path: root/debian/patches/Rewrite-of-replaceVfParam-function-in-unit1.pas.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/patches/Rewrite-of-replaceVfParam-function-in-unit1.pas.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/debian/patches/Rewrite-of-replaceVfParam-function-in-unit1.pas.patch b/debian/patches/Rewrite-of-replaceVfParam-function-in-unit1.pas.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 20118d7..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/Rewrite-of-replaceVfParam-function-in-unit1.pas.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-From: Paul Gevers <>
-Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 19:19:47 +0100
-Subject: Rewrite of replaceVfParam function in unit1.pas
- unit1.pas | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
- 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/unit1.pas b/unit1.pas
-index c9f2a14..a516cbc 100755
---- a/unit1.pas
-+++ b/unit1.pas
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ uses
- laz_xmlcfg, dom, xmlread, xmlwrite, StdCtrls, Buttons, ActnList, Menus, unit2, unit3,
- unit4, unit5, gettext, translations, process
- {$IFDEF TRANSLATESTRING}, DefaultTranslator{$ENDIF}, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Spin, UTF8Process,
-- PoTranslator, types,FileUtil;
-+ PoTranslator, types, FileUtil, regexpr;
- type
-@@ -2493,34 +2493,42 @@ begin
- end;
- // replace a parameter in the video filter list of the commandline
--function TfrmMain.replaceVfParam(commandline:string; param:string; replacement:string):string;
-+function TfrmMain.replaceVfParam(CommandLine:string; param:string; replacement:string):string;
- var
--startPos, endPos, startSub, endSub, strlen: integer ;
--orig,paramString: string ;
-+ RegEx: TRegExpr ;
-- begin
-- startpos := Pos('-vf ', commandline) + 4;
-- if startpos <> 4 then
-- begin
-- strlen := Length(commandline) ;
-- endpos := startpos + Pos(' -', Copy(commandline, startpos, strlen)) - 2 ; // strlen as count is exaggerated, but works
-- if endpos = startpos - 2 then endpos := strlen ;
-- paramString := Copy(commandline, startpos, endpos - startpos + 1) ;
-- startSub := Pos(param + '=', paramString) ;
-- if startSub <> 0 then
-- begin
-- endSub := startSub + Pos(',', Copy(paramString, startSub, strlen)) - 2 ; // strlen as count is exaggerated, but works
-- if endSub = startSub - 2 then endSub := Length(paramString) ;
-- commandline := Copy(commandline, 1, startpos - 1 + startSub - 1) + replacement + Copy(commandline, startpos + endSub, strlen) ;
-- end
-- else
-- commandline := Copy(commandline, 1, endpos) + ',' + replacement + Copy(commandline, endpos + 1, strlen) ;
-- end
-- else
-- commandline += ' -vf ' + replacement;
-- result := commandline;
-+ RegEx := TRegExpr.Create ;
-+ RegEx.Expression := '^(.*)-vf(.*)$' ;
-+ CommandLine := RegEx.Replace(CommandLine, '$1-filter:v$2', True) ; // Convert short to long style
-+ RegEx.Expression := '-filter:v ' ;
-+ if RegEx.exec(CommandLine) then // We found an existing filter in CommandLine
-+ begin
-+ RegEx.Expression := '^(.*-filter:v.*)' + param + '=[^ ^,]+(.*)$' ; // Split before current parameter
-+ if RegEx.exec(CommandLine) then // We already have this parameter
-+ CommandLine := RegEx.Replace(CommandLine, '$1' + replacement + '$2', True)
-+ else
-+ begin
-+ RegEx.Expression := '^(.*-filter:v[^-]+)( (-|").*)$' ; // Split after last filter parameter
-+ CommandLine := RegEx.Replace(CommandLine, '$1,' + replacement + '$2', True) ;
-+ end;
-+ end
-+ else // No existing filter option yet
-+ if length(replacement) > 0 then
-+ CommandLine += ' -filter:v ' + replacement ;
-- end;
-+ if length(replacement) = 0 then // make sure we remove any trailing comma or full filter option if this was the last filter
-+ begin
-+ RegEx.Expression := '^(.*)( -filter:v[^-]+),( -| ")(.*)$' ; // '-' starts a new option, while '"' starts the output file name
-+ if RegEx.exec(CommandLine) then
-+ CommandLine := RegEx.Replace(CommandLine, '$1$2$3$4', True) ;
-+ RegEx.Expression := '^(.*) -filter:v (-|")(.*)$' ; // '-' starts a new option, while '"' starts the output file name
-+ if RegEx.exec(CommandLine) then
-+ CommandLine := RegEx.Replace(CommandLine, '$1$2$3', True) ;
-+ end;
-+ result := CommandLine;
- procedure TfrmMain.TabControlChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin