# filectxactions.py - context menu actions for repository files # # Copyright 2010 Adrian Buehlmann # Copyright 2010 Steve Borho # Copyright 2012 Yuya Nishihara # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2, incorporated herein by reference. from __future__ import absolute_import import os import re from .qtcore import ( QMimeData, QObject, Qt, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, ) from .qtgui import ( QAction, QApplication, QFileDialog, QMenu, QWidget, ) from ..util import ( hglib, shlib, ) from ..util.i18n import _ from . import ( cmdcore, cmdui, customtools, lfprompt, qtlib, rejects, revert, visdiff, ) def _lcanonpaths(fds): return [hglib.fromunicode(e.canonicalFilePath()) for e in fds] # predicates to filter files def _anydeleted(fds): if any(e.rev() is None and e.rawContext().deleted() for e in fds): return fds return [] def _committed(fds): return [e for e in fds if e.rev() is not None and e.rev() >= 0] def _filepath(pat): patre = re.compile(pat) return lambda fds: [e for e in fds if patre.search(e.filePath())] def _filestatus(s): s = frozenset(s) # include directory since its status is unknown return lambda fds: [e for e in fds if e.isDir() or e.fileStatus() in s] def _indirectbaserev(fds): return [e for e in fds if e.baseRev() not in e.parentRevs()] def _isdir(fds): return [e for e in fds if e.isDir()] def _isfile(fds): return [e for e in fds if not e.isDir()] def _merged(fds): return [e for e in fds if len(e.rawContext().parents()) > 1] def _mergestatus(s): s = frozenset(s) # include directory since its status is unknown return lambda fds: [e for e in fds if e.isDir() or e.mergeStatus() in s] def _notpatch(fds): return [e for e in fds if e.rev() is None or e.rev() >= 0] def _notsubrepo(fds): return [e for e in fds if not e.repoRootPath() and not e.subrepoType()] def _notsubroot(fds): return [e for e in fds if not e.subrepoType()] def _single(fds): if len(fds) != 1: return [] return fds def _subrepotype(t): return lambda fds: [e for e in fds if e.subrepoType() == t] def _filterby(fdfilters, fds): for f in fdfilters: if not fds: return [] fds = f(fds) return fds def _tablebuilder(table): """Make decorator to define actions that receive filtered files If the slot, wrapped(), is invoked, the specified function is called with filtered files, func(fds), only if "fds" is not empty. """ def slot(text, icon, shortcut, statustip, fdfilters=()): if not isinstance(fdfilters, tuple): fdfilters = (fdfilters,) def decorate(func): name = func.__name__ table[name] = (text, icon, shortcut, statustip, fdfilters) def wrapped(self): fds = self.fileDataListForAction(name) if not fds: return func(self, fds) return pyqtSlot(name=name)(wrapped) return decorate return slot class FilectxActions(QObject): """Container for repository file actions""" linkActivated = pyqtSignal(str) filterRequested = pyqtSignal(str) """Ask the repowidget to change its revset filter""" runCustomCommandRequested = pyqtSignal(str, list) _actiontable = {} actionSlot = _tablebuilder(_actiontable) def __init__(self, repoagent, parent): super(FilectxActions, self).__init__(parent) if not isinstance(parent, QWidget): raise ValueError('parent must be a QWidget') self._repoagent = repoagent self._cmdsession = cmdcore.nullCmdSession() self._selfds = [] self._nav_dialogs = qtlib.DialogKeeper(FilectxActions._createnavdialog, FilectxActions._gennavdialogkey, self) self._actions = {} self._customactions = {} for name, d in self._actiontable.iteritems(): desc, icon, key, tip, fdfilters = d # QAction must be owned by QWidget; otherwise statusTip for context # menu cannot be displayed (QTBUG-16114) act = QAction(desc, self.parent()) if icon: act.setIcon(qtlib.geticon(icon)) if key: qtlib.setContextMenuShortcut(act, key) act.setShortcutContext(Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut) if