# sync.py - TortoiseHg's sync widget # # Copyright 2010 Adrian Buehlmann # Copyright 2010 Steve Borho # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. from __future__ import absolute_import import os import re import tempfile from .qtcore import ( QAbstractTableModel, QDir, QMimeData, QModelIndex, QPoint, QSettings, QTimer, QUrl, Qt, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, ) from .qtgui import ( QAction, QApplication, QCheckBox, QComboBox, QDesktopServices, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QFileDialog, QFormLayout, QFrame, QGroupBox, QHBoxLayout, QKeySequence, QLabel, QLineEdit, QMenu, QPushButton, QRadioButton, QSizePolicy, QStackedLayout, QStyle, QToolBar, QTreeView, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, ) from mercurial import ( hg, httpconnection, util, ) from ..util import ( hglib, paths, wconfig, ) from ..util.i18n import _ from . import ( bookmark, cmdcore, cmdui, hgemail, hgrcutil, qtlib, rebase, resolve, thgrepo, ) def parseurl(url): assert type(url) == unicode return util.url(hglib.fromunicode(url)) def linkify(url): assert type(url) == unicode u = util.url(hglib.fromunicode(url)) if u.scheme in ('local', 'http', 'https'): safe = util.hidepassword(hglib.fromunicode(url)) return u'%s' % (url, hglib.tounicode(safe)) else: return url # ignore preceding white spaces because ui.prompt() for username/password # writes extra " "s to the output channel. (hg 3.1) _extractnodeids = re.compile(r'^\s*([0-9a-f]{40})$', re.MULTILINE).findall class SyncWidget(QWidget, qtlib.TaskWidget): newCommand = pyqtSignal(cmdcore.CmdSession) outgoingNodes = pyqtSignal(object) incomingBundle = pyqtSignal(str, str) showMessage = pyqtSignal(str) pullCompleted = pyqtSignal() pushCompleted = pyqtSignal() switchToRequest = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, repoagent, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) layout.setSpacing(4) self.setLayout(layout) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self._repoagent = repoagent self._cmdsession = cmdcore.nullCmdSession() self._lasturl = None # peer repository of last command self._lastbfile = None # output bundle of last incoming command self.opts = {} self.cmenu = None s = QSettings() for opt in ('force', 'new-branch', 'noproxy', 'debug', 'mq'): val = qtlib.readBool(s, 'sync/' + opt) if val: if opt != 'mq' or 'mq' in self.repo.extensions(): self.opts[opt] = val for opt in ('remotecmd', 'branch'): val = hglib.fromunicode(qtlib.readString(s, 'sync/' + opt)) if val: self.opts[opt] = val self._repoagent.configChanged.connect(self.reload) self._repoagent.repositoryChanged.connect(self._onRepositoryChanged) tb = QToolBar(self) tb.setIconSize(qtlib.toolBarIconSize()) tb.setStyleSheet(qtlib.tbstylesheet) self.layout().addWidget(tb) self.opbuttons = [] def newaction(tip, icon, cb): a = QAction(self) a.setToolTip(tip) a.setIcon(qtlib.geticon(icon)) a.triggered.connect(cb) self.opbuttons.append(a) tb.addAction(a) return a self.incomingAction = \ newaction(_('Check for incoming changes from selected URL'), 'hg-incoming', self.inclicked) self.pullAction = \ newaction(_('Pull incoming changes from selected URL'), 'hg-pull', lambda: self.pullclicked()) self.outgoingAction = \ newaction(_('Detect outgoing changes to selected URL'), 'hg-outgoing', self.outclicked) self.pushAction = \ newaction(_('Push outgoing changes to selected URL'), 'hg-push', lambda: self.pushclicked(None)) newaction(_('Sync Bookmarks'), 'thg-sync-bookmarks', self.syncBookmark) newaction(_('Email outgoing changesets for remote repository'), 'mail-forward', self.emailclicked) if 'perfarce' in self.repo.extensions(): a = QAction(self) a.setToolTip(_('Manage pending perforce changelists')) a.setText('P4') a.triggered.connect(self.p4pending) self.opbuttons.append(a) tb.addAction(a) tb.addSeparator() newaction(_('Unbundle'), 'hg-unbundle', self.unbundle) tb.addSeparator() self.stopAction = a = QAction(self) a.setToolTip(_('Stop current operation')) a.setIcon(qtlib.geticon('process-stop')) a.triggered.connect(self.stopclicked) tb.addAction(a) tb.addSeparator() self.optionsbutton = QPushButton(_('Options')) self.postpullbutton = QPushButton() tb.addWidget(self.postpullbutton) tb.addWidget(self.optionsbutton) self.targetcombo = QComboBox() self.targetcombo.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.targetcombo.setSizeAdjustPolicy( QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLength) self.targetcombo.setEnabled(False) self.targetcheckbox = QCheckBox(_('Target:')) self.targetcheckbox.toggled.connect(self.targetcombo.setEnabled) tb.addSeparator() tb.addWidget(self.targetcheckbox) tb.addWidget(self.targetcombo) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addLayout(hbox) self.optionshdrlabel = lbl = QLabel(_('Selected Options:')) hbox.addWidget(lbl) self.optionslabel = QLabel() self.optionslabel.setAcceptDrops(False) hbox.addWidget(self.optionslabel) hbox.addStretch() self.pathEditToolbar = tbar = QToolBar(_('Path Edit Toolbar')) tbar.setStyleSheet(qtlib.tbstylesheet) tbar.setIconSize(qtlib.smallIconSize()) layout.addWidget(tbar) a = tbar.addAction(qtlib.geticon('thg-password'), _('Security')) a.setToolTip(_('Manage HTTPS connection security and user ' 'authentication')) self.securebutton = a tbar.addWidget(qtlib.Spacer(2, 2)) style = QApplication.style() a = tbar.addAction(style.standardIcon(QStyle.SP_DialogSaveButton), _('Save')) a.setToolTip(_('Save current URL under an alias')) self.savebutton = a tbar.addWidget(qtlib.Spacer(2, 2)) self.urlentry = QLineEdit() self.urlentry.textChanged.connect(self.urlChanged) self.urlentry.returnPressed.connect(self.saveclicked) tbar.addWidget(self.urlentry) tbar.addWidget(qtlib.Spacer(2, 2)) self.browsebutton = QPushButton(_('Browse...')) self.browsebutton.setAutoDefault(False) self.browsebutton.clicked.connect(self._browseUrl) tbar.addWidget(self.browsebutton) # even