# manifestmodel.py - Model for TortoiseHg manifest view # # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 LOGILAB S.A. # Copyright (C) 2010 Yuya Nishihara # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. from __future__ import absolute_import import os import re from .qtcore import ( QAbstractItemModel, QMimeData, QModelIndex, QUrl, Qt, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, ) from .qtgui import ( QCompleter, QFileIconProvider, QIcon, ) from mercurial import ( error, match as matchmod, ) from ..util import hglib from . import ( filedata, qtlib, status, visdiff, ) _subrepoType2IcoMap = { 'hg': 'hg', 'hgsubversion': 'thg-svn-subrepo', 'git': 'thg-git-subrepo', 'svn': 'thg-svn-subrepo', } _subrepoStatus2IcoMap = { 'A': 'thg-added-subrepo', 'R': 'thg-removed-subrepo', } class ManifestModel(QAbstractItemModel): """Status of files between two revisions or patch""" # emitted when all files of the revision has been loaded successfully revLoaded = pyqtSignal(object) StatusRole = Qt.UserRole + 1 """Role for file change status""" # -1 and None are valid revision number FirstParent = -2 SecondParent = -3 def __init__(self, repoagent, parent=None, rev=None, namefilter=None, statusfilter='MASC', flat=False): QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent) self._fileiconprovider = QFileIconProvider() self._iconcache = {} # (path, status, subkind): icon self._repoagent = repoagent self._namefilter = unicode(namefilter or '') assert all(c in 'MARSC' for c in statusfilter) self._statusfilter = statusfilter self._changedfilesonly = False self._nodeop = _nodeopmap[bool(flat)] self._rootentry = self._newRevNode(rev) self._populate = _populaterepo self._rootpopulated = False def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if not index.isValid(): return if role == Qt.DecorationRole: return self.fileIcon(index) if role == self.StatusRole: return self.fileStatus(index) e = index.internalPointer() if role in (Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole): return e.name def filePath(self, index): """Return path at the given index [unicode]""" if not index.isValid(): return '' return index.internalPointer().path def fileData(self, index): """Returns the displayable file data at the given index""" repo = self._repoagent.rawRepo() if not index.isValid(): return filedata.createNullData(repo) f = index.internalPointer() e = f.parent while e and e.ctx is None: e = e.parent assert e, 'root entry must have ctx' wfile = hglib.fromunicode(f.path[len(e.path):].lstrip('/')) rpath = hglib.fromunicode(e.path) if f.subkind: # TODO: use subrepo ctxs and status resolved by this model return filedata.createSubrepoData(e.ctx, e.pctx, wfile, f.status, rpath, f.subkind) if f.isdir: return filedata.createDirData(e.ctx, e.pctx, wfile, rpath) return filedata.createFileData(e.ctx, e.pctx, wfile, f.status, rpath) def subrepoType(self, index): """Return the subrepo type the specified index""" if not index.isValid(): return e = index.internalPointer() return e.subkind def fileIcon(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return QIcon() e = index.internalPointer() k = (e.path, e.status, e.subkind) try: return self._iconcache[k] except KeyError: self._iconcache[k] = ic = self._makeFileIcon(e) return ic def _makeFileIcon(self, e): if e.subkind in _subrepoType2IcoMap: ic = qtlib.geticon(_subrepoType2IcoMap[e.subkind]) # use fine-tuned status overlay if any n = _subrepoStatus2IcoMap.get(e.status) if n: return qtlib.getoverlaidicon(ic, qtlib.geticon(n)) ic = qtlib.getoverlaidicon(ic, qtlib.geticon('thg-subrepo')) elif e.isdir: ic = self._fileiconprovider.icon(QFileIconProvider.Folder) else: # do not use fileiconprovier.icon(fileinfo), which may return icon # with shell (i.e. status of working directory) overlay. # default file icon looks ugly with status overlay on Windows ic = qtlib.geticon('text-x-generic') if not e.status: return ic st = status.statusTypes[e.status] if st.icon: icOverlay = qtlib.geticon(st.icon) ic = qtlib.getoverlaidicon(ic, icOverlay) return ic def fileStatus(self, index): """Return the change status of the specified file""" if not index.isValid(): return e = index.internalPointer() # TODO: 'S' should not be a status if e.subkind: return 'S' return e.status # TODO: this should be merged to fileStatus() def