diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2016-11-03 23:18:45 +0100
committerRuben Undheim <>2016-11-03 23:18:45 +0100
commit1075138fe86c405f85a6ea3d7c34cf9d6a1c7b0f (patch)
parent2fba240fc8ec65b60c6cba2ffa022ca532a6817e (diff)
parentfefe0fc0430f4f173a25e674708aa0f4f0854b31 (diff)
Merge tag 'upstream/0.7'
69 files changed, 2188 insertions, 307 deletions
index 31cd94a5..bfea999a 100644
@@ -3,6 +3,105 @@ List of major changes and improvements between releases
+Yosys 0.6 .. Yosys 0.7
+ * Various
+ - Added "yosys -D" feature
+ - Added support for installed plugins in $(DATDIR)/plugins/
+ - Renamed opt_const to opt_expr
+ - Renamed opt_share to opt_merge
+ - Added "prep -flatten" and "synth -flatten"
+ - Added "prep -auto-top" and "synth -auto-top"
+ - Using "mfs" and "lutpack" in ABC lut mapping
+ - Support for abstract modules in chparam
+ - Cleanup abstract modules at end of "hierarchy -top"
+ - Added tristate buffer support to iopadmap
+ - Added opt_expr support for div/mod by power-of-two
+ - Added "select -assert-min <N> -assert-max <N>"
+ - Added "attrmvcp" pass
+ - Added "attrmap" command
+ - Added "tee +INT -INT"
+ - Added "zinit" pass
+ - Added "setparam -type"
+ - Added "shregmap" pass
+ - Added "setundef -init"
+ - Added "nlutmap -assert"
+ - Added $sop cell type and "abc -sop -I <num> -P <num>"
+ - Added "dc2" to default ABC scripts
+ - Added "deminout"
+ - Added "insbuf" command
+ - Added "prep -nomem"
+ - Added "opt_rmdff -keepdc"
+ - Added "prep -nokeepdc"
+ - Added initial version of "synth_gowin"
+ - Added "fsm_expand -full"
+ - Added support for fsm_encoding="user"
+ - Many improvements in GreenPAK4 support
+ - Added black box modules for all Xilinx 7-series lib cells
+ - Added synth_ice40 support for latches via logic loops
+ - Fixed ice40_opt lut unmapping, added "ice40_opt -unlut"
+ * Build System
+ - Added ABCEXTERNAL and ABCURL make variables
+ - Added BINDIR, LIBDIR, and DATDIR make variables
+ - Added PKG_CONFIG make variable
+ - Added SEED make variable (for "make test")
+ - Added YOSYS_VER_STR make variable
+ - Updated min GCC requirement to GCC 4.8
+ - Updated required Bison version to Bison 3.x
+ * Internal APIs
+ - Added ast.h to exported headers
+ - Added ScriptPass helper class for script-like passes
+ - Added CellEdgesDatabase API
+ * Front-ends and Back-ends
+ - Added filename glob support to all front-ends
+ - Added avail (black-box) module params to ilang format
+ - Added $display %m support
+ - Added support for $stop Verilog system task
+ - Added support for SystemVerilog packages
+ - Fixed procedural assignments to non-unique lvalues, e.g. {y,y} = {a,b}
+ - Added support for "active high" and "active low" latches in read_blif and write_blif
+ - Use init value "2" for all uninitialized FFs in BLIF back-end
+ - Added "read_blif -sop"
+ - Added "write_blif -noalias"
+ - Added various write_blif options for VTR support
+ - write_json: also write module attributes.
+ - Added "write_verilog -nodec -nostr -defparam"
+ - Added "read_verilog -norestrict -assume-asserts"
+ - Added support for bus interfaces to "read_liberty -lib"
+ - Added liberty parser support for types within cell decls
+ - Added "write_verilog -renameprefix -v"
+ - Added "write_edif -nogndvcc"
+ * Formal Verification
+ - Support for hierarchical designs in smt2 back-end
+ - Yosys-smtbmc: Support for hierarchical VCD dumping
+ - Added $initstate cell type and vlog function
+ - Added $anyconst and $anyseq cell types and vlog functions
+ - Added printing of code loc of failed asserts to yosys-smtbmc
+ - Added memory_memx pass, "memory -memx", and "prep -memx"
+ - Added "proc_mux -ifx"
+ - Added "yosys-smtbmc -g"
+ - Deprecated "write_smt2 -regs" (by default on now)
+ - Made "write_smt2 -bv -mem" default, added "write_smt2 -nobv -nomem"
+ - Added support for memories to
+ - Added "yosys-smtbmc --dump-vlogtb"
+ - Added "yosys-smtbmc --smtc --dump-smtc"
+ - Added "yosys-smtbmc --dump-all"
+ - Added assertpmux command
+ - Added "yosys-smtbmc --unroll"
+ - Added $past, $stable, $rose, $fell SVA functions
+ - Added "yosys-smtbmc --noinfo and --dummy"
+ - Added "yosys-smtbmc --noincr"
+ - Added "yosys-smtbmc --cex <filename>"
+ - Added $ff and $_FF_ cell types
+ - Added $global_clock verilog syntax support for creating $ff cells
+ - Added clk2fflogic
Yosys 0.5 .. Yosys 0.6
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index fd31776a..0a61fe65 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ else
LDLIBS += -lrt
-YOSYS_VER := 0.6+$(shell test -e .git && { git log --oneline 5869d26da021.. | wc -l; })
+YOSYS_VER := 0.7
GIT_REV := $(shell cd $(YOSYS_SRC) && git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null || echo UNKNOWN)
OBJS = kernel/version_$(GIT_REV).o
@@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ OBJS = kernel/version_$(GIT_REV).o
# is just a symlink to your actual ABC working directory, as 'make mrproper'
# will remove the 'abc' directory and you do not want to accidentally
# delete your work on ABC..
-ABCREV = 8e08604f8ad3
+ABCREV = eb6eca6807cc
# set ABCEXTERNAL = <abc-command> to use an external ABC instance
# Note: The in-tree ABC (yosys-abc) will not be installed when ABCEXTERNAL is set.
define newline
@@ -370,10 +370,12 @@ $(filter-out kernel/driver.o,$(OBJS))
$(Q) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(P) $(CXX) -o $@ -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<
+YOSYS_VER_STR := Yosys $(YOSYS_VER) (git sha1 $(GIT_REV), $(notdir $(CXX)) $(shell \
+ $(CXX) --version | tr ' ()' '\n' | grep '^[0-9]' | head -n1) $(filter -f% -m% -O% -DNDEBUG,$(CXXFLAGS)))
kernel/version_$(GIT_REV).cc: $(YOSYS_SRC)/Makefile
$(P) rm -f kernel/version_*.o kernel/version_*.d kernel/version_*.cc
- $(Q) mkdir -p kernel && echo "namespace Yosys { extern const char *yosys_version_str; const char *yosys_version_str=\"Yosys $(YOSYS_VER) (git sha1 $(GIT_REV), $(notdir $(CXX)) ` \
- $(CXX) --version | tr ' ()' '\n' | grep '^[0-9]' | head -n1` $(filter -f% -m% -O% -DNDEBUG,$(CXXFLAGS)))\"; }" > kernel/version_$(GIT_REV).cc
+ $(Q) mkdir -p kernel && echo "namespace Yosys { extern const char *yosys_version_str; const char *yosys_version_str=\"$(YOSYS_VER_STR)\"; }" > kernel/version_$(GIT_REV).cc
yosys-config: misc/
$(P) $(SED) -e 's#@CXXFLAGS@#$(subst -I. -I"$(YOSYS_SRC)",-I"$(DATDIR)/include",$(CXXFLAGS))#;' \
@@ -404,16 +406,22 @@ endif
yosys-abc$(EXE): abc/abc-$(ABCREV)$(EXE)
$(P) cp abc/abc-$(ABCREV)$(EXE) yosys-abc$(EXE)
+ifneq ($(SEED),)
- +cd tests/simple && bash
- +cd tests/hana && bash
- +cd tests/asicworld && bash
- +cd tests/realmath && bash
- +cd tests/share && bash
- +cd tests/fsm && bash
+ +cd tests/simple && bash $(SEEDOPT)
+ +cd tests/hana && bash $(SEEDOPT)
+ +cd tests/asicworld && bash $(SEEDOPT)
+ +cd tests/realmath && bash $(SEEDOPT)
+ +cd tests/share && bash $(SEEDOPT)
+ +cd tests/fsm && bash $(SEEDOPT)
+cd tests/techmap && bash
- +cd tests/memories && bash
- +cd tests/bram && bash
+ +cd tests/memories && bash $(SEEDOPT)
+ +cd tests/bram && bash $(SEEDOPT)
+cd tests/various && bash
+cd tests/sat && bash
@echo ""
diff --git a/README b/README
index 32e9ba24..8e43d444 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -374,6 +374,27 @@ Verilog Attributes and non-standard features
and constant values). The intended use for this is synthesis-time DRC.
