path: root/lib/tcl/wrapper.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tcl/wrapper.tcl')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tcl/wrapper.tcl b/lib/tcl/wrapper.tcl
index 20486e0..412b565 100644
--- a/lib/tcl/wrapper.tcl
+++ b/lib/tcl/wrapper.tcl
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
# All the internal frames
frame ${name}.menubar
- frame ${name}.infobar -borderwidth 1 -bg #a07650
- frame ${name}.mainframe -borderwidth 1 -bg #a07650
+ frame ${name}.infobar
+ frame ${name}.mainframe
grid propagate ${name} false
grid ${name}.menubar -sticky news -row 0 -column 0
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
grid columnconfigure ${name} 1 -weight 1
frame ${name}.mainframe.mainarea
- frame ${name}.mainframe.toolbar -bg #a07650 -borderwidth 1
+ frame ${name}.mainframe.toolbar
pack ${name}.mainframe.toolbar -side right -fill y
pack ${name}.mainframe.mainarea -expand true -fill both
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
set drawing ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.drawing
simple $drawing -bg white -commandproc "focus $drawing ; set XCOps(focus) $name"
- simple ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft -width 13 -bg #a07650
- simple ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom -height 13 -bg #a07650
- simple ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.corner -width 13 -height 13 -bg brown4
+ simple ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft -width 13
+ simple ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom -height 13
+ simple ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.corner -width 13 -height 13
# The drawing area and its scrollbars
@@ -86,17 +86,16 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
label ${name}.message -text \
"Welcome to Xcircuit v${XCIRCUIT_VERSION} rev ${XCIRCUIT_REVISION}" \
- -background beige -justify left -anchor w
+ -justify left -anchor w
grid ${name}.message -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news -ipadx 10
button ${name}.infobar.symb -text "Symbol" -bg gray30 -fg white
button ${name}.infobar.schem -text "Schematic" -bg red -fg white
button ${name}.infobar.mode -text "Wire Mode" -bg skyblue2 -fg gray20
- label ${name}.infobar.message1 -text "Editing: Page 1" \
- -background beige
+ label ${name}.infobar.message1 -text "Editing: Page 1"
label ${name}.infobar.message2 -text "Grid 1/6 in : Snap 1/12 in" \
- -background beige -justify left -anchor w
+ -justify left -anchor w
pack ${name}.infobar.symb ${name}.infobar.schem ${name}.infobar.message1 \
${name}.infobar.mode -side left -ipadx 6 -fill y
pack ${name}.infobar.message2 -ipadx 6 -expand true -fill both
@@ -160,19 +159,23 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
# These are supposed to disable the scroll wheel on the scrollbars. . .
- bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft <Button-4> {}
- bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft <Button-5> {}
- bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom <Button-4> {}
- bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom <Button-5> {}
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
bind $name <FocusIn> \
"catch {config focus ${drawing} ; focus ${drawing}; \
set XCOps(focus) ${name} ; xcircuit::updatedialog}"
+ bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft <MouseWheel> {}
+ bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom <MouseWheel> {}
} else {
bind $drawing <Enter> {focus %W}
bind $name <FocusIn> "catch {config focus $drawing ; \
set XCOps(focus) ${name} ; xcircuit::updatedialog}"
+ bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft <Button-4> {}
+ bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbleft <Button-5> {}
+ bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom <Button-4> {}
+ bind ${name}.mainframe.mainarea.sbbottom <Button-5> {}
# Window-specific variable defaults (variables associated with toggle
@@ -184,6 +187,7 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
set XCWinOps(${name},colorval) inherit
set XCWinOps(${name},jhoriz) left
set XCWinOps(${name},jvert) bottom
+ set XCWinOps(${name},justif) left
set XCWinOps(${name},linestyle) solid
set XCWinOps(${name},fillamount) 0
set XCWinOps(${name},opaque) false
@@ -195,7 +199,7 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
set XCWinOps(${name},showbbox) false
set XCWinOps(${name},fontfamily) Helvetica
set XCWinOps(${name},fontstyle) normal
- set XCWinOps(${name},fontencoding) Standard
+ set XCWinOps(${name},fontencoding) ISOLatin1
set XCWinOps(${name},fontlining) normal
set XCWinOps(${name},fontscript) normal
set XCWinOps(${name},gridstyle) "internal units"
