CliParser Warning 알림 Ultracopier is already running, right click on its system tray icon (near the clock) to use it Ultracopier가 이미 실행중입니다. 사용하려면 트레이 아이콘에서 우클릭하십시오 Problem reading file, or file size is 0 The arguments possible are: To display the options To quit the other instances (if running) To copy sources to destination, separated by space. If destination is "?", ultracopier will ask the user To move sources to destination, separated by space. If destination is "?", ultracopier will ask the user Command not valid This file is not supported transfer list Unable to open the transfer list file To display this help Open transfer list Help CopyEngineManager Warning 알림 Cannot find any copy engine with move support This copy engine does not support move Cannot find any compatible engine! 호환되는 엔진을 찾을 수 없습니다! Cannot find any engine with this name: %1 CopyListener Error 오류 Error during the reception of the copy/move list %1 Core Error 오류 Unable to get a copy engine instance Group window Do you want group the transfer with another actual running transfer? Unable to get a engine instance The argument for the mode is not valid Do you want to copy? If no, it will be moved. Unable to load the interface, copy aborted 인터페이스를 불러올 수 없음, 복사가 취소되었습니다 Unable to load the copy engine, copy aborted 복사 엔진을 불러올 수 없음, 복사가 취소되었습니다 Transfer mode EventDispatcher Key Give the key of this software, more information on <a href=""></a> FacilityEngine Copy engine 복사 엔진 Copy a copy 복사 Move a move 이동 Pause 일시 중지 Resume 다시 시작 Skip 건너뛰기 Unlimited 무제한 s Too big 너무 큽니다 B B KB KB MB MB GB GB TB TB PB PB EB EB ZB ZB YB YB Less than %10 seconds About %10 seconds remaining About %1 minutes remaining About %1 hours remaining Transfer a transfer Start Source Size Destination Quit Target Time remaining: Listing Copying Listing and copying Ask Overwrite Overwrite if newer Overwrite if the last modification dates are different Rename Put to the end of the list Select source directory Select destination directory Internal error Select one or more files to open All files Save transfer list Open transfer list Transfer list Error 오류 Not supported on this platform Completed in %1 HelpDialog About Ultracopier Based on Qt. Advanced utility to copy files under GPL3 license. This version is compiled as version: %1. %1 will be replaced by a variable content (normal, debug, ...) <html><head/><body><p>For more information see the website <a href="%1"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0057ae;">%1</span></a></p></body></html> %1 will be remplaced by the website into the corresponding languages Platform: %1 %1 will be replaced by the platform (windows, mac, linux, ...) 플랫폼: %1 About Qt Qt에 대해 Do a crash 충돌 발생시 Save bug report 버그 보고서 저장 Close 닫기 For http://portableapps.com을 위해 Portable and all in one version Portable version 포터블 버전 All in one version Normal version 일반 버전 LocalListener Warning 알림 Timeout while recomposing data from connected clients 연결된 클라이언트로부터 데이터를 재구성하는 동안에 시간이 초과되었습니다 LogThread Error 오류 Log file already open, error: %1 Unable to open the log file, error: %1 OSSpecific Warning 알림 Don't show again Ok The replacement of default copy/move system is not supported by the file manager (Dolphin, Nautilus, ...).<br />Ask the developer to support it.<br />You need do the copy/move manually. Reboot the system if previously had similar software installed (like Teracopy, Supercopier or an earlier version of Ultracopier). The replacement of default copy/move system is not supported and blocked by finder of Mac OS X.<br />You need do the copy/move manually by right clicking on the system tray icon near the clock (not the dock icon). The replacement of default copy/move system should be not supported by the file manager.<br />Ask to the developer to support it.