diff options
authorClifford Wolf <>2015-01-01 15:32:37 +0100
committerClifford Wolf <>2015-01-01 15:32:37 +0100
commitf29f4e7c838b7c8bb965aca1c0acdcec8edfaa4a (patch)
parenteefe78be094f8009cdb4a7a0e657e86b9624adf1 (diff)
Progress in memory_bram
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/passes/memory/ b/passes/memory/
index ee6a3562..d33db120 100644
--- a/passes/memory/
+++ b/passes/memory/
@@ -25,8 +25,12 @@ PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
struct rules_t
struct portinfo_t {
- int group, index;
+ int group, index, dupidx;
int wrmode, enable, transp, clocks, clkpol;
+ SigBit sig_clock;
+ SigSpec sig_addr, sig_data, sig_en;
+ int mapped_port;
struct bram_t {
@@ -42,11 +46,13 @@ struct rules_t
portinfo_t pi; = i;
pi.index = j;
+ pi.dupidx = 0;
pi.wrmode = i < GetSize(wrmode) ? wrmode[i] : 0;
pi.enable = i < GetSize(enable) ? enable[i] : 0;
pi.transp = i < GetSize(transp) ? transp[i] : 0;
pi.clocks = i < GetSize(clocks) ? clocks[i] : 0;
pi.clkpol = i < GetSize(clkpol) ? clkpol[i] : 0;
+ pi.mapped_port = -1;
return portinfos;
@@ -191,7 +197,7 @@ struct rules_t
- void parse(std::string filename)
+ void parse(string filename)
linecount = 0;
@@ -212,18 +218,27 @@ struct rules_t
bool replace_cell(Cell *cell, const rules_t::bram_t &bram, const rules_t::match_t&)
+ Module *module = cell->module;
auto portinfos = bram.make_portinfos();
+ int dup_count = 1;
dict<int, pair<SigBit, bool>> clock_domains;
- vector<int> mapped_wr_ports, mapped_rd_ports;
- dict<int, int> used_rd_ports;
- int rd_port_dups = 1;
+ pool<int> clocks_wr_ports;
+ int clocks_max = 0;
+ for (auto &pi : portinfos) {
+ if (pi.wrmode)
+ clocks_wr_ports.insert(pi.clocks);
+ clocks_max = std::max(clocks_max, pi.clocks);
+ }
log(" Mapping to bram type %s:\n", log_id(;
int mem_size = cell->getParam("\\SIZE").as_int();
int mem_abits = cell->getParam("\\ABITS").as_int();
int mem_width = cell->getParam("\\WIDTH").as_int();
- int mem_offset = cell->getParam("\\OFFSET").as_int();
+ // int mem_offset = cell->getParam("\\OFFSET").as_int();
int wr_ports = cell->getParam("\\WR_PORTS").as_int();
auto wr_clken = SigSpec(cell->getParam("\\WR_CLK_ENABLE"));
@@ -286,10 +301,13 @@ bool replace_cell(Cell *cell, const rules_t::bram_t &bram, const rules_t::match_
+ SigSpec sig_en;
SigBit last_en_bit = State::S1;
- for (int i = 0; i < bram.dbits; i++) {
- if (pi.enable && i % (bram.dbits / pi.enable) == 0)
+ for (int i = 0; i < mem_width; i++) {
+ if (pi.enable && i % (bram.dbits / pi.enable) == 0) {
last_en_bit = wr_en[i];
+ sig_en.append(last_en_bit);
+ }
if (last_en_bit != wr_en[i]) {
log(" Bram port %c%d has incompatible enable structure.\n", + 'A', pi.index + 1);
goto skip_bram_wport;
@@ -297,9 +315,17 @@ bool replace_cell(Cell *cell, const rules_t::bram_t &bram, const rules_t::match_
log(" Mapped to bram port %c%d.\n", + 'A', pi.index + 1);
- if (clken)
+ pi.mapped_port = cell_port_i;
+ if (clken) {
clock_domains[pi.clocks] = clkdom;
- mapped_wr_ports.push_back(bram_port_i);
+ pi.sig_clock = clkdom.first;
+ }
+ pi.sig_en = sig_en;
+ pi.sig_addr = wr_addr.extract(cell_port_i*mem_abits, mem_abits);
+ pi.sig_data = wr_data.extract(cell_port_i*mem_width, mem_width);
goto mapped_wr_port;
@@ -313,9 +339,26 @@ bool replace_cell(Cell *cell, const rules_t::bram_t &bram, const rules_t::match_
if (0) {
- rd_port_dups++;
- mapped_rd_ports.clear();
- used_rd_ports.clear();
+ vector<rules_t::portinfo_t> new_portinfos;
+ for (auto &pi : portinfos) {
+ if (pi.wrmode == 0) {
+ pi.mapped_port = -1;
+ pi.sig_clock = SigBit();
+ pi.sig_addr = SigSpec();
+ pi.sig_data = SigSpec();
+ pi.sig_en = SigSpec();
+ }
+ new_portinfos.push_back(pi);