@@ -221,7 +225,7 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
set XCWinOps(${name},xposparam) false
set XCWinOps(${name},yposparam) false
set XCWinOps(${name},styleparam) false
- set XCWinOps(${name},justparam) false
+ set XCWinOps(${name},anchorparam) false
set XCWinOps(${name},startparam) false
set XCWinOps(${name},endparam) false
set XCWinOps(${name},radiusparam) false
@@ -253,12 +257,25 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
# Function bindings for the mouse scroll wheel.
+ # Note that Windows uses MouseWheel and direction passed as %D,
+ # while Linux uses Button-4 and Button-5.
- xcircuit::keybind <Button-4> { pan up 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
- xcircuit::keybind <Button-5> { pan down 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
- xcircuit::keybind <Shift-Button-4> { pan left 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
- xcircuit::keybind <Shift-Button-5> { pan right 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
+ if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
+ xcircuit::keybind <MouseWheel> {if { %D/120 >= 1} \
+ {pan up 0.1 ; refresh} else {pan down 0.1 ; refresh}} $drawing
+ xcircuit::keybind <Shift-MouseWheel> {if { %D/120 >= 1} \
+ {pan left 0.1 ; refresh} else {pan right 0.1 ; refresh}} $drawing
+ xcircuit::keybind <Control-MouseWheel> {if { %D/120 >= 1} \
+ {zoom in ; refresh} else {zoom out ; refresh}} $drawing
+ } else {
+ xcircuit::keybind <Button-4> { pan up 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
+ xcircuit::keybind <Button-5> { pan down 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
+ xcircuit::keybind <Shift-Button-4> { pan left 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
+ xcircuit::keybind <Shift-Button-5> { pan right 0.05 ; refresh} $drawing
+ xcircuit::keybind <Control-Button-4> { zoom in ; refresh} $drawing
+ xcircuit::keybind <Control-Button-5> { zoom out ; refresh} $drawing
+ }
# Evaluate registered callback procedures
@@ -273,6 +290,8 @@ proc xcircuit::new_window { name } {
proc xcircuit::closewindow {name} {
+ global XCOps
set winlist [config windownames]
if {[llength $winlist] > 1} {
if {[lsearch $winlist $name] != -1} {
@@ -280,6 +299,7 @@ proc xcircuit::closewindow {name} {
set newwin [lindex [config windownames] 0]
destroy [winfo top $name]
config focus $newwin
+ set XCOps(focus) [winfo top $newwin]
} else {
@@ -359,22 +379,22 @@ proc xcircuit::getinitstate {wname} {
# Support procedures for tag callbacks
-proc xcircuit::popupdialog {} {
- set wstate [xcircuit::getinitstate .dialog]
- xcircuit::removelists .dialog
- wm deiconify .dialog
- if {"$wstate" != "normal"} {centerwin .dialog}
- raise .dialog
- focus .dialog.textent.txt
+proc xcircuit::popupdialog {{w .dialog}} {
+ set wstate [xcircuit::getinitstate ${w}]
+ xcircuit::removelists ${w}
+ wm deiconify ${w}
+ if {"$wstate" != "normal"} {centerwin ${w}}
+ raise ${w}
+ focus ${w}.textent.txt
-proc xcircuit::popupfilelist {} {
- set wstate [xcircuit::getinitstate .filelist]
- xcircuit::removelists .filelist
- wm deiconify .filelist
- centerwin .filelist
- raise .filelist
- focus .filelist.textent.txt
+proc xcircuit::popupfilelist {{w .filelist}} {
+ set wstate [xcircuit::getinitstate ${w}]
+ xcircuit::removelists ${w}
+ wm deiconify ${w}
+ centerwin ${w}
+ raise ${w}
+ focus ${w}.textent.txt
@@ -420,64 +440,64 @@ proc xcircuit::setsheetsize {} {
set ycm [lindex $slist 2]
if {$xcm == 21.0 && $ycm == 29.7} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) a4
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "A4"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) a4
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "A4"
} elseif {$xcm == 29.7 && $ycm == 42.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) a3
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "A3"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) a3
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "A3"
} elseif {$xcm == 14.8 && $ycm == 18.4} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) a5
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "A5"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) a5
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "A5"
} elseif {$xcm == 25.7 && $ycm == 36.4} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) b4
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "B4"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) b4
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "B4"
} elseif {$xcm == 18.2 && $ycm == 25.7} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) b5
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "B5"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) b5
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "B5"
} else {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) special
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "Special"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) special
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "Special"
} elseif {$coordstyle == "in"} {
set xin [lindex $slist 0]
set yin [lindex $slist 2]
if {$xin == 8.5 && $yin == 11.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) letter
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Letter
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) letter
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Letter
} elseif {$xin == 8.5 && $yin == 14.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) legal
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Legal
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) legal
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Legal
} elseif {$xin == 5.5 && $yin == 8.5} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) statement
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Statement
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) statement
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Statement
} elseif {$xin == 11.0 && $yin == 17.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) tabloid
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Tabloid
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) tabloid
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Tabloid
} elseif {$xin == 17.0 && $yin == 11.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) ledger
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Ledger
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) ledger
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Ledger
} elseif {$xin == 8.5 && $yin == 13.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) folio
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Folio
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) folio
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Folio
} elseif {$xin == 10.0 && $yin == 14.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) tenfourteen
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text 10x14
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) tenfourteen
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text 10x14
} elseif {$xin == 7.5 && $yin == 10.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) executive
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Executive
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) executive
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text Executive
} elseif {$xin == 17.0 && $yin == 22.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) ansic
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "ANSI C"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) ansic
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "ANSI C"
} elseif {$xin == 22.0 && $yin == 34.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) ansid
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "ANSI D"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) ansid
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "ANSI D"
} elseif {$xin == 34.0 && $yin == 44.0} {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) ansie
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "ANSI E"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) ansie
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "ANSI E"
} else {
- set XCOps(sheetsize) special
- .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "Special"
+ set XCOps(sheetsize) special
+ .output.textent.txtf.sizb configure -text "Special"
@@ -569,6 +589,7 @@ proc xcircuit::pageupdate { {subcommand "none"} } {
.output.title.field configure -text \
"PostScript output properties (Page [xcircuit::page])"
set fname [xcircuit::page filename]
+ if {$fname == ""} {set fname [xcircuit::page label]}
.output.textent.but1 configure -text Apply
.output.textent.but2 configure -text Apply
.output.textent.but3 configure -text Apply
@@ -818,7 +839,7 @@ xcircuit::tag parameter { if {"%1" == "make"} {set cond true} else {set cond fal
style {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),styleparam) $cond}
"start angle" {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),startparam) $cond}
"end angle" {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),endparam) $cond}
- justification {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),justparam) $cond}
+ anchoring {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),anchorparam) $cond}
radius {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),radiusparam) $cond}
"minor axis" {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),minorparam) $cond}
rotation {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotationparam) $cond}
@@ -861,7 +882,7 @@ xcircuit::tag label {if {%# == 3} {
family {if {"%2" != "-all"} {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),fontfamily) %2}}
style {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),fontstyle) %2}
- justify {
+ anchor {
switch -- %2 {
top -
bottom -
@@ -869,10 +890,11 @@ xcircuit::tag label {if {%# == 3} {
default {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),jhoriz) %2}
+ justify {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),justif) %2}
flipinvariant {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),flipinvariant) %2}
visible {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),pinvisible) %2}
latex {set XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),latexmode) %2}
- }} elseif {(%# == 4) && ("%1" == "justify")} {
+ }} elseif {(%# == 4) && ("%1" == "anchor")} {
switch -- %2 {
top -
bottom -
@@ -1157,6 +1179,18 @@ proc xcircuit::make_parameter_listbox {} {
listbox .parameter.vallist -bg white
listbox .parameter.parvals -bg white
+ # Code to get the listboxes to scroll in synchrony
+ bind .parameter.keylist <Button-4> {xcircuit::paramscroll -1}
+ bind .parameter.keylist <Button-5> {xcircuit::paramscroll 1}
+ bind .parameter.vallist <Button-4> {xcircuit::paramscroll -1}
+ bind .parameter.vallist <Button-5> {xcircuit::paramscroll 1}
+ bind .parameter.parvals <Button-4> {xcircuit::paramscroll -1}
+ bind .parameter.parvals <Button-5> {xcircuit::paramscroll 1}
+ # Also bind to the mouse wheel (Windows-specific, generally)
+ bind .parameter.keylist <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::paramscroll %D}
+ bind .parameter.vallist <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::paramscroll %D}
+ bind .parameter.parvals <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::paramscroll %D}
button .parameter.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -bg beige \
-command {wm withdraw .parameter}
@@ -1206,110 +1240,150 @@ proc xcircuit::make_parameter_listbox {} {
+# Scroll all listboxes in the .parameter window at the same
+# time, in reponse to any one of them receiving a scroll event.
+proc xcircuit::paramscroll {value} {
+ global tcl_platform
+ set idx [.parameter.keylist nearest 0]
+ if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
+ set idx [expr {$idx + $value / 120}]
+ } else {
+ set idx [expr {$idx + $value}]
+ }
+ .parameter.keylist yview $idx
+ .parameter.vallist yview $idx
+ .parameter.parvals yview $idx
+ # Important! This prohibits the default binding actions.
+ return -code break
# Update the dialog box, if it has been left visible
# (Corrected 2/4/12: Don't delete contents except in these specific cases!)
-proc xcircuit::updatedialog {} {
+proc xcircuit::updatedialog {{w dialog}} {
global XCOps
- if {[xcircuit::getinitstate .dialog] == "normal"} {
- switch -- $XCOps(dialog) {
+ if {[xcircuit::getinitstate .${w}] == "normal"} {
+ switch -- $XCOps(${w}) {
linewidth {
set btext [format "%g" [lindex [xcircuit::border get] 0]]
- .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
- .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $btext
+ .${w}.textent.txt delete 0 end
+ .${w}.textent.txt insert 0 $btext
textscale {
set cscale [xcircuit::label scale]
- .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
- .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $cscale
+ .${w}.textent.txt delete 0 end
+ .${w}.textent.txt insert 0 $cscale
elementscale {
set selects [xcircuit::select]
if {$selects > 0} {
set cscale [xcircuit::element scale]
- .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
- .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $cscale
+ .${w}.textent.txt delete 0 end
+ .${w}.textent.txt insert 0 $cscale
-proc xcircuit::makedialogline {dframe textline} {
- if {[catch {frame .dialog.${dframe} -bg beige}]} {
- .dialog.${dframe}.title.field configure -text ${textline}
+proc xcircuit::makedialogline {dframe textline {w dialog}} {
+ if {[catch {frame .${w}.${dframe} -bg beige}]} {
+ .${w}.${dframe}.title.field configure -text ${textline}
} else {
- pack .dialog.${dframe} -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
+ pack .${w}.${dframe} -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
- frame .dialog.${dframe}.title -bg beige
- entry .dialog.${dframe}.txt -bg white -relief sunken -width 50
+ frame .${w}.${dframe}.title -bg beige
+ entry .${w}.${dframe}.txt -bg white -relief sunken -width 50
- pack .dialog.${dframe}.title -side top -fill x
- pack .dialog.${dframe}.txt -side bottom -fill x -expand true
+ pack .${w}.${dframe}.title -side top -fill x
+ pack .${w}.${dframe}.txt -side bottom -fill x -expand true
- label .dialog.${dframe}.title.field -text ${textline} -bg beige
- pack .dialog.${dframe}.title.field -side left
+ label .${w}.${dframe}.title.field -text ${textline} -bg beige
+ pack .${w}.${dframe}.title.field -side left
-proc xcircuit::removedialogline {dframe} {
+proc xcircuit::removedialogline {dframe {w dialog}} {
global XCOps
- pack forget .dialog.${dframe}
- destroy .dialog.${dframe}
- set XCOps(dialog) 0
+ pack forget .${w}.${dframe}
+ destroy .${w}.${dframe}
+ set XCOps(${w}) 0
-# Create the simple popup prompt window
+# Create a simple popup prompt window
+# With "Apply", "Okay", and "Cancel" buttons
-toplevel .dialog -bg beige
-wm title .dialog "Dialog Box"
-wm group .dialog .
