/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- **/ /* This file contains NO source code, just some documentation for doxygen to parse. */ /*! \mainpage Oxygen \section mainpage_overview Overview It's the default interface for Ultracopier. The first version, it's greatly inspirated by Supercopier. But have well evolued.\n More informations on the wiki of ultracopier. Is part of Ultracopier 0.3 project. \section mainpage_platforms Platforms This plugin might be usable in all environments where you find Qt 4.\n To be compatible with the official Ultracopier plugins, you need compil it with Gcc, Qt4.8, and same env as Ultracopier have been compiled, see the documentation. \section mainpage_downloads Downloads You can found link on Ultracopier (Supercopier/Teracopy) project page, via git, snapshot sources, ... \section license GPL Version 3 The code source is under GPL3. The image is extacted from Oxygen icon pack of KDE4.\n resources/export-transfer-list.png and resources/import-transfer-list.png done by png manipulation of KDE's oxygen icon pack (16x16/actions/format-indent-more.png + 16x16/actions/format-list-unordered.png), document-save.png -> all SystemTrayIcon/systray_* (color alteration).\n From 16x16/actions/: list-add.png -> add.png and SystemTrayIcon/add.png, process-stop.png -> remove.png, document-save.png -> main.png and, arrow-down.png -> moveDown.png, arrow-up.png -> moveUp.png, system-shutdown.png -> cancel.png and SystemTrayIcon/exit.png, arrow-down-double.png -> putOnBottom.png, arrow-up-double.png -> putOnTop.png, media-skip-forward.png -> player_end.png, media-playback-pause.png -> player_pause.png, media-playback-start.png -> player_play.png, document-preview.png -> search.png, help-about.png -> SystemTrayIcon/informations.png \n And 16x16/categories/applications-development.png -> SystemTrayIcon/options.png */