/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* menus.h */ /* Copyright (c) 2002 Tim Edwards, Johns Hopkins University */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Hierarchical menus must be listed in bottom-up order */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Note: underscore (_) before name denotes a color to paint the button. */ /* colon (:) before name denotes a stipple, defined by the data */ /* passed to setfill(). */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _MENUDEP #define submenu(a) a, (sizeof (a) / sizeof(menustruct)), NULL, NULL #define action(b,c) NULL, 0, NULL, NULL #define setaction(b,c) NULL, 1, NULL, NULL #define toolaction(b,c) NULL, NULL #define noaction NULL, 0, NULL, NULL #define offset(a) 0 #else /* real definitions. . .*/ #define submenu(a) a, (sizeof (a) / sizeof(menustruct)), \ (XtCallbackProc)DoNothing, NULL #define action(b,c) NULL, 0, (XtCallbackProc)b, c #define setaction(b,c) NULL, 1, (XtCallbackProc)b, c #define toolaction(b,c) (XtCallbackProc)b, c #define noaction NULL, 0, (XtCallbackProc)DoNothing, NULL #define offset(a) Number(XtOffset(XCWindowDataPtr, a)) #endif /* Inclusions for pixmap icons */ #include "tool_bar.h" /* Things commented out here are reminders of future implementations. */ menustruct Fonts[] = { {"Add New Font", action(addnewfont, NULL)}, {" ", noaction}, }; /* Note the unorthodox passing of integer constants through type pointer */ menustruct FontStyles[] = { {"Normal", setaction(fontstyle, Number(0))}, {"Bold", action(fontstyle, Number(1))}, {"Italic", action(fontstyle, Number(2))}, {"BoldItalic", action(fontstyle, Number(3))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Subscript", action(addtotext, Number(SUBSCRIPT))}, {"Superscript", action(addtotext, Number(SUPERSCRIPT))}, {"Normalscript", action(addtotext, Number(NORMALSCRIPT))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Underline", action(addtotext, Number(UNDERLINE))}, {"Overline", action(addtotext, Number(OVERLINE))}, {"No line", action(addtotext, Number(NOLINE))}, }; menustruct FontEncodings[] = { {"Standard", setaction(fontencoding, Number(0))}, {"ISO-Latin1", action(fontencoding, Number(2))}, }; menustruct TextSpacing[] = { {"Tab stop", action(addtotext, Number(TABSTOP))}, {"Tab forward", action(addtotext, Number(TABFORWARD))}, {"Tab backward", action(addtotext, Number(TABBACKWARD))}, {"Carriage Return", action(addtotext, Number(RETURN))}, {"1/2 space", action(addtotext, Number(HALFSPACE))}, {"1/4 space", action(addtotext, Number(QTRSPACE))}, {"Kern", action(getkern, NULL)}, {"Character", action(addtotext, Number(SPECIAL))}, }; menustruct Justifs[] = { {"Left Justified", setaction(sethjust, Number(NORMAL))}, {"Center Justified", action(sethjust, Number(NOTLEFT))}, {"Right Justified", action(sethjust, Number(NOTLEFT | RIGHT))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Top Justified", action(setvjust, Number(NOTBOTTOM | TOP))}, {"Middle Justified", action(setvjust, Number(NOTBOTTOM))}, {"Bottom Justified", setaction(setvjust, Number(NORMAL))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Flip Invariant", setaction(setjustbit, Number(FLIPINV))}, }; menustruct BoxEditStyles[] = { {"Manhattan Box Edit", setaction(boxedit, Number(MANHATTAN))}, {"Rhomboid X", action(boxedit, Number(RHOMBOIDX))}, {"Rhomboid Y", action(boxedit, Number(RHOMBOIDY))}, {"Rhomboid A", action(boxedit, Number(RHOMBOIDA))}, {"Normal", action(boxedit, Number(NORMAL))}, }; menustruct GridStyles[] = { {"Decimal Inches", action(getgridtype, Number(DEC_INCH))}, {"Fractional Inches", setaction(getgridtype, Number(FRAC_INCH))}, {"Centimeters", action(getgridtype, Number(CM))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Drawing Scale", action(getdscale, NULL)}, }; menustruct Libraries[] = { {"Add New Library", action(newlibrary, NULL)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Library 1", action(startcatalog, Number(LIBRARY))}, {"Library 2", action(startcatalog, Number(LIBRARY + 1))}, }; menustruct Pages[] = { {"Add New Page", action(newpagemenu, Number(255))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Page 