path: root/tests/lib/webkdc-login-t.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/lib/webkdc-login-t.c')
1 files changed, 593 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lib/webkdc-login-t.c b/tests/lib/webkdc-login-t.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b82d5bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/webkdc-login-t.c
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+ * Test WebKDC login support.
+ *
+ * Written by Russ Allbery <>
+ * Copyright 2011
+ * The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
+ *
+ * See LICENSE for licensing terms.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <portable/system.h>
+#include <apr_pools.h>
+#include <apr_strings.h>
+#include <apr_tables.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <tests/tap/basic.h>
+#include <tests/tap/kerberos.h>
+#include <tests/tap/remctl.h>
+#include <util/concat.h>
+#include <webauth/basic.h>
+#include <webauth/keys.h>
+#include <webauth/tokens.h>
+#include <webauth/webkdc.h>
+ apr_pool_t *pool = NULL;
+ WEBAUTH_KEYRING *ring, *session;
+ WEBAUTH_KEY *session_key;
+ char key_data[WA_AES_128], username[BUFSIZ], password[BUFSIZ];
+ int status;
+ char *realm, *path, *keyring, *conf;
+ time_t now;
+ pid_t remctld;
+ FILE *file;
+ struct webauth_context *ctx;
+ struct webauth_webkdc_config config;
+ struct webauth_user_config user_config;
+ struct webauth_webkdc_login_request request;
+ struct webauth_webkdc_login_response *response;
+ struct webauth_token *token, login, wkproxy, wkproxy2;
+ struct webauth_token_request req;
+ struct webauth_token_webkdc_proxy *pt;
+ struct webauth_token_webkdc_service service;
+ struct webauth_webkdc_proxy_data *pd;
+ time_t expiration = 0;
+ if (apr_initialize() != APR_SUCCESS)
+ bail("cannot initialize APR");
+ if (apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL) != APR_SUCCESS)
+ bail("cannot create memory pool");
+ if (webauth_context_init_apr(&ctx, pool) != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ bail("cannot initialize WebAuth context");
+ /* Load the precreated keyring that we'll use for token encryption. */
+ keyring = test_file_path("data/keyring");
+ status = webauth_keyring_read_file(keyring, &ring);
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ bail("cannot read %s: %s", keyring,
+ webauth_error_message(NULL, status));
+ test_file_path_free(keyring);
+ /* Ensure we have a basic configuration available. */
+ memset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));
+ config.local_realms = apr_array_make(pool, 1, sizeof(const char *));
+ config.permitted_realms = apr_array_make(pool, 1, sizeof(const char *));
+ memset(&user_config, 0, sizeof(user_config));
+ if (chdir(getenv("SOURCE")) < 0)
+ bail("can't chdir to SOURCE");
+ config.principal = kerberos_setup();
+ if (config.principal == NULL)
+ skip_all("Kerberos tests not configured");
+ realm = strchr(config.principal, '@');
+ if (realm == NULL)
+ skip_all("Kerberos principal has no realm");
+ realm++;
+ config.keytab_path = test_file_path("data/test.keytab");
+ if (config.keytab_path == NULL)
+ skip_all("Kerberos tests not configured");
+ /*
+ * Ensure we have a username and password.
+ *
+ * FIXME: Ideally, we would skip the tests that don't require this and
+ * still do the rest.
+ */
+ path = test_file_path("data/test.password");
+ if (path == NULL)
+ skip_all("Kerberos tests not configured");
+ file = fopen(path, "r");
+ if (file == NULL)
+ sysbail("cannot open %s", path);
+ if (fgets(username, sizeof(username), file) == NULL)
+ bail("cannot read %s", path);
+ if (fgets(password, sizeof(password), file) == NULL)
+ bail("cannot read password from %s", path);
+ fclose(file);
+ if (username[strlen(username) - 1] != '\n')
+ bail("no newline in %s", path);
+ username[strlen(username) - 1] = '\0';
+ if (password[strlen(password) - 1] != '\n')
+ bail("username or password too long in %s", path);
+ password[strlen(password) - 1] = '\0';
+ test_file_path_free(path);
+ /*
+ * FIXME: Similarly, if we don't have remctl, we should skip tests instead
+ * of skipping the whole thing.
