AvancedQFile Not supported on this platform Last modified date is wrong Last access date is wrong MkPath Unable to create the folder ReadThread Unable to read the source file: RmPath Unable to remove the folder TransferThread Copy of copyEngine Select destination directory Ask Skip Overwrite Overwrite if newer Overwrite if not same modification date Rename Put to end of the list Select source directory Select one or more files to open All files fileErrorDialog Error on file Error Size Modified File name &Always do this action Put to bottom Retry &Skip &Cancel fileExistsDialog The file exists Source Destination Size Modified File name Suggest new &name &Always do this action &Rename &Overwrite &Skip &Cancel Overwrite if newer Overwrite if not same modification date Copy of fileIsSameDialog This files are the same file The source and destination is same Size Modified File name Suggest new &name &Always do this action &Rename &Skip &Cancel Copy of folderExistsDialog This folders are the same folder Source Destination The source and destination is same Modified Folder name Suggest new &name &Always do this action &Rename Merge Skip &Cancel Copy of options Transfer the file rights Keep the file date Block size KB Auto start the transfer When folder error Ask Skip When folder colision Merge Rename Check if destination folder exists scanFileOrFolder Copy of The folder not exists The folder is not readable