreaterThan(0)); }); }); }); });