-wm protocol .dialog WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw .dialog}
-wm withdraw .dialog
-set XCOps(dialog) 0
+proc make_simple_dialog {name} {
+ set window .${name}
+ toplevel ${window} -bg beige
+ wm title ${window} "Dialog Box"
+ wm group ${window} .
+ wm protocol ${window} WM_DELETE_WINDOW [subst {wm withdraw ${window}}]
+ wm withdraw ${window}
+ set XCOps(${name}) 0
-xcircuit::makedialogline textent "Select file to load:"
+ xcircuit::makedialogline textent "Select file to load:" ${name}
-frame .dialog.bbar -bg beige
-pack .dialog.bbar -side bottom -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
+ frame ${window}.bbar -bg beige
+ pack ${window}.bbar -side bottom -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
-button .dialog.bbar.okay -text Okay -bg beige -command {.dialog.bbar.apply invoke ;\
- wm withdraw .dialog}
-button .dialog.bbar.apply -text Apply -bg beige
-button .dialog.bbar.cancel -text Cancel -bg beige -command {wm withdraw .dialog}
+ button ${window}.bbar.okay -text Okay -bg beige \
+ -command [subst {${window}.bbar.apply invoke ;\
+ wm withdraw ${window}}]
+ button ${window}.bbar.apply -text Apply -bg beige
+ button ${window}.bbar.cancel -text Cancel -bg beige -command \
+ [subst {wm withdraw ${window}}]
-bind .dialog.textent.txt <Return> {.dialog.bbar.apply invoke}
+ bind ${window}.textent.txt <Return> [subst {${window}.bbar.apply invoke}]
-pack .dialog.bbar.okay -side left -ipadx 10
-pack .dialog.bbar.apply -side left -ipadx 10
-pack .dialog.bbar.cancel -side right -ipadx 10
+ pack ${window}.bbar.okay -side left -ipadx 10
+ pack ${window}.bbar.apply -side left -ipadx 10
+ pack ${window}.bbar.cancel -side right -ipadx 10
-# Create the query prompt window
+# Create a query prompt window with
+# "Okay" and "Cancel" buttons, and a
+# "Select:" title message
-toplevel .query -bg beige
-wm title .query "Query Dialog Box"
-wm group .query .
-wm protocol .query WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw .query}
-wm withdraw .query
+proc make_query_dialog {name} {
+ set window .${name}
+ toplevel ${window} -bg beige
+ wm title ${window} "Query Dialog Box"
+ wm group ${window} .
