# -*- Ruby -*- require 'fileutils' $EMACS = ENV["EMACS"] if not $EMACS or $EMACS == 't' $EMACS = "emacs" end def find_version File.read("yasnippet.el", :encoding => "UTF-8") =~ /;; Package-version: *([0-9.]+?) *$/ $version = $1 end find_version FileUtils.mkdir_p('pkg') desc "run tests in batch mode" task :tests do sh "#{$EMACS} -Q -L . -l yasnippet-tests.el" + " --batch -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit" end desc "run test in interactive mode" task :itests do sh "#{$EMACS} -Q -L . -l yasnippet-tests.el" + " --eval \"(call-interactively 'ert)\"" end desc "create a release package" task :package do release_dir = "pkg/yasnippet-#{$version}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(release_dir) files = ['snippets', 'yasnippet.el'] FileUtils.cp_r files, release_dir File.open(File.join(release_dir,'yasnippet-pkg.el'), 'w') do |file| file.puts < [:package, 'doc:archive'] do raise "Not implemented for github yet!" end # rake doc[../htmlize] # # To do this interactively, load doc/yas-doc-helper, open one of the # org files, and do `C-c C-e P'. desc "Generate document" task :doc, [:htmlize] do |t, args| load_path = '-L .' if args[:htmlize] load_path += " -L #{args[:htmlize]}" end sh "#{$EMACS} -Q #{load_path} --batch -l doc/yas-doc-helper.el" + " -f yas--generate-html-batch" end namespace :doc do task :archive do release_dir = "pkg/yasnippet-#{$version}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(release_dir) sh "tar cjf pkg/yasnippet-doc-#{$version}.tar.bz2 " + "--exclude=doc/.svn --exclude=doc/images/.svn doc/*.html doc/images" end task :upload do if File.exists? 'doc/gh-pages' Dir.chdir 'doc/gh-pages' do sh "git checkout gh-pages" end Dir.glob("doc/*.{html,css}").each do |file| FileUtils.cp file, 'doc/gh-pages' end Dir.glob("doc/images/*").each do |file| FileUtils.cp file, 'doc/gh-pages/images' end Dir.glob("doc/stylesheets/*.css").each do |file| FileUtils.cp file, 'doc/gh-pages/stylesheets' end curRev = `git describe`.chomp() expRev = IO.read('doc/html-revision').chomp() if curRev != expRev raise ("The HTML rev: #{expRev},\n" + "current rev: #{curRev}!\n") end Dir.chdir 'doc/gh-pages' do sh "git commit -a -m 'Automatic documentation update.\n\n" + "From #{curRev.chomp()}'" sh "git push" end end end end desc "Compile yasnippet.el into yasnippet.elc" rule '.elc' => '.el' do |t| cmdline = $EMACS + ' --batch -L .' if ENV['warnings'] cmdline += " --eval \"(setq byte-compile-warnings #{ENV['warnings']})\"" end if ENV['Werror'] cmdline += " --eval \"(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn #{ENV['Werror']})\"" end if ENV['Wlexical'] cmdline += " --eval \"(setq byte-compile-force-lexical-warnings #{ENV['Wlexical']})\"" end cmdline +=" -f batch-byte-compile #{t.source}" sh cmdline end task :compile => FileList["yasnippet.el"].ext('elc') task :compile_all => FileList["*.el"].ext('elc') task :default => :doc desc "use yasmate to convert textmate bundles" task :convert_bundles do cd "yasmate" sh "rake convert_bundles" end