path: root/plugins/CopyEngine/Ultracopier/TransferThread.h
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authorThomas Preud'homme <>2018-03-01 22:42:01 +0000
committerThomas Preud'homme <>2018-03-01 22:42:01 +0000
commit3958fa914c8a524ed4b6a5b035b794e12708fa1d (patch)
tree417868397f3c2c7386773f55096a9aa5f8856990 /plugins/CopyEngine/Ultracopier/TransferThread.h
Import ultracopier_1.4.0.4.orig.tar.xz
[dgit import orig ultracopier_1.4.0.4.orig.tar.xz]
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CopyEngine/Ultracopier/TransferThread.h')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CopyEngine/Ultracopier/TransferThread.h b/plugins/CopyEngine/Ultracopier/TransferThread.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1a3b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CopyEngine/Ultracopier/TransferThread.h
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+/** \file TransferThread.h
+\brief Thread changed to manage the inode operation, the signals, canceling, pre and post operations
+\author alpha_one_x86
+\licence GPL3, see the file COPYING */
+#include <QThread>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <regex>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <QDateTime>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <utility>
+#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
+ #include <utime.h>
+ #include <time.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
+ #include <utime.h>
+ #include <time.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #endif
+ #endif
+#include "ReadThread.h"
+#include "WriteThread.h"
+#include "Environment.h"
+#include "DriveManagement.h"
+#include "StructEnumDefinition_CopyEngine.h"
+/// \brief Thread changed to manage the inode operation, the signals, canceling, pre and post operations
+class TransferThread : public QThread
+ explicit TransferThread();
+ ~TransferThread();
+ /// \brief get transfer stat
+ TransferStat getStat() const;
+ /// \brief to set the id
+ void setId(int id);
+ /// \brief get the reading letter
+ char readingLetter() const;
+ /// \brief get the writing letter
+ char writingLetter() const;
+ #endif
+ /// \brief to have semaphore, and try create just one by one
+ void setMkpathTransfer(QSemaphore *mkpathTransfer);
+ /// \brief to store the transfer id
+ uint64_t transferId;
+ /// \brief to store the transfer size
+ uint64_t transferSize;
+ bool haveStartTime;
+ QTime startTransferTime;
+ void set_doChecksum(bool doChecksum);
+ void set_checksumIgnoreIfImpossible(bool checksumIgnoreIfImpossible);
+ void set_checksumOnlyOnError(bool checksumOnlyOnError);
+ void set_osBuffer(bool osBuffer);
+ void set_osBufferLimited(bool osBufferLimited);
+ //not copied size, because that's count to the checksum, ...
+ uint64_t realByteTransfered() const;
+ std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> progression() const;
+ static std::string resolvedName(const QFileInfo &inode);
+ std::string getSourcePath() const;
+ std::string getDestinationPath() const;
+ QFileInfo getSourceInode() const;
+ QFileInfo getDestinationInode() const;
+ Ultracopier::CopyMode getMode() const;
+ void run();
+ //to send state
+ void preOperationStopped() const;
+ void checkIfItCanBeResumed() const;
+ //void transferStarted();//not sended (and not used then)
+ void readStopped() const;
+ void writeStopped() const;
+ void postOperationStopped() const;
+ //get dialog
+ void fileAlreadyExists(const QFileInfo &info,const QFileInfo &info2,const bool &isSame) const;
+ void errorOnFile(const QFileInfo &info,const std::string &string,const ErrorType &errorType=ErrorType_Normal) const;
+ //internal signal
+ void internalStartPostOperation() const;
+ void internalStartPreOperation() const;
+ void internalStartResumeAfterErrorAndSeek() const;
+ /// \brief To debug source
+ void debugInformation(const Ultracopier::DebugLevel &level,std::string fonction,std::string text,std::string file,int ligne) const;
+ void tryPutAtBottom() const;
+ //force into the right thread
+ void internalTryStartTheTransfer() const;
+ /// \brief update the transfer stat
+ void pushStat(const TransferStat &stat,const uint64_t &pos) const;
+public slots:
+ /// \brief to start the transfer of data
+ void startTheTransfer();
+ /// \brief to set files to transfer
+ bool setFiles(const QFileInfo& source,const int64_t &size,const QFileInfo& destination,const Ultracopier::CopyMode &mode);
+ /// \brief to set file exists action to do
+ void setFileExistsAction(const FileExistsAction &action);
+ /// \brief to set the new name of the destination
+ void setFileRename(const std::string &nameForRename);
+ /// \brief to start the transfer of data
+ void setAlwaysFileExistsAction(const FileExistsAction &action);
+ /// \brief set the copy info and options before runing
+ void setRightTransfer(const bool doRightTransfer);
+ /// \brief set keep date
+ void setKeepDate(const bool keepDate);
+ /// \brief set the current max speed in KB/s
+ void setMultiForBigSpeed(const int &maxSpeed);
+ #endif
+ /// \brief set block size in KB
