path: root/alternative_wmiircs/ruby/config.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'alternative_wmiircs/ruby/config.rb')
1 files changed, 547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/alternative_wmiircs/ruby/config.rb b/alternative_wmiircs/ruby/config.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c86797a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alternative_wmiircs/ruby/config.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+# DSL for wmiirc configuration.
+# Copyright protects this work.
+# See LICENSE file for details.
+require 'shellwords'
+require 'pathname'
+require 'yaml'
+require 'rubygems'
+gem 'rumai', '~> 3'
+require 'rumai'
+include Rumai
+class Handler < Hash
+ def initialize
+ super {|h,k| h[k] = [] }
+ end
+ ##
+ # If a block is given, registers a handler
+ # for the given key and returns the handler.
+ #
+ # Otherwise, executes all handlers registered for the given key.
+ #
+ def handle key, *args, &block
+ if block
+ self[key] << block
+ elsif key? key
+ self[key].each do |block|
+ end
+ end
+ block
+ end
+# If a block is given, registers a handler
+# for the given event and returns the handler.
+# Otherwise, executes all handlers for the given event.
+def event *a, &b
+ EVENTS.handle(*a, &b)
+# Returns a list of registered event names.
+def events
+ EVENTS.keys
+# If a block is given, registers a handler for
+# the given action and returns the handler.
+# Otherwise, executes all handlers for the given action.
+def action *a, &b
+ ACTIONS.handle(*a, &b)
+# Returns a list of registered action names.
+def actions
+ ACTIONS.keys
+# If a block is given, registers a handler for
+# the given keypress and returns the handler.
+# Otherwise, executes all handlers for the given keypress.
+def key *a, &b
+ KEYS.handle(*a, &b)
+# Returns a list of registered action names.
+def keys
+ KEYS.keys
+# Shows a menu (where the user must press keys on their keyboard to
+# make a choice) with the given items and returns the chosen item.
+# If nothing was chosen, then nil is returned.
+# ==== Parameters
+# [prompt]
+# Instruction on what the user should enter or choose.
+def key_menu choices, prompt = nil
+ words = ['dmenu', '-fn', CONFIG['display']['font']]
+ # show menu at the same location as the status bar
+ words << '-b' if CONFIG['display']['bar'] == 'bottom'
+ words.concat %w[-nf -nb -sf -sb].zip(
+ [
+ CONFIG['display']['color']['normal'],
+ CONFIG['display']['color']['focus'],
+ ].map {|c| c.to_s.split[0,2] }.flatten
+ ).flatten
+ words.push '-p', prompt if prompt
+ command = words.shelljoin
+ IO.popen(command, 'r+') do |menu|
+ menu.puts choices
+ menu.close_write
+ choice =
+ choice unless choice.empty?
+ end
+# Shows a menu (where the user must click a menu
+# item using their mouse to make a choice) with
+# the given items and returns the chosen item.
+# If nothing was chosen, then nil is returned.
+# ==== Parameters
+# [choices]
+# List of choices to display in the menu.
+# [initial]
+# The choice that should be initially selected.
+# If this choice is not included in the list
+# of choices, then this item will be made
+# into a makeshift title-bar for the menu.
+def click_menu choices, initial = nil
+ words = ['wmii9menu']
+ if initial
+ words << '-i'
+ unless choices.include? initial
+ initial = "<<#{initial}>>:"
+ words << initial
+ end
+ words << initial
+ end
+ words.concat choices
+ command = words.shelljoin
+ choice = `#{command}`.chomp
+ choice unless choice.empty?
+# Shows a key_menu() containing the given
+# clients and returns the chosen client.
+# If nothing was chosen, then nil is returned.
+# ==== Parameters
+# [prompt]
+# Instruction on what the user should enter or choose.
+# [clients]
+# List of clients to present as choices to the user.
+# If this parameter is not specified,
+# its default value will be a list of
+# all currently available clients.
+def client_menu prompt = nil, clients = Rumai.clients
+ choices = []
+ clients.each_with_index do |c, i|
+ choices << "%d. [%s] %s" % [i, c[:tags].read, c[:label].read.downcase]
+ end
+ if target = key_menu(choices, prompt)
+ clients[target.scan(/\d+/).first.to_i]
+ end
+# Returns the basenames of executable files present in the given directories.
