path: root/PluginsManager.cpp
diff options
authorThomas Preud'homme <>2013-01-04 14:50:19 +0100
committerThomas Preud'homme <>2013-01-04 14:50:19 +0100
commit8f9f382e1c97cab2e72e97495650c73ac4b97314 (patch)
tree78510a0d81368c09b56f444fb19bb132c8bc3009 /PluginsManager.cpp
Imported Upstream version
Diffstat (limited to 'PluginsManager.cpp')
1 files changed, 889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PluginsManager.cpp b/PluginsManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc9157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PluginsManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
+/** \file PluginsManager.cpp
+\brief Define the class to manage and load the plugins
+\author alpha_one_x86
+\version 0.3
+\date 2010
+\licence GPL3, see the file COPYING */
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include "PluginsManager.h"
+/// \brief Create the manager and load the defaults variables
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ //load the overall instance
+ pluginLoaded=false;
+ resources=ResourcesManager::getInstance();
+ options=OptionEngine::getInstance();
+ language="en";
+ stopIt=false;
+ editionSemList.release();
+ checkPluginThread=new AuthPlugin();
+ englishPluginType << "CopyEngine" << "Languages" << "Listener" << "PluginLoader" << "SessionLoader" << "Themes";
+ //catPlugin << tr("CopyEngine") << tr("Languages") << tr("Listener") << tr("PluginLoader") << tr("SessionLoader") << tr("Themes");
+ importingPlugin=false;
+ connect(&decodeThread, SIGNAL(decodedIsFinish()), this, SLOT(decodingFinished()));
+ connect(checkPluginThread, SIGNAL(authentifiedPath(QString)), this, SLOT(newAuthPath(QString)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(post_operation()));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(newLanguageLoaded()), &pluginInformationWindows, SLOT(retranslateInformation()));
+// connect(this, SIGNAL(pluginListingIsfinish()), options,SLOT(setInterfaceValue()));
+ //load the plugins list
+ /// \bug bug when I put here: moveToThread(this);, due to the direction connection to remove the plugin
+ start();
+/// \brief Destroy the manager
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ int index=0;
+ int loop_size=pluginsList.size();
+ while(index<loop_size)
+ {
+ emit onePluginWillBeUnloaded(;
+ index++;
+ }
+ stopIt=true;
+ if(this->isRunning())
+ this->wait(0);
+ delete checkPluginThread;
+ OptionEngine::destroyInstanceAtTheLastCall();
+ ResourcesManager::destroyInstanceAtTheLastCall();
+/// \brief set current language
+void PluginsManager::setLanguage(const QString &language)
+ this->language=language;
+void PluginsManager::post_operation()
+ pluginLoaded=true;
+ emit pluginListingIsfinish();
+bool PluginsManager::allPluginHaveBeenLoaded()
+ return pluginLoaded;
+void PluginsManager::lockPluginListEdition()
+ editionSemList.acquire();
+void PluginsManager::unlockPluginListEdition()
+ editionSemList.release();
+void PluginsManager::run()
+ //load the path and plugins into the path
+ QStringList readPath;
+ readPath << resources->getReadPath();
+ pluginsList.clear();
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"pluginsList.size(): "+QString::number(pluginsList.size()));
+ foreach(QString basePath,readPath)
+ {
+ foreach(QString dirSub,englishPluginType)
+ {
+ QString pluginComposed=basePath+dirSub+QDir::separator();
+ QDir dir(pluginComposed);
+ if(stopIt)
+ return;
+ if(dir.exists())
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"search plugin into: "+pluginComposed);
+ foreach(QString dirName, dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot))
+ {
+ if(stopIt)
+ return;
+ loadPluginInformation(pluginComposed+dirName+QDir::separator());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int index=0;
+ int loop_size=pluginsList.size();
+ while(index<loop_size)
+ {
+ QString category=categoryToString(;
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Information,"Plugin "+QString::number(index)+" loaded ("+category+"): ";
+ index++;
+ }
+ #endif
+ checkPluginThread->loadSearchPath(readPath,englishPluginType);
+ checkPluginThread->stop();
+ checkPluginThread->start();
+ checkDependencies();
+QString PluginsManager::categoryToString(const PluginType &category)
+ switch(category)
+ {
+ case PluginType_CopyEngine:
+ return "CopyEngine";
+ break;
+ case PluginType_Languages:
+ return "Languages";
+ break;
+ case PluginType_Listener:
+ return "Listener";
+ break;
+ case PluginType_PluginLoader:
+ return "PluginLoader";
+ break;
+ case PluginType_SessionLoader:
+ return "SessionLoader";
+ break;
+ case PluginType_Themes:
+ return "Themes";
+ break;
+ default:
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"cat text not found");
+ return "Unknow";
+ break;
+ }
+QString PluginsManager::categoryToTranslation(const PluginType &category)
+ return pluginInformationWindows.categoryToTranslation(category);
+bool PluginsManager::isSamePlugin(const PluginsAvailable &pluginA,const PluginsAvailable &pluginB)
+ if(pluginA.category!=pluginB.category)
+ return false;
+ if(pluginA.path!=pluginB.path)
+ return false;
+ if(!