tip: act.setStatusTip(tip) act.triggered.connect(getattr(self, name)) self._addAction(name, act, fdfilters) self._initAdditionalActions() self._updateActions() def _initAdditionalActions(self): # override to add actions that cannot be declared as actionSlot pass @property def _ui(self): repo = self._repoagent.rawRepo() return repo.ui def _repoAgentFor(self, fd): rpath = fd.repoRootPath() if not rpath: return self._repoagent return self._repoagent.subRepoAgent(rpath) def _updateActions(self): idle = self._cmdsession.isFinished() selfds = self._selfds allactions = self._actions.values() + self._customactions.values() for act, fdfilters in allactions: act.setEnabled(idle and bool(_filterby(fdfilters, selfds))) def fileDataListForAction(self, name): fdfilters = self._actions[name][1] return _filterby(fdfilters, self._selfds) def setFileDataList(self, selfds): self._selfds = list(selfds) self._updateActions() def actions(self): """List of the actions; The owner widget should register them""" return [a for a, _f in self._actions.itervalues()] def action(self, name): return self._actions[name][0] def _addAction(self, name, action, fdfilters): assert name not in self._actions self._actions[name] = action, fdfilters def _runCommand(self, cmdline): if not self._cmdsession.isFinished(): return cmdcore.nullCmdSession() sess = self._repoagent.runCommand(cmdline, self) self._handleNewCommand(sess) return sess def _runCommandSequence(self, cmdlines): if not self._cmdsession.isFinished(): return cmdcore.nullCmdSession() sess = self._repoagent.runCommandSequence(cmdlines, self) self._handleNewCommand(sess) return sess def _handleNewCommand(self, sess): assert self._cmdsession.isFinished() self._cmdsession = sess sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onCommandFinished) self._updateActions() @pyqtSlot(int) def _onCommandFinished(self, ret): if ret == 255: cmdui.errorMessageBox(self._cmdsession, self.parent()) self._updateActions() @actionSlot(_('File &History / Annotate'), 'hg-log', 'Shift+Return', _('Show the history of the selected file'), (_isfile, _notpatch, _filestatus('MARC!'))) def navigateFileLog(self, fds): from tortoisehg.hgqt import filedialogs, fileview for fd in fds: dlg = self._navigate(filedialogs.FileLogDialog, fd) if not dlg: continue dlg.setFileViewMode(fileview.AnnMode) @actionSlot(_('Co&mpare File Revisions'), 'compare-files', None, _('Compare revisions of the selected file'), (_isfile, _notpatch)) def navigateFileDiff(self, fds): from tortoisehg.hgqt import filedialogs for fd in fds: self._navigate(filedialogs.FileDiffDialog, fd) def _navigate(self, dlgclass, fd): repoagent = self._repoAgentFor(fd) repo = repoagent.rawRepo() filename = hglib.fromunicode(fd.canonicalFilePath()) if repo.file(filename): dlg = self._nav_dialogs.open(dlgclass, repoagent, filename) dlg.goto(fd.rev()) return dlg def _createnavdialog(self, dlgclass, repoagent, filename): return dlgclass(repoagent, filename) def _gennavdialogkey(self, dlgclass, repoagent, filename): repo = repoagent.rawRepo() return dlgclass, repo.wjoin(filename) @actionSlot(_('Filter Histor&y'), 'hg-log', None, _('Query about changesets affecting the selected files'), _notsubrepo) def filterFile(self, fds): pats = ["file('path:%s')" % e.filePath() for e in fds] self.filterRequested.emit(' or '.join(pats)) @actionSlot(_('Diff &Changeset to Parent'), 'visualdiff', None, '', _notpatch) def visualDiff(self, fds): self._visualDiffToBase(fds, []) @actionSlot(_('Diff Changeset to Loc&al'), 'ldiff', None, '', _committed) def visualDiffToLocal(self, fds): self._visualDiff(fds, [], rev=['rev(%d)' % fds[0].rev()]) @actionSlot(_('&Diff to Parent'), 'visualdiff', 'Ctrl+D', _('View file changes in external diff