+ wm protocol ${window} WM_DELETE_WINDOW [subst {wm withdraw ${window}}]
+ wm withdraw ${window}
-frame .query.title -bg beige
-frame .query.bbar -bg beige
+ frame ${window}.title -bg beige
+ frame ${window}.bbar -bg beige
-pack .query.title -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
-pack .query.bbar -side bottom -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
+ pack ${window}.title -side top -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
+ pack ${window}.bbar -side bottom -padx 20 -pady 7 -fill x
-label .query.title.field -text "Select:" -bg beige
-pack .query.title.field -side left
+ label ${window}.title.field -text "Select:" -bg beige
+ pack ${window}.title.field -side left
-button .query.bbar.okay -text Okay -bg beige
-button .query.bbar.cancel -text Cancel -bg beige -command {wm withdraw .query}
+ button ${window}.bbar.okay -text Okay -bg beige
+ button ${window}.bbar.cancel -text Cancel -bg beige -command \
+ [subst {wm withdraw ${window}}]
-pack .query.bbar.okay -side left -ipadx 10
-pack .query.bbar.cancel -side right -ipadx 10
+ pack ${window}.bbar.okay -side left -ipadx 10
+ pack ${window}.bbar.cancel -side right -ipadx 10
+make_query_dialog query
+make_simple_dialog dialog
+make_simple_dialog savetech
+make_simple_dialog makesymbol
# Generate all of the menu cascades
@@ -1330,13 +1404,13 @@ proc xcircuit::printstring {stringlist} {
return $p
-proc xcircuit::printjust {justif} {
- switch [expr {$justif & 3}] {
+proc xcircuit::printanchor {anchor} {
+ switch [expr {$anchor & 3}] {
0 {set p "left"}
1 {set p "center"}
3 {set p "right"}
- switch [expr {$justif & 12}] {
+ switch [expr {$anchor & 12}] {
0 {append p " bottom"}
4 {append p " middle"}
12 {append p " top"}
@@ -1348,14 +1422,14 @@ proc xcircuit::labelmakeparam {} {
global XCOps
if {[xcircuit::select] > 0} { ;# this should be true. . .
set XCOps(dialog) paramname
- xcircuit::removedialogline textent2 ;# default is the selected text
+ xcircuit::removedialogline textent2 dialog ;# default is the selected text
.dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
[subst {xcircuit::parameter make substring \[.dialog.textent.txt get\];\
xcircuit::updateparams substring}]
.dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Parameter name:"
+ .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
+ xcircuit::popupdialog
- .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
- xcircuit::popupdialog
proc xcircuit::promptmakeparam {{mode substring}} {
@@ -1363,11 +1437,11 @@ proc xcircuit::promptmakeparam {{mode substring}} {
set XCOps(dialog) paramdefault
if {$mode == "label"} {set mode substring}
- xcircuit::makedialogline textent2 "Default value:"
+ xcircuit::makedialogline textent2 "Default value:" dialog
.dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
[subst {xcircuit::parameter make $mode \
\[.dialog.textent.txt get\] \[.dialog.textent2.txt get\] -forward; \
- xcircuit::removedialogline textent2; \
+ xcircuit::removedialogline textent2 dialog; \
xcircuit::updateparams $mode}]
.dialog.textent.title.field configure -text \
"Parameter name:"
@@ -1507,8 +1581,8 @@ proc xcircuit::updateparams { {mode {substring numeric expression}} } {
"substring" {
.parameter.vallist insert end [xcircuit::printstring $p_val]
- "justification" {
- .parameter.vallist insert end [xcircuit::printjust $p_val]
+ "anchoring" {
+ .parameter.vallist insert end [xcircuit::printanchor $p_val]
default {
.parameter.vallist insert end $p_val
@@ -1536,16 +1610,16 @@ proc xcircuit::promptmakesymbol {{name ""}} {
global XCOps
set XCOps(dialog) makeobject
- .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
+ .makesymbol.bbar.apply configure -command \
{if {[string first "Page " [page label]] >= 0} { \
- page label [.dialog.textent.txt get]}; \
- xcircuit::symbol make [.dialog.textent.txt get] $XCOps(library)}
- xcircuit::removedialogline textent2
- .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Name for new object:"
- .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
- .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $name
- xcircuit::popupdialog
- xcircuit::addliblist .dialog "Place in: "
+ page label [.makesymbol.textent.txt get]}; \
+ xcircuit::symbol make [.makesymbol.textent.txt get] $XCOps(library)}
+ xcircuit::removedialogline textent2 makesymbol
+ .makesymbol.textent.title.field configure -text "Name for new object:"
+ .makesymbol.textent.txt delete 0 end
+ .makesymbol.textent.txt insert 0 $name
+ xcircuit::popupdialog .makesymbol
+ xcircuit::addliblist .makesymbol Place in: "
@@ -1554,26 +1628,26 @@ proc xcircuit::prompttargettech {{name ""}} {
global XCOps
set XCOps(dialog) targettech
- .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command { \
+ .savetech.bbar.apply configure -command { \
set selects [xcircuit::select]; \
if {$selects > 0} { \
- if {[catch {set techname [.dialog.textent2.txt get]}]} {\
+ if {[catch {set techname [.savetech.textent2.txt get]}]} {\
set techname $XCOps(technology)}; \
- technology objects $techname [.dialog.textent.txt get]}\
+ technology objects $techname [.savetech.textent.txt get]}\
- xcircuit::removedialogline textent2
- .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Objects to move:"
- .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
- .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $name
+ xcircuit::removedialogline textent2 savetech
+ .savetech.textent.title.field configure -text "Objects to move:"
+ .savetech.textent.txt delete 0 end
+ .savetech.textent.txt insert 0 $name
- xcircuit::addtechlist .dialog "Target technology: "
+ xcircuit::addtechlist .savetech "Target technology: "