though currentRowChanged fires pathSelected, clicked signal is # also connected to it. otherwise urlentry won't be updated when the # selection moves between hgrctv and reltv. hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.hgrctv = PathsTree(self, True) self.hgrctv.clicked.connect(self.pathSelected) self.hgrctv.removeAlias.connect(self.removeAlias) self.hgrctv.menuRequest.connect(self.menuRequest) pathsframe = QFrame() pathsframe.setFrameStyle(QFrame.StyledPanel|QFrame.Raised) pathsbox = QVBoxLayout() pathsbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) pathsframe.setLayout(pathsbox) lbl = QLabel(_('Paths in Repository Settings:')) pathsbox.addWidget(lbl) pathsbox.addWidget(self.hgrctv) hbox.addWidget(pathsframe) self.reltv = PathsTree(self, False) self.reltv.clicked.connect(self.pathSelected) self.reltv.menuRequest.connect(self.menuRequest) self.reltv.clicked.connect(self.hgrctv.clearSelection) self.hgrctv.clicked.connect(self.reltv.clearSelection) pathsframe = QFrame() pathsframe.setFrameStyle(QFrame.StyledPanel|QFrame.Raised) pathsbox = QVBoxLayout() pathsbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) pathsframe.setLayout(pathsbox) lbl = QLabel(_('Related Paths:')) pathsbox.addWidget(lbl) pathsbox.addWidget(self.reltv) hbox.addWidget(pathsframe) layout.addLayout(hbox, 1) self.savebutton.triggered.connect(self.saveclicked) self.securebutton.triggered.connect(self.secureclicked) self.postpullbutton.clicked.connect(self.postpullclicked) self.optionsbutton.clicked.connect(self.editOptions) self._dialogs = qtlib.DialogKeeper( lambda self, dlgmeth, *args: dlgmeth(self, *args), parent=self) self.curalias = None self.reload() if 'default' in self.paths: self.setUrl('default') else: self.setEditUrl('') self._updateUi() @property def repo(self): return self._repoagent.rawRepo() def canswitch(self): return False def _loadTargets(self): self.targetcombo.clear() # itemData(role=UserRole) is the argument list to pass to hg self.targetcombo.addItem('', ('--rev', 'null')) # placeholder for name in hglib.namedbranches(self.repo): uname = hglib.tounicode(name) self.targetcombo.addItem(_('branch: ') + uname, ('--branch', name)) self.targetcombo.setItemData(self.targetcombo.count() - 1, name, Qt.ToolTipRole) for name in sorted(self.repo._bookmarks): uname = hglib.tounicode(name) self.targetcombo.addItem(_('bookmark: ') + uname, ('--bookmark', name)) self.targetcombo.setItemData(self.targetcombo.count() - 1, name, Qt.ToolTipRole) def _findTargetIndex(self, ctx): for name in ctx.bookmarks(): uname = hglib.tounicode(name) return self.targetcombo.findText(_('bookmark: ') + uname) if ctx.node() in self.repo.branchheads(ctx.branch()): uname = hglib.tounicode(ctx.branch()) return self.targetcombo.findText(_('branch: ') + uname) return 0 def refreshTargets(self, rev): if type(rev) is not int: return if rev >= len(self.repo): return ctx = self.repo[rev] if self.targetcombo.count() <= 0: self._loadTargets() self.targetcombo.setItemText(0, _('rev: %d (%s)') % (ctx.rev(), ctx)) self.targetcombo.setItemData(0, ('--rev', str(ctx.rev()))) self.targetcombo.setCurrentIndex(self._findTargetIndex(ctx)) def isTargetSelected(self): return self.targetcheckbox.isChecked() @pyqtSlot(int) def _onRepositoryChanged(self, flags): if flags & thgrepo.LogChanged: self._loadTargets() def editOptions(self): dlg = OptionsDialog(self._repoagent, self.opts, self) dlg.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: self.opts.update(dlg.outopts) self.refreshUrl() s = QSettings() for opt, val in self.opts.iteritems(): if isinstance(val, str): val = hglib.tounicode(val) s.setValue('sync/' + opt, val) @pyqtSlot() def reload(self): # Refresh configured paths self.paths = {} fn = self.repo.vfs.join('hgrc') fn, cfg = hgrcutil.loadIniFile([fn], self) if 'paths' in cfg: for alias in cfg['paths']: self.paths[ alias ] = cfg['paths'][ alias ] tm = PathsModel(self.paths.items(), self) self.hgrctv.setModel(tm) sm = self.hgrctv.selectionModel() sm.currentRowChanged.connect(self.pathSelected) # Refresh post-pull self.cachedpp = self.repo.postpull name = _('Post Pull: ') + self.repo.postpull.title() self.postpullbutton.setText(name) # Refresh related paths known = set() known.add(os.path.abspath(self.repo.root).lower()) for path in self.paths.values(): if not util.hasscheme(path): known.add(os.path.abspath(util.localpath(path)).lower()) else: known.add(path) related = {} repoid = hglib.repoidnode(self.repo) for root, shortname in thgrepo.relatedRepositories(repoid): if root == self.repo.root: continue abs = os.path.abspath(root).lower() if abs not in known: related[root] = shortname known.add(abs) if root in thgrepo._repocache: # repositories already opened keep their ui instances in sync repo = thgrepo._repocache[root] ui = repo.ui elif paths.is_on_fixed_drive(root): # directly read the repository's configuration file tempui = self.repo.ui.copy() tempui.readconfig(os.path.join(root, '.hg', 'hgrc')) ui = tempui else: continue for alias, path in ui.configitems('paths'): if not util.hasscheme(path): abs = os.path.abspath(util.localpath(path)).lower() else: abs = path if abs not in known: related[path] = alias known.add(abs) pairs = [(alias, path) for path, alias in related.items()] tm = PathsModel(pairs, self) self.reltv.setModel(tm) sm = self.reltv.selectionModel() sm.currentRowChanged.connect(self.pathSelected) def currentUrl(self): return unicode(self.urlentry.text()) def urlChanged(self): self.securebutton.setEnabled('https://' in self.currentUrl()) def refreshUrl(self): 'User has selected a new URL' self.urlChanged() opts = [] for opt, value in self.opts.iteritems(): if value is True: opts.append('--'+opt) elif value: opts.append('--'+opt+'='+value) self.optionslabel.setText(hglib.tounicode(' '.join(opts))) self.optionslabel.setVisible(bool(opts)) self.optionshdrlabel.setVisible(bool(opts)) def