tool'), (_notpatch, _notsubroot, _filestatus('MAR!'))) def visualDiffFile(self, fds): self._visualDiffToBase(fds, _lcanonpaths(fds)) @actionSlot(_('Diff to &Local'), 'ldiff', 'Shift+Ctrl+D', _('View changes to current in external diff tool'), _committed) def visualDiffFileToLocal(self, fds): self._visualDiff(fds, _lcanonpaths(fds), rev=['rev(%d)' % fds[0].rev()]) def _visualDiffToBase(self, fds, filenames): if fds[0].baseRev() == fds[0].parentRevs()[0]: self._visualDiff(fds, filenames, change=fds[0].rev()) # can 3-way else: revs = [fds[0].baseRev()] if fds[0].rev() is not None: revs.append(fds[0].rev()) self._visualDiff(fds, filenames, rev=['rev(%d)' % r for r in revs]) def _visualDiff(self, fds, filenames, **opts): repo = self._repoAgentFor(fds[0]).rawRepo() dlg = visdiff.visualdiff(repo.ui, repo, filenames, opts) if dlg: dlg.exec_() @actionSlot(_('&View at Revision'), 'view-at-revision', 'Shift+Ctrl+E', _('View file as it appeared at this revision'), _committed) def editFile(self, fds): self._editFileAt(fds, fds[0].rawContext()) def _editFileAt(self, fds, ctx): repo = self._repoAgentFor(fds[0]).rawRepo() filenames = _lcanonpaths(fds) base, _ = visdiff.snapshot(repo, filenames, ctx) files = [os.path.join(base, filename) for filename in filenames] qtlib.editfiles(repo, files, parent=self.parent()) @actionSlot(_('&Save at Revision...'), None, 'Shift+Ctrl+S', _('Save file as it appeared at this revision'), _committed) def saveFile(self, fds): cmdlines = [] for fd in fds: wfile, ext = os.path.splitext(fd.absoluteFilePath()) extfilter = [_("All files (*)")] filename = "%s@%d%s" % (wfile, fd.rev(), ext) if ext: extfilter.insert(0, "*%s" % ext) result, _filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self.parent(), _("Save file to"), filename, ";;".join(extfilter)) if not result: continue # checkout in working-copy line endings, etc. by --decode cmdlines.append(hglib.buildcmdargs( 'cat', hglib.escapepath(fd.canonicalFilePath()), rev=fd.rev(), output=result, decode=True)) if cmdlines: self._runCommandSequence(cmdlines) @actionSlot(_('&Edit Local'), 'edit-file', None, _('Edit current file in working copy'), (_isfile, _filestatus('MACI?'))) def editLocalFile(self, fds): repo = self._repoAgentFor(fds[0]).rawRepo() filenames = _lcanonpaths(fds) qtlib.editfiles(repo, filenames, parent=self.parent()) @actionSlot(_('&Open Local'), None, 'Shift+Ctrl+L', _('Edit current file in working copy'), (_isfile, _filestatus('MACI?'))) def openLocalFile(self, fds): repo = self._repoAgentFor(fds[0]).rawRepo() filenames = _lcanonpaths(fds) qtlib.openfiles(repo, filenames) @actionSlot(_('E&xplore Local'), 'system-file-manager', None, _('Open parent folder of current file in the system file ' 'manager'), (_isfile, _filestatus('MACI?'))) def exploreLocalFile(self, fds): for fd in fds: qtlib.openlocalurl(os.path.dirname(fd.absoluteFilePath())) @actionSlot(_('&Copy Patch'), 'copy-patch', None, '', (_notpatch, _notsubroot, _filestatus('MAR!'))) def copyPatch(self, fds): paths = [hglib.escapepath(fd.filePath()) for fd in fds] revs = map(hglib.escaperev, [fds[0].baseRev(), fds[0].rev()]) cmdline = hglib.buildcmdargs('diff', *paths, r=revs) sess = self._runCommand(cmdline) sess.setCaptureOutput(True) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._copyPatchOutputToClipboard) @pyqtSlot(int) def _copyPatchOutputToClipboard(self, ret): if ret != 0: return output = self._cmdsession.readAll() mdata = QMimeData() mdata.setData('text/x-diff', output) # for lossless import mdata.setText(hglib.tounicode(str(output))) QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(mdata) @actionSlot(_('Copy &Path'), None, 'Shift+Ctrl+C', _('Copy full path of file(s) to the clipboard')) def copyPath(self, fds): paths = [e.absoluteFilePath() for e in fds] QApplication.clipboard().setText(os.linesep.join(paths)) @actionSlot(_('&Revert to Revision...'), 'hg-revert', 'Shift+Ctrl+R', _('Revert file(s) to contents at this revision'), _notpatch) def revertFile(self, fds): repoagent = self._repoAgentFor(fds[0]) fileSelection = _lcanonpaths(fds) rev = fds[0].rev() if rev is None: repo = repoagent.rawRepo() rev = repo[rev].p1().rev() dlg = revert.RevertDialog(repoagent, fileSelection, rev, parent=self.parent()) dlg.exec_() @actionSlot(_('Open S&ubrepository'), 'thg-repository-open', None, _('Open the selected subrepository'), _subrepotype('hg')) def openSubrepo(self, fds): for fd in fds: if fd.rev() is None: link = 'repo:%s' % fd.absoluteFilePath() else: ctx = fd.rawContext() spath = hglib.fromunicode(fd.canonicalFilePath()) revid = ctx.substate[spath][1] link = 'repo:%s?%s' % (fd.absoluteFilePath(), revid) self.linkActivated.emit(link) @actionSlot(_('E&xplore Folder'), 'system-file-manager', None, _('Open the selected folder in the system file manager'), _isdir) def explore(self, fds): for fd in fds: qtlib.openlocalurl(fd.absoluteFilePath()) @actionSlot(_('Open &Terminal'), 'utilities-terminal', None, _('Open a shell terminal in the selected folder'), _isdir) def terminal(self, fds): for fd in fds: root = hglib.fromunicode(fd.absoluteFilePath()) currentfile = hglib.fromunicode(fd.filePath()) qtlib.openshell(root, currentfile, self._ui) def setupCustomToolsMenu(self, location): tools, toollist = hglib.tortoisehgtools(self._ui, location) submenu = QMenu(_('Custom Tools'), self.parent()) submenu.triggered.connect(self._runCustomCommandByMenu) for name in toollist: if name == '|': submenu.addSeparator() continue info = tools.get(name, None) if info is None: continue command = info.get('command', None) if not command: continue label = info.get('label', name) icon = info.get('icon', customtools.DEFAULTICONNAME) status = info.get('status') a = submenu.addAction(label) a.setData(name) if icon: a.setIcon(qtlib.geticon(icon)) if status: fdfilters = (_filestatus(status),) else: fdfilters = () self._customactions[name] = (a, fdfilters) submenu.menuAction().setVisible(bool(self._customactions)) self._addAction('customToolsMenu', submenu.menuAction(), ()) self._updateActions() @pyqtSlot(QAction) def _runCustomCommandByMenu(self, action): name = str(action.data()) fdfilters = self._customactions[name][1] fds = _filterby(fdfilters, self._selfds) files = [hglib.fromunicode(fd.filePath()) for fd in fds] self.runCustomCommandRequested.emit(name, files) class WctxActions(FilectxActions): 'container class for working context actions' refreshNeeded = pyqtSignal() _actiontable = FilectxActions._actiontable.copy() actionSlot = _tablebuilder(_actiontable) def _initAdditionalActions(self): repo = self._repoagent.rawRepo() # the same shortcut as editFile that is disabled for working rev a = self.action('editLocalFile') qtlib.setContextMenuShortcut(a, 'Ctrl+Shift+E') a.setShortcutContext(Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut) a = self.action('addLargefile') a.setVisible('largefiles' in repo.extensions()) self._addAction('renameFileMenu', *self._createRenameFileMenu()) self._addAction('remergeFileMenu', *self._createRemergeFileMenu()) @property def repo(self): return self._repoagent.rawRepo() def _runWorkingFileCommand(self, cmdname, fds, opts=None): if not opts: opts = {} paths = [hglib.escapepath(fd.filePath()) for fd in fds] cmdline = hglib.buildcmdargs(cmdname, *paths, **opts) sess = self._runCommand(cmdline) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._notifyChangesOnCommandFinished) return sess @pyqtSlot(int) def _notifyChangesOnCommandFinished(self, ret): if ret == 0: self._notifyChanges() def _notifyChanges(self): # include all selected files for maximum possibility wfiles = [hglib.fromunicode(fd.absoluteFilePath()) for