/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- **/ /* This file contains NO source code, just some documentation for doxygen to parse. */ /*! \mainpage Catchcopy API \section mainpage_overview Overview This code is to interface with the catchcopy protocol, the code is provided by the catchcopy projet: Catchcopy web site \section mainpage_platforms Platforms This plugin might be usable in all environments where you find Qt 4.\n \section mainpage_downloads Downloads You can found link on Ultracopier (Supercopier/Teracopy) project page, via git, snapshot sources, ... \section mainpage_algorithm Protocol The protocol in version is used, you can see the documentation on Catchcopy web site \section license GPL Version 3 The code source is under GPL3. The image is extacted from Oxygen icon pack of KDE4. */