HelpDialog 0 0 681 389 16777215 16777214 About ultracopier :/ultracopier-16x16.png:/ultracopier-16x16.png QLayout::SetMinimumSize 128 128 128 128 :/ultracopier-128x128.png 12 75 true Ultracopier %1 Based on Qt. It provide advanced copier with more advanced feature. It's under GPL3. This version is compiled as version: %1. <html><head/><body><p>For more information see the website <a href="%1"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0057ae;">%1</span></a></p></body></html> true Platform: %1 Insert debug note to annotate some special action at current time Insert debug note to annotate some special action at current time Insert debug note to annotate some special action at current time false true Time File Function Location Text About Qt Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Do a crash Save bug report Close debugView lineEditInsertDebug pushButtonAboutQt pushButtonSaveBugReport pushButtonClose pushButtonClose clicked() HelpDialog hide() 387 216 329 212