fd in self._selfds] shlib.shell_notify(wfiles) self.refreshNeeded.emit() # this action will no longer be necessary if status widget can toggle # base revision in amend/qrefresh mode @actionSlot(_('Diff &Local'), 'ldiff', 'Ctrl+Shift+D', '', (_indirectbaserev, _notsubroot, _filestatus('MARC!'))) def visualDiffLocalFile(self, fds): self._visualDiff(fds, _lcanonpaths(fds)) @actionSlot(_('&View Missing'), None, None, '', (_isfile, _filestatus('R!'))) def editMissingFile(self, fds): wctx = fds[0].rawContext() self._editFileAt(fds, wctx.p1()) @actionSlot(_('View O&ther'), None, None, '', (_isfile, _merged, _filestatus('MA'))) def editOtherFile(self, fds): wctx = fds[0].rawContext() self._editFileAt(fds, wctx.p2()) @actionSlot(_('&Add'), 'hg-add', None, '', (_notsubroot, _filestatus('RI?'))) def addFile(self, fds): repo = self._repoAgentFor(fds[0]).rawRepo() if 'largefiles' in repo.extensions(): self._addFileWithPrompt(fds) else: self._runWorkingFileCommand('add', fds) def _addFileWithPrompt(self, fds): repo = self._repoAgentFor(fds[0]).rawRepo() result = lfprompt.promptForLfiles(self.parent(), repo.ui, repo, _lcanonpaths(fds)) if not result: return cmdlines = [] for opt, paths in zip(('normal', 'large'), result): if not paths: continue paths = [hglib.escapepath(hglib.tounicode(e)) for e in paths] cmdlines.append(hglib.buildcmdargs('add', *paths, **{opt: True})) sess = self._runCommandSequence(cmdlines) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._notifyChangesOnCommandFinished) @actionSlot(_('Add &Largefiles...'), None, None, '', (_notsubroot, _filestatus('I?'))) def addLargefile(self, fds): self._runWorkingFileCommand('add', fds, {'large': True}) @actionSlot(_('&Forget'), 'hg-remove', None, '', (_notsubroot, _filestatus('MAC!'))) def forgetFile(self, fds): self._runWorkingFileCommand('forget', fds) @actionSlot(_('&Delete Unversioned...'), 'hg-purge', 'Delete', '', (_notsubroot, _filestatus('?I'))) def purgeFile(self, fds): parent = self.parent() files = [hglib.fromunicode(fd.filePath()) for fd in fds] res = qtlib.CustomPrompt( _('Confirm Delete Unversioned'), _('Delete the following unversioned files?'), parent, (_('&Delete'), _('Cancel')), 1, 1, files).run() if res == 1: return opts = {'config': 'extensions.purge=', 'all': True} self._runWorkingFileCommand('purge', fds, opts) @actionSlot(_('Re&move Versioned'), 'hg-remove', None, '', (_notsubroot, _filestatus('C'))) def removeFile(self, fds): self._runWorkingFileCommand('remove', fds) @actionSlot(_('&Revert...'), 'hg-revert', None, '', _filestatus('MAR!')) def revertWorkingFile(self, fds): parent = self.parent() files = _lcanonpaths(fds) wctx = fds[0].rawContext() revertopts = {'date': None, 'rev': '.', 'all': False} if len(wctx.parents()) > 1: res = qtlib.CustomPrompt( _('Uncommited merge - please select a parent revision'), _('Revert files to local or other parent?'), parent, (_('&Local'), _('&Other'), _('Cancel')), 0, 2, files).run() if res == 0: revertopts['rev'] = wctx.p1().rev() elif res == 1: revertopts['rev'] = wctx.p2().rev() else: return elif [file for file in files if file in wctx.modified()]: res = qtlib.CustomPrompt( _('Confirm Revert'), _('Revert local file changes?'), parent, (_('&Revert with backup'), _('&Discard changes'), _('Cancel')), 2, 2, files).run() if res == 2: return if res == 1: revertopts['no_backup'] = True else: res = qtlib.CustomPrompt( _('Confirm Revert'), _('Revert the following files?'), parent, (_('&Revert'), _('Cancel')), 1, 1, files).run() if res == 1: return self._runWorkingFileCommand('revert', fds, revertopts) @actionSlot(_('&Copy...'), 'edit-copy', None, '', (_single, _isfile, _filestatus('MC'))) def copyFile(self, fds): self._openRenameDialog(fds, iscopy=True) @actionSlot(_('Re&name...'), 'hg-rename', None, '', (_single, _isfile, _filestatus('MC'))) def