#include go_bandit([](){ describe("my first spec", [&]() { int a; before_each([&](){ a = 99; }); it("should be initialized", [&](){ AssertThat(a, Equals(99)); a = 102; }); describe("nested spec", [&](){ before_each([&](){ a += 3; }); it("should build on outer spec", [&](){ AssertThat(a, Equals(102)); a = 666; }); it("should build on outer spec yet again", [&](){ AssertThat(a, Equals(102)); a = 667; }); }); it("should be initialized before each it", [&](){ AssertThat(a, Equals(99)); }); }); describe("my second spec", [&](){ int b; before_each([&](){ b = 22; }); before_each([&](){ b += 3; }); it("should be 25", [&](){ AssertThat(b, Equals(25)); }); }); });