pathSelected(self, index): aliasindex = index.sibling(index.row(), 0) alias = aliasindex.data(Qt.DisplayRole) self.curalias = hglib.fromunicode(alias) path = index.model().realUrl(index) self.setEditUrl(hglib.tounicode(path)) def setEditUrl(self, newurl): 'Set the current URL without changing the alias [unicode]' self.urlentry.setText(newurl) self.refreshUrl() def setUrl(self, newurl): 'Set the current URL to the given alias or URL [unicode]' model = self.hgrctv.model() for col in (0, 1): # search known (alias, url) ixs = model.match(model.index(0, col), Qt.DisplayRole, newurl, 1, Qt.MatchFixedString | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) if ixs: self.hgrctv.setCurrentIndex(ixs[0]) self.pathSelected(ixs[0]) # in case of row not changed return self.setEditUrl(newurl) def dragEnterEvent(self, event): data = event.mimeData() if data.hasUrls() or data.hasText(): event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.acceptProposedAction() def dragMoveEvent(self, event): data = event.mimeData() if data.hasUrls() or data.hasText(): event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.acceptProposedAction() def dropEvent(self, event): data = event.mimeData() if data.hasUrls(): url = unicode(data.urls()[0].toString()) event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() elif data.hasText(): url = unicode(data.text()) event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() else: return if url.startswith('file:///'): url = url[8:] self.setUrl(url) def canExit(self): return self._cmdsession.isFinished() @pyqtSlot(QPoint, str, str, bool) def menuRequest(self, point, url, alias, editable): 'menu event emitted by one of the two URL lists' if not self.cmenu: separator = (None, None, None) acts = [] menu = QMenu(self) for text, cb, icon in ( (_('E&xplore'), self.exploreurl, 'system-file-manager'), (_('&Terminal'), self.terminalurl, 'utilities-terminal'), (_('Copy &Path'), self.copypath, ''), separator, (_('&Edit...'), self.editurl, 'general'), (_('&Remove...'), self.removeurl, 'hg-strip')): if text is None: menu.addSeparator() continue act = QAction(text, self) if icon: act.setIcon(qtlib.geticon(icon)) act.triggered.connect(cb) acts.append(act) menu.addAction(act) self.cmenu = menu self.acts = acts self.menuurl = url self.menualias = alias for act in self.acts[-2:]: act.setEnabled(editable) self.cmenu.exec_(point) def exploreurl(self): url = unicode(self.menuurl) u = parseurl(url) if not u.scheme or u.scheme == 'file': qtlib.openlocalurl(u.path) else: QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(url)) def terminalurl(self): url = unicode(self.menuurl) u = parseurl(url) if u.scheme and u.scheme != 'file': qtlib.InfoMsgBox(_('Repository not local'), _('A terminal shell cannot be opened for remote')) return qtlib.openshell(u.path, 'repo ' + u.path) def editurl(self): alias = hglib.fromunicode(self.menualias) urlu = unicode(self.menuurl) dlg = SaveDialog(self._repoagent, alias, urlu, self, edit=True) dlg.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: self.curalias = hglib.fromunicode(dlg.aliasentry.text()) self.setEditUrl(dlg.urlentry.text()) self.reload() def removeurl(self): if qtlib.QuestionMsgBox(_('Confirm path delete'), _('Delete %s from your repo configuration file?') % self.menualias, parent=self): self.removeAlias(self.menualias) def copypath(self): QApplication.clipboard().setText(self.menuurl) def keyPressEvent(self, event): sess = self._cmdsession if event.matches(QKeySequence.Refresh): self.reload() elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape and not sess.isFinished(): sess.abort() else: return super(SyncWidget, self).keyPressEvent(event) def stopclicked(self): self._cmdsession.abort() def saveclicked(self): if self.curalias: alias = self.curalias elif 'default' not in self.paths: alias = 'default' else: alias = 'new' dlg = SaveDialog(self._repoagent, alias, self.currentUrl(), self) dlg.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: self.curalias = hglib.fromunicode(dlg.aliasentry.text()) self.reload() @pyqtSlot() def _browseUrl(self): FD = QFileDialog caption = _("Select repository") path = FD.getExistingDirectory(self, caption, self.urlentry.text()) if path: self.urlentry.setText(QDir.toNativeSeparators(path)) def secureclicked(self): if not parseurl(self.currentUrl()).host: qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('No host specified'), _('Please set a valid URL to continue.'), parent=self) return dlg = SecureDialog(self._repoagent, self.currentUrl(), self) dlg.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) dlg.exec_() @pyqtSlot() def _updateUi(self): sess = self._cmdsession for b in self.opbuttons: b.setEnabled(sess.isFinished()) self.stopAction.setEnabled(not sess.isFinished()) def run(self, cmdline, details): if not self._cmdsession.isFinished(): return cmdcore.nullCmdSession() self.lastcmdline = list(cmdline) for name in list(details) + ['remotecmd']: val = self.opts.get(name) if not val: continue if isinstance(val, bool): if val: cmdline.append('--' + name) elif val: cmdline.append('--' + name) cmdline.append(val) if 'rev' in details and '--rev' not in cmdline: if self.targetcheckbox.isChecked(): idx = self.targetcombo.currentIndex() if idx != -1: args = self.targetcombo.itemData(idx) if args[0][2:] not in details: args = ('--rev',) + args[1:] cmdline += args if self.opts.get('noproxy'): cmdline += ['--config', 'http_proxy.host='] if self.opts.get('debug'): cmdline.append('--debug') cururl = self.currentUrl() lurl = hglib.fromunicode(cururl) u = parseurl(cururl) if not u.host and not u.path: self.switchToRequest.emit('sync') qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('No remote repository URL or path set'), _('No valid default remote repository URL or path ' 'has been configured for this repository.