+Non-standard or SystemVerilog features for formal verification
+- Support for "assert", "assume", and "restrict" is enabled when
+ read_verilog is called with -formal.
+- The system task $initstate evaluates to 1 in the initial state and
+ to 0 otherwise.
+- The system task $anyconst evaluates to any constant value.
+- The system task $anyseq evaluates to any value, possibly a different
+ value in each cycle.
+- The SystemVerilog tasks $past, $stable, $rose and $fell are supported
+ in any clocked block.
+- The syntax @($global_clock) can be used to create FFs that have no
+ explicit clock input ($ff cells).
Supported features from SystemVerilog
@@ -384,8 +405,8 @@ from SystemVerilog:
form. In module context: "assert property (<expression>);" and within an
always block: "assert(<expression>);". It is transformed to a $assert cell.
-- The "assume" statements from SystemVerilog are also supported. The same
- limitations as with the "assert" statement apply.
+- The "assume" and "restrict" statements from SystemVerilog are also
+ supported. The same limitations as with the "assert" statement apply.
- The keywords "always_comb", "always_ff" and "always_latch", "logic" and
"bit" are supported.
diff --git a/backends/blif/ b/backends/blif/
index 6a379e67..d9d0cc17 100644
--- a/backends/blif/
+++ b/backends/blif/
@@ -77,9 +77,6 @@ struct BlifDumper
case State::S1:
init_bits[initsig[i]] = 1;
- case State::Sx:
- init_bits[initsig[i]] = 2;
- break;
@@ -126,7 +123,7 @@ struct BlifDumper
if (init_bits.count(sig) == 0)
- return "";
+ return " 2";
string str = stringf(" %d",;
@@ -315,6 +312,12 @@ struct BlifDumper
+ if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_FF_") {
+ f << stringf(".latch %s %s%s\n", cstr(cell->getPort("\\D")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Q")),
+ cstr_init(cell->getPort("\\Q")));
+ continue;
+ }
if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_DFF_N_") {
f << stringf(".latch %s %s fe %s%s\n", cstr(cell->getPort("\\D")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Q")),
cstr(cell->getPort("\\C")), cstr_init(cell->getPort("\\Q")));
diff --git a/backends/ilang/ b/backends/ilang/
index 03e29c52..16d1a97f 100644
--- a/backends/ilang/
+++ b/backends/ilang/
@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_sync(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RT
f << stringf("\n");
case RTLIL::STa: f << stringf("always\n"); break;
+ case RTLIL::STg: f << stringf("global\n"); break;
case RTLIL::STi: f << stringf("init\n"); break;
@@ -277,6 +278,13 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Modu
f << stringf("%s" "module %s\n", indent.c_str(), module->name.c_str());
+ if (!module->avail_parameters.empty()) {
+ if (only_selected)
+ f << stringf("\n");
+ for (auto &p : module->avail_parameters)
+ f << stringf("%s" " parameter %s\n", indent.c_str(), p.c_str());
+ }
if (print_body)
diff --git a/backends/smt2/ b/backends/smt2/
index 9a25f3a2..ddac6900 100644
--- a/backends/smt2/
+++ b/backends/smt2/
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
- if (cell->type == "$_DFF_P_" || cell->type == "$_DFF_N_")
+ if (cell->"$_FF_", "$_DFF_P_", "$_DFF_N_"))
decls.push_back(stringf("(declare-fun |%s#%d| (|%s_s|) Bool) ; %s\n",
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
if (bvmode)
- if (cell->type == "$dff")
+ if (cell->"$ff", "$dff"))
decls.push_back(stringf("(declare-fun |%s#%d| (|%s_s|) (_ BitVec %d)) ; %s\n",
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
- if (cell->type == "$anyconst")
+ if (cell->"$anyconst", "$anyseq"))
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-%s %s#%d %s\n", cell->type.c_str() + 1, get_id(module), idcounter,
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
- log_error("Unsupported cell type %s for cell %s.%s. (Maybe this cell type would be supported in -bv or -mem mode?)\n",
+ log_error("Unsupported cell type %s for cell %s.%s.\n",
log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell));
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
pool<SigBit> reg_bits;
for (auto cell : module->cells())
- if (cell->"$_DFF_P_", "$_DFF_N_", "$dff")) {
+ if (cell->"$ff", "$dff", "$_FF_", "$_DFF_P_", "$_DFF_N_")) {
// not using sigmap -- we want the net directly at the dff output
for (auto bit : cell->getPort("\\Q"))
@@ -674,14 +674,14 @@ struct Smt2Worker
for (auto cell : this_regs)
- if (cell->type == "$_DFF_P_" || cell->type == "$_DFF_N_")
+ if (cell->"$_FF_", "$_DFF_P_", "$_DFF_N_"))
std::string expr_d = get_bool(cell->getPort("\\D"));
std::string expr_q = get_bool(cell->getPort("\\Q"), "next_state");
trans.push_back(stringf(" (= %s %s) ; %s %s\n", expr_d.c_str(), expr_q.c_str(), get_id(cell), log_signal(cell->getPort("\\Q"))));
- if (cell->type == "$dff")
+ if (cell->"$ff", "$dff"))
std::string expr_d = get_bv(cell->getPort("\\D"));
std::string expr_q = get_bv(cell->getPort("\\Q"), "next_state");
diff --git a/backends/smt2/ b/backends/smt2/
index bb763647..04c25f91 100644
--- a/backends/smt2/
+++ b/backends/smt2/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ skip_steps = 0
step_size = 1
num_steps = 20
vcdfile = None
+cexfile = None
vlogtbfile = None
inconstr = list()
outconstr = None
@@ -61,6 +62,9 @@ yosys-smtbmc [options] <yosys_smt2_output>
--smtc <constr_filename>
read constraints file
+ --cex <cex_filename>
+ read cex file as written by ABC's "write_cex -n"
only run the core proof, do not collect and print any
additional information (e.g. which assert failed)
@@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ yosys-smtbmc [options] <yosys_smt2_output>
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.shortopts + "t:igm:", so.longopts +
- ["final-only", "assume-skipped=", "smtc=", "dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "dump-smtc=", "dump-all", "noinfo"])
+ ["final-only", "assume-skipped=", "smtc=", "cex=", "dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "dump-smtc=", "dump-all", "noinfo"])
@@ -118,6 +122,8 @@ for o, a in opts:
final_only = True
elif o == "--smtc":
+ elif o == "--cex":
+ cexfile = a
elif o == "--dump-vcd":
vcdfile = a
elif o == "--dump-vlogtb":
@@ -146,6 +152,7 @@ if len(args) != 1:
constr_final_start = None
constr_asserts = defaultdict(list)
constr_assumes = defaultdict(list)
+constr_write = list()
for fn in inconstr:
current_states = None
@@ -229,6 +236,14 @@ for fn in inconstr:
+ if tokens[0] == "write":
+ constr_write.append(" ".join(tokens[1:]))
+ continue
+ if tokens[0] == "logic":
+ so.logic = " ".join(tokens[1:])
+ continue
assert 0
@@ -240,7 +255,7 @@ def get_constr_expr(db, state, final=False, getvalues=False):
if state not in db:
return ([], [], []) if getvalues else "true"
- netref_regex = re.compile(r'(^|[( ])\[(-?[0-9]+:|)([^\]]+)\](?=[ )]|$)')
+ netref_regex = re.compile(r'(^|[( ])\[(-?[0-9]+:|)([^\]]*)\](?=[ )]|$)')
def replace_netref(match):
state_sel =
@@ -280,6 +295,9 @@ def get_constr_expr(db, state, final=False, getvalues=False):
smt = SmtIo(opts=so)
+if noinfo and vcdfile is None and vlogtbfile is None and outconstr is None:
+ smt.produce_models = False
def print_msg(msg):
print("%s %s" % (smt.timestamp(), msg))
@@ -290,12 +308,46 @@ with open(args[0], "r") as f:
for line in f:
+for line in constr_write:
+ smt.write(line)
if topmod is None:
topmod = smt.topmod
assert topmod is not None
assert topmod in smt.modinfo
+if cexfile is not None:
+ with open(cexfile, "r") as f:
+ cex_regex = re.compile(r'([^\[@=]+)(\[\d+\])?([^@=]*)(@\d+)=([01])')
+ for entry in
+ match = cex_regex.match(entry)
+ assert match
+ name, bit, extra_name, step, val =,,,,
+ if extra_name != "":
+ continue
+ if name not in smt.modinfo[topmod].inputs:
+ continue
+ if bit is None:
+ bit = 0
+ else:
+ bit = int(bit[1:-1])
+ step = int(step[1:])
+ val = int(val)
+ if smt.modinfo[topmod].wsize[name] == 1:
+ assert bit == 0
+ smtexpr = "(= [%s] %s)" % (name, "true" if val else "false")
+ else:
+ smtexpr = "(= ((_ extract %d %d) [%s]) #b%d)" % (bit, bit, name, val)
+ # print("cex@%d: %s" % (step, smtexpr))
+ constr_assumes[step].append((cexfile, smtexpr))
def write_vcd_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index):
filename = vcdfile.replace("%", index)
@@ -625,9 +677,10 @@ else: # not tempind
smt.write("(pop 1)")
- for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
- smt.write("(assert (|%s_a| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i))
+ if (constr_final_start is not None) or (last_check_step+1 != num_steps):
+ for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
+ smt.write("(assert (|%s_a| s%d))" % (topmod, i))
+ smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i))
if constr_final_start is not None:
for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
diff --git a/backends/smt2/ b/backends/smt2/
index 58554572..865eed1f 100644
--- a/backends/smt2/
+++ b/backends/smt2/
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ class SmtIo:
self.logic_ax = True
self.logic_uf = True
self.logic_bv = True
+ self.produce_models = True
+ self.smt2cache = [list()]
+ self.p = None
if opts is not None:
self.logic = opts.logic
@@ -62,6 +65,9 @@ class SmtIo:
self.dummy_file = opts.dummy_file
self.timeinfo = opts.timeinfo
self.unroll = opts.unroll
+ self.noincr = opts.noincr
+ self.info_stmts = opts.info_stmts
+ self.nocomments = opts.nocomments
self.solver = "z3"
@@ -70,30 +76,40 @@ class SmtIo:
self.dummy_file = None
self.timeinfo = True
self.unroll = False
+ self.noincr = False
+ self.info_stmts = list()
+ self.nocomments = False
if self.solver == "yices":
- popen_vargs = ['yices-smt2', '--incremental']
+ self.popen_vargs = ['yices-smt2', '--incremental']
if self.solver == "z3":
- popen_vargs = ['z3', '-smt2', '-in']
+ self.popen_vargs = ['z3', '-smt2', '-in']
if self.solver == "cvc4":
- popen_vargs = ['cvc4', '--incremental', '--lang', 'smt2']
+ self.popen_vargs = ['cvc4', '--incremental', '--lang', 'smt2']
if self.solver == "mathsat":
- popen_vargs = ['mathsat']
+ self.popen_vargs = ['mathsat']
if self.solver == "boolector":
- popen_vargs = ['boolector', '--smt2', '-i']
+ self.popen_vargs = ['boolector', '--smt2', '-i']
self.unroll = True
+ if self.solver == "abc":
+ self.popen_vargs = ['yosys-abc', '-S', '%blast; &sweep -C 5000; &syn4; &cec -s -m -C 2000']
+ self.logic_ax = False
+ self.unroll = True
+ self.noincr = True
if self.solver == "dummy":
assert self.dummy_file is not None
self.dummy_fd = open(self.dummy_file, "r")
if self.dummy_file is not None:
self.dummy_fd = open(self.dummy_file, "w")
- self.p = subprocess.Popen(popen_vargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ if not self.noincr:
+ self.p = subprocess.Popen(self.popen_vargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if self.unroll:
self.logic_uf = False
@@ -123,9 +139,15 @@ class SmtIo:
if self.logic_bv: self.logic += "BV"
self.setup_done = True
- self.write("(set-option :produce-models true)")
+ if self.produce_models:
+ self.write("(set-option :produce-models true)")
self.write("(set-logic %s)" % self.logic)
+ for stmt in self.info_stmts:
+ self.write(stmt)
def timestamp(self):
secs = int(time() - self.start_time)
return "## %6d %3d:%02d:%02d " % (secs, secs // (60*60), (secs // 60) % 60, secs % 60)
@@ -187,11 +209,12 @@ class SmtIo:
stmt = stmt.strip()
- if unroll and self.unroll:
+ if self.nocomments or self.unroll:
if stmt.startswith(";"):
stmt = re.sub(r" ;.*", "", stmt)
+ if unroll and self.unroll:
stmt = self.unroll_buffer + stmt
self.unroll_buffer = ""
@@ -246,8 +269,22 @@ class SmtIo:
if self.solver != "dummy":
- self.p.stdin.write(bytes(stmt + "\n", "ascii"))
- self.p.stdin.flush()
+ if self.noincr:
+ if self.p is not None and not stmt.startswith("(get-"):
+ self.p.stdin.close()
+ self.p = None
+ if stmt == "(push 1)":
+ self.smt2cache.append(list())
+ elif stmt == "(pop 1)":
+ self.smt2cache.pop()
+ else:
+ if self.p is not None:
+ self.p.stdin.write(bytes(stmt + "\n", "ascii"))
+ self.p.stdin.flush()
+ self.smt2cache[-1].append(stmt)
+ else:
+ self.p.stdin.write(bytes(stmt + "\n", "ascii"))
+ self.p.stdin.flush()
def info(self, stmt):
if not stmt.startswith("; yosys-smt2-"):
@@ -355,11 +392,20 @@ class SmtIo:
def check_sat(self):
if self.debug_print:
print("> (check-sat)")
- if self.debug_file:
+ if self.debug_file and not self.nocomments:
print("; running check-sat..", file=self.debug_file)
if self.solver != "dummy":
+ if self.noincr:
+ if self.p is not None:
+ self.p.stdin.close()
+ self.p = None
+ self.p = subprocess.Popen(self.popen_vargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ for cache_ctx in self.smt2cache:
+ for cache_stmt in cache_ctx:
+ self.p.stdin.write(bytes(cache_stmt + "\n", "ascii"))
self.p.stdin.write(bytes("(check-sat)\n", "ascii"))
@@ -495,6 +541,10 @@ class SmtIo:
def net_expr(self, mod, base, path):
if len(path) == 1:
assert mod in self.modinfo
+ if path[0] == "":
+ return base
+ if path[0] in self.modinfo[mod].cells:
+ return "(|%s_h %s| %s)" % (mod, path[0], base)
if path[0] in self.modinfo[mod].wsize:
return "(|%s_n %s| %s)" % (mod, path[0], base)
if path[0] in self.modinfo[mod].memories:
@@ -555,21 +605,24 @@ class SmtIo:
return [self.bv2bin(v) for v in self.get_net_list(mod_name, net_path_list, state_name)]
def wait(self):
- if self.solver != "dummy":
+ if self.p is not None:
class SmtOpts:
def __init__(self):
self.shortopts = "s:v"
- self.longopts = ["unroll", "no-progress", "dump-smt2=", "logic=", "dummy="]
+ self.longopts = ["unroll", "noincr", "noprogress", "dump-smt2=", "logic=", "dummy=", "info=", "nocomments"]
self.solver = "z3"
self.debug_print = False
self.debug_file = None
self.dummy_file = None
self.unroll = False
+ self.noincr = False
self.timeinfo = True
self.logic = None
+ self.info_stmts = list()
+ self.nocomments = False
def handle(self, o, a):
if o == "-s":
@@ -578,7 +631,9 @@ class SmtOpts:
self.debug_print = True
elif o == "--unroll":
self.unroll = True
- elif o == "--no-progress":
+ elif o == "--noincr":
+ self.noincr = True
+ elif o == "--noprogress":
self.timeinfo = True
elif o == "--dump-smt2":
self.debug_file = open(a, "w")
@@ -586,6 +641,10 @@ class SmtOpts:
self.logic = a
elif o == "--dummy":
self.dummy_file = a
+ elif o == "--info":
+ self.info_stmts.append(a)
+ elif o == "--nocomments":
+ self.nocomments = True
return False
return True
@@ -609,11 +668,21 @@ class SmtOpts:
unroll uninterpreted functions
- --no-progress
+ --noincr
+ don't use incremental solving, instead restart solver for
+ each (check-sat). This also avoids (push) and (pop).
