path: root/plugins-alternative/CopyEngine/Rsync/ListThread.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 376 deletions
diff --git a/plugins-alternative/CopyEngine/Rsync/ListThread.h b/plugins-alternative/CopyEngine/Rsync/ListThread.h
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-/** \file ListThread.h
-\brief Define the list thread, and management to the action to do
-\author alpha_one_x86
-\version 0.3
-\date 2011 */
-#include <QThread>
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QList>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QSemaphore>
-#include <QTextStream>
-#include <QFile>
-#include "../../../interface/PluginInterface_CopyEngine.h"
-#include "scanFileOrFolder.h"
-#include "TransferThread.h"
-#include "MkPath.h"
-#include "RmPath.h"
-#include "Environment.h"
-/// \brief Define the list thread, and management to the action to do
-class ListThread : public QThread
- explicit ListThread(FacilityInterface * facilityInterface);
- ~ListThread();
- //duplication copy detection
- /** \brief compare the current sources of the copy, with the passed arguments
- * \param sources the sources list to compares with the current sources list
- * \return true if have same sources, else false (or empty) */
- bool haveSameSource(QStringList sources);
- /** \brief compare the current destination of the copy, with the passed arguments
- * \param destination the destination to compares with the current destination
- * \return true if have same destination, else false (or empty) */
- bool haveSameDestination(QString destination);
- //external soft like file browser have send copy/move list to do
- /** \brief send copy with destination
- * \param sources the sources list to copy
- * \param destination the destination to copy
- * \return true if the copy have been accepted */
- bool newCopy(QStringList sources,QString destination);
- /** \brief send move without destination, ask the destination
- * \param sources the sources list to move
- * \param destination the destination to move
- * \return true if the move have been accepted */
- bool newMove(QStringList sources,QString destination);
- /** \brief get the speed limitation
- * < -1 if not able, 0 if disabled */
- qint64 getSpeedLimitation();
- /** \brief to set drives detected
- * specific to this copy engine */
- void setDrive(QStringList drives);
- /// \brief to set the collision action
- void setCollisionAction(FileExistsAction alwaysDoThisActionForFileExists);
- /** \brief to sync the transfer list
- * Used when the interface is changed, useful to minimize the memory size */
- void syncTransferList();
- /// \brief to store one action to do
- struct actionToDoTransfer
- {
- quint64 id;
- qint64 size;///< Used to set: used in case of transfer or remainingInode for drop folder
- QFileInfo source;///< Used to set: source for transfer, folder to create, folder to drop
- QFileInfo destination;
- CopyMode mode;
- bool isRunning;///< store if the action si running
- //TransferThread * transfer; // -> see transferThreadList
- };
- QList<actionToDoTransfer> actionToDoListTransfer;
- /// \brief get action type
- enum ActionType
- {
- ActionType_MkPath=1,
- ActionType_RmPath=2,
- ActionType_RmSync=3
- };
- /// \brief to store one action to do
- struct actionToDoInode
- {
- ActionType type;///< \see ActionType
- quint64 id;
- qint64 size;///< Used to set: used in case of transfer or remainingInode for drop folder
- QFileInfo folder;///< Used to set: source for transfer, folder to create, folder to drop
- bool isRunning;///< store if the action si running
- };
- QList<actionToDoInode> actionToDoListInode;
- QList<actionToDoInode> actionToDoListInode_afterTheTransfer;
- int numberOfInodeOperation;
- //dir operation thread queue
- MkPath mkPathQueue;
- RmPath rmPathQueue;
- //to get the return value from copyEngine
- bool getReturnBoolToCopyEngine();
- QPair<quint64,quint64> getReturnPairQuint64ToCopyEngine();
- ItemOfCopyList getReturnItemOfCopyListToCopyEngine();
- void set_doChecksum(bool doChecksum);
- void set_checksumIgnoreIfImpossible(bool checksumIgnoreIfImpossible);
- void set_checksumOnlyOnError(bool checksumOnlyOnError);
- void set_osBuffer(bool osBuffer);
- void set_osBufferLimited(bool osBufferLimited);
-public slots:
- //action on the copy
- /// \brief put the transfer in pause
- void pause();
- /// \brief resume the transfer
- void resume();
- /** \brief skip one transfer entry
- * \param id id of the file to remove */
- void skip(const quint64 &id);
- /** \brief skip as interanl one transfer entry
- * \param id id of the file to remove */
- bool skipInternal(const quint64 &id);
- /// \brief cancel all the transfer
- void cancel();
- //edit the transfer list
- /** \brief remove the selected item
- * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
- void removeItems(const QList<int> &ids);
- /** \brief move on top of the list the selected item
- * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
- void moveItemsOnTop(QList<int> ids);
- /** \brief move up the list the selected item
- * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
- void moveItemsUp(QList<int> ids);
- /** \brief move down the list the selected item
- * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
- void moveItemsDown(QList<int> ids);
- /** \brief move on bottom of the list the selected item
- * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
- void moveItemsOnBottom(QList<int> ids);
- /** \brief give the forced mode, to export/import transfer list */
- void forceMode(const CopyMode &mode);
- /// \brief export the transfer list into a file
- void exportTransferList(const QString &fileName);
- /// \brief import the transfer list into a file
- void importTransferList(const QString &fileName);
- /// \brief set the folder local colision
- void setFolderColision(FolderExistsAction alwaysDoThisActionForFolderExists);
- /** \brief to set the speed limitation
- * -1 if not able, 0 if disabled */
- bool setSpeedLimitation(const qint64 &speedLimitation);
- /// \brief set the copy info and options before runing
- void setRightTransfer(const bool doRightTransfer);
- /// \brief set keep date
- void setKeepDate(const bool keepDate);
- /// \brief set block size in KB
- void setBlockSize(const int blockSize);
- /// \brief set auto start
- void setAutoStart(const bool autoStart);
- /// \brief set rsync
- void setRsync(const bool rsync);
- /// \brief set check destination folder
- void setCheckDestinationFolderExists(const bool checkDestinationFolderExists);
- /// \brief set data local to the thread
- void setAlwaysFileExistsAction(FileExistsAction alwaysDoThisActionForFileExists);
- /// \brief do new actions, start transfer
- void doNewActions_start_transfer();
- /** \brief lunch the pre-op or inode op
- 1) locate the next next item to do into the both list
- 1a) optimisation posible on the mkpath/rmpath
- 2) determine what need be lunched
- 3) lunch it, rerun the 2)
- */
- void doNewActions_inode_manipulation();
- /// \brief restart transfer if it can
- void restartTransferIfItCan();
- /// \brief update the transfer stat
- void newTransferStat(TransferStat stat,quint64 id);
- void set_osBufferLimit(unsigned int osBufferLimit);
- void set_setFilters(QList<Filters_rules> include,QList<Filters_rules> exclude);
- void set_sendNewRenamingRules(QString firstRenamingRule,QString otherRenamingRule);
- //send action done
- void sendActionDone();
- //send progression
- void sendProgression();
- QSemaphore mkpathTransfer;
- QString sourceDrive;
- bool sourceDriveMultiple;
- bool stopIt;
- QString destinationDrive;
- bool destinationDriveMultiple;
- QList<scanFileOrFolder *> scanFileOrFolderThreadsPool;
- int numberOfTransferIntoToDoList;
- QList<TransferThread *> transferThreadList;
- scanFileOrFolder * newScanThread(CopyMode mode);
- quint64 bytesToTransfer;
- quint64 bytesTransfered;
- bool autoStart;
- bool rsync;
- bool putInPause;
- QList<returnActionOnCopyList> actionDone;///< to action to send to the interface
- quint64 idIncrementNumber;///< to store the last id returned
- qint64 actualRealByteTransfered;
- int preOperationNumber;
- int numberOfTranferRuning;
- int maxSpeed;///< in KB/s, assume as 0KB/s as default like every where
- FolderExistsAction alwaysDoThisActionForFolderExists;
- bool checkDestinationFolderExists;
- bool doChecksum;
- bool checksumIgnoreIfImpossible;
- bool checksumOnlyOnError;
- bool osBuffer;
- bool osBufferLimited;
- unsigned int osBufferLimit;
- QList<Filters_rules> include,exclude;
- CopyMode mode;
- bool forcedMode;
- QString firstRenamingRule;
- QString otherRenamingRule;
- //add file transfer to do
- quint64 addToTransfer(const QFileInfo& source,const QFileInfo& destination,const CopyMode& mode);
- //generate id number
- quint64 generateIdNumber();
- //warning the first entry is accessible will copy
- bool removeItems(quint64 id);
- //put on top
- bool moveOnTopItem(quint64 id);
- //move up
- bool moveUpItem(quint64 id);
- //move down
- bool moveDownItem(quint64 id);
- //put on bottom
- bool moveOnBottomItem(quint64 id);
- //general transfer
- void startGeneralTransfer();
- //debug windows if needed
- QTimer timerUpdateDebugDialog;
- #endif
- FacilityInterface * facilityInterface;
- //temp variable for not always alocate the memory
- int int_for_loop,int_for_internal_loop,int_for_transfer_thread_search,loop_size,loop_sub_size,loop_sub_size_transfer_thread_search,number_rm_path_moved;
- TransferThread *temp_transfer_thread;
- bool isFound;
- bool updateTheStatus_listing,updateTheStatus_copying;
- EngineActionInProgress updateTheStatus_action_in_progress;
- QSemaphore waitConstructor,waitCancel;
- int actionToDoListTransfer_count,actionToDoListInode_count;
- bool doTransfer,doInode;
- qint64 oversize;//used as temp variable
- qint64 currentProgression;
- qint64 copiedSize,totalSize,localOverSize;