Please type ' 'and save a remote repository path on the Sync widget.'), parent=self) return cmdcore.nullCmdSession() if u.scheme == 'https': if self.repo.ui.configbool('insecurehosts', u.host): cmdline.append('--insecure') if u.user: cleanurl = util.removeauth(lurl) res = httpconnection.readauthforuri(self.repo.ui, cleanurl, u.user) if res: group, auth = res if auth.get('username'): if qtlib.QuestionMsgBox( _('Redundant authentication info'), _('You have authentication info configured for ' 'this host and inside this URL. Remove ' 'authentication info from this URL?'), parent=self): self.setEditUrl(hglib.tounicode(cleanurl)) self.saveclicked() if not self.opts.get('mq'): cmdline.append(lurl) ucmdline = map(hglib.tounicode, cmdline) # bypass overlay of incoming bundle to pull changes overlay = ucmdline[0] not in ('fetch', 'incoming', 'pull') self._cmdsession = sess = self._repoagent.runCommand(ucmdline, self, overlay=overlay) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._updateUi) self._lasturl = cururl self._updateUi() self.newCommand.emit(sess) return sess ## ## Workbench toolbar buttons ## def incoming(self): if not self._cmdsession.isFinished(): self.showMessage.emit(_('sync command already running')) else: self.inclicked() def pull(self): if not self._cmdsession.isFinished(): self.showMessage.emit(_('sync command already running')) else: self.pullclicked() def outgoing(self): if not self._cmdsession.isFinished(): self.showMessage.emit(_('sync command already running')) else: self.outclicked() def push(self, confirm, **kwargs): if not self._cmdsession.isFinished(): self.showMessage.emit(_('sync command already running')) else: self.pushclicked(confirm, **kwargs) def pullBundle(self, bundle, rev, bsource=None): 'accept bundle changesets' if not self._cmdsession.isFinished(): self.showMessage.emit(_('sync command already running')) return save = self.currentUrl() orev = self.opts.get('rev') # XXX hack to ignore incoming bundle because it can't apply phase # movement, pull bookmarks and largefiles. further cleanups should # go on default branch. self.setEditUrl(bsource or bundle) if rev is not None: self.opts['rev'] = str(rev) self.pullclicked(bsource) self.setEditUrl(save) self.opts['rev'] = orev ## ## Sync dialog buttons ## def linkifyWithTarget(self, url): link = linkify(url) if self.targetcheckbox.isChecked(): link += u" (%s)" % self.targetcombo.currentText() return link def inclicked(self): url = self.currentUrl() link = self.linkifyWithTarget(url) if not url.startswith('p4://'): bfile = hglib.fromunicode(url) for badchar in (':', '*', '\\', '?', '#'): bfile = bfile.replace(badchar, '') bfile = bfile.replace('/', '_') bfile = tempfile.mktemp('.hg', bfile+'_', qtlib.gettempdir()) self._lastbfile = hglib.tounicode(bfile) cmdline = ['incoming', '--quiet', '--bundle', bfile] sess = self.run(cmdline, ('force', 'branch', 'rev')) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onIncomingFinished) else: self._lastbfile = None cmdline = ['incoming'] sess = self.run(cmdline, ('force', 'branch', 'rev')) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onIncomingFinished) self.showMessage.emit(_('Getting incoming changesets from %s...') % link) @pyqtSlot(int) def _onIncomingFinished(self, ret): link = self.linkifyWithTarget(self._lasturl) if ret == 0: self.showMessage.emit(_('Found incoming changesets from %s') % link) if self._lastbfile and os.path.exists(self._lastbfile): self.incomingBundle.emit(self._lastbfile, self._lasturl) elif ret == 1: self.showMessage.emit(_('No incoming changesets from %s') % link) else: self.showMessage.emit(_('Incoming from %s aborted, ret %d') % (link, ret)) def pullclicked(self, url=None): link = self.linkifyWithTarget(url or self.currentUrl()) cmdline = ['pull', '--verbose'] uimerge = self.repo.ui.configbool('tortoisehg', 'autoresolve', True) \ and 'ui.merge=internal:merge' or 'ui.merge=internal:fail' if self.cachedpp == 'rebase': cmdline += ['--rebase', '--config', uimerge] elif self.cachedpp == 'update': cmdline += ['--update', '--config', uimerge] elif self.cachedpp == 'updateorrebase': cmdline += ['--update', '--rebase', '--config', uimerge] elif self.cachedpp == 'fetch': cmdline[0] = 'fetch' elif self.opts.get('mq'): # force the tool to update to the pulled changeset cmdline += ['--update', '--config', uimerge] sess = self.run(cmdline, ('force', 'branch', 'rev', 'bookmark', 'mq')) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onPullFinished) self.showMessage.emit(_('Pulling from %s...') % link) if url: self._lasturl = url # overwrite by user-visible (source) URL @pyqtSlot(int) def _onPullFinished(self, ret): link = self.linkifyWithTarget(self._lasturl) if ret == 0: self.showMessage.emit(_('Pull from %s completed') % link) else: self.showMessage.emit(_('Pull from %s aborted, ret %d') % (link, ret)) self.pullCompleted.emit() # handle file conflicts during rebase if self.cachedpp in ('rebase', 'updateorrebase'): if os.path.exists(self.repo.vfs.join('rebasestate')): dlg = rebase.RebaseDialog(self._repoagent, self) dlg.exec_() return # handle file conflicts during update for root, path, status in thgrepo.recursiveMergeStatus(self.repo): if status == 'u': qtlib.InfoMsgBox(_('Merge caused file conflicts'), _('File conflicts need to be resolved')) dlg = resolve.ResolveDialog(self._repoagent, self) dlg.exec_() return def outclicked(self): link = self.linkifyWithTarget(self.currentUrl()) cmdline = ['outgoing', '--template', '{node}\n'] sess = self.run(cmdline, ('force', 'branch', 'rev')) sess.setCaptureOutput(True) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onOutgoingFinished) self.showMessage.emit(_('Finding outgoing changesets to %s...') % link) @pyqtSlot(int) def _onOutgoingFinished(self, ret): link = self.linkifyWithTarget(self._lasturl) if ret == 0: data = str(self._cmdsession.readAll()) nodes = _extractnodeids(data) self.showMessage.emit(_('%d outgoing changesets to %s') % (len(nodes), link)) self.outgoingNodes.emit(nodes) elif ret == 1: self.showMessage.emit(_('No outgoing changesets to %s') % link) else: self.showMessage.emit(_('Outgoing to %s aborted, ret %d') % (link, ret)) def p4pending(self): sess = self.run(['p4pending', '--verbose'], ()) sess.setCaptureOutput(True) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onP4pendingFinished) self.showMessage.emit(_('Perforce pending...')) @pyqtSlot(int) def _onP4pendingFinished(self, ret): pending = {} if ret == 0: output = str(self._cmdsession.readAll()) for line in output.splitlines(): try: hashes = line.split(' ') changelist = hashes.pop(0) clnum = int(changelist) if