+ --noprogress
disable timer display during solving
--dump-smt2 <filename>
write smt2 statements to file
+ --info <smt2-info-stmt>
+ include the specified smt2 info statement in the smt2 output
+ --nocomments
+ strip all comments from the generated smt2 code
diff --git a/backends/verilog/ b/backends/verilog/
index 52cf861d..a617215f 100644
--- a/backends/verilog/
+++ b/backends/verilog/
@@ -33,10 +33,11 @@
-bool norename, noattr, attr2comment, noexpr, nodec, nostr, defparam;
+bool verbose, norename, noattr, attr2comment, noexpr, nodec, nostr, defparam;
int auto_name_counter, auto_name_offset, auto_name_digits;
std::map<RTLIL::IdString, int> auto_name_map;
std::set<RTLIL::IdString> reg_wires, reg_ct;
+std::string auto_prefix;
RTLIL::Module *active_module;
@@ -85,13 +86,14 @@ void reset_auto_counter(RTLIL::Module *module)
for (size_t i = 10; i < auto_name_offset + auto_name_map.size(); i = i*10)
- for (auto it = auto_name_map.begin(); it != auto_name_map.end(); ++it)
- log(" renaming `%s' to `_%0*d_'.\n", it->first.c_str(), auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + it->second);
+ if (verbose)
+ for (auto it = auto_name_map.begin(); it != auto_name_map.end(); ++it)
+ log(" renaming `%s' to `%s_%0*d_'.\n", it->first.c_str(), auto_prefix.c_str(), auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + it->second);
std::string next_auto_id()
- return stringf("_%0*d_", auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + auto_name_counter++);
+ return stringf("%s_%0*d_", auto_prefix.c_str(), auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + auto_name_counter++);
std::string id(RTLIL::IdString internal_id, bool may_rename = true)
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ std::string id(RTLIL::IdString internal_id, bool may_rename = true)
bool do_escape = false;
if (may_rename && auto_name_map.count(internal_id) != 0)
- return stringf("_%0*d_", auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + auto_name_map[internal_id]);
+ return stringf("%s_%0*d_", auto_prefix.c_str(), auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + auto_name_map[internal_id]);
if (*str == '\\')
@@ -1342,6 +1344,9 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
log(" instead of a backslash prefix) are changed to short names in the\n");
log(" format '_<number>_'.\n");
+ log(" -renameprefix <prefix>\n");
+ log(" insert this prefix in front of auto-generated instance names\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -noattr\n");
log(" with this option no attributes are included in the output\n");
@@ -1376,6 +1381,9 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
log(" only write selected modules. modules must be selected entirely or\n");
log(" not at all.\n");
+ log(" -v\n");
+ log(" verbose output (print new names of all renamed wires and cells)\n");
+ log("\n");
log("Note that RTLIL processes can't always be mapped directly to Verilog\n");
log("always blocks. This frontend should only be used to export an RTLIL\n");
log("netlist, i.e. after the \"proc\" pass has been used to convert all\n");
@@ -1387,6 +1395,7 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
log_header(design, "Executing Verilog backend.\n");
+ verbose = false;
norename = false;
noattr = false;
attr2comment = false;
@@ -1394,6 +1403,7 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
nodec = false;
nostr = false;
defparam = false;
+ auto_prefix = "";
bool blackboxes = false;
bool selected = false;
@@ -1431,6 +1441,10 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
norename = true;
+ if (arg == "-renameprefix" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ auto_prefix = args[++argidx];
+ continue;
+ }
if (arg == "-noattr") {
noattr = true;
@@ -1463,6 +1477,10 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
selected = true;
+ if (arg == "-v") {
+ verbose = true;
+ continue;
+ }
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx);
diff --git a/examples/smtbmc/demo7.v b/examples/smtbmc/demo7.v
index 75b3865c..63f6272f 100644
--- a/examples/smtbmc/demo7.v
+++ b/examples/smtbmc/demo7.v
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
// Demo for memory initialization
-module demo7 (input [2:0] addr);
+module demo7;
+ wire [2:0] addr = $anyseq;
reg [15:0] memory [0:7];
initial begin
diff --git a/frontends/ast/ b/frontends/ast/
index fd272400..92513a24 100644
--- a/frontends/ast/
+++ b/frontends/ast/
@@ -934,10 +934,15 @@ static AstModule* process_module(AstNode *ast, bool defer)
if (flag_lib) {
std::vector<AstNode*> new_children;
for (auto child : ast->children) {
- if (child->type == AST_WIRE && (child->is_input || child->is_output))
+ if (child->type == AST_WIRE && (child->is_input || child->is_output)) {
- else
+ } else if (child->type == AST_PARAMETER) {
+ child->delete_children();
+ child->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, false, 0));
+ new_children.push_back(child);
+ } else {
delete child;
+ }
ast->attributes["\\blackbox"] = AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false);
diff --git a/frontends/ast/ b/frontends/ast/
index 3c57162a..db8d7409 100644
--- a/frontends/ast/
+++ b/frontends/ast/
@@ -220,12 +220,19 @@ struct AST_INTERNAL::ProcessGenerator
subst_lvalue_to = new_temp_signal(subst_lvalue_from);
subst_lvalue_map = subst_lvalue_from.to_sigbit_map(subst_lvalue_to);
+ bool found_global_syncs = false;
bool found_anyedge_syncs = false;
for (auto child : always->children)
- if (child->type == AST_EDGE)
- found_anyedge_syncs = true;
+ if (child->type == AST_EDGE) {
+ if (GetSize(child->children) == 1 && child->>type == AST_IDENTIFIER && child->>str == "\\$global_clock")
+ found_global_syncs = true;
+ else
+ found_anyedge_syncs = true;
+ }
if (found_anyedge_syncs) {
+ if (found_global_syncs)
+ log_error("Found non-synthesizable event list at %s:%d!\n", always->filename.c_str(), always->linenum);
log("Note: Assuming pure combinatorial block at %s:%d in\n", always->filename.c_str(), always->linenum);
log("compliance with IEC 62142(E):2005 / IEEE Std. 1364.1(E):2002. Recommending\n");
log("use of @* instead of @(...) for better match of synthesis and simulation.\n");
@@ -236,7 +243,7 @@ struct AST_INTERNAL::ProcessGenerator
for (auto child : always->children)
if (child->type == AST_POSEDGE || child->type == AST_NEGEDGE) {
found_clocked_sync = true;
- if (found_anyedge_syncs)
+ if (found_global_syncs || found_anyedge_syncs)
log_error("Found non-synthesizable event list at %s:%d!\n", always->filename.c_str(), always->linenum);
RTLIL::SyncRule *syncrule = new RTLIL::SyncRule;
syncrule->type = child->type == AST_POSEDGE ? RTLIL::STp : RTLIL::STn;
@@ -248,7 +255,7 @@ struct AST_INTERNAL::ProcessGenerator
if (proc->syncs.empty()) {
RTLIL::SyncRule *syncrule = new RTLIL::SyncRule;
- syncrule->type = RTLIL::STa;
+ syncrule->type = found_global_syncs ? RTLIL::STg : RTLIL::STa;
syncrule->signal = RTLIL::SigSpec();
addChunkActions(syncrule->actions, subst_lvalue_from, subst_lvalue_to, true);
@@ -755,7 +762,7 @@ void AstNode::detectSignWidthWorker(int &width_hint, bool &sign_hint, bool *foun
- if (str == "\\$anyconst") {
+ if (str == "\\$anyconst" || str == "\\$anyseq") {
if (GetSize(children) == 1) {
while (children[0]->simplify(true, false, false, 1, -1, false, true) == true) { }