# Add an additional selection to the tech menu for adding a new
# technology namespace. This is relevant only to "prompttargettech".
- add \
+ add \
command -label "Add New Tech" -command \
- "xcircuit::makedialogline textent2 {New tech name:}"
+ "xcircuit::makedialogline textent2 {New tech name:}" savetech
@@ -1730,19 +1804,19 @@ proc xcircuit::promptsavetech {} {
global XCOps
set XCOps(dialog) techname
- .dialog.bbar.apply configure -command \
- {xcircuit::technology save [.dialog.techself.techselect cget -text] \
- [.dialog.textent.txt get]}
- .dialog.textent.title.field configure -text "Filename to save technology as:"
- .dialog.textent.txt delete 0 end
- xcircuit::popupdialog
- xcircuit::addtechlist .dialog "Save which technology: " {(user)} true
+ .savetech.bbar.apply configure -command \
+ {xcircuit::technology save [.savetech.techself.techselect cget -text] \
+ [.savetech.textent.txt get]}
+ .savetech.textent.title.field configure -text "Filename to save technology as:"
+ .savetech.textent.txt delete 0 end
+ xcircuit::popupdialog .savetech
+ xcircuit::addtechlist .savetech "Save which technology: " {(user)} true
set fname ""
catch {set fname [technology filename $XCOps(technology)]}
if {$fname == "(no associated file)"} {
set fname $XCOps(technology).lps
- .dialog.textent.txt insert 0 $fname
+ .savetech.textent.txt insert 0 $fname
@@ -2008,7 +2082,7 @@ proc xcircuit::allcolorbuttons {window} {
set colorlist [color get -all]
set frame [winfo top $window]
- set idx 0
+ set idx 17 ;# NUMBER_OF_COLORS in xcircuit.h
foreach colorrgb $colorlist {
${frame}.menubar.optionsbutton.optionsmenu.elementsmenu.colormenu \
add radio -image img_col$idx -activebackground $colorrgb \
@@ -2590,7 +2664,7 @@ proc xcircuit::makemenus {window} {
$m add cascade -label "Style" -menu $m.stylemenu
$m add cascade -label "Encoding" -menu $m.encodingmenu
$m add cascade -label "Insert" -menu $m.insertmenu
- $m add cascade -label "Justification" -menu $m.justifymenu
+ $m add cascade -label "Anchoring" -menu $m.anchormenu
$m add command -label "Parameterize" \
-command {xcircuit::labelmakeparam}
$m add command -label "Unparameterize" \
@@ -2657,21 +2731,28 @@ proc xcircuit::makemenus {window} {
$m2 add command -label "Character" -command "xcircuit::label insert special"
$m2 add command -label "Parameter" -command "xcircuit::prompteditparams"
- set m2 [menu $m.justifymenu -tearoff 0]
- $m2 add radio -label "Left Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jhoriz) \
+ set m2 [menu $m.anchormenu -tearoff 0]
+ $m2 add radio -label "Left Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jhoriz) \
+ -value left -command "xcircuit::label anchor left"
+ $m2 add radio -label "Center Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jhoriz) \
+ -value center -command "xcircuit::label anchor center"
+ $m2 add radio -label "Right Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jhoriz) \
+ -value right -command "xcircuit::label anchor right"
+ $m2 add separator
+ $m2 add radio -label "Top Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jvert) \
+ -value top -command "xcircuit::label anchor top"
+ $m2 add radio -label "Middle Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jvert) \
+ -value middle -command "xcircuit::label anchor middle"
+ $m2 add radio -label "Bottom Anchored" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jvert) \
+ -value bottom -command "xcircuit::label anchor bottom"
+ $m2 add separator
+ $m2 add radio -label "Left Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},justif) \
-value left -command "xcircuit::label justify left"
- $m2 add radio -label "Center Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jhoriz) \