+ return false;
+ if(pluginA.writablePath!=pluginB.writablePath)
+ return false;
+ if(pluginA.categorySpecific!=pluginB.categorySpecific)
+ return false;
+ if(pluginA.version!=pluginB.version)
+ return false;
+ if(pluginA.informations!=pluginB.informations)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool PluginsManager::loadPluginInformation(const QString &path)
+ PluginsAvailable tempPlugin;
+ tempPlugin.isAuth = false;
+ tempPlugin.path = path;
+ tempPlugin.category = PluginType_Unknow;
+ QDir pluginPath(path);
+ if(pluginPath.cdUp() && pluginPath.cdUp() &&
+ resources->getWritablePath()!="" &&
+ pluginPath==QDir(resources->getWritablePath()))
+ tempPlugin.isWritable=true;
+ else
+ tempPlugin.isWritable=false;
+ QFile xmlMetaData(path+"informations.xml");
+ if(xmlMetaData.exists())
+ {
+ if(
+ {
+ loadPluginXml(&tempPlugin,xmlMetaData.readAll());
+ xmlMetaData.close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tempPlugin.errorString=tr("informations.xml is not accessible");
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"informations.xml is not accessible into the plugin: "+path);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tempPlugin.errorString=tr("informations.xml not found into the plugin");
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"informations.xml not found into the plugin: "+path);
+ }
+ editionSemList.acquire();
+ pluginsList << tempPlugin;
+ editionSemList.release();
+ if(tempPlugin.errorString=="")
+ {
+ emit onePluginAdded(tempPlugin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"Error detected, the not loaded: "+tempPlugin.errorString+", for path: "+tempPlugin.path);
+ return false;
+ }
+void PluginsManager::loadPluginXml(PluginsAvailable * thePlugin,const QByteArray &xml)
+ QString errorStr;
+ int errorLine;
+ int errorColumn;
+ QDomDocument domDocument;
+ if (!domDocument.setContent(xml, false, &errorStr,&errorLine,&errorColumn))
+ {
+ thePlugin->errorString=tr("%1, parse error at line %2, column %3: %4").arg("informations.xml").arg(errorLine).arg(errorColumn).arg(errorStr);
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,QString("%1, Parse error at line %2, column %3: %4").arg("informations.xml").arg(errorLine).arg(errorColumn).arg(errorStr));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QDomElement root = domDocument.documentElement();
+ if (root.tagName() != "package")
+ {
+ thePlugin->errorString=tr("\"package\" root tag not found for the xml file");
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"\"package\" root balise not found for the xml file");
+ }
+ //load the variable
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ loadBalise(root,"title",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),true,true,true);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ loadBalise(root,"website",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),false,true);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ loadBalise(root,"description",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),true,true,true);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ loadBalise(root,"author",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),true,false);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ loadBalise(root,"pubDate",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),true,false);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ {
+ loadBalise(root,"version",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),true,false);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ thePlugin->version=thePlugin->informations.last().last();
+ }
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ {
+ loadBalise(root,"category",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),true,false);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ {
+ QString tempCat=thePlugin->informations.last().last();
+ if(tempCat=="Languages")
+ thePlugin->category=PluginType_Languages;
+ else if(tempCat=="CopyEngine")
+ thePlugin->category=PluginType_CopyEngine;
+ else if(tempCat=="Listener")
+ thePlugin->category=PluginType_Listener;
+ else if(tempCat=="PluginLoader")