<br />You need do the copy/move manually. OptionDialog Options 옵션 General 일반 Plugins 플러그인 Copy engine 복사 엔진 Themes 테마 Log 로그 Confirm to group the windows Check for updates Name 이름 Version 버전 Language 언어 Write directly to the file when it receive a new entry (can produce 50% of lost of performance) Write the folder operations The variables are %path%, %operation% %path%, %operation% should not be translated Listener 리스너 Plugin loader 플러그인 로더 Session loader 섹션 로더 Force the language Replace the default copy and move system Load at the session loading When manual open Group the windows when Display the OS warning Give GPU time to fund the development Remaining time algorithm Traditional Logarithmic Plugin 플러그인 Add 추가 Remove 제거 Information 정보 Copy engine by order of preference: 복사 엔진 순서 환경 설정: Client connected Themes: 테마: Unable to load the themes plugin 테마 플러그인을 불러올 수 없습니다 No option for this plugin 이 플러그인에 대한 옵션이 없습니다 Browse 찾아보기 Write the transfers The variables are %time%, %source%, %size%, %destination% %time%, %source%, %size%, %destination% should not be translated 변수는 %time%, %source%, %size%, %destination% 입니다 Write the errors The variables are %time%, %path%, %size%, %mtime%, %error% %time%, %path%, %size%, %mtime%, %error% should not be translated 변수는 %time%, %path%, %size%, %mtime%, %error% 입니다 Write the log file into: 로그 파일 작성: Load Load the theme? Load the language? Do nothing Ask source as folder Ask sources as files Never When source is same When destination is same When source and destination are same When source or destination are same Always The variables are %1 Save logs as: 로그 따로 저장: Synchronized log 로그 동기화됨 OptionEngine The variable was not found: %1 %2 PluginInformation About this plugin 플러그인 정보 Name: 이름: Category: 분류: Author: 저작자: Date: 날짜: Description: 설명: Version: 버전: Copy engine 복사 엔진 Languages 언어 Listener 리스너 Plugin loader 플러그인 로더 Session loader 섹션 로더 Themes 테마 Unknown Information about %1 %1 파일 정보 Website: 웹사이트: Title: 제목: PluginsManager informations.xml is not accessible informations.xml 파일에 연결할 수 없습니다 Dependencies part is wrong 종속된 부분이 잘못되었습니다 Dependencies %1 are not satisfied, for plugin: %2 플러그인 %2에 대한 %1 종속성이 충족되지 않습니다 Remove %1 %1 제거 Error 오류 Error while the removing plugin, please check the rights on the folder: %1 Information 정보 %1, parse error at line %2, column %3: %4 %1, %2 라인에서 문법 오류, %3 열: %4 informations.xml not found for the plugin "package" root tag not found for the xml file xml 파일을 위한 "패키지" 루트 태그를 찾을 수 없습니다 Duplicated plugin found, already loaded! 중복된 플러그인 발견, 이미 호출되었습니다! English text missing in the informations.xml for the tag: %1 Tag not found: %1 태그를 찾을 수 없음: %1 Are you sure about removing "%1" in version %2? %2 버전에서 %1을 제거하시겠습니까? Previous import is in progress... 이전의 가져오기가 진행중입니다... Open Ultracopier plugin Ultracopier 플러그인 열기 Ultracopier plugin (*.urc) Ultracopier (*.urc) Plugin loader 플러그인 로더 Unable to open the plugin: %1 플러그인 열기 불가: %1 Unable to load the plugin content, please check it: %1 플러그인 내용을 불러올 수 없습니다. 확인해주십시오: %1 Unable to create a folder to install the plugin: %1 플러그인을 설치할 폴더를 생성할 수 없음: %1 Unable to create a file to install the plugin: %1 since:%2 플러그인을 설치할 파일을 만들 수 없음: %1 since:%2 Folder with same name is present, skip the plugin installation: %1 동일한 이름의 폴더가 존재합니다. 플러그인 설치 건너뛰기: %1 Unable to load the plugin content, please check it 플러그인 컨태츠를 불러올 수 없습니다. 확인해주십시오 QXzDecode Memory allocation failed 메모리 할당 실패 Write error 오류 작성 Memory usage limit reached 메모리 사용량이 제한에 도달했습니다 Not a .xz file .xz 파일이 아닙니다 Unsupported options in the .xz headers .xz 헤더에서 지원되지 않는 옵션입니다 The file is corrupted 파일이 손상되었습니다 Bug! 버그입니다! The input data is too short 입력 데이터가 너무 짧습니다 SystrayIcon No copy listener found. Do the copy manually by right click one the system tray icon. 복사 리스너를 찾을 수 없습니다. 트레이 아이콘에서 우클릭하여 수동으로 복사하십시오. Information 정보 Searching information... 정보 검색중... Do not replace the explorer copy/move Semi replace the explorer copy/move Replace the explorer copy/move