+ */
+ skip_all("remctld not found");
+ if (chdir(getenv("SOURCE")) < 0)
+ bail("can't chdir to SOURCE");
+ conf = concatpath(getenv("SOURCE"), "data/conf-webkdc");
+ remctld = remctld_start(PATH_REMCTLD, config.principal, conf, NULL);
+ plan(158);
+ /* Provide basic configuration to the WebKDC code. */
+ status = webauth_webkdc_config(ctx, &config);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "WebKDC configuration succeeded");
+ /* Flesh out the absolute minimum required in the request. */
+ now = time(NULL);
+ memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request));
+ memset(&service, 0, sizeof(service));
+ service.subject = "krb5:webauth/";
+ if (webauth_random_key(key_data, sizeof(key_data)) != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ bail("cannot create random key");
+ session_key = webauth_key_create(WA_AES_KEY, key_data, sizeof(key_data));
+ status = webauth_keyring_from_key(ctx, session_key, &session);
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ bail("cannot create keyring from session key");
+ service.session_key = session_key->data;
+ service.session_key_len = session_key->length;
+ service.creation = now;
+ service.expiration = now + 60;
+ request.service = &service;
+ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
+ req.type = "id";
+ req.auth = "webkdc";
+ req.return_url = "";
+ req.creation = now;
+ request.request = &req;
+ request.creds = apr_array_make(pool, 1, sizeof(struct token *));
+ /*
+ * Attempted login with now proxy or login tokens. Should return an error
+ * indicating that a proxy token is required.
+ */
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Minimal login returns success");
+ is_int(WA_PEC_PROXY_TOKEN_REQUIRED, response->login_error,
+ "...with correct error code");
+ is_string("need a proxy token", response->login_message,
+ "...and correct error message");
+ ok(response->factors_wanted == NULL, " factors wanted");
+ ok(response->factors_configured == NULL, " factors configured");
+ ok(response->proxies == NULL, " new webkdc-proxy tokens");
+ is_string("", response->return_url,
+ "...return URL is correct");
+ is_string("krb5:webauth/", response->requester,
+ "...requester is correct");
+ is_string(NULL, response->subject, " subject");
+ is_string(NULL, response->result, " result token");
+ is_string(NULL, response->result_type, " result type");
+ is_string(NULL, response->login_cancel, " login cancel token");
+ ok(response->app_state == NULL, " app state");
+ is_int(0, response->app_state_len, " app state length");
+ ok(response->logins == NULL, " login information");
+ /* Try again, but with a login cancel token requested. */
+ req.options = "lc";
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Login w/cancel returns success");
+ is_int(WA_PEC_PROXY_TOKEN_REQUIRED, response->login_error,
+ "...with correct error code");
+ is_string("need a proxy token", response->login_message,
+ "...and correct error message");
+ ok(response->login_cancel != NULL, "...and now a cancel token");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_ERROR, response->login_cancel,
+ session, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...which decodes properly");
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ ok_block(3, 0, "...invalid error token");
+ else {
+ is_int(WA_PEC_LOGIN_CANCELED, token->token.error.code,
+ "...with correct code");
+ is_string("user canceled login", token->token.error.message,
+ "...and message");
+ ok(token->token.error.creation - now < 3, "...and creation time");
+ }
+ /* Now add a login token and see if we can get an id token in response. */
+ config.local_realms = apr_array_make(pool, 1, sizeof(const char *));
+ APR_ARRAY_PUSH(config.local_realms, const char *) = "none";
+ memset(&login, 0, sizeof(login));
+ login.type = WA_TOKEN_LOGIN;
+ login.token.login.username = username;
+ login.token.login.password = password;
+ login.token.login.creation = now;
+ APR_ARRAY_PUSH(request.creds, struct webauth_token *) = &login;
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Login w/password returns success");
+ is_int(0, response->login_error, "...with no error");
+ is_string(NULL, response->login_message, "...and no message");
+ ok(response->proxies != NULL, "...and now we have proxy tokens");
+ pt = NULL;
+ if (response->proxies == NULL)
+ ok_block(11, 0, " proxy tokens");
+ else {
+ is_int(1, response->proxies->nelts, " proxy token");
+ pd = &APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->proxies, 0,
+ struct webauth_webkdc_proxy_data);
+ is_string("krb5", pd->type, "...of type krb5");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_WEBKDC_PROXY, pd->token,
+ ring, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...which decodes properly");
+ pt = &token->token.webkdc_proxy;
+ is_string(username, pt->subject, "...with correct subject");
+ is_string("krb5", pt->proxy_type, "...and correct type");
+ ok(strncmp("WEBKDC:krb5:", pt->proxy_subject, 12) == 0,
+ "...and correct proxy subject prefix");
+ ok(strcmp(config.principal, pt->proxy_subject + 12) == 0,
+ "...and correct proxy subject identity");
+ ok(pt->data != NULL, "...and data is not NULL");
+ is_string("p", pt->initial_factors, "...and factors is password");
+ ok(pt->creation - now < 3, "...and creation is okay");
+ ok(pt->expiration > now, "...and expiration is sane");
+ }
+ is_string(username, response->subject, "...subject is correct");
+ ok(response->result != NULL, "...there is a result token");
+ is_string("id", response->result_type, "...which is an id token");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_ID, response->result,
+ session, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...result token decodes properly");
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ ok_block(7, 0, " result token: %s",
+ webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ else {
+ is_string(username, token->,
+ "...result subject is right");
+ is_string("webkdc", token->,
+ "...result auth type is right");
+ ok(token-> == NULL, "...and there is no auth data");
+ is_string("p", token->,
+ "...result initial factors is right");
+ is_int(0, token->, "...and no LoA");
+ ok(token-> - now < 3, "...and creation is sane");
+ is_int(pt->expiration, token->,
+ "...and expiration matches the expiration of the proxy token");
+ }
+ /* Get an id token with a Kerberos authenticator and test forced auth. */
+ req.options = "lc,fa";
+ request.creds = apr_array_make(pool, 2, sizeof(struct webauth_token *));
+ APR_ARRAY_PUSH(request.creds, struct webauth_token *) = &login;
+ service.subject = apr_pstrcat(pool, "krb5:", config.principal, NULL);
+ req.auth = "krb5";
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Login for krb5 auth returns success");
+ is_int(0, response->login_error, "...with no error");
+ is_string(NULL, response->login_message, "...and no message");
+ ok(response->login_cancel != NULL, "...and there is a cancel token");
+ ok(response->result != NULL, "...there is a result token");
+ is_string("id", response->result_type, "...which is an id token");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_ID, response->result,
+ session, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...result token decodes properly");
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ ok_block(3, 0, " result token: %s",
+ webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ else {
+ is_string(username, token->,
+ "...result subject is right");
+ is_string("krb5", token->,
+ "...result auth type is right");
+ ok(token-> != NULL, "...and there is auth data");
+ }
+ /* Get a proxy token instead. */
+ req.options = NULL;
+ request.creds = apr_array_make(pool, 2, sizeof(struct webauth_token *));
+ APR_ARRAY_PUSH(request.creds, struct webauth_token *) = &login;
+ req.type = "proxy";
+ req.auth = NULL;
+ req.proxy_type = "krb5";
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Login for proxy token returns success");
+ is_int(0, response->login_error, "...with no error");
+ is_string(NULL, response->login_message, "...and no message");
+ ok(response->login_cancel == NULL, "...and there is no cancel token");
+ is_string(username, response->subject, "...subject is correct");
+ pt = NULL;
+ if (response->proxies == NULL)
+ ok_block(3, 0, " proxy tokens");
+ else {
+ is_int(1, response->proxies->nelts, " proxy token");
+ pd = &APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->proxies, 0,
+ struct webauth_webkdc_proxy_data);
+ is_string("krb5", pd->type, "...of type krb5");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_WEBKDC_PROXY, pd->token,
+ ring, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...which decodes properly");
+ expiration = token->token.webkdc_proxy.expiration;
+ }
+ ok(response->result != NULL, "...there is a result token");
+ is_string("proxy", response->result_type, "...which is a proxy token");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_PROXY, response->result,
+ session, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...result token decodes properly");
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ ok_block(6, 0, " result token: %s",
+ webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ else {
+ is_string(username, token->token.proxy.subject,
+ "...result subject is right");
+ is_string("krb5", token->token.proxy.type,
+ "...result proxy type is right");
+ is_string("p", token->token.proxy.initial_factors,
+ "...result initial factors is right");
+ is_int(0, token->token.proxy.loa, "...and no LoA");
+ ok(token->token.proxy.creation - now < 3, "...and creation is sane");
+ is_int(expiration, token->token.proxy.expiration,
+ "...and expiration matches the expiration of the proxy token");
+ status = webauth_token_decode_raw(ctx, WA_TOKEN_WEBKDC_PROXY,
+ token->token.proxy.webkdc_proxy,
+ token->token.proxy.webkdc_proxy_len,
+ ring, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...embedded webkdc-proxy token decodes");
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ ok_block(7, 0, " webkdc-proxy token: %s",
+ webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ else {
+ pt = &token->token.webkdc_proxy;
+ is_string(username, pt->subject, "...with correct subject");
+ is_string("krb5", pt->proxy_type, "...and correct type");
+ ok(strcmp(request.service->subject, pt->proxy_subject) == 0,
+ "...and correct proxy subject identity");
+ ok(pt->data != NULL, "...and data is not NULL");
+ is_string("p", pt->initial_factors, "...and factors is password");
+ ok(pt->creation - now < 3, "...and creation is okay");
+ ok(pt->expiration > now, "...and expiration is sane");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get an id token with a single sign-on webkdc-proxy token. */
+ memset(&wkproxy, 0, sizeof(wkproxy));
+ wkproxy.type = WA_TOKEN_WEBKDC_PROXY;
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.subject = "testuser";
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.proxy_type = "remuser";
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.proxy_subject = "WEBKDC:remuser";
+ = "testuser";
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.data_len = strlen("testuser");
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.initial_factors = "x,x1";
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.loa = 3;
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.creation = now;
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.expiration = now + 60 * 60;
+ request.creds = apr_array_make(pool, 2, sizeof(struct webauth_token *));
+ APR_ARRAY_PUSH(request.creds, struct webauth_token *) = &wkproxy;
+ req.type = "id";
+ req.auth = "webkdc";
+ req.proxy_type = NULL;
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ diag("error status: %s", webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Proxy auth for webkdc returns success");
+ is_int(0, response->login_error, "...with no error");
+ is_string(NULL, response->login_message, "...and no message");
+ ok(response->proxies != NULL, "...and we have proxy tokens");
+ if (response->proxies == NULL)
+ ok_block(5, 0, " proxy tokens");
+ else {
+ is_int(1, response->proxies->nelts, " proxy token");
+ pd = &APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->proxies, 0,
+ struct webauth_webkdc_proxy_data);
+ is_string("remuser", pd->type, "...of type webkdc");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_WEBKDC_PROXY, pd->token,
+ ring, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...which decodes properly");
+ pt = &token->token.webkdc_proxy;
+ is_string("testuser", pt->subject, "...with correct subject");
+ is_string("x,x1", pt->initial_factors, "...and initial factors");
+ }
+ ok(response->result != NULL, "...there is a result token");
+ is_string("id", response->result_type, "...which is an id token");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_ID, response->result,
+ session, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...result token decodes properly");
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ ok_block(6, 0, " result token: %s",
+ webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ else {
+ is_string("testuser", token->,
+ "...result subject is right");
+ is_string("webkdc", token->,
+ "...result auth type is right");
+ is_string("x,x1", token->token.proxy.initial_factors,
+ "...result initial factors is right");
+ is_int(3, token->, "...result LoA is right");
+ ok(token-> - now < 3, "...and creation is sane");
+ is_int(now + 60 * 60, token->,
+ "...and expiration matches the expiration of the proxy token");
+ }
+ /* Set forced authentication and try again. */
+ req.options = "fa";
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Proxy auth w/forced login returns success");
+ is_int(WA_PEC_LOGIN_FORCED, response->login_error,
+ "...with the right error");
+ is_string("forced authentication, need to login", response->login_message,
+ "...and the right message");
+ is_string("testuser", response->subject, "...but we do know the subject");
+ /* Remove forced authentication but ask for a proxy token. */
+ req.options = NULL;
+ req.type = "proxy";
+ req.auth = NULL;
+ req.proxy_type = "krb5";
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Proxy auth for proxy returns success");
+ is_int(WA_PEC_PROXY_TOKEN_REQUIRED, response->login_error,
+ "...with the right error");
+ is_string("need a proxy token", response->login_message,
+ "...and the right message");
+ is_string("testuser", response->subject, "...but we do know the subject");
+ /* Now, add configuration for user information, and try this again. */
+ user_config.protocol = WA_PROTOCOL_REMCTL;
+ = "localhost";
+ user_config.port = 14373;
+ user_config.identity = config.principal;
+ user_config.command = "test";
+ status = webauth_user_config(ctx, &user_config);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "User information config accepted");
+ req.type = "id";
+ req.auth = "webkdc";
+ req.proxy_type = NULL;
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.subject = "mini";
+ = "mini";
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.data_len = strlen("mini");
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ diag("error status: %s", webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Proxy auth w/user config returns success");
+ is_int(0, response->login_error, "...with no error");
+ is_string(NULL, response->login_message, "...and no message");
+ ok(response->result != NULL, "...there is a result token");
+ is_string("id", response->result_type, "...which is an id token");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_ID, response->result,
+ session, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...result token decodes properly");
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ ok_block(4, 0, " result token: %s",
+ webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ else {
+ is_string("mini", token->,
+ "...result subject is right");
+ is_string("webkdc", token->,
+ "...result auth type is right");
+ is_string("x,x1", token->token.proxy.initial_factors,
+ "...result initial factors is right");
+ is_int(1, token->, "...result LoA is right");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Request an X.509 factor and try again. This should still work even
+ * though this user doesn't have password listed as a supported factor in
+ * the metadata.
+ */
+ req.initial_factors = "x";
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ diag("error status: %s", webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Multifactor with proxy returns success");
+ is_int(0, response->login_error, "...with no error");
+ is_string(NULL, response->login_message, "...and no message");
+ ok(response->result != NULL, "...there is a result token");
+ is_string("id", response->result_type, "...which is an id token");
+ /*
+ * Change the WebKDC proxy token to assert just a password factor and ask
+ * for an OTP factor, and try again. This should be rejected with
+ * multifactor required.