1", action(newpagemenu, Number(0))}, {"Page 2", action(newpagemenu, Number(1))}, {"Page 3", action(newpagemenu, Number(2))}, {"Page 4", action(newpagemenu, Number(3))}, {"Page 5", action(newpagemenu, Number(4))}, {"Page 6", action(newpagemenu, Number(5))}, {"Page 7", action(newpagemenu, Number(6))}, {"Page 8", action(newpagemenu, Number(7))}, {"Page 9", action(newpagemenu, Number(8))}, {"Page 10", action(newpagemenu, Number(9))} }; menustruct BorderStyles[] = { {"Linewidth", action(getwwidth, NULL)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Solid", setaction(setline, Number(NORMAL))}, {"Dashed", action(setline, Number(DASHED))}, {"Dotted", action(setline, Number(DOTTED))}, {"Unbordered", action(setline, Number(NOBORDER))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Closed", action(setclosure, Number(UNCLOSED))}, {"Bounding Box", action(makebbox, Number(BBOX))}, }; menustruct Colors[] = { {"Add New Color", action(addnewcolor, NULL)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Inherit Color", setaction(setcolor, Number(1))}, {"_Black", action(setcolor, NULL)}, {"_White", action(setcolor, NULL)}, }; menustruct Parameterize[] = { {"Substring", action(promptparam, NULL)}, {"Numeric", action(startparam, Number(P_NUMERIC))}, {"Style", action(startparam, Number(P_STYLE))}, {"Justification", action(startparam, Number(P_JUSTIFY))}, {"Start Angle", action(startparam, Number(P_ANGLE1))}, {"End Angle", action(startparam, Number(P_ANGLE2))}, {"Radius", action(startparam, Number(P_RADIUS))}, {"Minor Axis", action(startparam, Number(P_MINOR_AXIS))}, {"Rotation", action(startparam, Number(P_ROTATION))}, {"Scale", action(startparam, Number(P_SCALE))}, {"Linewidth", action(startparam, Number(P_LINEWIDTH))}, {"Color", action(startparam, Number(P_COLOR))}, {"Position", action(startparam, Number(P_POSITION))}, }; menustruct Stipples[] = { {":Black", action(setfill, Number(OPAQUE | FILLED | FILLSOLID))}, {":Gray12", action(setfill, Number(OPAQUE | FILLED | STIP2 | STIP1))}, {":Gray25", action(setfill, Number(OPAQUE | FILLED | STIP2 | STIP0))}, {":Gray37", action(setfill, Number(OPAQUE | FILLED | STIP2))}, {":Gray50", action(setfill, Number(OPAQUE | FILLED | STIP0 | STIP1))}, {":Gray62", action(setfill, Number(OPAQUE | FILLED | STIP1))}, {":Gray75", action(setfill, Number(OPAQUE | FILLED | STIP0))}, {":Gray87", action(setfill, Number(OPAQUE | FILLED))}, {":White", setaction(setfill, Number(FILLSOLID))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Opaque", action(setopaque, Number(OPAQUE))}, {"Transparent", setaction(setopaque, Number(NORMAL))}, }; menustruct TextMenu[] = { {"Text Size", action(gettsize, NULL)}, {"Font", submenu(Fonts)}, {"Style", submenu(FontStyles)}, {"Encoding", submenu(FontEncodings)}, {"Insert", submenu(TextSpacing)}, {"Justification (keypad)", submenu(Justifs)}, {"Parameterize", action(promptparam, NULL)}, {"Unparameterize", action(startunparam, Number(P_SUBSTRING))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Set LaTeX Mode", action(setjustbit, Number(LATEXLABEL))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Make Label (t)", action(changetool, Number(XCF_Text))}, }; menustruct PolyMenu[] = { {"Border", submenu(BorderStyles)}, {"Fill", submenu(Stipples)}, {"Color", submenu(Colors)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Object size", action(getosize, NULL)}, {"Parameters", submenu(Parameterize)}, {"Center Object", setaction(toggle, offset(center))}, {"Manhattan Draw", action(toggle, offset(manhatn))}, {"Polygon Edit", submenu(BoxEditStyles)}, }; menustruct FilterMenu[] = { {"Labels", setaction(selectfilter, Number(LABEL))}, {"Objects", setaction(selectfilter, Number(OBJINST))}, {"Polygons", setaction(selectfilter, Number(POLYGON))}, {"Arcs", setaction(selectfilter, Number(ARC))}, {"Splines", setaction(selectfilter, Number(SPLINE))}, {"Paths", setaction(selectfilter, Number(PATH))}, }; menustruct RotateMenu[] = { {"Flip Horizontal (f)", action(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Flip_X))}, {"Flip Vertical (F)", action(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Flip_Y))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Rotate CW 90", action(rotatetool, Number(90))}, {"Rotate CW 45", action(rotatetool, Number(45))}, {"Rotate CW 30", action(rotatetool, Number(30))}, {"Rotate CW 15 (r)", action(rotatetool, Number(15))}, {"Rotate CW 5 (o)", action(rotatetool, Number(3))}, {"Rotate CW 1", action(rotatetool, Number(1))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Rotate CCW 90", action(rotatetool, Number(-90))}, {"Rotate CCW 45", action(rotatetool, Number(-45))}, {"Rotate CCW 30", action(rotatetool, Number(-30))}, {"Rotate CCW 15 (R)", action(rotatetool, Number(-15))}, {"Rotate CCW 5 (O)", action(rotatetool, Number(-5))}, {"Rotate CCW 1", action(rotatetool, Number(-1))}, }; menustruct LineMenu[] = { {"Global Linewidth", action(getwirewidth, NULL)}, {"Wire Linewidth", action(getwwidth, NULL)}, }; menustruct GridMenu[] = { {"Grid", setaction(toggle, offset(gridon))}, {"Axes", setaction(toggle, offset(axeson))}, {"Grid spacing", action(getgridspace, NULL)}, {"Grid type/display", submenu(GridStyles)}, }; menustruct SnapMenu[] = { {"Snap-to", setaction(toggle, offset(snapto))}, {"Snap spacing", action(getsnapspace, NULL)}, }; menustruct PinConvert[] = { {"Normal label", action(dopintype, Number(NORMAL))}, {"Local Pin", action(dopintype, Number(LOCAL))}, {"Global Pin", action(dopintype, Number(GLOBAL))}, {"Info label", action(dopintype, Number(INFO))}, }; menustruct SchemaMenu[] = { {"Make Pin (T)", action(changetool, Number(XCF_Pin_Label))}, {"Make Info Pin (I)", action(changetool, Number(XCF_Info_Label))}, {"Make Global Pin (G)", action(changetool, Number(XCF_Pin_Global))}, {"Convert Label to...", submenu(PinConvert)}, {"Pin Visibility", action(setpinjustbit, Number(PINVISIBLE))}, /* {"Make Object Non-Schematic", action(maketrivial, NULL)}, */ {"Make Matching Symbol", action(dobeforeswap, NULL)}, {"Associate with Symbol", action(startschemassoc, Number(1))}, {"Highlight Connectivity", action(startconnect, NULL)}, {"Auto-number Components", action(callwritenet, Number(4))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Write spice", action(callwritenet, Number(0))}, {"Write flattened spice", action(callwritenet, Number(3))}, {"Write sim", action(callwritenet, Number(1))}, {"Write pcb", action(callwritenet, Number(2))}, }; menustruct WindowMenu[] = { {"Zoom In (Z)", action(zoominrefresh, NULL)}, {"Zoom Out (z)", action(zoomoutrefresh, NULL)}, {"Full View (v)", action(zoomview, NULL)}, {"Pan (p)", action(pantool, Number(6))}, {"Refresh ( )", action(refresh, NULL)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Library Directory (L)", action(startcatalog, Number(LIBLIB))}, {"Goto Library", submenu(Libraries)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Page Directory (P)", action(startcatalog, Number(PAGELIB))}, {"Goto Page", submenu(Pages)} }; menustruct FileMenu[] = { #ifdef XC_WIN32 {"New window", action(win32_new_window, NULL)}, {" ", noaction}, #endif {"Read Xcircuit File", action(getfile, Number(NORMAL))}, {"Import Xcircuit PS", action(getfile, Number(IMPORT))}, {"Import background PS", action(getfile, Number(PSBKGROUND))}, #ifdef ASG {"Import SPICE deck", action(getfile, Number(IMPORTSPICE))}, #endif {"Execute script", action(getfile, Number(SCRIPT))}, {"Write Xcircuit PS (W)", action(outputpopup, NULL)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Add To Library", action(getlib, NULL)}, {"Load New Library", action(getuserlib, NULL)}, {"Save Library", action(savelibpopup, NULL)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Clear Page", action(resetbutton, Number(0))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Quit", action(quitcheck, NULL)}, }; menustruct OptionMenu[] = { {"Alt Colors", action(inversecolor, offset(invert))}, {"Show Bounding box", action(toggle, offset(bboxon))}, {"Edit in place", setaction(toggle, offset(editinplace))}, {"Show Pin Positions", action(toggle, offset(pinpointon))}, #ifdef HAVE_XPM {"Disable Toolbar", action(dotoolbar, NULL)}, #endif {"Grid", submenu(GridMenu)}, {"Snap-to", submenu(SnapMenu)}, {"Linewidth", submenu(LineMenu)}, {"Elements", submenu(PolyMenu)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Help!", action(starthelp, NULL)}, }; menustruct EditMenu[] = { {"Undo (u)", action(undo_call, NULL)}, {"Redo (U)", action(redo_call, NULL)}, {" ", noaction}, {"Delete (d)", action(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Delete))}, {"Copy (c)", action(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Copy))}, {"Edit (e)", action(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Edit))}, {"Rotate/Flip", submenu(RotateMenu)}, {"Deselect (x)", action(startdesel, NULL)}, {"Select filter", submenu(FilterMenu)}, {"Push selected (>)", action(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Push))}, {"Pop hierarchy (<)", action(popobject, Number(0))}, {" ", noaction}, {"Make User Object (m)", action(selectsave, NULL)}, {"Make Arc (a)", action(changetool, Number(XCF_Arc))}, {"Make Box (b)", action(changetool, Number(XCF_Box))}, {"Make Spline (s)", action(changetool, Number(XCF_Spline))}, {"Join (j)", action(join, NULL)}, }; menustruct TopButtons[] = { {"File", submenu(FileMenu)}, {"Edit", submenu(EditMenu)}, {"Text", submenu(TextMenu)}, {"Options", submenu(OptionMenu)}, {"Window", submenu(WindowMenu)}, {"Netlist", submenu(SchemaMenu)}, }; short maxbuttons = sizeof(TopButtons) / sizeof(menustruct); #ifdef HAVE_XPM /* Toolbar buttons */ toolbarstruct ToolBar[] = { {"Pan", pn_xpm, toolaction(pantool, Number(6)), "pan mode"}, {"Wire", w_xpm, toolaction(changetool, Number(XCF_Wire)), "draw wire"}, {"Box", b_xpm, toolaction(changetool, Number(XCF_Box)), "draw box"}, {"Arc", a_xpm, toolaction(changetool, Number(XCF_Arc)), "draw arc"}, {"Spline", s_xpm, toolaction(changetool, Number(XCF_Spline)), "draw spline"}, {"Text", t_xpm, toolaction(changetool, Number(XCF_Text)), "enter text"}, {"Move", mv_xpm, toolaction(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Move)), "move element"}, {"Copy", cp_xpm, toolaction(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Copy)), "copy element"}, {"Edit", e_xpm, toolaction(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Edit)), "edit element"}, {"Delete", d2_xpm, toolaction(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Delete)), "delete element"}, {"RotP", cw_xpm, toolaction(rotatetool, Number(15)), "rotate 15 degrees clockwise"}, {"RotN", ccw_xpm, toolaction(rotatetool, Number(-15)), "rotate 15 degrees counterclockwise"}, {"HFlip", fx_xpm, toolaction(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Flip_X)), "flip horizontal"}, {"VFlip", fy_xpm, toolaction(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Flip_Y)), "flip vertical"}, {"Push", pu2_xpm, toolaction(exec_or_changetool, Number(XCF_Push)), "push (edit object)"}, {"Pop", po2_xpm, toolaction(popobject, Number(0)), "pop (return from object edit)"}, {"Make", mk_xpm, toolaction(selectsave, NULL), "make an object from selected elements"}, {"Join", pz_xpm, toolaction(join, NULL), "join elements into polygon or path"}, {"Unjoin", uj_xpm, toolaction(unjoin, NULL), "separate path into elements"}, {"Colors", co_xpm, toolaction(color_popup, NULL), "set color"}, {"Border", bd_xpm, toolaction(border_popup, NULL), "set border and line properties"}, {"Fills", fi_xpm, toolaction(fill_popup, NULL), "set fill properties"}, {"Parameters", pm_xpm, toolaction(param_popup, NULL), "parameterize properties"}, {"Library",li_xpm, toolaction(changecat, NULL), "go to next library"}, {"Libdir", yp_xpm, toolaction(startcatalog, Number(LIBLIB)), "go to library directory"}, {"Pagedir",pl_xpm, toolaction(startcatalog, Number(PAGELIB)), "go to page directory"}, {"ZoomI", z4_xpm, toolaction(zoominrefresh, NULL), "zoom in"}, {"ZoomO", z5_xpm, toolaction(zoomoutrefresh, NULL), "zoom out"}, {"Help", i_xpm, toolaction(starthelp, NULL), "pop up help window"}, }; short toolbuttons = sizeof(ToolBar) / sizeof(toolbarstruct); #endif #undef submenu #undef action #undef setaction #undef toolaction #undef noaction #undef offset /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/