# About [Ultracopier](https://ultracopier.first-world.info/) is free and open source software licensed under GPLv3 that acts as a replacement for files copy dialogs. Main features include: - task queue - pause / resume - resume unfinished jobs - dynamic speed limitation - collision management - plugin support # Dependency - libogg and libopus if audio support is enabled # Building Building an all-in-one version is as easy as compiling the main Qt project: find ./ -name '*.ts' -exec lrelease {} \; qmake ultracopier.pro # Translations Translations are provided via [Qt Linguist](http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtlinguist-index.html). 1. Run `lupdate ultracopier.pro` to update the translation files 2. Put your translation in `(plugins|resources)/Languages/XX/translation.ts` 3. Run `lrelease ultracopier.pro` to compile the files 4. Replace the `.qm` files in your Ultracopier release # Plugins Customizations in form of [Plugins](plugins/README.md) are also possible. # Contributing This project is hosted on [Github](https://github.com/alphaonex86/Ultracopier). Add issues and merge requests there!