+def find_programs *dirs
+ dirs.flatten.
+ map {|d| rescue [] }.flatten.
+ map {|f| f.basename.to_s if f.file? and f.executable? }.compact.uniq.sort
+# Launches the command built from the given words in the background.
+def launch *words
+ command = words.shelljoin
+ system "#{command} &"
+# A button on a bar.
+class Button < Thread
+ ##
+ # Creates a new button at the given node and updates its label
+ # according to the given refresh rate (measured in seconds). The
+ # given block is invoked to calculate the label of the button.
+ #
+ # The return value of the given block can be either an
+ # array (whose first item is a wmii color sequence for the
+ # button, and the remaining items compose the label of the
+ # button) or a string containing the label of the button.
+ #
+ # If the given block raises a standard exception, then that will be
+ # rescued and displayed (using error colors) as the button's label.
+ #
+ def initialize fs_bar_node, refresh_rate, &button_label
+ raise ArgumentError, 'block must be given' unless block_given?
+ super(fs_bar_node) do |button|
+ while true
+ label =
+ begin
+ Array(
+ rescue Exception => e
+ LOG.error e
+ [CONFIG['display']['color']['error'], e]
+ end
+ # provide default color
+ unless label.first =~ /(?:#[[:xdigit:]]{6} ?){3}/
+ label.unshift CONFIG['display']['color']['normal']
+ end
+ button.create unless button.exist?
+ button.write label.join(' ')
+ sleep refresh_rate
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Refreshes the label of this button.
+ #
+ alias refresh wakeup
+# Loads the given YAML configuration file.
+def load_config config_file
+ Object.const_set :CONFIG, YAML.load_file(config_file)
+ # script
+ eval CONFIG['script']['before'].to_s, TOPLEVEL_BINDING,
+ "#{config_file}:script:before"
+ # display
+ fo = ENV['WMII_FONT'] = CONFIG['display']['font']
+ fc = ENV['WMII_FOCUSCOLORS'] = CONFIG['display']['color']['focus']
+ nc = ENV['WMII_NORMCOLORS'] = CONFIG['display']['color']['normal']
+ settings = {
+ 'font' => fo,
+ 'focuscolors' => fc,
+ 'normcolors' => nc,
+ 'border' => CONFIG['display']['border'],
+ 'bar on' => CONFIG['display']['bar'],
+ 'colmode' => CONFIG['display']['column']['mode'],
+ 'grabmod' => CONFIG['control']['grab'],
+ }
+ begin
+ fs.ctl.write {|pair| pair.join(' ') }.join("\n")
+ rescue Rumai::IXP::Error => e
+ #
+ # settings that are not supported in a particular wmii version
+ # are ignored, and those that are supported are (silently)
+ # applied. but a "bad command" error is raised nevertheless!
+ #
+ warn e.inspect
+ warn e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ end
+ launch 'xsetroot', '-solid', CONFIG['display']['background']
+ # column
+ fs.colrules.write CONFIG['display']['column']['rule']
+ # client
+ event 'CreateClient' do |client_id|
+ client =
+ unless defined? @client_tags_by_regexp
+ @client_tags_by_regexp = CONFIG['display']['client'].map {|hash|
+ k, v = hash.to_a.first
+ [eval(k, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "#{config_file}:display:client"), v]
+ }
+ end
+ if label = rescue nil
+ catch :found do
+ @client_tags_by_regexp.each do |regexp, tags|
+ if label =~ regexp
+ client.tags = tags
+ throw :found
+ end
+ end
+ # force client onto current view
+ begin
+ client.tags = curr_tag
+ client.focus
+ rescue
+ # ignore
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # status
+ action 'status' do
+ fs.rbar.clear
+ unless defined? @status_button_by_name
+ @status_button_by_name = {}
+ @status_button_by_file = {}
+ @on_click_by_status_button = {}
+ CONFIG['display']['status'].each_with_index do |hash, position|
+ name, defn = hash.to_a.first
+ # buttons appear in ASCII order of their IXP file name
+ file = "#{position}-#{name}"
+ button = eval(
+ "[#{file.inspect}], #{defn['refresh']}) { #{defn['content']} }",
+ TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "#{config_file}:display:status:#{name}"
+ )
+ @status_button_by_name[name] = button
+ @status_button_by_file[file] = button
+ # mouse click handler
+ if code = defn['click']
+ @on_click_by_status_button[button] = eval(
+ "lambda {|mouse_button| #{code} }", TOPLEVEL_BINDING,
+ "#{config_file}:display:status:#{name}:click"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @status_button_by_name.each_value {|b| b.refresh }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the status button associated with the given name.