if (children[0]->type != AST_CONSTANT)
@@ -1264,6 +1271,7 @@ RTLIL::SigSpec AstNode::genRTLIL(int width_hint, bool sign_hint)
wire->attributes["\\src"] = stringf("%s:%d", filename.c_str(), linenum);
int mem_width, mem_size, addr_bits;
+ is_signed = id2ast->is_signed;
id2ast->meminfo(mem_width, mem_size, addr_bits);
RTLIL::SigSpec addr_sig = children[0]->genRTLIL();
@@ -1458,7 +1466,7 @@ RTLIL::SigSpec AstNode::genRTLIL(int width_hint, bool sign_hint)
} break;
case AST_FCALL: {
- if (str == "\\$anyconst")
+ if (str == "\\$anyconst" || str == "\\$anyseq")
string myid = stringf("%s$%d", str.c_str() + 1, autoidx++);
int width = width_hint;
diff --git a/frontends/ast/ b/frontends/ast/
index 57aa648c..9d5c75fe 100644
--- a/frontends/ast/
+++ b/frontends/ast/
@@ -1510,6 +1510,7 @@ skip_dynamic_range_lvalue_expansion:;
int mem_width, mem_size, addr_bits;
+ bool mem_signed = children[0]->id2ast->is_signed;
children[0]->id2ast->meminfo(mem_width, mem_size, addr_bits);
int data_range_left = children[0]->id2ast->children[0]->range_left;
@@ -1529,6 +1530,7 @@ skip_dynamic_range_lvalue_expansion:;
AstNode *wire_data = new AstNode(AST_WIRE, new AstNode(AST_RANGE, mkconst_int(mem_width-1, true), mkconst_int(0, true)));
wire_data->str = id_data;
+ wire_data->is_signed = mem_signed;
current_scope[wire_data->str] = wire_data;
while (wire_data->simplify(true, false, false, 1, -1, false, false)) { }
@@ -1807,8 +1809,8 @@ skip_dynamic_range_lvalue_expansion:;
goto apply_newNode;
- // $anyconst is mapped in AstNode::genRTLIL()
- if (str == "\\$anyconst") {
+ // $anyconst and $anyseq are mapped in AstNode::genRTLIL()
+ if (str == "\\$anyconst" || str == "\\$anyseq") {
return false;
@@ -2894,6 +2896,7 @@ bool AstNode::mem2reg_as_needed_pass2(pool<AstNode*> &mem2reg_set, AstNode *mod,
std::string id_addr = sstr.str() + "_ADDR", id_data = sstr.str() + "_DATA";
int mem_width, mem_size, addr_bits;
+ bool mem_signed = children[0]->id2ast->is_signed;
children[0]->id2ast->meminfo(mem_width, mem_size, addr_bits);
AstNode *wire_addr = new AstNode(AST_WIRE, new AstNode(AST_RANGE, mkconst_int(addr_bits-1, true), mkconst_int(0, true)));
@@ -2906,6 +2909,7 @@ bool AstNode::mem2reg_as_needed_pass2(pool<AstNode*> &mem2reg_set, AstNode *mod,
AstNode *wire_data = new AstNode(AST_WIRE, new AstNode(AST_RANGE, mkconst_int(mem_width-1, true), mkconst_int(0, true)));
wire_data->str = id_data;
wire_data->is_reg = true;
+ wire_data->is_signed = mem_signed;
wire_data->attributes["\\nosync"] = AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false);
while (wire_data->simplify(true, false, false, 1, -1, false, false)) { }
@@ -2967,6 +2971,7 @@ bool AstNode::mem2reg_as_needed_pass2(pool<AstNode*> &mem2reg_set, AstNode *mod,
std::string id_addr = sstr.str() + "_ADDR", id_data = sstr.str() + "_DATA";
int mem_width, mem_size, addr_bits;
+ bool mem_signed = id2ast->is_signed;
id2ast->meminfo(mem_width, mem_size, addr_bits);
AstNode *wire_addr = new AstNode(AST_WIRE, new AstNode(AST_RANGE, mkconst_int(addr_bits-1, true), mkconst_int(0, true)));
@@ -2980,6 +2985,7 @@ bool AstNode::mem2reg_as_needed_pass2(pool<AstNode*> &mem2reg_set, AstNode *mod,
AstNode *wire_data = new AstNode(AST_WIRE, new AstNode(AST_RANGE, mkconst_int(mem_width-1, true), mkconst_int(0, true)));
wire_data->str = id_data;
wire_data->is_reg = true;
+ wire_data->is_signed = mem_signed;
if (block)
wire_data->attributes["\\nosync"] = AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false);
diff --git a/frontends/blif/ b/frontends/blif/
index 3717a1e5..6d4d6087 100644
--- a/frontends/blif/
+++ b/frontends/blif/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
static bool read_next_line(char *&buffer, size_t &buffer_size, int &line_count, std::istream &f)
+ string strbuf;
int buffer_len = 0;
buffer[0] = 0;
@@ -42,8 +43,13 @@ static bool read_next_line(char *&buffer, size_t &buffer_size, int &line_count,
if (buffer_len > 0 && buffer[buffer_len-1] == '\\')
buffer[--buffer_len] = 0;
- if (!f.getline(buffer+buffer_len, buffer_size-buffer_len))
+ if (!std::getline(f, strbuf))
return false;
+ while (buffer_size-buffer_len < strbuf.size()+1) {
+ buffer_size *= 2;
+ buffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, buffer_size);
+ }
+ strcpy(buffer+buffer_len, strbuf.c_str());
} else
return true;
@@ -256,9 +262,13 @@ void parse_blif(RTLIL::Design *design, std::istream &f, std::string dff_name, bo
cell = module->addDlatch(NEW_ID, blif_wire(clock), blif_wire(d), blif_wire(q), false);
else {
- cell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, dff_name);
- cell->setPort("\\D", blif_wire(d));
- cell->setPort("\\Q", blif_wire(q));
+ if (dff_name.empty()) {
+ cell = module->addFf(NEW_ID, blif_wire(d), blif_wire(q));
+ } else {
+ cell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, dff_name);
+ cell->setPort("\\D", blif_wire(d));
+ cell->setPort("\\Q", blif_wire(q));
+ }
obj_attributes = &cell->attributes;
@@ -477,7 +487,7 @@ struct BlifFrontend : public Frontend {
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx);
- parse_blif(design, *f, "\\DFF", true, sop_mode);
+ parse_blif(design, *f, "", true, sop_mode);
} BlifFrontend;
diff --git a/frontends/ilang/ilang_lexer.l b/frontends/ilang/ilang_lexer.l
index 415de74e..84238854 100644
--- a/frontends/ilang/ilang_lexer.l
+++ b/frontends/ilang/ilang_lexer.l
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE
"negedge" { return TOK_NEGEDGE; }
"edge" { return TOK_EDGE; }
"always" { return TOK_ALWAYS; }
+"global" { return TOK_GLOBAL; }
"init" { return TOK_INIT; }
"update" { return TOK_UPDATE; }
"process" { return TOK_PROCESS; }
diff --git a/frontends/ilang/ilang_parser.y b/frontends/ilang/ilang_parser.y
index cc31c864..bfc062fe 100644
--- a/frontends/ilang/ilang_parser.y
+++ b/frontends/ilang/ilang_parser.y
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE
%token <integer> TOK_INT
@@ -112,7 +112,13 @@ module_body:
/* empty */;
- attr_stmt | wire_stmt | memory_stmt | cell_stmt | proc_stmt | conn_stmt;
+ param_stmt | attr_stmt | wire_stmt | memory_stmt | cell_stmt | proc_stmt | conn_stmt;
+ current_module->avail_parameters.insert($2);
+ free($2);
+ };
@@ -301,6 +307,12 @@ sync_list:
rule->signal = RTLIL::SigSpec();
} update_list |
+ RTLIL::SyncRule *rule = new RTLIL::SyncRule;
+ rule->type = RTLIL::SyncType::STg;
+ rule->signal = RTLIL::SigSpec();
+ current_process->syncs.push_back(rule);
+ } update_list |
RTLIL::SyncRule *rule = new RTLIL::SyncRule;
rule->type = RTLIL::SyncType::STi;
diff --git a/frontends/liberty/ b/frontends/liberty/
index 73d927fa..4666c818 100644
--- a/frontends/liberty/
+++ b/frontends/liberty/
@@ -401,6 +401,47 @@ static void create_latch(RTLIL::Module *module, LibertyAst *node)
cell->setPort("\\E", enable_sig);
+void parse_type_map(std::map<std::string, std::tuple<int, int, bool>> &type_map, LibertyAst *ast)
+ for (auto type_node : ast->children)
+ {
+ if (type_node->id != "type" || type_node->args.size() != 1)
+ continue;
+ std::string type_name = type_node->;
+ int bit_width = -1, bit_from = -1, bit_to = -1;
+ bool upto = false;
+ for (auto child : type_node->children)
+ {
+ if (child->id == "base_type" && child->value != "array")
+ goto next_type;
+ if (child->id == "data_type" && child->value != "bit")
+ goto next_type;