+ $m2 add radio -label "Center Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},justif) \
-value center -command "xcircuit::label justify center"
- $m2 add radio -label "Right Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jhoriz) \
+ $m2 add radio -label "Right Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},justif) \
-value right -command "xcircuit::label justify right"
$m2 add separator
- $m2 add radio -label "Top Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jvert) \
- -value top -command "xcircuit::label justify top"
- $m2 add radio -label "Middle Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jvert) \
- -value middle -command "xcircuit::label justify middle"
- $m2 add radio -label "Bottom Justified" -variable XCWinOps(${window},jvert) \
- -value bottom -command "xcircuit::label justify bottom"
- $m2 add separator
$m2 add check -label "Flip Invariant" \
-variable XCWinOps(${window},flipinvariant) \
-onvalue true -offvalue false -command {xcircuit::label flipinvariant \
@@ -2851,11 +2932,11 @@ proc xcircuit::makemenus {window} {
{if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),yposparam)} \
{xcircuit::parameter make "y position"} \
{xcircuit::parameter replace "y position"}}
- $m3 add check -label "Justification" -variable XCWinOps(${window},justparam) \
+ $m3 add check -label "Anchoring" -variable XCWinOps(${window},anchorparam) \
-onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
- {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),justparam)} \
- {xcircuit::parameter make justification} \
- {xcircuit::parameter replace justification}}
+ {if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),anchorparam)} \
+ {xcircuit::parameter make anchoring} \
+ {xcircuit::parameter replace anchoring}}
$m3 add check -label "Rotation" -variable XCWinOps(${window},rotationparam) \
-onvalue true -offvalue false -command \
{if {$XCWinOps($XCOps(focus),rotationparam)} \
@@ -3051,7 +3132,7 @@ proc xcircuit::enable_mousehints {} {
set XCOps(mousehints) 1
foreach window [config windownames] {
set frame [winfo top $window]
- xcircuit::mousehint_create $frame
+ catch {xcircuit::mousehint_create $frame}
@@ -3197,6 +3278,15 @@ proc xcircuit::makehelpwindow {} {
message -width 200 -justify left -anchor n \
-relief groove -text "Click on a function for help text"
+ # Keep boxes aligned!
+ bind .help.listwin.keys <Button-4> {xcircuit::helpscroll -1}
+ bind .help.listwin.keys <Button-5> {xcircuit::helpscroll 1}
+ bind .help.listwin.func <Button-4> {xcircuit::helpscroll -1}
+ bind .help.listwin.func <Button-5> {xcircuit::helpscroll 1}
+ # Also bind to the mouse wheel (Windows-specific, generally)
+ bind .help.listwin.keys <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::helpscroll %D}
+ bind .help.listwin.func <MouseWheel> {xcircuit::helpscroll %D}
grid .help.listwin.func -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1
grid .help.listwin.keys -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1
grid -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ns -padx 1 -pady 1
@@ -3209,6 +3299,28 @@ proc xcircuit::makehelpwindow {} {
+# Scroll all listboxes in the .help.listwin window at the same
+# time, in reponse to any one of them receiving a scroll event.
+proc xcircuit::helpscroll {value} {
+ global tcl_platform
+ set idx [.help.listwin.func nearest 0]
+ if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
+ set idx [expr {$idx + $value / 120}]
+ } else {
+ set idx [expr {$idx + $value}]
+ }
+ .help.listwin.func yview $idx
+ .help.listwin.keys yview $idx
+ # Important! This prohibits the default binding actions.
+ return -code break
# Procedure to update and display the help window