+ thePlugin->category=PluginType_PluginLoader;
+ else if(tempCat=="SessionLoader")
+ thePlugin->category=PluginType_SessionLoader;
+ else if(tempCat=="Themes")
+ thePlugin->category=PluginType_Themes;
+ else
+ thePlugin->errorString="Unknow category: "+(int)thePlugin->category;
+ if(thePlugin->errorString.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(thePlugin->category!=PluginType_Languages)
+ {
+ loadBalise(root,"architecture",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),true,false);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ {
+ if(thePlugin->informations.last().last()!=ULTRACOPIER_PLATFORM_CODE)
+ thePlugin->errorString="Wrong platform code: "+thePlugin->informations.last().last();
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ {
+ loadBalise(root,"name",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),true,false);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ {
+ thePlugin->name=thePlugin->informations.last().last();
+ int index=0;
+ int loop_size=pluginsList.size();
+ int sub_index,loop_sub_size;
+ while(index<loop_size)
+ {
+ sub_index=0;
+ while(sub_index<loop_sub_size)
+ {
+ if("name" &&
+>name &&
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"Plugin duplicate found ("+QString::number((int)thePlugin->category)+"/""), already loaded, actual version skipped: "+thePlugin->version);
+ thePlugin->errorString=tr("Duplicated plugin found, already loaded!");
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ sub_index++;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ loadBalise(root,"dependencies",&(thePlugin->informations),&(thePlugin->errorString),true,false);
+ if(thePlugin->errorString=="")
+ {
+ QDomElement child = root.firstChildElement("categorySpecific");
+ if(!child.isNull() && child.isElement())
+ thePlugin->categorySpecific=child;
+ }
+ }
+/// \brief to load the multi-language balise
+void PluginsManager::loadBalise(const QDomElement &root,const QString &name,QList<QStringList> *informations,QString *errorString,bool needHaveOneEntryMinimum,bool multiLanguage,bool englishNeedBeFound)
+ int foundElement=0;
+ bool englishTextIsFoundForThisChild=false;
+ QDomElement child = root.firstChildElement(name);
+ while(!child.isNull())
+ {
+ if(child.isElement())
+ {
+ QStringList newInformations;
+ if(multiLanguage)
+ {
+ if(child.hasAttribute("xml:lang"))
+ {
+ if(child.attribute("xml:lang")=="en")
+ englishTextIsFoundForThisChild=true;
+ foundElement++;
+ newInformations << child.tagName() << child.attribute("xml:lang") << child.text();
+ }
+ else
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,QString("Have not the attribute xml:lang: child.tagName(): %1, child.text(): %2").arg(child.tagName()).arg(child.text()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foundElement++;
+ newInformations << child.tagName() << child.text();
+ }
+ *informations << newInformations;
+ }
+ else
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,QString("Is not Element: child.tagName(): %1").arg(child.tagName()));
+ child = child.nextSiblingElement(name);
+ }
+ if(multiLanguage && englishTextIsFoundForThisChild==false && englishNeedBeFound)
+ {
+ informations->clear();
+ *errorString=tr("English text missing into the informations.xml for the tag: %1").arg(name);
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,QString("English text missing into the informations.xml for the tag: %1").arg(name));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(needHaveOneEntryMinimum && foundElement==0)
+ {
+ informations->clear();
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,QString("Tag not found: %1").arg(name));
+ *errorString=tr("Tag not found: %1").arg(name);
+ }
+/// \brief to load the get dom specific
+QString PluginsManager::getDomSpecific(const QDomElement &root,const QString &name,const QList<QPair<QString,QString> > &listChildAttribute)
+ QDomElement child = root.firstChildElement(name);
+ int index,loop_size;
+ bool allIsFound;
+ while(!child.isNull())
+ {
+ if(child.isElement())
+ {
+ allIsFound=true;
+ index=0;
+ loop_size=listChildAttribute.size();
+ while(index<loop_size)
+ {
+ if(child.attribute(!