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ #
+ # [name]
+ # Either the the user-defined name of
+ # the status button or the basename
+ # of the status button's IXP file.
+ #
+ def status_button name
+ @status_button_by_name[name] || @status_button_by_file[name]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Refreshes the content of the status button with the given name.
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ #
+ # [name]
+ # Either the the user-defined name of
+ # the status button or the basename
+ # of the status button's IXP file.
+ #
+ def status name
+ if button = status_button(name)
+ button.refresh
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Invokes the mouse click handler for the given mouse
+ # button on the status button that has the given name.
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ #
+ # [name]
+ # Either the the user-defined name of
+ # the status button or the basename
+ # of the status button's IXP file.
+ #
+ # [mouse_button]
+ # The identification number of
+ # the mouse button (as defined
+ # by X server) that was clicked.
+ #
+ def status_click name, mouse_button
+ if button = status_button(name) and
+ handle = @on_click_by_status_button[button]
+ then
+ mouse_button.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ # control
+ action 'reload' do
+ # reload this wmii configuration
+ reload_config
+ end
+ action 'rehash' do
+ # scan for available programs and actions
+ @programs = find_programs(ENV['PATH'].squeeze(':').split(':'))
+ end
+ # kill all currently open clients
+ action 'clear' do
+ # firefox's restore session feature does not
+ # work unless the whole process is killed.
+ system 'killall firefox firefox-bin thunderbird thunderbird-bin'
+ # gnome-panel refuses to die by any other means
+ system 'killall -s TERM gnome-panel'
+ Thread.pass until clients.each do |c|
+ begin
+ c.focus # XXX: client must be on current view in order to be killed
+ c.kill
+ rescue
+ # ignore
+ end
+ end.empty?
+ end
+ # kill the window manager only; do not touch the clients!
+ action 'kill' do
+ fs.ctl.write 'quit'
+ end
+ # kill both clients and window manager
+ action 'quit' do
+ action 'clear'
+ action 'kill'
+ end
+ event 'Unresponsive' do |client_id|
+ client =
+ IO.popen('xmessage -nearmouse -file - -buttons Kill,Wait -print', 'w+') do |f|
+ f.puts 'The following client is not responding.', ''
+ f.puts client.inspect
+ f.puts
+ f.puts '', 'What would you like to do?'
+ f.close_write
+ if == 'Kill'
+ client.slay
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ event 'Notice' do |*argv|
+ unless defined? @notice_mutex
+ require 'thread'
+ @notice_mutex =
+ end
+ do
+ # prevent notices from overwriting each other
+ @notice_mutex.synchronize do
+ button = fs.rbar['!notice']
+ button.create unless button.exist?
+ # display the notice
+ message = argv.join(' ')
+ message # also log it in case the user is AFK
+ button.write "#{CONFIG['display']['color']['notice']} #{message}"
+ # clear the notice
+ sleep [1, CONFIG['display']['notice'].to_i].max
+ button.remove
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ %w[key action event].each do |param|
+ if settings = CONFIG['control'][param]
+ settings.each do |name, code|
+ if param == 'key'
+ # expand ${...} expressions in shortcut key sequences
+ name = name.gsub(/\$\{(.+?)\}/) { CONFIG['control'][$1] }
+ end
+ eval "#{param}(#{name.inspect}) {|*argv| #{code} }",
+ TOPLEVEL_BINDING, "#{config_file}:control:#{param}:#{name}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # script
+ action 'status'
+ action 'rehash'
+ eval CONFIG['script']['after'].to_s, TOPLEVEL_BINDING,
+ "#{config_file}:script:after"
+# Reloads the entire wmii configuration.
+def reload_config
+ 'reload'
+ exec $0