len(hashes) > 1 and len(hashes[0]) == 1: state = hashes.pop(0) if state == 's': changelist = _('%s (submitted)') % changelist elif state == 'p': changelist = _('%s (pending)') % changelist else: raise ValueError pending[changelist] = hashes except (ValueError, IndexError): text = _('Unable to parse p4pending output') if pending: text = _('%d pending changelists found') % len(pending) else: text = _('No pending Perforce changelists') elif ret is None: text = _('Aborted p4pending') else: text = _('Unable to determine pending changesets') self.showMessage.emit(text) if pending: from tortoisehg.hgqt.p4pending import PerforcePending p4url = hglib.fromunicode(self._lasturl) dlg = PerforcePending(self._repoagent, pending, p4url, self) dlg.showMessage.connect(self.showMessage) dlg.exec_() def pushclicked(self, confirm, rev=None, branch=None, pushall=False): if confirm is None: confirm = self.repo.ui.configbool('tortoisehg', 'confirmpush', True) if rev == '': rev = None if branch == '': branch = None if pushall and (rev is not None or branch is not None): raise ValueError('inconsistent call with pushall=%r, rev=%r and ' 'branch=%r' % (pushall, rev, branch)) validopts = ('force', 'new-branch', 'rev', 'bookmark', 'mq') lurl = hglib.fromunicode(self.currentUrl()) link = self.linkifyWithTarget(self.currentUrl()) if (not hg.islocal(lurl) and confirm and not self.targetcheckbox.isChecked()): r = qtlib.QuestionMsgBox(_('Confirm Push to remote Repository'), _('Push to remote repository\n%s\n?') % link, parent=self) if not r: self.newCommand.emit(cmdcore.nullCmdSession()) self.showMessage.emit(_('Push to %s aborted') % link) self.pushCompleted.emit() return # Precedence of conflicting revision specifiers: # # rev bra all description # --- --- --- -------------------------------------------------------- # x x x 1. method arguments (temporarily set by context menu) # x 2. target combobox (temporarily set) # x 3. opts table (set by OptionsDialog, saved in QSettings) # x x x 4. tortoisehg.defaultpush (saved in hgrc) # # Note: "pushall" is set to True even if 2. or 3. is specified if branch is None: branch = self.opts.get('branch') if not pushall and rev is None and branch is None: defaultpush = self.repo.ui.config('tortoisehg', 'defaultpush', 'all') if self.targetcheckbox.isChecked(): pass elif defaultpush == 'all': # This is the default pass elif defaultpush == 'branch': branch = '.' elif defaultpush == 'revision': rev = '.' else: self.newCommand.emit(cmdcore.nullCmdSession()) self.showMessage.emit(_('Invalid default push revision: %s. ' 'Please check your Mercurial ' 'configuration ' '(tortoisehg.defaultpush)') % defaultpush) self.pushCompleted.emit() return cmdline = ['push'] if rev: cmdline.extend(['--rev', str(rev)]) if branch: cmdline.extend(['--branch', branch]) sess = self.run(cmdline, validopts) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onPushFinished) self.showMessage.emit(_('Pushing to %s...') % link) @pyqtSlot(int) def _onPushFinished(self, ret): link = self.linkifyWithTarget(self._lasturl) if ret == 0: self.showMessage.emit(_('Push to %s completed') % link) elif ret == 1: self.showMessage.emit(_('No outgoing changesets to %s') % link) else: self.showMessage.emit(_('Push to %s aborted, ret %d') % (link, ret)) if ("'hg push --new-branch'" in self._cmdsession.errorString() and '--new-branch' not in self.lastcmdline): r = qtlib.QuestionMsgBox(_('Confirm New Branch'), _('One or more of the changesets that ' 'you are attempting to push involve ' 'the creation of a new branch. ' 'Do you want to create a new branch ' 'in the remote repository?'), parent=self) if r: cmdline = self.lastcmdline cmdline.extend(['--new-branch']) sess = self.run(cmdline, ('force', 'new-branch', 'rev', 'bookmark', 'mq')) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onPushFinished) return self.pushCompleted.emit() def postpullclicked(self): dlg = PostPullDialog(self._repoagent, self) dlg.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) dlg.exec_() def emailclicked(self): cmdline = ['outgoing', '--template', '{node}\n'] sess = self.run(cmdline, ('force', 'branch', 'rev')) sess.setCaptureOutput(True) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onOutgoingEmailFinished) self.showMessage.emit(_('Determining outgoing changesets to email...')) def syncBookmark(self): dlg = bookmark.SyncBookmarkDialog(self._repoagent, self.currentUrl(), self) dlg.exec_() @pyqtSlot(int) def _onOutgoingEmailFinished(self, ret): if ret == 0: cmdline = self.lastcmdline data = str(self._cmdsession.readAll()) revs = tuple(self.repo[n].rev() for n in _extractnodeids(data)) self.showMessage.emit(_('%d outgoing changesets') % len(revs)) try: outgoingrevs = (cmdline[cmdline.index('--rev') + 1],) except ValueError: outgoingrevs = None self._dialogs.open(SyncWidget._createEmailDialog, revs, outgoingrevs) elif ret == 1: self.showMessage.emit(_('No outgoing changesets')) else: self.showMessage.emit(_('Outgoing aborted, ret %d') % ret) def _createEmailDialog(self, revs, outgoingrevs): return hgemail.EmailDialog(self._repoagent, revs, outgoing=True, outgoingrevs=outgoingrevs) def unbundle(self): caption = _("Select bundle file") _FILE_FILTER = ';;'.join([_("Bundle files (*.hg)"), _("All files (*)")]) bundlefile, _filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, caption, hglib.tounicode(self.repo.root), _FILE_FILTER) if bundlefile: # Set the pull source to the selected bundle file self.urlentry.setText(bundlefile) # Execute the incoming command, which will show the revisions in # the bundle, and let the user accept or reject them self.inclicked() @pyqtSlot(str) def removeAlias(self, alias): alias = hglib.fromunicode(alias) fn = self.repo.vfs.join('hgrc') fn, cfg = hgrcutil.loadIniFile([fn], self) if not hasattr(cfg, 'write'): qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Unable to remove URL'), _('Iniparse must be installed.'), parent=self) return if fn is None: return if alias in cfg['paths']: del cfg['paths'][alias] try: wconfig.writefile(cfg, fn) self._repoagent.pollStatus() except EnvironmentError, e: qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Unable to write configuration file'), hglib.tounicode(str(e)), parent=self) self.reload() class PostPullDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, repoagent, parent): super(PostPullDialog, self).