subrepoStatus(self, index): """Return the change status of the specified subrepo""" if not index.isValid(): return e = index.internalPointer() if not e.subkind: return return e.status def isDir(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return True # root entry must be a directory e = index.internalPointer() return e.isdir def mimeData(self, indexes): files = [self.filePath(i) for i in indexes if i.isValid()] ctx = self._rootentry.ctx if ctx.rev() is not None: repo = self._repoagent.rawRepo() lfiles = map(hglib.fromunicode, files) lbase, _fns = visdiff.snapshot(repo, lfiles, ctx) base = hglib.tounicode(lbase) else: # working copy base = self._repoagent.rootPath() m = QMimeData() m.setUrls([QUrl.fromLocalFile(os.path.join(base, e)) for e in files]) return m def mimeTypes(self): return ['text/uri-list'] def flags(self, index): f = super(ManifestModel, self).flags(index) if not index.isValid(): return f if not (self.isDir(index) or self.fileStatus(index) == 'R' or self._populate is _populatepatch): f |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled return f def index(self, row, column, parent=QModelIndex()): if row < 0 or self.rowCount(parent) <= row or column != 0: return QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(row, column, self._parententry(parent).at(row)) def indexFromPath(self, path, column=0): """Return index for the specified path if found [unicode] If not found, returns invalid index. """ if not path: return QModelIndex() try: e = self._nodeop.findpath(self._rootentry, unicode(path)) except KeyError: return QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(e.parent.index(e.name), column, e) def parent(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return QModelIndex() e = index.internalPointer() if e.path: return self.indexFromPath(e.parent.path, index.column()) else: return QModelIndex() def _parententry(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): return parent.internalPointer() else: return self._rootentry def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): return len(self._parententry(parent)) def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): return 1 def rev(self, parent=QModelIndex()): """Revision number of the current changectx""" e = self._parententry(parent) if e.ctx is None or not _isreporev(e.ctx.rev()): return -1 return e.ctx.rev() def baseRev(self, parent=QModelIndex()): """Revision of the base changectx where status is calculated from""" e = self._parententry(parent) if e.pctx is None or not _isreporev(e.pctx.rev()): return -1 return e.pctx.rev() def setRev(self, rev, prev=FirstParent): """Change to the specified repository revision; None for working-dir""" roote = self._rootentry newroote = self._newRevNode(rev, prev) if (_samectx(newroote.ctx, roote.ctx) and _samectx(newroote.pctx, roote.pctx)): return self._populate = _populaterepo self._repopulateNodes(newroote=newroote) if self._rootpopulated: self.revLoaded.emit(self.rev()) def setRawContext(self, ctx): """Change to the specified changectx in place of repository revision""" if _samectx(self._rootentry.ctx, ctx): return if _isreporev(ctx.rev()): repo = self._repoagent.rawRepo() try: if ctx == repo[ctx.rev()]: return self.setRev(ctx.rev()) except error.RepoLookupError: pass newroote = _Entry() newroote.ctx = ctx self._populate = _populatepatch self._repopulateNodes(newroote=newroote) if self._rootpopulated: self.revLoaded.emit(self.rev()) def nameFilter(self): """Return the current name filter""" return self._namefilter @pyqtSlot(str) def setNameFilter(self, pattern): """Filter file name by partial match of glob pattern""" pattern = unicode(pattern) if self._namefilter == pattern: return self._namefilter = pattern self._repopulateNodes() def statusFilter(self): """Return the current status filter""" return self._statusfilter # TODO: split or remove 'S' which causes several design flaws @pyqtSlot(str) def setStatusFilter(self, status): """Filter file tree by change status 'MARSC'""" status = str(status) assert all(c in 'MARSC' for c in status) if self._statusfilter == status: return # for performance reason self._statusfilter = status self._repopulateNodes() def isChangedFilesOnly(self): """Whether or not to filter by ctx.files, i.e. to exclude files not changed in the current revision. If this filter is enabled, 'C' (clean) files