/** \file HelpDialog.h \brief Define the help dialog \author alpha_one_x86 \version 0.3 \date 2010 \licence GPL3, see the file COPYING */ #ifndef DIALOG_H #define DIALOG_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "ui_HelpDialog.h" #include "Environment.h" #include "GlobalClass.h" namespace Ui { class HelpDialog; } /** \brief Help dialog, and some user oriented repport/debug function */ class HelpDialog : public QDialog, public GlobalClass { Q_OBJECT public: /// \brief Construct the object HelpDialog(); /// \brief Destruct the object ~HelpDialog(); protected: /// \brief To re-translate the ui void changeEvent(QEvent *e); private: Ui::HelpDialog *ui; /// \brief To reload the text value void reloadTextValue(); private slots: #ifdef ULTRACOPIER_DEBUG /// \brief Add debug text void addDebugText(); void on_lineEditInsertDebug_returnPressed(); #endif // ULTRACOPIER_DEBUG void on_pushButtonAboutQt_clicked(); void on_pushButtonCrash_clicked(); }; #endif // DIALOG_H