+ if (pi.dupidx == dup_count-1) {
+ if (pi.clocks && !clocks_wr_ports[pi.clocks])
+ pi.clocks += clocks_max;
+ pi.dupidx++;
+ new_portinfos.push_back(pi);
+ }
+ }
+ try_growing_more_read_ports = false;
+ portinfos.swap(new_portinfos);
+ dup_count++;
for (int cell_port_i = 0; cell_port_i < rd_ports; cell_port_i++)
@@ -336,7 +379,7 @@ grow_read_ports:;
auto &pi = portinfos[bram_port_i];
- if (pi.wrmode != 0 || used_rd_ports[bram_port_i] >= rd_port_dups)
+ if (pi.wrmode != 0 || pi.mapped_port >= 0)
@@ -356,15 +399,21 @@ grow_read_ports:;
- log(" Mapped to bram port %c%d.%d.\n", + 'A', pi.index + 1, used_rd_ports[bram_port_i] + 1);
- if (clken)
+ log(" Mapped to bram port %c%d.%d.\n", + 'A', pi.index + 1, pi.dupidx + 1);
+ pi.mapped_port = cell_port_i;
+ if (clken) {
clock_domains[pi.clocks] = clkdom;
- if (grow_read_ports_cursor < bram_port_i) {
- grow_read_ports_cursor = bram_port_i;
+ pi.sig_clock = clkdom.first;
+ }
+ pi.sig_addr = rd_addr.extract(cell_port_i*mem_abits, mem_abits);
+ pi.sig_data = rd_data.extract(cell_port_i*mem_width, mem_width);
+ if (grow_read_ports_cursor < cell_port_i) {
+ grow_read_ports_cursor = cell_port_i;
try_growing_more_read_ports = true;
- mapped_rd_ports.push_back(bram_port_i);
- used_rd_ports[bram_port_i]++;
goto mapped_rd_port;
@@ -377,8 +426,92 @@ grow_read_ports:;
- log(" FIXME: The core of memory_bram is not implemented yet.\n");
- return false;
+ dict<SigSpec, pair<SigSpec, SigSpec>> dout_cache;
+ for (int grid_d = 0; grid_d*bram.dbits < mem_width; grid_d++)
+ for (int grid_a = 0; grid_a*(1 << bram.abits) < mem_size; grid_a++)
+ for (int dupidx = 0; dupidx < dup_count; dupidx++)
+ {
+ Cell *c = module->addCell(module->uniquify(stringf("%s.%d.%d.%d", cell->name.c_str(), grid_d, grid_a, dupidx)),;
+ log(" Creating %s cell at grid position <%d %d %d>: %s\n", log_id(, grid_d, grid_a, dupidx, log_id(c));
+ dict<int, SigBit> clocks;
+ for (auto &pi : portinfos)
+ {
+ if (pi.dupidx != dupidx)
+ continue;
+ string prefix = stringf("%c%d", + 'A', pi.index + 1);
+ const char *pf = prefix.c_str();
+ if (pi.clocks)
+ clocks[pi.clocks] = pi.sig_clock;
+ SigSpec addr_ok;
+ if (GetSize(pi.sig_addr) > bram.abits) {
+ SigSpec extra_addr = pi.sig_addr.extract(bram.abits, GetSize(pi.sig_addr) - bram.abits);
+ SigSpec extra_addr_sel = SigSpec(grid_a, GetSize(extra_addr));
+ addr_ok = module->Eq(NEW_ID, extra_addr, extra_addr_sel);
+ }
+ if (pi.enable)
+ {
+ SigSpec sig_en = pi.sig_en;
+ sig_en.extend_u0((grid_d+1) * pi.enable);
+ sig_en = sig_en.extract(grid_d * pi.enable, pi.enable);
+ if (!addr_ok.empty())
+ sig_en = module->Mux(NEW_ID, SigSpec(0, GetSize(sig_en)), sig_en, addr_ok);
+ c->setPort(stringf("\\%sEN", pf), sig_en);
+ }
+ SigSpec sig_data = pi.sig_data;
+ sig_data.extend_u0((grid_d+1) * bram.dbits);
+ sig_data = sig_data.extract(grid_d * bram.dbits, bram.dbits);
+ if (pi.wrmode == 1) {
+ c->setPort(stringf("\\%sDATA", pf), sig_data);
+ } else {
+ SigSpec bram_dout = module->addWire(NEW_ID, bram.dbits);
+ c->setPort(stringf("\\%sDATA", pf), bram_dout);
+ for (int i = bram.dbits-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (sig_data[i].wire == nullptr) {
+ sig_data.remove(i);
+ bram_dout.remove(i);
+ }
+ dout_cache[sig_data].first.append(addr_ok);
+ dout_cache[sig_data].second.append(bram_dout);
+ }
+ SigSpec sig_addr = pi.sig_addr;
+ sig_addr.extend_u0(bram.abits);
+ c->setPort(stringf("\\%sADDR", pf), sig_addr);
+ }
+ for (auto &it : clocks)
+ c->setPort(stringf("\\CLK%d", (it.first-1) % clocks_max + 1), it.second);
+ }
+ for (auto &it : dout_cache)
+ {
+ if (it.second.first.empty())
+ {
+ log_assert(GetSize(it.first) == GetSize(it.second.second));