- QList<ProgressionItem> progressionList;
- TransferThread* currentTransferThread;
- //memory variable for transfer thread creation
- bool doRightTransfer;
- bool keepDate;
- int blockSize;
- QStringList drives;
- FileExistsAction alwaysDoThisActionForFileExists;
- //to return value to the copyEngine
- bool returnBoolToCopyEngine;
- QPair<quint64,quint64> returnPairQuint64ToCopyEngine;
- QList<ItemOfCopyList> returnListItemOfCopyListToCopyEngine;
- ItemOfCopyList returnItemOfCopyListToCopyEngine;
- ProgressionItem tempItem;
- void realByteTransfered();
-private slots:
- void scanThreadHaveFinish(bool skipFirstRemove=false);
- void updateTheStatus();
- void fileTransfer(const QFileInfo &sourceFileInfo,const QFileInfo &destinationFileInfo,const CopyMode &mode);
- //mkpath event
- void mkPathFirstFolderFinish();
- //rmpath event
- void rmPathFirstFolderFinish();
- //transfer is finished
- void transferIsFinished();
- /** \brief put the current file at bottom in case of error
- void transferPutAtBottom();
- //transfer is finished
- void transferInodeIsClosed();
- //debug windows if needed
- void timedUpdateDebugDialog();
- #endif
- //dialog message
- /// \note Can be call without queue because all call will be serialized
- void fileAlreadyExists(const QFileInfo &source,const QFileInfo &destination,const bool &isSame);
- /// \note Can be call without queue because all call will be serialized
- void errorOnFile(const QFileInfo &fileInfo,const QString &errorString);
- /// \note Can be call without queue because all call will be serialized
- void folderAlreadyExists(const QFileInfo &source,const QFileInfo &destination,const bool &isSame);
- /// \note Can be call without queue because all call will be serialized
- void errorOnFolder(const QFileInfo &fileInfo,const QString &errorString);
- //to run the thread
- void run();
- /// \to create transfer thread
- void createTransferThread();
- //mk path to do
- quint64 addToMkPath(const QString& folder);
- //add rm path to do
- void addToRmPath(const QString& folder,const int& inodeToRemove);
- //rsync rm
- void addToRmForRsync(const QString& inode);
- //send the progression, after full reset of the interface (then all is empty)
- void syncTransferList_internal();
- //send information about the copy
- void actionInProgess(EngineActionInProgress); //should update interface information on this event
- void newActionOnList(const QList<returnActionOnCopyList> &);///very important, need be temporized to group the modification to do and not flood the interface
- void syncReady();
- /** \brief to get the progression for a specific file
- * \param id the id of the transfer, id send during population the transfer list
- * first = current transfered byte, second = byte to transfer */
- void pushFileProgression(const QList<ProgressionItem> &progressionList);
- //get information about the copy
- /** \brief to get the general progression
- * first = current transfered byte, second = byte to transfer */
- void pushGeneralProgression(const quint64 &,const quint64 &);
- void newFolderListing(const QString &path);
- void newCollisionAction(QString action);
- void newErrorAction(QString action);
- void isInPause(bool);
- //when can be deleted
- void canBeDeleted();
- //send error occurred
- void error(QString path,quint64 size,QDateTime mtime,QString error);
- //for the extra logging
- void rmPath(QString path);
- void mkPath(QString path);
- /// \brief To debug source
- void debugInformation(DebugLevel level,QString fonction,QString text,QString file,int ligne);
- #endif
- void updateTheDebugInfo(QStringList,QStringList,int);
- #endif
- //other signal
- /// \note Can be call without queue because all call will be serialized
- void send_fileAlreadyExists(QFileInfo source,QFileInfo destination,bool isSame,TransferThread * thread);
- /// \note Can be call without queue because all call will be serialized
- void send_errorOnFile(QFileInfo fileInfo,QString errorString,TransferThread * thread);
- /// \note Can be call without queue because all call will be serialized
- void send_folderAlreadyExists(QFileInfo source,QFileInfo destination,bool isSame,scanFileOrFolder * thread);
- /// \note Can be call without queue because all call will be serialized
- void send_errorOnFolder(QFileInfo fileInfo,QString errorString,scanFileOrFolder * thread);
- //send the progression
- void send_syncTransferList();
- //mkpath error event
- void mkPathErrorOnFolder(QFileInfo fileInfo,QString errorString);
- //rmpath error event
- void rmPathErrorOnFolder(QFileInfo fileInfo,QString errorString);
- //to close
- void tryCancel();
- //to ask new transfer thread
- void askNewTransferThread();
- void warningTransferList(QString warning);
- void errorTransferList(QString error);
- void send_sendNewRenamingRules(QString firstRenamingRule,QString otherRenamingRule);
- void send_realBytesTransfered(quint64);
-#endif // LISTTHREAD_H