renameFile(self, fds): self._openRenameDialog(fds, iscopy=False) def _openRenameDialog(self, fds, iscopy): from tortoisehg.hgqt.rename import RenameDialog srcfd, = fds repoagent = self._repoAgentFor(srcfd) dlg = RenameDialog(repoagent, self.parent(), srcfd.canonicalFilePath(), iscopy=iscopy) if dlg.exec_() == 0: self._notifyChanges() @actionSlot(_('&Ignore...'), 'thg-ignore', None, '', (_notsubroot, _filestatus('?'))) def editHgignore(self, fds): from tortoisehg.hgqt.hgignore import HgignoreDialog repoagent = self._repoAgentFor(fds[0]) parent = self.parent() files = _lcanonpaths(fds) dlg = HgignoreDialog(repoagent, parent, *files) dlg.finished.connect(dlg.deleteLater) dlg.exec_() self._notifyChanges() @actionSlot(_('Edit Re&jects'), None, None, _('Manually resolve rejected patch chunks'), (_single, _isfile, _filestatus('?I'), _filepath(r'\.rej$'))) def editRejects(self, fds): lpath = hglib.fromunicode(fds[0].absoluteFilePath()[:-4]) # drop .rej dlg = rejects.RejectsDialog(self._ui, lpath, self.parent()) if dlg.exec_(): self._notifyChanges() @actionSlot(_('De&tect Renames...'), 'thg-guess', None, '', (_isfile, _filestatus('A?!'))) def guessRename(self, fds): from tortoisehg.hgqt.guess import DetectRenameDialog repoagent = self._repoAgentFor(fds[0]) parent = self.parent() files = _lcanonpaths(fds) dlg = DetectRenameDialog(repoagent, parent, *files) def matched(): ret[0] = True ret = [False] dlg.matchAccepted.connect(matched) dlg.finished.connect(dlg.deleteLater) dlg.exec_() if ret[0]: self._notifyChanges() @actionSlot(_('&Mark Resolved'), None, None, '', (_notsubroot, _mergestatus('U'))) def markFileAsResolved(self, fds): self._runWorkingFileCommand('resolve', fds, {'mark': True}) @actionSlot(_('&Mark Unresolved'), None, None, '', (_notsubroot, _mergestatus('R'))) def markFileAsUnresolved(self, fds): self._runWorkingFileCommand('resolve', fds, {'unmark': True}) @actionSlot(_('Restart Mer&ge'), None, None, '', (_notsubroot, _mergestatus('U'))) def remergeFile(self, fds): self._runWorkingFileCommand('resolve', fds) def _createRenameFileMenu(self): menu = QMenu(_('Was renamed from'), self.parent()) menu.aboutToShow.connect(self._updateRenameFileMenu) menu.triggered.connect(self._renameFrom) fdfilters = (_single, _isfile, _filestatus('?'), _anydeleted) return menu.menuAction(), fdfilters @pyqtSlot() def _updateRenameFileMenu(self): menu = self.sender() assert isinstance(menu, QMenu) menu.clear() fds = self.fileDataListForAction('renameFileMenu') if not fds: return wctx = fds[0].rawContext() for d in wctx.deleted()[:15]: menu.addAction(hglib.tounicode(d)) @pyqtSlot(QAction) def _renameFrom(self, action): fds = self.fileDataListForAction('renameFileMenu') if not fds: # selection might be changed after menu is shown return deleted = hglib.escapepath(action.text()) unknown = hglib.escapepath(fds[0].filePath()) cmdlines = [hglib.buildcmdargs('copy', deleted, unknown, after=True), hglib.buildcmdargs('forget', deleted)] # !->R sess = self._runCommandSequence(cmdlines) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._notifyChangesOnCommandFinished) def _createRemergeFileMenu(self): menu = QMenu(_('Restart Merge &with'), self.parent()) menu.aboutToShow.connect(self._populateRemergeFileMenu) # may be slow menu.triggered.connect(self._remergeFileWith) return menu.menuAction(), (_notsubroot, _mergestatus('U')) @pyqtSlot() def _populateRemergeFileMenu(self): menu = self.sender() assert isinstance(menu, QMenu) menu.aboutToShow.disconnect(self._populateRemergeFileMenu) for tool in hglib.mergetools(self._ui): menu.addAction(hglib.tounicode(tool)) @pyqtSlot(QAction) def _remergeFileWith(self, action): fds = self.fileDataListForAction('remergeFileMenu') self._runWorkingFileCommand('resolve', fds, {'tool': action.text()})