+ */
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.initial_factors = "p";
+ req.initial_factors = "o";
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Multifactor without config returns success");
+ is_int(WA_PEC_MULTIFACTOR_UNAVAILABLE, response->login_error,
+ "...with the right error");
+ is_string("multifactor required but not configured",
+ response->login_message, "...and the right message");
+ ok(response->result == NULL, "...and there is no result token");
+ is_int(1, response->factors_wanted->nelts, "...and one factor is wanted");
+ is_string("o", APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->factors_wanted, 0, const char *),
+ "...which is the OTP factor");
+ is_int(1, response->factors_configured->nelts,
+ "...and one factor is configured");
+ is_string("p",
+ APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->factors_configured, 0, const char *),
+ "...which is the password factor");
+ /*
+ * Try with a user who has multifactor configuration and forced
+ * multifactor.
+ */
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.subject = "full";
+ = "full";
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.data_len = strlen("full");
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "Multifactor with config returns success");
+ is_int(WA_PEC_MULTIFACTOR_REQUIRED, response->login_error,
+ "...with the right error");
+ is_string("multifactor login required", response->login_message,
+ "...and the right message");
+ ok(response->result == NULL, "...and there is no result token");
+ is_int(2, response->factors_wanted->nelts,
+ "...and two factors are wanted");
+ is_string("o", APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->factors_wanted, 0, const char *),
+ "...which is the OTP factor");
+ is_int(5, response->factors_configured->nelts,
+ "...and five factors are configured");
+ is_string("p",
+ APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->factors_configured, 0, const char *),
+ "...which is the password factor");
+ is_string("r",
+ APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->factors_configured, 1, const char *),
+ "...the random factor");
+ is_string("m",
+ APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->factors_configured, 2, const char *),
+ "...the generic multifactor factor");
+ is_string("o",
+ APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->factors_configured, 3, const char *),
+ "...the OTP factor");
+ is_string("o3",
+ APR_ARRAY_IDX(response->factors_configured, 4, const char *),
+ "...and the OTP-3 factor");
+ /*
+ * Add a second webkdc-proxy token that repesents an OTP login. This
+ * login should then work.
+ */
+ wkproxy.token.webkdc_proxy.loa = 3;
+ wkproxy2.type = WA_TOKEN_WEBKDC_PROXY;
+ wkproxy2.token.webkdc_proxy.subject = "full";
+ wkproxy2.token.webkdc_proxy.proxy_type = "remuser";
+ wkproxy2.token.webkdc_proxy.proxy_subject = "WEBKDC:remuser";
+ = "full";
+ wkproxy2.token.webkdc_proxy.data_len = strlen("full");
+ wkproxy2.token.webkdc_proxy.initial_factors = "o,o3";
+ wkproxy2.token.webkdc_proxy.loa = 2;
+ wkproxy2.token.webkdc_proxy.creation = now;
+ wkproxy2.token.webkdc_proxy.expiration = now + 30 * 60;
+ APR_ARRAY_PUSH(request.creds, struct webauth_token *) = &wkproxy2;
+ status = webauth_webkdc_login(ctx, &request, &response, ring);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status,
+ "Multifactor with two proxies returns success");
+ is_int(0, response->login_error, "...with no error");
+ is_string(NULL, response->login_message, "...and no error message");
+ ok(response->result != NULL, "...there is a result token");
+ is_string("id", response->result_type, "...which is an id token");
+ status = webauth_token_decode(ctx, WA_TOKEN_ID, response->result,
+ session, &token);
+ is_int(WA_ERR_NONE, status, "...result token decodes properly");
+ if (status != WA_ERR_NONE)
+ ok_block(5, 0, " result token: %s",
+ webauth_error_message(ctx, status));
+ else {
+ is_string("full", token->,
+ "...result subject is right");
+ is_string("webkdc", token->,
+ "...result auth type is right");
+ is_string("p,o,o3,m", token->token.proxy.initial_factors,
+ "...result initial factors is right");
+ is_int(3, token->, "...result LoA is right");
+ is_int(now + 30 * 60, token->,
+ "...and expiration matches the shorter expiration");
+ }
+ /* Clean up. */
+ remctld_stop(remctld);
+ kerberos_cleanup();
+ apr_terminate();
+ return 0;