__init__(parent) self._repoagent = repoagent repo = repoagent.rawRepo() layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) self.setWindowTitle(_('Post Pull Behavior')) self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) lbl = QLabel(_('Select post-pull operation for this repository')) layout.addWidget(lbl) self._opchecks = { 'none': QRadioButton(_('None - simply pull changesets')), 'update': QRadioButton(_('Update - pull, then try to update')), } layout.addWidget(self._opchecks['none']) layout.addWidget(self._opchecks['update']) if 'fetch' in repo.extensions(): btntxt = _('Fetch - use fetch (auto merge pulled changes)') else: btntxt = _('Fetch - use fetch extension (fetch is not active!)') self._opchecks['fetch'] = chk = QRadioButton(btntxt) layout.addWidget(chk) chk.setVisible('fetch' in repo.extensions()) if 'rebase' in repo.extensions(): rebasetxt = _('Rebase - rebase local commits above pulled changes') updateorrebasetxt = _('UpdateOrRebase - pull, then try to update ' 'or rebase') else: rebasetxt = _('Rebase - use rebase extension (rebase is not ' 'active!)') updateorrebasetxt = _('UpdateOrRebase - use rebase extension ' '(rebase is not active!)') self._opchecks['rebase'] = chk = QRadioButton(rebasetxt) layout.addWidget(chk) chk.setVisible('rebase' in repo.extensions()) self._opchecks['updateorrebase'] = chk = QRadioButton(updateorrebasetxt) layout.addWidget(chk) chk.setVisible('rebase' in repo.extensions()) chk = self._opchecks[repo.postpull] chk.setChecked(True) chk.show() self.autoresolve_chk = QCheckBox(_('Automatically resolve merge ' 'conflicts where possible')) self.autoresolve_chk.setChecked( repo.ui.configbool('tortoisehg', 'autoresolve', True)) layout.addWidget(self.autoresolve_chk) cfglabel = QLabel(_('Launch settings tool...')) cfglabel.linkActivated.connect(self.linkactivated) layout.addWidget(cfglabel) BB = QDialogButtonBox bb = QDialogButtonBox(BB.Save|BB.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept) bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.bb = bb layout.addWidget(bb) @property def repo(self): return self._repoagent.rawRepo() def linkactivated(self, command): if command == 'config': from tortoisehg.hgqt.settings import SettingsDialog sd = SettingsDialog(configrepo=False, focus='tortoisehg.postpull', parent=self, root=self.repo.root) sd.exec_() def getValue(self): return iter(op for op, chk in self._opchecks.iteritems() if chk.isChecked()).next() def accept(self): path = self.repo.vfs.join('hgrc') fn, cfg = hgrcutil.loadIniFile([path], self) if not hasattr(cfg, 'write'): qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Unable to save post pull operation'), _('Iniparse must be installed.'), parent=self) return if fn is None: return try: cfg.set('tortoisehg', 'postpull', self.getValue()) cfg.set('tortoisehg', 'autoresolve', self.autoresolve_chk.isChecked()) wconfig.writefile(cfg, fn) self._repoagent.pollStatus() except EnvironmentError, e: qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Unable to write configuration file'), hglib.tounicode(str(e)), parent=self) super(PostPullDialog, self).accept() class SaveDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, repoagent, alias, urlu, parent, edit=False): super(SaveDialog, self).__init__(parent) self._repoagent = repoagent self.setWindowTitle(_('Save Path')) self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) self.origurl = hglib.fromunicode(urlu) self.setLayout(QFormLayout()) self.layout().setFieldGrowthPolicy(QFormLayout.ExpandingFieldsGrow) self.origalias = alias self.aliasentry = QLineEdit(hglib.tounicode(self.origalias)) self.aliasentry.selectAll() self.aliasentry.textChanged.connect(self._updateUi) self.layout().addRow(_('Alias'), self.aliasentry) self.edit = edit stack = QStackedLayout() # 0: read-only masked URL, 1: editable URL self.urllabel = QLabel(urlu) stack.addWidget(self.urllabel) self.urlentry = QLineEdit(urlu) self.urlentry.textChanged.connect(self._updateUi) stack.addWidget(self.urlentry) stack.setCurrentIndex(int(edit)) self.layout().addRow(_('URL'), stack) u = parseurl(urlu) clearable = bool(not edit and (u.user or u.passwd) and u.scheme in ('http', 'https')) self.clearcb = QCheckBox(_('Remove authentication data from URL')) self.clearcb.setToolTip( _('User authentication data should be associated with the ' 'hostname using the security dialog.')) self.clearcb.setChecked(clearable) self.clearcb.setVisible(clearable) self.clearcb.toggled.connect(self._removeAuthData) self.layout().addRow(self.clearcb) s = QSettings() self.updatesubpaths = QCheckBox(_('Update subrepo paths')) self.updatesubpaths.setChecked( qtlib.readBool(s, 'sync/updatesubpaths', True)) self.updatesubpaths.setToolTip( _('Update or create a path alias called \'%s\' on all subrepos, ' 'using this URL as the base URL, ' 'appending the local relative subrepo path to it') % hglib.tounicode(alias)) self.layout().addRow(self.updatesubpaths) BB = QDialogButtonBox bb = QDialogButtonBox(BB.Save|BB.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept) bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) bb.button(BB.Save).setAutoDefault(True) self.bb = bb self.layout().addRow(bb) self._removeAuthData(self.clearcb.isChecked()) self._updateUi() def savePath(self, repo, alias, path, confirm=True): fn = repo.vfs.join('hgrc') fn, cfg = hgrcutil.loadIniFile([fn], self) if not hasattr(cfg, 'write'): qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Unable to save an URL'), _('Iniparse must be installed.'), parent=self) return if fn is None: return if (confirm and (not self.edit or path != self.origurl) and alias in cfg['paths']): if not qtlib.QuestionMsgBox(_('Confirm URL replace'), _('%s already exists, replace URL?') % hglib.tounicode(alias), parent=self): return cfg.set('paths', alias, path) if self.edit and alias != self.origalias: cfg.remove('paths', self.origalias) try: wconfig.writefile(cfg, fn) except EnvironmentError, e: qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Unable to write configuration file'), hglib.tounicode(str(e)), parent=self) if self.updatesubpaths.isChecked(): ctx = repo['.'] for subname in ctx.substate: if ctx.substate[subname][2] != 'hg': continue if not os.path.exists(repo.wjoin(subname)): continue defaultsubpath = ctx.substate[subname][0] pathurl = util.url(path) if pathurl.scheme: subpath = str(pathurl).rstrip('/') + '/' + subname else: subpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, subname)) if defaultsubpath != subname: if not qtlib.QuestionMsgBox( _('Confirm URL replace'), _('Subrepo \'%s\' has a non trivial ' 'default sync URL:


' 'Replace it with the following URL?:' '

