Kismet is currently (Spring/Summer 2011) undergoing a rewrite of the internal system for tracking networks to make Kismet truly phy-neutral, agnostic of the type of data being sniffed and type of devices being tracked. This branch of the Ubertooth Kismet plugin uses the phy-neutral extensions in Kismet. It REQUIRES the LATEST svn of Kismet as phy-neutral is a rapidly moving target and is being co-developed with the Ubertooth plugin and the phy-neutral 802.11 components. IT WILL NOT work with NON-BLEEDING-EDGE Kismet. Every time you update the Ubertooth plugin code, update Kismet and recompile it at the same time! The phy-neutral system treats devices the same way Kismet has treated packets - modules register a device component, and this is tacked on to the standard device. GPS, packet counts, time, signal, etc is all stored in the common packet component and does not need to be tracked by a phy-specific tracker. The map of tracked devices is maintained by the device tracker, and does not need to be tracked by the phy-specific tracker. The UI components are, as of yet, undone. Ultimately the UI will display the common layers and UI plugins will display phy-specific details not otherwise available. The phy-classifiers are expected to take the phy-specific data and turn it into any component representations needed by the phy, and to fill out the common packet component with the unique device address, phy info, basic packet type, etc, for common tracking. The phy-neutral fork maintains the old btbb tracker and protocols for now, so that it remains usable while under development, however since phy-neutral is so bleeding edge, it shouldn't be pushed as the primary ubertooth plugin as no release of Kismet supports it