+ module->connect(it.first, it.second.second);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log_assert(GetSize(it.first)*GetSize(it.second.first) == GetSize(it.second.second));
+ module->addPmux(NEW_ID, SigSpec(State::Sx, GetSize(it.first)), it.second.second, it.second.first, it.first);
+ }
+ }
+ module->remove(cell);
+ return true;
void handle_cell(Cell *cell, const rules_t &rules)
@@ -474,6 +607,58 @@ struct MemoryBramPass : public Pass {
log("The given rules file describes the available resources and how they should be\n");
+ log("The rules file contains a set of block ram description and a sequence of match\n");
+ log("rules. A block ram description looks like this:\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" bram RAMB1024X32 # name of BRAM cell\n");
+ log(" init 1 # set to '1' if BRAM can be initialized\n");
+ log(" abits 10 # number of address bits\n");
+ log(" dbits 32 # number of data bits\n");
+ log(" groups 2 # number of port groups\n");
+ log(" ports 1 1 # number of ports in each group\n");
+ log(" wrmode 1 0 # set to '1' if this groups is write ports\n");
+ log(" enable 4 0 # number of enable bits (for write ports)\n");
+ log(" transp 0 2 # transparatent (for read ports)\n");
+ log(" clocks 1 2 # clock configuration\n");
+ log(" clkpol 2 2 # clock polarity configuration\n");
+ log(" endbram\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("For the option 'transp' the value 0 means non-transparent, 1 means transparent\n");
+ log("and a value greater than 1 means configurable. All groups with the same\n");
+ log("value greater than 1 share the same configuration bit.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("For the option 'clocks' the value 0 means non-clocked, and a value greater\n");
+ log("than 0 means clocked. All groups with the same value share the same clock\n");
+ log("signal.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("For the option 'clkpol' the value 0 means negative edge, 1 means positive edge\n");
+ log("and a value greater than 1 means configurable. All groups with the same value\n");
+ log("greater than 1 share the same configuration bit.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("A match rule looks like this:\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" match RAMB1024X32\n");
+ log(" max waste 16384 # only use this if <= 16384 bram bits are unused\n");
+ log(" endmatch\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("It is possible to match against the following values with min/max rules:\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" words .... number of words in memory in design\n");
+ log(" abits .... number of adress bits on memory in design\n");
+ log(" dbits .... number of data bits on memory in design\n");
+ log(" wports ... number of write ports on memory in design\n");
+ log(" rports ... number of read ports on memory in design\n");
+ log(" ports .... number of ports on memory in design\n");
+ log(" bits ..... number of bits in memory in design\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" awaste ... number of unused address slots for this match\n");
+ log(" dwaste ... number of unused data bits for this match\n");
+ log(" waste .... total number of unused bram bits for this match\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("The interface for the created bram instances is dervived from the bram\n");
+ log("description. Use 'techmap' to convert the created bram instances into\n");
+ log("instances of the actual bram cells of your target architecture.\n");
+ log("\n");
virtual void execute(vector<string> args, Design *design)