%s') % (hglib.tounicode(subname), hglib.tounicode(defaultsubpath), hglib.tounicode(subpath)), parent=self): continue subrepo = hg.repository(repo.ui, path=repo.wjoin(subname)) self.savePath(subrepo, alias, subpath, confirm=False) def accept(self): alias = hglib.fromunicode(self.aliasentry.text()) path = hglib.fromunicode(self.urlentry.text()) repo = self._repoagent.rawRepo() self.savePath(repo, alias, path) self._repoagent.pollStatus() s = QSettings() s.setValue('sync/updatesubpaths', self.updatesubpaths.isChecked()) super(SaveDialog, self).accept() @pyqtSlot(bool) def _removeAuthData(self, showclean): if showclean: cleanurl = hglib.tounicode(util.removeauth(self.origurl)) self.urllabel.setText(cleanurl) self.urlentry.setText(cleanurl) else: safeurl = hglib.tounicode(util.hidepassword(self.origurl)) self.urllabel.setText(safeurl) self.urlentry.setText(hglib.tounicode(self.origurl)) @pyqtSlot() def _updateUi(self): savebtn = self.bb.button(QDialogButtonBox.Save) savebtn.setEnabled(bool(self.aliasentry.text() and self.urlentry.text())) def _addBrowseButton(edit, slot): button = QPushButton(_('Browse...')) button.setAutoDefault(False) button.clicked.connect(slot) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(edit) hbox.addWidget(button) return hbox class SecureDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, repoagent, urlu, parent): super(SecureDialog, self).__init__(parent) self._repoagent = repoagent self._querysess = cmdcore.nullCmdSession() repo = repoagent.rawRepo() self._url = urlu u = parseurl(urlu) assert u.host uhost = hglib.tounicode(u.host) self.setWindowTitle(_('Security: ') + uhost) self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & \ ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) # if the already user has an [auth] configuration for this URL, use it cleanurl = util.removeauth(hglib.fromunicode(urlu)) res = httpconnection.readauthforuri(repo.ui, cleanurl, u.user) if res: self.alias, auth = res else: self.alias, auth = u.host, {} self.host = u.host if cleanurl.startswith('svn+https://'): self.schemes = 'svn+https' else: self.schemes = None self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) self.layout().addWidget(QLabel(_('Host: %s') % uhost)) securebox = QGroupBox(_('Secure HTTPS Connection')) self.layout().addWidget(securebox) vbox = QVBoxLayout() securebox.setLayout(vbox) self.layout().addWidget(securebox) self.cacertradio = QRadioButton( _('Verify with Certificate Authority certificates (best)')) self.fprintradio = QRadioButton( _('Verify with stored host fingerprint (good)')) self.insecureradio = QRadioButton( _('No host validation, but still encrypted (bad)')) hbox = QHBoxLayout() fprint = repo.ui.config('hostsecurity', u.host + ':fingerprints', '') if not fprint: fprint = repo.ui.config('hostfingerprints', u.host, '') if fprint: fprint = 'sha1:' + fprint self.fprintentry = le = QLineEdit(fprint) self.fprintradio.toggled.connect(self.fprintentry.setEnabled) self.fprintentry.setEnabled(False) if hasattr(le, 'setPlaceholderText'): # Qt >= 4.7 le.setPlaceholderText(_('### host certificate fingerprint ###')) hbox.addWidget(le) self._querybutton = qb = QPushButton(_('Query')) qb.clicked.connect(self._queryFingerprint) hbox.addWidget(qb) vbox.addWidget(self.cacertradio) vbox.addWidget(self.fprintradio) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addWidget(self.insecureradio) self.cacertradio.setChecked(True) # default if fprint: self.fprintradio.setChecked(True) elif repo.ui.config('insecurehosts', u.host): self.insecureradio.setChecked(True) self.fprintradio.toggled.connect(self._updateUi) self.insecureradio.toggled.connect(self._updateUi) self._protocolcombo = e = QComboBox(self) e.addItem(_(''), '') e.addItem(_('TLS 1.0'), 'tls1.0') e.addItem(_('TLS 1.1'), 'tls1.1') e.addItem(_('TLS 1.2'), 'tls1.2') protocol = repo.ui.config('hostsecurity', '%s:minimumprotocol' % u.host) e.setCurrentIndex(e.findData(hglib.tounicode(protocol or ''))) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Minimum Protocol'))) hbox.addWidget(self._protocolcombo) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self._authentries = {} # key: QLineEdit authbox = QGroupBox(_('User Authentication')) form = QFormLayout() authbox.setLayout(form) self.layout().addWidget(authbox) k = 'username' self._authentries[k] = e = QLineEdit(u.user or auth.get(k, '')) e.setToolTip( _('''Optional. Username to authenticate with. If not given, and the remote site requires basic or digest authentication, the user will be prompted for it. Environment variables are expanded in the username letting you do foo.username = $USER.''')) form.addRow(_('Username'), e) k = 'password' self._authentries[k] = e = QLineEdit(u.passwd or auth.get(k, '')) e.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) e.setToolTip( _('''Optional. Password to authenticate with. If not given, and the remote site requires basic or digest authentication, the user will be prompted for it.''')) form.addRow(_('Password'), e) if 'mercurial_keyring' in repo.extensions(): e.clear() e.setEnabled(False) e.setToolTip(_('Mercurial keyring extension is enabled. ' 'Passwords will be stored in a platform-native ' 'secure method.')) k = 'key' self._authentries[k] = e = QLineEdit(auth.get(k, '')) e.setToolTip( _('''Optional. PEM encoded client certificate key file. Environment variables are expanded in the filename.''')) form.addRow(_('User Certificate Key'), _addBrowseButton(e, self._browseClientKey)) k = 'cert' self._authentries[k] = e = QLineEdit(auth.get(k, '')) e.setToolTip( _('''Optional. PEM encoded client certificate chain file. Environment variables are expanded in the filename.''')) form.addRow(_('User Certificate Chain'), _addBrowseButton(e, self._browseClientCert)) BB = QDialogButtonBox bb = QDialogButtonBox(BB.Help|BB.Save|BB.Cancel) bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept) bb.helpRequested.connect(self.keyringHelp) self.bb = bb self.layout().addWidget(bb) self._updateUi() e = self._authentries['username'] e.selectAll() QTimer.singleShot(0, e.setFocus) @pyqtSlot() def _queryFingerprint(self): cmdline = hglib.buildcmdargs('debuggethostfingerprint', self._url, insecure=True) self._querysess = sess = self._repoagent.runCommand(cmdline, self) sess.setCaptureOutput(True) sess.commandFinished.connect(self._onQueryFingerprintFinished) self._updateUi() @pyqtSlot(int) def _onQueryFingerprintFinished(self, ret): sess = self._querysess if ret == 0: data = str(sess.readAll()) self.fprintentry.setText(hglib.tounicode(data).strip()) else: cmdui.errorMessageBox(sess, self, _('Certificate Query Error')) self._updateUi() def keyringHelp(self): qtlib.openhelpcontents('sync.html#security') @pyqtSlot() def _browseClientKey(self): e = self._authentries['key'] n, _f = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, _('Select