+ {
+ allIsFound=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ if(allIsFound)
+ return child.text();
+ }
+ else
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,QString("Is not Element: child.tagName(): %1").arg(child.tagName()));
+ child = child.nextSiblingElement(name);
+ }
+ return QString();
+/// \brief to load the get dom specific
+QString PluginsManager::getDomSpecific(const QDomElement &root,const QString &name)
+ QDomElement child = root.firstChildElement(name);
+ while(!child.isNull())
+ {
+ if(child.isElement())
+ return child.text();
+ else
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,QString("Is not Element: child.tagName(): %1").arg(child.tagName()));
+ child = child.nextSiblingElement(name);
+ }
+ return QString();
+/// \brief check the dependencies
+void PluginsManager::checkDependencies()
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ int index=0;
+ int loop_size=pluginsList.size();
+ int sub_index,loop_sub_size,resolv_size,indexOfDependencies;
+ bool depCheck;
+ while(index<loop_size)
+ {
+ sub_index=0;
+ while(sub_index<loop_sub_size)
+ {
+ if( &&"dependencies")
+ {
+ QString;
+ dependencies=dependencies.replace(QRegExp("[\n\r]+"),"&&");
+ dependencies=dependencies.replace(QRegExp("[ \t]+"),"");
+ dependencies=dependencies.replace(QRegExp("(&&)+"),"&&");
+ dependencies=dependencies.replace(QRegExp("^&&"),"");
+ dependencies=dependencies.replace(QRegExp("&&$"),"");
+ QStringList dependenciesToResolv=dependencies.split(QRegExp("(&&|\\|\\||\\(|\\))"),QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ indexOfDependencies=0;
+ resolv_size=dependenciesToResolv.size();
+ while(indexOfDependencies<resolv_size)
+ {
+ QString;
+ if(!dependenciesToParse.contains(QRegExp("^(<=|<|=|>|>=)[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+-([0-9]+\\.)*[0-9]+$")))
+ {
+ pluginsList[index].informations.clear();
+ pluginsList[index].errorString=tr("Dependencies part is wrong");
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,QString("Dependencies part is wrong: %1").arg(dependenciesToParse));
+ break;
+ }
+ QString partName=dependenciesToParse;
+ partName=partName.remove(QRegExp("(<=|<|=|>|>=)"));
+ partName=partName.remove(QRegExp("-([0-9]+\\.)*[0-9]+"));
+ QString partVersion=dependenciesToParse;
+ partVersion=partVersion.remove(QRegExp("(<=|<|=|>|>=)"));
+ partVersion=partVersion.remove(QRegExp("[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+-"));
+ QString partComp=dependenciesToParse;
+ partComp=partComp.remove(QRegExp("[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+-([0-9]+\\.)*[0-9]+"));
+ //current version soft
+ QString pluginVersion=getPluginVersion(partName);
+ depCheck=compareVersion(pluginVersion,partComp,partVersion);
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"dependencies to resolv, partName: "+partName+", partVersion: "+partVersion+", partComp: "+partComp+", pluginVersion: "+pluginVersion+", depCheck: "+QString::number(depCheck));
+ if(!depCheck)
+ {
+ pluginsList[index].informations.clear();
+ pluginsList[index].errorString=tr("Dependencies %1 are not satisfied, for plugin: %2").arg(dependenciesToParse).arg(pluginsList[index].path);
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,QString("Dependencies %1 are not satisfied, for plugin: %2").arg(dependenciesToParse).arg(pluginsList[index].path));
+ break;
+ }
+ indexOfDependencies++;
+ }
+ }
+ sub_index++;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+/// \brief get the version
+QString PluginsManager::getPluginVersion(const QString &pluginName)
+ if(pluginName=="ultracopier")
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ int index=0;
+ while(index<pluginsList.size())
+ {
+ QString version,internalName;
+ int sub_index=0;
+ while(sub_index<
+ {
+ if( &&"version")
+ if( &&"internalName")
+ sub_index++;
+ }
+ if(internalName==pluginName)
+ return version;
+ index++;
+ }
+ return "";
+/// \brief To compare version
+bool PluginsManager::compareVersion(const QString &versionA,const QString &sign,const QString &versionB)
+ QStringList versionANumber=versionA.split(".");
+ QStringList versionBNumber=versionB.split(".");
+ int index=0;
+ int defaultReturnValue=true;
+ if(sign=="<")
+ defaultReturnValue=false;
+ if(sign==">")
+ defaultReturnValue=false;
+ while(index<versionANumber.size() && index<versionBNumber.size())
+ {
+ unsigned int;
+ unsigned int;
+ if(sign=="=" && reaNumberA!=reaNumberB)
+ return false;
+ if(sign=="<")
+ {
+ if(reaNumberA>reaNumberB)
+ return false;
+ if(reaNumberA<reaNumberB)
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(sign==">")
+ {
+ if(reaNumberA<reaNumberB)
+ return false;
+ if(reaNumberA>reaNumberB)