+ if (child->id == "bit_width")
+ bit_width = atoi(child->value.c_str());
+ if (child->id == "bit_from")
+ bit_from = atoi(child->value.c_str());
+ if (child->id == "bit_to")
+ bit_to = atoi(child->value.c_str());
+ if (child->id == "downto" && (child->value == "0" || child->value == "false" || child->value == "FALSE"))
+ upto = true;
+ }
+ if (bit_width != (std::max(bit_from, bit_to) - std::min(bit_from, bit_to) + 1))
+ log_error("Incompatible array type '%s': bit_width=%d, bit_from=%d, bit_to=%d.\n",
+ type_name.c_str(), bit_width, bit_from, bit_to);
+ type_map[type_name] = std::tuple<int, int, bool>(bit_width, std::min(bit_from, bit_to), upto);
+ next_type:;
+ }
struct LibertyFrontend : public Frontend {
LibertyFrontend() : Frontend("liberty", "read cells from liberty file") { }
virtual void help()
@@ -469,45 +510,8 @@ struct LibertyFrontend : public Frontend {
LibertyParser parser(*f);
int cell_count = 0;
- std::map<std::string, std::tuple<int, int, bool>> type_map;
- for (auto type_node : parser.ast->children)
- {
- if (type_node->id != "type" || type_node->args.size() != 1)
- continue;
- std::string type_name = type_node->;
- int bit_width = -1, bit_from = -1, bit_to = -1;
- bool upto = false;
- for (auto child : type_node->children)
- {
- if (child->id == "base_type" && child->value != "array")
- goto next_type;
- if (child->id == "data_type" && child->value != "bit")
- goto next_type;
- if (child->id == "bit_width")
- bit_width = atoi(child->value.c_str());
- if (child->id == "bit_from")
- bit_from = atoi(child->value.c_str());
- if (child->id == "bit_to")
- bit_to = atoi(child->value.c_str());
- if (child->id == "downto" && (child->value == "0" || child->value == "false" || child->value == "FALSE"))
- upto = true;
- }
- if (bit_width != (std::max(bit_from, bit_to) - std::min(bit_from, bit_to) + 1))
- log_error("Incompatible array type '%s': bit_width=%d, bit_from=%d, bit_to=%d.\n",
- type_name.c_str(), bit_width, bit_from, bit_to);
- type_map[type_name] = std::tuple<int, int, bool>(bit_width, std::min(bit_from, bit_to), upto);
- next_type:;
- }
+ std::map<std::string, std::tuple<int, int, bool>> global_type_map;
+ parse_type_map(global_type_map, parser.ast);
for (auto cell : parser.ast->children)
@@ -524,6 +528,9 @@ struct LibertyFrontend : public Frontend {
// log("Processing cell type %s.\n", RTLIL::unescape_id(cell_name).c_str());
+ std::map<std::string, std::tuple<int, int, bool>> type_map = global_type_map;
+ parse_type_map(type_map, cell);
RTLIL::Module *module = new RTLIL::Module;
module->name = cell_name;
diff --git a/frontends/verilog/verilog_parser.y b/frontends/verilog/verilog_parser.y
index c730ce5b..5bbda535 100644
--- a/frontends/verilog/verilog_parser.y
+++ b/frontends/verilog/verilog_parser.y
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ rvalue:
$$ = new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER, $2);
$$->str = *$1;
delete $1;
- if ($2 == nullptr && formal_mode && ($$->str == "\\$initstate" || $$->str == "\\$anyconst"))
+ if ($2 == nullptr && formal_mode && ($$->str == "\\$initstate" || $$->str == "\\$anyconst" || $$->str == "\\$anyseq"))
$$->type = AST_FCALL;
} |
hierarchical_id non_opt_multirange {
diff --git a/kernel/celltypes.h b/kernel/celltypes.h
index 900c12d0..f0ead1e8 100644
--- a/kernel/celltypes.h
+++ b/kernel/celltypes.h
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ struct CellTypes
setup_type("$assume", {A, EN}, pool<RTLIL::IdString>(), true);
setup_type("$initstate", pool<RTLIL::IdString>(), {Y}, true);
setup_type("$anyconst", pool<RTLIL::IdString>(), {Y}, true);
+ setup_type("$anyseq", pool<RTLIL::IdString>(), {Y}, true);
setup_type("$equiv", {A, B}, {Y}, true);
@@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ struct CellTypes
IdString CTRL_IN = "\\CTRL_IN", CTRL_OUT = "\\CTRL_OUT";
setup_type("$sr", {SET, CLR}, {Q});
+ setup_type("$ff", {D}, {Q});
setup_type("$dff", {CLK, D}, {Q});
setup_type("$dffe", {CLK, EN, D}, {Q});
setup_type("$dffsr", {CLK, SET, CLR, D}, {Q});
@@ -184,6 +186,8 @@ struct CellTypes
for (auto c2 : list_np)
setup_type(stringf("$_SR_%c%c_", c1, c2), {S, R}, {Q});
+ setup_type("$_FF_", {D}, {Q});
for (auto c1 : list_np)
setup_type(stringf("$_DFF_%c_", c1), {C, D}, {Q});
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 5cfc4171..f8d00c38 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -510,7 +510,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
-#ifdef _WIN32
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+ _exit(0);
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 3f1d8881..abc401f5 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ void logv_error(const char *format, va_list ap)
log_files = backup_log_files;
throw 0;
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+ _exit(1);
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 32efe4f0..66bbf042 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -866,6 +866,13 @@ namespace {
+ if (cell->type == "$ff") {
+ port("\\D", param("\\WIDTH"));
+ port("\\Q", param("\\WIDTH"));
+ check_expected();
+ return;
+ }
if (cell->type == "$dff") {
port("\\CLK", 1);
@@ -1030,7 +1037,7 @@ namespace {
- if (cell->type == "$anyconst") {
+ if (cell->"$anyconst", "$anyseq")) {
port("\\Y", param("\\WIDTH"));
@@ -1069,6 +1076,7 @@ namespace {
if (cell->type == "$_SR_PN_") { check_gate("SRQ"); return; }
if (cell->type == "$_SR_PP_") { check_gate("SRQ"); return; }
+ if (cell->type == "$_FF_") { check_gate("DQ"); return; }
if (cell->type == "$_DFF_N_") { check_gate("DQC"); return; }
if (cell->type == "$_DFF_P_") { check_gate("DQC"); return; }
@@ -1830,6 +1838,15 @@ RTLIL::Cell* RTLIL::Module::addSr(RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_set,
return cell;
+RTLIL::Cell* RTLIL::Module::addFf(RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q)
+ RTLIL::Cell *cell = addCell(name, "$ff");
+ cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = sig_q.size();
+ cell->setPort("\\D", sig_d);
+ cell->setPort("\\Q", sig_q);
+ return cell;
RTLIL::Cell* RTLIL::Module::addDff(RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q, bool clk_polarity)
RTLIL::Cell *cell = addCell(name, "$dff");
@@ -1912,6 +1929,14 @@ RTLIL::Cell* RTLIL::Module::addDlatchsr(RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig
return cell;
+RTLIL::Cell* RTLIL::Module::addFfGate(RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q)
+ RTLIL::Cell *cell = addCell(name, "$_FF_");
+ cell->setPort("\\D", sig_d);
+ cell->setPort("\\Q", sig_q);
+ return cell;
RTLIL::Cell* RTLIL::Module::addDffGate(RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q, bool clk_polarity)
RTLIL::Cell *cell = addCell(name, stringf("$_DFF_%c_", clk_polarity ? 'P' : 'N'));
@@ -1984,6 +2009,15 @@ RTLIL::SigSpec RTLIL::Module::Anyconst(RTLIL::IdString name, int width)
return sig;
+RTLIL::SigSpec RTLIL::Module::Anyseq(RTLIL::IdString name, int width)
+ RTLIL::SigSpec sig = addWire(NEW_ID, width);
+ Cell *cell = addCell(name, "$anyseq");
+ cell->setParam("\\WIDTH", width);
+ cell->setPort("\\Y", sig);
+ return sig;
RTLIL::SigSpec RTLIL::Module::Initstate(RTLIL::IdString name)
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = addWire(NEW_ID);
diff --git a/kernel/rtlil.h b/kernel/rtlil.h
index a426e0bd..9430dcb3 100644
--- a/kernel/rtlil.h
