MainWindow 0 0 569 864 Test client catchcopy :/images/main.png:/images/main.png 300 16777215 Raw send 128 0 + - background-image: url(:/images/upload.png); background-position : center; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-color : #fff; background-attachment : fixed; Send Predefined function Send protocol protocol extension Name: extension Send name Version: version Send name and version Client Test client catchcopy Send name Ask server name Copy/Move Copy Move Source: + - 16777215 50 background-image: url(:/images/upload.png); background-position : center; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-color : #fff; background-attachment : fixed; Send without destination Destination: Send with destination Error Raw Command Sended false background-image: url(:/images/upload.png); background-position : center; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-color : #fff; background-attachment : fixed; Reply false true true false background-image: url(:/images/download.png); background-position : center; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-color : #fff; background-attachment : fixed; 0 200 background-image: url(:/images/tools-report-bug.png); background-position : center; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-color : #fff; background-attachment : fixed; 48 48 Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon TopToolBarArea false :/images/dialog-ok-apply.png:/images/dialog-ok-apply.png Connect false :/images/process-stop.png:/images/process-stop.png Disconnect