path: root/plugins-alternative/Themes/Supercopier/interface.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins-alternative/Themes/Supercopier/interface.h')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins-alternative/Themes/Supercopier/interface.h b/plugins-alternative/Themes/Supercopier/interface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6929f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins-alternative/Themes/Supercopier/interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+/** \file interface.h
+\brief Define the interface
+\author alpha_one_x86
+\licence GPL3, see the file COPYING */
+#ifndef INTERFACE_H
+#define INTERFACE_H
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QWidget>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include <QCloseEvent>
+#include <QShortcut>
+#include <QItemSelectionModel>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QTime>
+#include <QSystemTrayIcon>
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include "../../../interface/PluginInterface_Themes.h"
+#include "ui_interface.h"
+#include "ui_themesOptions.h"
+#include "Environment.h"
+#include "TransferModel.h"
+// for windows progress bar
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+#include <shobjidl.h>
+namespace Ui {
+ class interfaceCopy;
+ class themesOptions;
+/// \brief Define the interface
+class Themes : public PluginInterface_Themes
+ Themes(const bool &alwaysOnTop,
+ const bool &showProgressionInTheTitle,
+ const QColor &progressColorWrite,
+ const QColor &progressColorRead,
+ const QColor &progressColorRemaining,
+ const bool &showDualProgression,
+ const quint8 &comboBox_copyEnd,
+ const bool &speedWithProgressBar,
+ const qint32 &currentSpeed,
+ const bool &checkBoxShowSpeed,
+ FacilityInterface * facilityEngine,
+ const bool &moreButtonPushed,
+ const bool &minimizeToSystray);
+ ~Themes();
+ //send information about the copy
+ /// \brief to set the action in progress
+ void actionInProgess(const Ultracopier::EngineActionInProgress &);
+ /// \brief the new folder is listing
+ void newFolderListing(const QString &path);
+ /** \brief show the detected speed
+ * in byte per seconds */
+ void detectedSpeed(const quint64 &speed);
+ /** \brief show the remaining time
+ * time in seconds */
+ void remainingTime(const int &remainingSeconds);
+ /// \brief set the current collision action
+ void newCollisionAction(const QString &action);
+ /// \brief set the current error action
+ void newErrorAction(const QString &action);
+ /// \brief set one error is detected
+ void errorDetected();
+ /// \brief new error
+ void errorToRetry(const QString &source,const QString &destination,const QString &error);
+ /** \brief support speed limitation */
+ void setSupportSpeedLimitation(const bool &supportSpeedLimitationBool);
+ //get information about the copy
+ /// \brief show the general progression
+ void setGeneralProgression(const quint64 &current,const quint64 &total);
+ /// \brief show the file progression
+ void setFileProgression(const QList<Ultracopier::ProgressionItem> &progressionList);
+ /// \brief set the copyType -> file or folder
+ void setCopyType(const Ultracopier::CopyType &);
+ /// \brief set the copyMove -> copy or move, to force in copy or move, else support both
+ void forceCopyMode(const Ultracopier::CopyMode &);
+ /// \brief set if transfer list is exportable/importable
+ void setTransferListOperation(const Ultracopier::TransferListOperation &transferListOperation);
+ //edit the transfer list
+ /// \brief get action on the transfer list (add/move/remove)
+ void getActionOnList(const QList<Ultracopier::ReturnActionOnCopyList> &returnActions);
+ /** \brief set if the order is external (like file manager copy)
+ * to notify the interface, which can hide add folder/filer button */
+ void haveExternalOrder();
+ /// \brief set if is in pause
+ void isInPause(const bool &);
+ /// \brief get the widget for the copy engine
+ QWidget * getOptionsEngineWidget();
+ /// \brief to set if the copy engine is found
+ void getOptionsEngineEnabled(const bool &isEnabled);
+ enum status{status_never_started,status_started,status_stopped};
+ status stat;
+public slots:
+ /// \brief set the translate
+ void newLanguageLoaded();
+private slots:
+ void on_putOnTop_clicked();
+ void on_pushUp_clicked();
+ void on_pushDown_clicked();
+ void on_putOnBottom_clicked();
+ void on_del_clicked();
+ void on_cancelButton_clicked();
+ void speedWithProgressBar_toggled(bool checked);
+ void showDualProgression_toggled(bool checked);
+ void checkBoxShowSpeed_toggled(bool checked);
+ void on_SliderSpeed_valueChanged(int value);
+ void on_pauseButton_clicked();
+ void on_skipButton_clicked();
+ void forcedModeAddFile();
+ void forcedModeAddFolder();
+ void forcedModeAddFileToCopy();
+ void forcedModeAddFolderToCopy();
+ void forcedModeAddFileToMove();
+ void forcedModeAddFolderToMove();
+ void uiUpdateSpeed();
+ void on_pushButtonCloseSearch_clicked();
+ //close the search box
+ void closeTheSearchBox();
+ //search box shortcut
+ void searchBoxShortcut();
+ //hilight the search
+ void hilightTheSearch(bool searchNext=false);
+ void hilightTheSearchSlot();
+ //auto connect
+ void on_pushButtonSearchPrev_clicked();
+ void on_pushButtonSearchNext_clicked();
+ void on_lineEditSearch_returnPressed();
+ void on_lineEditSearch_textChanged(QString text);
+ void on_moreButton_toggled(bool checked);
+ void on_searchButton_toggled(bool checked);
+ void on_exportTransferList_clicked();
+ void on_importTransferList_clicked();
+ void progressColorWrite_clicked();
+ void progressColorRead_clicked();
+ void progressColorRemaining_clicked();
+ void alwaysOnTop_clicked(bool reshow);
+ void alwaysOnTop_clickedSlot();
+ void updateProgressionColorBar();
+ void updateTitle();
+ void catchAction(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason);
+ void on_exportErrorToTransferList_clicked();
+ QTime duration;
+ bool durationStarted;
+ QPixmap pixmapTop,pixmapBottom;
+ QColor progressColorWrite,progressColorRead,progressColorRemaining;
+ Ui::interfaceCopy *ui;
+ Ui::themesOptions *uiOptions;
+ quint64 currentFile;
+ quint64 totalFile;
+ quint64 currentSize;
+ quint64 totalSize;
+ quint8 getOldProgression;
+ QSystemTrayIcon *sysTrayIcon;
+ void updateOverallInformation();
+ void updateCurrentFileInformation();
+ QMenu *menu;
+ Ultracopier::EngineActionInProgress action;
+ void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event);
+ qint32 currentSpeed;///< in KB/s, assume as 0KB/s as default like every where
+ void updateSpeed();
+ bool storeIsInPause;
+ bool modeIsForced;
+ Ultracopier::CopyType type;
+ Ultracopier::CopyMode mode;
+ void updateModeAndType();
+ bool haveStarted;
+ bool haveError;
+ QWidget optionEngineWidget;
+ QShortcut *searchShortcut;
+ QShortcut *searchShortcut2;
+ QShortcut *searchShortcut3;
+ QTimer *TimerForSearch;
+ int currentIndexSearch; ///< Current index search in starting at the end
+ FacilityInterface * facilityEngine;
+ QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel;
+ QModelIndexList selectedItems;
+ /// \brief the custom transfer model
+ TransferModel transferModel;
+ static QIcon player_play,player_pause;
+ /** \brief drag event processing
+ need setAcceptDrops(true); into the constructor
+ need implementation to accept the drop:
+ void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* event);
+ void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* event);
+ void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent* event);
+ */
+ void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
+ /** \brief accept all event to allow the drag and drop
+ \see dropEvent() */
+ void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* event);
+ /** \brief accept all event to allow the drag and drop
+ \see dropEvent() */
+ void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* event);
+ /** \brief accept all event to allow the drag and drop
+ \see dropEvent() */
+ void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent* event);
+ //have functionality
+ bool shutdown;
+ void updatePause();
+ QIcon dynaIcon(int percent,QString text="") const;
+ void updateSysTrayIcon();
+ /// \brief To debug source
+ void debugInformation(const Ultracopier::DebugLevel &level,const QString &fonction,const QString &text,const QString &file,const int &ligne) const;
+#endif // INTERFACE_H