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(sign=="<=")
+ {
+ if(reaNumberA>reaNumberB)
+ return false;
+ if(reaNumberA<reaNumberB)
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(sign==">=")
+ {
+ if(reaNumberA<reaNumberB)
+ return false;
+ if(reaNumberA>reaNumberB)
+ return true;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ return defaultReturnValue;
+QList<PluginsAvailable> PluginsManager::getPluginsByCategory(const PluginType &category)
+ QList<PluginsAvailable> list;
+ int index=0,loop_size=pluginsList.size();
+ while(index<loop_size)
+ {
+ if( &&"")
+ list<<;
+ index++;
+ }
+ return list;
+QList<PluginsAvailable> PluginsManager::getPlugins()
+ QList<PluginsAvailable> list;
+ int index=0;
+ while(index<pluginsList.size())
+ {
+ if("")
+ list<<;
+ index++;
+ }
+ return list;
+/// \brief show the information
+/// \todo pass plugin info
+void PluginsManager::showInformation(const QString &path)
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ int index=0;
+ while(index<pluginsList.size())
+ {
+ if(
+ {
+ pluginInformationWindows.setLanguage(mainShortName);
+ pluginInformationWindows.setPlugin(;
+ return;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"item not selected");
+void PluginsManager::showInformationDoubleClick()
+// showInformation(false);
+void PluginsManager::removeThePluginSelected(const QString &path)
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ int index=0;
+ while(index<pluginsList.size())
+ {
+ if(
+ {
+ QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
+ /// \todo check if previous version as internal, if yes ask if switch to it, else remove and do marked to disable the internal version too
+ // if(
+ reply = QMessageBox::question(NULL,tr("Remove %1").arg(,tr("Are you sure about removing \"%1\" in version %2?").arg(,QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No,QMessageBox::No);
+ // else
+ // reply = QMessageBox::question(NULL,tr("Remove %1").arg(getTranslatedText(,"name",mainShortName)),tr("Are you sure to wish remove \"%1\" in version %2 for the internal version %3?").arg(getTranslatedText(,"name",mainShortName)).arg(,QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No,QMessageBox::No);
+ if(reply==QMessageBox::Yes)
+ {
+ emit onePluginWillBeUnloaded(;
+ emit onePluginWillBeRemoved(;
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Information,"remove plugin at this path: ";
+ if(!ResourcesManager::removeFolder(
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"unable to remove the plugin");
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Error"),tr("Error while the removing plugin, please check right of remove on the folder: \n%1").arg(;
+ }
+ pluginsList.removeAt(index);
+ checkDependencies();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"item not selected");
+void PluginsManager::addPlugin(const ImportBackend &backend)
+ if(backend==ImportBackend_File)
+ excuteTheFileBackendLoader();
+void PluginsManager::excuteTheFileBackendLoader()
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ if(importingPlugin)
+ {
+ QMessageBox::information(NULL,tr("Information"),tr("Previous import is in progress..."));
+ return;
+ }
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL,tr("Open Ultracopier plugin"),QString(),tr("Ultracopier plugin (*.urc)"));
+ if(fileName!="")
+ {
+ QFile temp(fileName);
+ if(
+ {
+ importingPlugin=true;
+ lunchDecodeThread(temp.readAll());
+ temp.close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"unable to open the file: "+temp.errorString());
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Unable to open the plugin: %1").arg(temp.errorString()));
+ }
+ }
+void PluginsManager::lunchDecodeThread(const QByteArray &data)
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ decodeThread.setData(data);
+ decodeThread.start(QThread::LowestPriority);
+void PluginsManager::decodingFinished()
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ if(!decodeThread.errorFound())
+ {
+ QByteArray data=decodeThread.decodedData();
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"data.size(): "+QString::number(data.size()));
+ QTarDecode tarFile;
+ if(!tarFile.decodeData(data))
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"tarFile.errorString(): "+tarFile.errorString());
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Unable to load the plugin content, please check it: %1").arg(tarFile.errorString()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QStringList fileList = tarFile.getFileList();
+ QList<QByteArray> dataList = tarFile.getDataList();
+ if(fileList.size()>1)
+ {
+ QString basePluginArchive="";
+ /* block use less for tar?