are not listed. For merge changeset, 'M' (modified) files in one side are also excluded. """ return self._changedfilesonly def setChangedFilesOnly(self, changedonly): if self._changedfilesonly == bool(changedonly): return self._changedfilesonly = bool(changedonly) self._repopulateNodes() def isFlat(self): """Whether all entries are listed in the same level or per directory""" return self._nodeop is _listnodeop def setFlat(self, flat): if self.isFlat() == bool(flat): return # self._nodeop must be changed after layoutAboutToBeChanged; otherwise # client code may obtain invalid indexes in its slot self._repopulateNodes(newnodeop=_nodeopmap[bool(flat)]) def canFetchMore(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): return False return not self._rootpopulated def fetchMore(self, parent): if parent.isValid() or self._rootpopulated: return assert len(self._rootentry) == 0 newroote = self._rootentry.copyskel() self._populateNodes(newroote) last = len(newroote) - 1 if last >= 0: self.beginInsertRows(parent, 0, last) self._rootentry = newroote self._rootpopulated = True if last >= 0: self.endInsertRows() self.revLoaded.emit(self.rev()) def _repopulateNodes(self, newnodeop=None, newroote=None): """Recreate populated nodes if any""" if not self._rootpopulated: # no stale nodes if newnodeop: self._nodeop = newnodeop if newroote: self._rootentry = newroote return self.layoutAboutToBeChanged.emit() try: oldindexmap = [(i, self.filePath(i)) for i in self.persistentIndexList()] if newnodeop: self._nodeop = newnodeop if not newroote: newroote = self._rootentry.copyskel() self._populateNodes(newroote) self._rootentry = newroote for oi, path in oldindexmap: self.changePersistentIndex(oi, self.indexFromPath(path)) finally: self.layoutChanged.emit() def _newRevNode(self, rev, prev=FirstParent): """Create empty root node for the specified revision""" if not _isreporev(rev): raise ValueError('unacceptable revision number: %r' % rev) if not _isreporev(prev): raise ValueError('unacceptable parent revision number: %r' % prev) repo = self._repoagent.rawRepo() roote = _Entry() roote.ctx = repo[rev] if prev == ManifestModel.FirstParent: roote.pctx = roote.ctx.p1() elif prev == ManifestModel.SecondParent: roote.pctx = roote.ctx.p2() else: roote.pctx = repo[prev] return roote def _populateNodes(self, roote): repo = self._repoagent.rawRepo() lpat = hglib.fromunicode(self._namefilter) match = _makematcher(repo, roote.ctx, lpat, self._changedfilesonly) self._populate(roote, repo, self._nodeop, self._statusfilter, match) roote.sort() class _Entry(object): """Each file or directory""" __slots__ = ('_name', '_parent', 'status', 'ctx', 'pctx', 'subkind', '_child', '_nameindex') def __init__(self, name='', parent=None): self._name = name self._parent = parent self.status = None self.ctx = None self.pctx = None self.subkind = None self._child = {} self._nameindex = [] def copyskel(self): """Create unpopulated copy of this entry""" e = self.__class__() e.status = self.status e.ctx = self.ctx e.pctx = self.pctx e.subkind = self.subkind return e @property def parent(self): return self._parent @property def path(self): if self.parent is None or not self.parent.name: return self.name else: return self.parent.path + '/' + self.name @property def name(self): return self._name @property def isdir(self): return bool(self.subkind or self._child) def __len__(self): return len(self._child) def __nonzero__(self): # leaf node should not be False because of len(node) == 0 return True def __getitem__(self, name): return self._child[name] def makechild(self, name): if name not in self._child: self._nameindex.append(name) self._child[name] = e = self.__class__(name, parent=self) return e def putchild(self, name, e): assert not e.name and not e.parent e._name = name e._parent = self if name not in self._child: self._nameindex.append(name) self._child[name] = e def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._child def at(self, index): return self._child[self._nameindex[index]] def index(self, name): return self._nameindex.index(name) def sort(self, reverse=False): """Sort the entries recursively; directories first""" for e in self._child.itervalues(): e.sort(reverse=reverse) self._nameindex.sort( key=lambda s: (not self[s].isdir, os.path.normcase(s)), reverse=reverse) def _isreporev(rev): # patchctx.rev() returns