+++ b/kernel/rtlil.h
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ namespace RTLIL
STn = 3, // edge sensitive: negedge
STe = 4, // edge sensitive: both edges
STa = 5, // always active
- STi = 6 // init
+ STg = 6, // global clock
+ STi = 7 // init
enum ConstFlags : unsigned char {
@@ -1008,6 +1009,7 @@ public:
RTLIL::Cell* addEquiv (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_b, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_y);
RTLIL::Cell* addSr (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_set, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clr, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q, bool set_polarity = true, bool clr_polarity = true);
+ RTLIL::Cell* addFf (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q);
RTLIL::Cell* addDff (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q, bool clk_polarity = true);
RTLIL::Cell* addDffe (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_en, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q, bool clk_polarity = true, bool en_polarity = true);
RTLIL::Cell* addDffsr (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_set, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clr,
@@ -1032,6 +1034,7 @@ public:
RTLIL::Cell* addAoi4Gate (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigBit sig_a, RTLIL::SigBit sig_b, RTLIL::SigBit sig_c, RTLIL::SigBit sig_d, RTLIL::SigBit sig_y);
RTLIL::Cell* addOai4Gate (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigBit sig_a, RTLIL::SigBit sig_b, RTLIL::SigBit sig_c, RTLIL::SigBit sig_d, RTLIL::SigBit sig_y);
+ RTLIL::Cell* addFfGate (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q);
RTLIL::Cell* addDffGate (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q, bool clk_polarity = true);
RTLIL::Cell* addDffeGate (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_en, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q, bool clk_polarity = true, bool en_polarity = true);
RTLIL::Cell* addDffsrGate (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_set, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clr,
@@ -1105,6 +1108,7 @@ public:
RTLIL::SigBit Oai4Gate (RTLIL::IdString name, RTLIL::SigBit sig_a, RTLIL::SigBit sig_b, RTLIL::SigBit sig_c, RTLIL::SigBit sig_d);
RTLIL::SigSpec Anyconst (RTLIL::IdString name, int width = 1);
+ RTLIL::SigSpec Anyseq (RTLIL::IdString name, int width = 1);
RTLIL::SigSpec Initstate (RTLIL::IdString name);
diff --git a/kernel/satgen.h b/kernel/satgen.h
index 0a65b490..690f8e33 100644
--- a/kernel/satgen.h
+++ b/kernel/satgen.h
@@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ struct SatGen
return true;
- if (timestep > 0 && (cell->type == "$dff" || cell->type == "$_DFF_N_" || cell->type == "$_DFF_P_"))
+ if (timestep > 0 && cell->"$ff", "$dff", "$_FF_", "$_DFF_N_", "$_DFF_P_"))
if (timestep == 1)
@@ -1332,8 +1332,8 @@ struct SatGen
if (model_undef)
- std::vector<int> undef_d = importUndefSigSpec(cell->getPort("\\D"), timestep-1);
- std::vector<int> undef_q = importUndefSigSpec(cell->getPort("\\Q"), timestep);
+ std::vector<int> undef_d = importUndefSigSpec(cell->getPort("\\Y"), timestep-1);
+ std::vector<int> undef_q = importUndefSigSpec(cell->getPort("\\Y"), timestep);
ez->assume(ez->vec_eq(undef_d, undef_q));
undefGating(q, qq, undef_q);
@@ -1341,6 +1341,11 @@ struct SatGen
return true;
+ if (cell->type == "$anyseq")
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
if (cell->type == "$_BUF_" || cell->type == "$equiv")
std::vector<int> a = importDefSigSpec(cell->getPort("\\A"), timestep);
diff --git a/kernel/yosys.h b/kernel/yosys.h
index aab6b584..ae73146b 100644
--- a/kernel/yosys.h
+++ b/kernel/yosys.h
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
+#include <limits.h>
#ifndef _YOSYS_
# error It looks like you are trying to build Yosys without the config defines set. \
@@ -100,6 +101,10 @@
# endif
+#ifndef PATH_MAX
+# define PATH_MAX 4096
#define PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace {
#define YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace Yosys {
diff --git a/manual/CHAPTER_CellLib.tex b/manual/CHAPTER_CellLib.tex
index bd73ae23..a831fdf3 100644
--- a/manual/CHAPTER_CellLib.tex
+++ b/manual/CHAPTER_CellLib.tex
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ pass. The combinatorial logic cells can be mapped to physical cells from a Liber
using the {\tt abc} pass.
-Add information about {\tt \$assert}, {\tt \$assume}, {\tt \$equiv}, {\tt \$initstate}, and {\tt \$anyconst} cells.
+Add information about {\tt \$assert}, {\tt \$assume}, {\tt \$equiv}, {\tt \$initstate}, {\tt \$anyconst}, and {\tt \$anyseq} cells.
@@ -437,6 +437,10 @@ Add information about {\tt \$alu}, {\tt \$macc}, {\tt \$fa}, and {\tt \$lcu} cel
+Add information about {\tt \$ff} and {\tt \$\_FF\_} cells.
Add information about {\tt \$dffe}, {\tt \$dffsr}, {\tt \$dlatch}, and {\tt \$dlatchsr} cells.
diff --git a/manual/command-reference-manual.tex b/manual/command-reference-manual.tex
index 425d89b6..8af8ccdd 100644
--- a/manual/command-reference-manual.tex
+++ b/manual/command-reference-manual.tex
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This pass uses the ABC tool [1] for technology mapping of yosys's internal gate
library to a target architecture.
-exe <command>
- use the specified command name instead of "yosys-abc" to execute ABC.
+ use the specified command instead of "<yosys-bindir>/yosys-abc" to execute ABC.
This can e.g. be used to call a specific version of ABC or a wrapper.
-script <file>
@@ -23,33 +23,45 @@ library to a target architecture.
if no -script parameter is given, the following scripts are used:
for -liberty without -constr:
- strash; scorr; ifraig; retime {D}; strash; dch -f; map {D}
+ strash; dc2; scorr; ifraig; retime -o {D}; strash; dch -f;
+ map {D}
for -liberty with -constr:
- strash; scorr; ifraig; retime {D}; strash; dch -f; map {D};
- buffer; upsize {D}; dnsize {D}; stime -p
+ strash; dc2; scorr; ifraig; retime -o {D}; strash; dch -f;
+ map {D}; buffer; upsize {D}; dnsize {D}; stime -p
- for -lut:
- strash; scorr; ifraig; retime; strash; dch -f; if
+ for -lut/-luts (only one LUT size):
+ strash; dc2; scorr; ifraig; retime -o; strash; dch -f; if; mfs;
+ lutpack
+ for -lut/-luts (different LUT sizes):
+ strash; dc2; scorr; ifraig; retime -o; strash; dch -f; if; mfs
+ for -sop:
+ strash; dc2; scorr; ifraig; retime -o; strash; dch -f;
+ cover {I} {P}
- strash; scorr; ifraig; retime; strash; dch -f; map
+ strash; dc2; scorr; ifraig; retime -o; strash; dch -f; map
use different default scripts that are slightly faster (at the cost
of output quality):
for -liberty without -constr:
- retime {D}; map {D}
+ retime -o {D}; map {D}
for -liberty with -constr:
- retime {D}; map {D}; buffer; upsize {D}; dnsize {D}; stime -p
+ retime -o {D}; map {D}; buffer; upsize {D}; dnsize {D}; stime -p
- for -lut:
- retime; if
+ for -lut/-luts:
+ retime -o; if
+ for -sop:
+ retime -o; cover -I {I} -P {P}
- retime; map
+ retime -o; map
-liberty <file>
generate netlists for the specified cell library (using the liberty
@@ -70,6 +82,14 @@ library to a target architecture.
set delay target. the string {D} in the default scripts above is
replaced by this option when used, and an empty string otherwise.
