@echo off rem rem This script starts xcircuit under the Tcl interpreter, rem reading commands from a special .wishrc script which rem launches magic and retains the Tcl interactive interpreter. rem set XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR=XCLIBDIR set XCIRCUIT_WISH=WISH_EXE set loclibdir=%XCIRCUIT_LIB_DIR% set TKCON=1 for %%i in (%*) do ( if "%%i" == "-noconsole" set TKCON=0 ) if "%TKCON%" == "1" ( if not exist %loclibdir%/CONSOLE set loclibdir=%loclibdir%/tcl start %XCIRCUIT_WISH% %loclibdir%/CONSOLE -eval "source %loclibdir%/CONSOLE_SCRIPT" -slave "package require Tk; set argv [list %*]; set argc [llength argv]; source %loclibdir%/WRAPPER_INIT" ) else ( rem Run the stand-in for wish (xcircexec), which acts exactly like "wish" rem except that it replaces ~/.wishrc with xcircuit.tcl. This executable is rem *only* needed when running without the console; the console itself is rem capable of sourcing the startup script. %loclibdir%/xcircexec -- %* )