OptionDialog 0 0 717 455 Options 1 1 0 0 200 16777215 false true Options General Plugins Copy engine Themes Log 0 Language: Autodetect the system language: Catch the copy/move as default: Load at the session loading: When manual open: Do nothing Ask source as folder Ask sources as files Never When source is same When destination is same When source and destination are same When source or destination are same Always Group window when: Qt::Vertical 20 309 true false true Name Version Copy engine Language Listener Plugin loader Session loader Themes Plugin Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Add QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup false Remove false Information Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Copy engine by order of preference: true 0 false :/moveUp.png:/moveUp.png false :/moveDown.png:/moveDown.png Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 16777215 22 Themes: Qt::Horizontal 40 20 1 Qt::Vertical 20 105 :/bug-128x128.png Qt::AlignCenter 15 75 true Unable to load the themes plugin Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Vertical 20 104 Qt::Vertical 20 109 :/none-128x128.png Qt::AlignCenter No option for this plugin Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Vertical 20 109 Qt::Vertical 20 109 :/none-128x128.png Qt::AlignCenter No plugin loaded Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Vertical 20 109 Write the log file into: false false Browse false This write directly the file when it receive the new entry, but it can produce 50% of lost of performance Synchronized log false Write the transfers: The variables are %time%, %source%, %size%, %destination% Format false Write the errors: The variables are %time%, %path%, %size%, %mtime%, %error% Format false Write the folder operations: false Format Qt::Vertical 20 255 QDialogButtonBox::Close|QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults Language_autodetect toggled(bool) Language setDisabled(bool) 449 42 502 10 checkBox_Log toggled(bool) lineEditLog_File setEnabled(bool) 313 13 533 44 checkBox_Log toggled(bool) pushButton setEnabled(bool) 583 20 584 40 checkBox_Log toggled(bool) checkBoxLog_transfer setEnabled(bool) 345 21 582 105 checkBox_Log toggled(bool) checkBoxLog_error setEnabled(bool) 348 25 557 156 checkBoxLog_transfer toggled(bool) lineEditLog_transfer_format setEnabled(bool) 537 105 533 131 checkBoxLog_error toggled(bool) lineEditLog_error_format setEnabled(bool) 501 156 501 182 checkBox_Log toggled(bool) checkBoxLog_folder setEnabled(bool) 269 15 456 207 checkBox_Log toggled(bool) checkBoxLog_sync setEnabled(bool) 334 12 304 69