# htmlui.py - mercurial.ui.ui class which emits HTML/Rich Text # # Copyright 2010 Steve Borho # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2, incorporated herein by reference. import cgi, time from mercurial import ui from tortoisehg.hgqt import qtlib BEGINTAG = '\033' + str(time.time()) ENDTAG = '\032' + str(time.time()) class htmlui(ui.ui): def __init__(self, src=None): super(htmlui, self).__init__(src) self.setconfig('ui', 'interactive', 'off') self.setconfig('progress', 'disable', 'True') self.output, self.error = [], [] def write(self, *args, **opts): label = opts.get('label', '') if self._buffers: self._buffers[-1].extend([(str(a), label) for a in args]) else: self.output.extend(self.smartlabel(''.join(args), label)) def write_err(self, *args, **opts): label = opts.get('label', 'ui.error') self.error.extend(self.smartlabel(''.join(args), label)) def label(self, msg, label): ''' Called by Mercurial to apply styling (formatting) to a piece of text. Our implementation wraps tags around the data so we can find it later when it is passed to ui.write() ''' return BEGINTAG + self.style(msg, label) + ENDTAG def style(self, msg, label): 'Escape message for safe HTML, then apply specified style' msg = cgi.escape(msg).replace('\n', '
') style = qtlib.geteffect(label) return '%s' % (style, msg) def smartlabel(self, text, label): ''' Escape and apply style, excluding any text between BEGINTAG and ENDTAG. That text has already been escaped and styled. ''' parts = [] try: while True: b = text.index(BEGINTAG) e = text.index(ENDTAG) if e > b: if b: parts.append(self.style(text[:b], label)) parts.append(text[b + len(BEGINTAG):e]) text = text[e + len(ENDTAG):] else: # invalid range, assume ENDTAG and BEGINTAG # are naturually occuring. Style, append, and # consume up to the BEGINTAG and repeat. parts.append(self.style(text[:b], label)) text = text[b:] except ValueError: pass if text: parts.append(self.style(text, label)) return parts def popbuffer(self, labeled=False): b = self._buffers.pop() if labeled: return ''.join(self.style(a, label) for a, label in b) return ''.join(a for a, label in b) def plain(self, feature=None): return True def getdata(self): d, e = ''.join(self.output), ''.join(self.error) self.output, self.error = [], [] return d, e if __name__ == "__main__": from mercurial import hg u = htmlui.load() repo = hg.repository(u) repo.status() print u.getdata()[0]