User Certificate Key File'), e.text(), ';;'.join([_('PEM files (*.pem *.key)'), _('All files (*)')])) if n: e.setText(n) @pyqtSlot() def _browseClientCert(self): e = self._authentries['cert'] n, _f = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, _('Select User Certificate Chain File'), e.text(), ';;'.join([_('PEM files (*.pem *.crt *.cer)'), _('All files (*)')])) if n: e.setText(n) def accept(self): path = hglib.userrcpath() fn, cfg = hgrcutil.loadIniFile(path, self) if not hasattr(cfg, 'write'): qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Unable to save authentication'), _('Iniparse must be installed.'), parent=self) return if fn is None: return def setorclear(section, item, value): if value: cfg.set(section, item, value) elif not value and item in cfg[section]: del cfg[section][item] if self.cacertradio.isChecked(): fprint = None insecure = None elif self.fprintradio.isChecked(): fprint = hglib.fromunicode(self.fprintentry.text()) insecure = None else: fprint = None insecure = '1' setorclear('hostsecurity', '%s:fingerprints' % self.host, fprint) setorclear('insecurehosts', self.host, insecure) e = self._protocolcombo protocol = hglib.fromunicode(e.itemData(e.currentIndex())) setorclear('hostsecurity', '%s:minimumprotocol' % self.host, protocol) cfg.set('auth', self.alias+'.prefix', self.host) for k in ['username', 'password', 'key', 'cert']: setorclear('auth', '%s.%s' % (self.alias, k), hglib.fromunicode(self._authentries[k].text())) setorclear('auth', self.alias+'.schemes', self.schemes) try: wconfig.writefile(cfg, fn) self._repoagent.pollStatus() except EnvironmentError, e: qtlib.WarningMsgBox(_('Unable to write configuration file'), hglib.tounicode(str(e)), parent=self) super(SecureDialog, self).accept() @pyqtSlot() def _updateUi(self): self._querybutton.setEnabled(self.fprintradio.isChecked() and self._querysess.isFinished()) self._protocolcombo.setEnabled(not self.insecureradio.isChecked()) class PathsTree(QTreeView): removeAlias = pyqtSignal(str) menuRequest = pyqtSignal(QPoint, str, str, bool) def __init__(self, parent, editable): QTreeView.__init__(self, parent) self.setDragDropMode(QTreeView.DragOnly) self.setSelectionMode(QTreeView.SingleSelection) self.editable = editable def contextMenuEvent(self, event): for index in self.selectedRows(): alias = index.data(Qt.DisplayRole) url = index.sibling(index.row(), 1).data(Qt.DisplayRole) self.menuRequest.emit(event.globalPos(), url, alias, self.editable) return def keyPressEvent(self, event): if self.editable and event.matches(QKeySequence.Delete): self.deleteSelected() else: return super(PathsTree, self).keyPressEvent(event) def deleteSelected(self): for index in self.selectedRows(): alias = index.data(Qt.DisplayRole) r = qtlib.QuestionMsgBox(_('Confirm path delete'), _('Delete %s from your repo configuration file?') % alias, parent=self) if r: self.removeAlias.emit(alias) def selectedRows(self): return self.selectionModel().selectedRows() class PathsModel(QAbstractTableModel): def __init__(self, pathlist, parent=None): QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent) self.headers = (_('Alias'), _('URL')) self.rows = [] for alias, path in sorted(pathlist): safepath = util.hidepassword(path) ualias = hglib.tounicode(alias) usafepath = hglib.tounicode(safepath) self.rows.append([ualias, usafepath, path]) def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): if parent.isValid(): return 0 # no child return len(self.rows) def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): if parent.isValid(): return 0 # no child return len(self.headers) def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if not index.isValid(): return None if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return self.rows[index.row()][index.column()] return None def headerData(self, col, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if role != Qt.DisplayRole or orientation != Qt.Horizontal: return None else: return self.headers[col] def mimeData(self, indexes): urls = [] for i in indexes: u = QUrl() u.setPath(self.rows[i.row()][1]) urls.append(u) m = QMimeData() m.setUrls(urls) return m def mimeTypes(self): return ['text/uri-list'] def flags(self, index): flags = Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled return flags def realUrl(self, index): return self.rows[index.row()][2] class OptionsDialog(QDialog): 'Utility dialog for configuring uncommon options' def __init__(self, repoagent, opts, parent): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle(_('%s - sync options') % repoagent.displayName()) layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout) self.newbranchcb = QCheckBox( _('Allow push of a new branch (--new-branch)')) self.newbranchcb.setChecked(opts.get('new-branch', False)) layout.addWidget(self.newbranchcb) self.forcecb = QCheckBox( _('Force push or pull (override safety checks, --force)')) self.forcecb.setChecked(opts.get('force', False)) layout.addWidget(self.forcecb) repo = repoagent.rawRepo() self.noproxycb = QCheckBox( _('Temporarily disable configured HTTP proxy')) self.noproxycb.setChecked(opts.get('noproxy', False)) layout.addWidget(self.noproxycb) proxy = repo.ui.config('http_proxy', 'host') self.noproxycb.setEnabled(bool(proxy)) self.debugcb = QCheckBox( _('Emit debugging output (--debug)')) self.debugcb.setChecked(opts.get('debug', False)) layout.addWidget(self.debugcb) self.mqcb = QCheckBox(_('Work on patch queue (--mq)')) self.mqcb.setChecked(opts.get('mq', False)) self.mqcb.setVisible('mq' in repo.extensions()) layout.addWidget(self.mqcb) form = QFormLayout() layout.addLayout(form) lbl = QLabel(_('Remote command:')) self.remotele = QLineEdit() if opts.get('remotecmd'): self.remotele.setText(hglib.tounicode(opts['remotecmd'])) form.addRow(lbl, self.remotele) lbl = QLabel(_('Branch:')) self.branchle = QLineEdit() if opts.get('branch'): self.branchle.setText(hglib.tounicode(opts['branch'])) form.addRow(lbl, self.branchle) BB = QDialogButtonBox bb = QDialogButtonBox(BB.Save|BB.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept) bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.bb = bb layout.addWidget(bb) def accept(self): outopts = {} for name, le in (('remotecmd', self.remotele), ('branch', self.branchle)): outopts[name] = hglib.fromunicode(le.text()).strip() outopts['force'] = self.forcecb.isChecked() outopts['new-branch'] = self.newbranchcb.isChecked() outopts['noproxy'] = self.noproxycb.isChecked() outopts['debug'] = self.debugcb.isChecked() if self.mqcb.isVisibleTo(self): outopts['mq'] = self.mqcb.isChecked() self.outopts = outopts QDialog.accept(self)