+ bool setBlockSize(const unsigned int blockSize);
+ /// \brief pause the copy
+ void pause();
+ /// \brief resume the copy
+ void resume();
+ /// \brief stop the copy
+ void stop();
+ /// \brief skip the copy
+ void skip();
+ /// \brief retry after error
+ void retryAfterError();
+ /// \brief return info about the copied size
+ int64_t copiedSize();
+ /// \brief put the current file at bottom
+ void putAtBottom();
+ void setRsync(const bool rsync);
+ #endif
+ void set_osBufferLimit(const unsigned int &osBufferLimit);
+ void setRenamingRules(const std::string &firstRenamingRule,const std::string &otherRenamingRule);
+ //speed limitation
+ void timeOfTheBlockCopyFinished();
+ #endif
+ bool setParallelBuffer(const int &parallelBuffer);
+ bool setSequentialBuffer(const int &sequentialBuffer);
+ void setTransferAlgorithm(const TransferAlgorithm &transferAlgorithm);
+ void setDeletePartiallyTransferredFiles(const bool &deletePartiallyTransferredFiles);
+ void setRenameTheOriginalDestination(const bool &renameTheOriginalDestination);
+ void set_updateMount();
+private slots:
+ void preOperation();
+ void readIsReady();
+ void writeIsReady();
+ void readIsFinish();
+ void writeIsFinish();
+ void readIsClosed();
+ void writeIsClosed();
+ void postOperation();
+ void getWriteError();
+ void getReadError();
+ void readChecksumFinish(const QByteArray&);
+ void writeChecksumFinish(const QByteArray&);
+ void compareChecksum();
+ //void syncAfterErrorAndReadFinish();
+ void readThreadIsSeekToZeroAndWait();
+ void writeThreadIsReopened();
+ void readThreadResumeAfterError();
+ //to filter the emition of signal
+ void readIsStopped();
+ void writeIsStopped();
+ //force into the right thread
+ void internalStartTheTransfer();
+ enum MoveReturn
+ {
+ MoveReturn_skip=0,
+ MoveReturn_moved=1,
+ MoveReturn_error=2
+ };
+ TransferStat transfer_stat;
+ ReadThread readThread;
+ WriteThread writeThread;
+ /*QString source;
+ QString destination;*/
+ Ultracopier::CopyMode mode;
+ bool doRightTransfer;
+ bool rsync;
+ #endif
+ bool keepDate;
+ //ready = open + ready to operation (no error to resolv)
+ bool readIsReadyVariable;
+ bool writeIsReadyVariable;
+ //can be open but with error
+ bool readIsOpeningVariable;//after call open() and before the end of internalOpen(), mostly to prevent internal error by open() when another is running
+ bool writeIsOpeningVariable;//after call open() and before the end of internalOpen(), mostly to prevent internal error by open() when another is running
+ bool readIsOpenVariable;
+ bool writeIsOpenVariable;
+ bool readIsFinishVariable;
+ bool writeIsFinishVariable;
+ bool readIsClosedVariable;
+ bool writeIsClosedVariable;
+ bool canBeMovedDirectlyVariable,canBeCopiedDirectlyVariable;
+ DriveManagement driveManagement;
+ QByteArray sourceChecksum,destinationChecksum;
+ volatile bool stopIt;
+ volatile bool canStartTransfer;
+ bool retry;
+ QFileInfo source;
+ QFileInfo destination;
+ int64_t size;
+ FileExistsAction fileExistsAction;
+ FileExistsAction alwaysDoFileExistsAction;
+ bool needSkip,needRemove;
+ QDateTime minTime;
+ int id;
+ QSemaphore *mkpathTransfer;
+ bool doChecksum,real_doChecksum;
+ bool checksumIgnoreIfImpossible;
+ bool checksumOnlyOnError;
+ bool deletePartiallyTransferredFiles;
+ bool osBuffer;
+ bool osBufferLimited;
+ unsigned int osBufferLimit;
+ std::string firstRenamingRule;
+ std::string otherRenamingRule;
+ //error management
+ bool writeError,writeError_source_seeked,writeError_destination_reopened;
+ bool readError;
+ bool renameTheOriginalDestination;
+ bool fileContentError;
+ bool doTheDateTransfer;
+ int parallelBuffer;
+ int sequentialBuffer;
+ int parallelizeIfSmallerThan;
+ std::regex renameRegex;
+ TransferAlgorithm transferAlgorithm;
+ #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
+ utimbuf butime;
+ #else
+ #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
+ utimbuf butime;
+ #else
+ uint32_t ftCreateL, ftAccessL, ftWriteL;
+ uint32_t ftCreateH, ftAccessH, ftWriteH;
+ std::regex regRead;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ //different pre-operation
+ bool isSame();
+ bool destinationExists();
+ bool checkAlwaysRename();///< return true if has been renamed
+ bool canBeMovedDirectly() const;
+ bool canBeCopiedDirectly() const;
+ void tryMoveDirectly();
+ void tryCopyDirectly();
+ void ifCanStartTransfer();
+ //fonction to edit the file date time
+ bool readFileDateTime(const QFileInfo &source);
+ bool writeFileDateTime(const QFileInfo &destination);
+ void resetExtraVariable();
+ //error management function
+ void resumeTransferAfterWriteError();
+ //to send state
+ bool sended_state_preOperationStopped;
+ bool sended_state_readStopped;
+ bool sended_state_writeStopped;
+ //different post-operation
+ bool checkIfAllIsClosedAndDoOperations();// return true if all is closed, and do some operations, don't use into condition to check if is closed!
+ bool doFilePostOperation();
+ //different pre-operation
+ void tryOpen();
+ bool remainFileOpen() const;
+ bool remainSourceOpen() const;
+ bool remainDestinationOpen() const;