+ if("[\\/]")))
+ {
+ bool folderFoundEveryWhere=true;
+ basePluginArchive.remove(QRegExp("[\\/].*$"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(!
+ {
+ folderFoundEveryWhere=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(folderFoundEveryWhere)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); ++i)
+ fileList[i].remove(0,basePluginArchive.size());
+ }
+ else
+ basePluginArchive="";
+ }*/
+ PluginsAvailable tempPlugin;
+ QString categoryFinal="";
+ for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); ++i)
+ if("informations.xml")
+ {
+ loadPluginXml(&tempPlugin,;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(tempPlugin.errorString=="")
+ {
+ categoryFinal=categoryToString(tempPlugin.category);
+ if(categoryFinal!="")
+ {
+ QString writablePath=resources->getWritablePath();
+ if(writablePath!="")
+ {
+ QDir dir;
+ QString finalPluginPath=writablePath+categoryFinal+QDir::separator();
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"writablePath: \""+writablePath+"\"");
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"basePluginArchive: \""+basePluginArchive+"\"");
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"categoryFinal: \""+categoryFinal+"\"");
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Information,"finalPluginPath: \""+finalPluginPath+"\"");
+ if(!dir.exists(finalPluginPath))
+ {
+ bool errorFound=false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Information,"file "+QString::number(i)+": ";
+ fileList[i].remove(QRegExp("^(..?[\\/])+"));
+ QFile currentFile(;
+ QFileInfo info(currentFile);
+ if(!dir.exists(info.absolutePath()))
+ if(!dir.mkpath(info.absolutePath()))
+ {
+ resources->disableWritablePath();
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Critical,"Unable to make the path: "+info.absolutePath());
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Unable to create a folder to install the plugin:\n%1").arg(info.absolutePath()));
+ errorFound=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(
+ {
+ currentFile.write(;
+ currentFile.close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ resources->disableWritablePath();
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Critical,"Unable to make the file: "+info.absolutePath()+", error:"+currentFile.errorString());
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Unable to create a file to install the plugin:\n%1\nsince:%2").arg(info.absolutePath()).arg(currentFile.errorString()));
+ errorFound=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!errorFound)
+ {
+ if(loadPluginInformation(finalPluginPath))
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Information,"push the new plugin into the real list");
+ checkDependencies();
+ emit needLangToRefreshPluginList();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Critical,"Folder with same name is present, skip the plugin installation: "+finalPluginPath);
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Folder with same name is present, skip the plugin installation:\n%1").arg(finalPluginPath));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Critical,"Have not writable path, then how add you plugin?");
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Unable to load the plugin content, please check it"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"category into informations.xml not found!");
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Unable to load the plugin content, please check it"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"Error in the xml: "+tempPlugin.errorString);
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Unable to load the plugin content, please check it: %1").arg(tempPlugin.errorString));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"No file found into the plugin");
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Unable to load the plugin content, please check it"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"decodeThread.errorFound(), error: "+decodeThread.errorString());
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Plugin loader"),tr("Unable to load the plugin content, please check it: %1").arg(decodeThread.errorString()));
+ }
+ importingPlugin=false;
+void PluginsManager::newAuthPath(const QString &path)
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Notice,"start");
+ int index=0;
+ while(index<pluginsList.size())
+ {
+ if(
+ {
+ pluginsList[index].isAuth=true;
+ return;
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ ULTRACOPIER_DEBUGCONSOLE(DebugLevel_Warning,"plugin not located");
+/// \brief transfor short plugin name into file name
+QString PluginsManager::getResolvedPluginName(const QString &name)
+ #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
+ return "lib"+name+".so";
+ #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
+ #if defined(QT_DEBUG)
+ return "lib"+name+"_debug.dylib";
+ #else
+ return "lib"+name+".dylib";
+ #endif
+ #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
+ #if defined(QT_DEBUG)
+ return name+"d.dll";
+ #else
+ return name+".dll";
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #error "Platform not supported"
+ #endif
+bool operator==(PluginsAvailable pluginA,PluginsAvailable pluginB)
+ return PluginsManager::isSamePlugin(pluginA,pluginB);