str, which isn't a valid repository revision return rev is None or isinstance(rev, int) def _samectx(ctx1, ctx2): # no fast way to detect changes in uncommitted ctx, just assumes different if ctx1.rev() is None or not _isreporev(ctx1.rev()): return False # compare hash in case it was stripped and recreated (e.g. by qrefresh) return ctx1 == ctx2 and ctx1.node() == ctx2.node() # TODO: visual feedback to denote query type and error as in repofilter def _makematcher(repo, ctx, pat, changedonly): cwd = '' # always relative to repo root patterns = [] if pat and ':' not in pat and '*' not in pat: # mimic case-insensitive partial string match patterns.append('relre:(?i)' + re.escape(pat)) elif pat: patterns.append(pat) include = [] if changedonly: include.extend('path:%s' % p for p in ctx.files()) if not include: # no match return matchmod.exact(repo.root, cwd, []) try: return matchmod.match(repo.root, cwd, patterns, include=include, default='relglob', auditor=repo.auditor, ctx=ctx) except (error.Abort, error.ParseError): # no match return matchmod.exact(repo.root, cwd, []) class _listnodeop(object): subreporecursive = False @staticmethod def findpath(e, path): return e[path] @staticmethod def makepath(e, path): return e.makechild(path) @staticmethod def putpath(e, path, c): e.putchild(path, c) class _treenodeop(object): subreporecursive = True @staticmethod def findpath(e, path): for p in path.split('/'): e = e[p] return e @staticmethod def makepath(e, path): for p in path.split('/'): if p not in e: e.makechild(p) e = e[p] return e @staticmethod def putpath(e, path, c): rp = path.rfind('/') if rp >= 0: e = _treenodeop.makepath(e, path[:rp]) e.putchild(path[rp + 1:], c) _nodeopmap = { False: _treenodeop, True: _listnodeop, } def _populaterepo(roote, repo, nodeop, statusfilter, match): if 'S' in statusfilter: _populatesubrepos(roote, repo, nodeop, statusfilter, match) ctx = roote.ctx pctx = roote.pctx repo.lfstatus = True try: stat = repo.status(pctx, ctx, match, clean='C' in statusfilter) finally: repo.lfstatus = False for st, files in zip('MAR!?IC', stat): if st not in statusfilter: continue for path in files: e = nodeop.makepath(roote, hglib.tounicode(path)) e.status = st def _comparesubstate(state1, state2): if state1 == state2: return 'C' elif state1 == hglib.nullsubrepostate: return 'A' elif state2 == hglib.nullsubrepostate: return 'R' else: return 'M' def _populatesubrepos(roote, repo, nodeop, statusfilter, match): ctx = roote.ctx pctx = roote.pctx subpaths = set(pctx.substate) subpaths.update(ctx.substate) for path in subpaths: substate = ctx.substate.get(path, hglib.nullsubrepostate) psubstate = pctx.substate.get(path, hglib.nullsubrepostate) e = _Entry() e.status = _comparesubstate(psubstate, substate) if e.status == 'R': # denotes the original subrepo has been removed e.subkind = psubstate[2] else: e.subkind = substate[2] # do not call ctx.sub() unnecessarily, which may raise Abort or OSError # if git or svn executable not found if (nodeop.subreporecursive and e.subkind == 'hg' and e.status != 'R' and os.path.isdir(repo.wjoin(path))): smatch = matchmod.subdirmatcher(path, match) try: srepo = ctx.sub(path)._repo e.ctx = srepo[substate[1]] e.pctx = srepo[psubstate[1] or 'null'] _populaterepo(e, srepo, nodeop, statusfilter, smatch) except (error.RepoError, EnvironmentError): pass # subrepo is filtered out only if the node and its children do not # match the specified condition at all if len(e) > 0 or (e.status in statusfilter and match(path)): nodeop.putpath(roote, hglib.tounicode(path), e) def _populatepatch(roote, repo, nodeop, statusfilter, match): ctx = roote.ctx stat = ctx.changesToParent(0) for st, files in zip('MAR', stat): if st not in statusfilter: continue for path in files: if not match(path): continue e = nodeop.makepath(roote, hglib.tounicode(path)) e.status = st class ManifestCompleter(QCompleter): """QCompleter for ManifestModel""" def splitPath(self, path): """ >>> c = ManifestCompleter() >>> c.splitPath(u'foo/bar') [u'foo', u'bar'] trailing slash appends extra '', so that QCompleter can descend to next level: >>> c.splitPath(u'foo/') [u'foo', u''] """ return unicode(path).split('/') def pathFromIndex(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return '' m = self.model() if not m: return '' return m.filePath(index)