+ -I <num>
+ maximum number of SOP inputs.
+ (replaces {I} in the default scripts above)
+ -P <num>
+ maximum number of SOP products.
+ (replaces {P} in the default scripts above)
-lut <width>
generate netlist using luts of (max) the specified width.
@@ -83,6 +103,9 @@ library to a target architecture.
generate netlist using luts. Use the specified costs for luts with 1,
2, 3, .. inputs.
+ -sop
+ map to sum-of-product cells and inverters
-g type1,type2,...
Map the the specified list of gate types. Supported gates types are:
@@ -166,6 +189,85 @@ This pass translates arithmetic operations like $add, $mul, $lt, etc. to $alu
and $macc cells.
+\section{assertpmux -- convert internal signals to module ports}
+ assertpmux [options] [selection]
+This command adds asserts to the design that assert that all parallel muxes
+($pmux cells) have a maximum of one of their inputs enable at any time.
+ -noinit
+ do not enforce the pmux condition during the init state
+ -always
+ usually the $pmux condition is only checked when the $pmux output
+ is used be the mux tree it drives. this option will deactivate this
+ additional constrained and check the $pmux condition always.
+\section{attrmap -- renaming attributes}
+ attrmap [options] [selection]
+This command renames attributes and/or mapps key/value pairs to
+other key/value pairs.
+ -tocase <name>
+ Match attribute names case-insensitively and set it to the specified
+ name.
+ -rename <old_name> <new_name>
+ Rename attributes as specified
+ -map <old_name>=<old_value> <new_name>=<new_value>
+ Map key/value pairs as indicated.
+ -imap <old_name>=<old_value> <new_name>=<new_value>
+ Like -map, but use case-insensitive match for <old_value> when
+ it is a string value.
+ -remove <name>=<value>
+ Remove attributes matching this pattern.
+ -modattr
+ Operate on module attributes instead of attributes on wires and cells.
+For example, mapping Xilinx-style "keep" attributes to Yosys-style:
+ attrmap -tocase keep -imap keep="true" keep=1 \
+ -imap keep="false" keep=0 -remove keep=0
+\section{attrmvcp -- move or copy attributes from wires to driving cells}
+ attrmvcp [options] [selection]
+Move or copy attributes on wires to the cells driving them.
+ -copy
+ By default, attributes are moved. This will only add
+ the attribute to the cell, without removing it from
+ the wire.
+ -purge
+ If no selected cell consumes the attribute, then it is
+ left on the wire by default. This option will cause the
+ attribute to be removed from the wire, even if no selected
+ cell takes it.
+ -driven
+ By default, attriburtes are moved to the cell driving the
+ wire. With this option set it will be moved to the cell
+ driven by the wire instead.
+ -attr <attrname>
+ Move or copy this attribute. This option can be used
+ multiple times.
\section{cd -- a shortcut for 'select -module <name>'}
@@ -233,6 +335,16 @@ When commands are separated using the ';;;' token, this command will be executed
in -purge mode between the commands.
+\section{clk2fflogic -- convert clocked FFs to generic \$ff cells}
+ clk2fflogic [options] [selection]
+This command replaces clocked flip-flops with generic $ff cells that use the
+implicit global clock. This is useful for formal verification of designs with
+multiple clocks.
\section{connect -- create or remove connections}
@@ -356,6 +468,14 @@ Does not delete any object but removes the input and/or output flag on the
selected wires, thus 'deleting' module ports.
+\section{deminout -- demote inout ports to input or output}
+ deminout [options] [selection]
+"Demote" inout ports to input or output ports, if possible.
\section{design -- save, restore and reset current design}
@@ -910,6 +1030,9 @@ Options:
-expand, -norecode, -export, -nomap
enable or disable passes as indicated above
+ -fullexpand
+ call expand with -full option
-encoding type
-fm_set_fsm_file file
-encfile file
@@ -934,11 +1057,14 @@ Signals can be protected from being detected by this pass by setting the
\section{fsm\_expand -- expand FSM cells by merging logic into it}
- fsm_expand [selection]
+ fsm_expand [-full] [selection]
The fsm_extract pass is conservative about the cells that belong to a finite
state machine. This pass can be used to merge additional auxiliary gates into
the finite state machine.
+By default, fsm_expand is still a bit conservative regarding merging larger
+word-wide cells. Call with -full to consider all cells for merging.
\section{fsm\_export -- exporting FSMs to KISS2 files}
@@ -1029,6 +1155,23 @@ one-hot encoding and binary encoding is supported.
.map <old_bitpattern> <new_bitpattern>
+\section{greenpak4\_counters -- Extract GreenPak4 counter cells}
+ greenpak4_counters [options] [selection]
+This pass converts non-resettable or async resettable down counters to GreenPak4
+counter cells (All other GreenPak4 counter modes must be instantiated manually.)
+\section{greenpak4\_dffinv -- merge greenpak4 inverters and DFFs}
+ greenpak4_dffinv [options] [selection]
+Merge GP_INV cells with GP_DFF* cells.
\section{help -- display help messages}
@@ -1157,11 +1300,26 @@ This command executes the following script:
<ice40 specific optimizations>
- opt_const -mux_undef -undriven [-full]
- opt_share
+ opt_expr -mux_undef -undriven [-full]
+ opt_merge
while <changed design>
+When called with the option -unlut, this command will transform all already
+mapped SB_LUT4 cells back to logic.
+\section{insbuf -- insert buffer cells for connected wires}
+ insbuf [options] [selection]
+Insert buffer cells into the design for directly connected wires.
+ -buf <celltype> <in-portname> <out-portname>
+ Use the given cell type instead of $_BUF_. (Notice that the next
+ call to "clean" will remove all $_BUF_ in the design.)
\section{iopadmap -- technology mapping of i/o pads (or buffers)}
@@ -1177,12 +1335,23 @@ the resulting cells to more sophisticated PAD cells.
Map module input ports to the given cell type with the
given output port name. if a 2nd portname is given, the
signal is passed through the pad call, using the 2nd
- portname as input.
+ portname as the port facing the module port.
-outpad <celltype> <portname>[:<portname>]
-inoutpad <celltype> <portname>[:<portname>]
Similar to -inpad, but for output and inout ports.
+ -toutpad <celltype> <portname>:<portname>[:<portname>]
+ Merges $_TBUF_ cells into the output pad cell. This takes precedence
+ over the other -outpad cell. The first portname is the enable input
+ of the tristate driver.
+ -tinoutpad <celltype> <portname>:<portname>:<portname>[:<portname>]
+ Merges $_TBUF_ cells into the inout pad cell. This takes precedence
+ over the other -inoutpad cell. The first portname is the enable input
+ of the tristate driver and the 2nd portname is the internal output
+ buffering the external signal.
-widthparam <param_name>
Use the specified parameter name to set the port width.
@@ -1193,6 +1362,8 @@ the resulting cells to more sophisticated PAD cells.
create individual bit-wide buffers even for ports that
are wider. (the default behavior is to create word-wide
buffers using -widthparam to set the word size on the cell.)
+Tristate PADS (-toutpad, -tinoutpad) always operate in -bits mode.
\section{json -- write design in JSON format}
@@ -1265,14 +1436,15 @@ is used then the $macc cell is mapped to $add, $sub, etc. cells instead.
\section{memory -- translate memories to basic cells}
- memory [-nomap] [-nordff] [-bram <bram_rules>] [selection]
+ memory [-nomap] [-nordff] [-memx] [-bram <bram_rules>] [selection]
This pass calls all the other memory_* passes in a useful order:
- memory_dff [-nordff]
+ memory_dff [-nordff] (-memx implies -nordff)
+ memory_memx (when called with -memx)
memory_bram -rules <bram_rules> (when called with -bram)
memory_map (skipped if called with -nomap)
@@ -1401,6 +1573,15 @@ This pass converts multiport memory cells as generated by the memory_collect
pass to word-wide DFFs and address decoders.
+\section{memory\_memx -- emulate vlog sim behavior for mem ports}
+ memory_memx [selection]
+This pass adds additional circuitry that emulates the Verilog simulation
+behavior for out-of-bounds memory reads and writes.
\section{memory\_share -- consolidate memory ports}
@@ -1423,7 +1604,7 @@ The following methods are used to consolidate the number of memory ports:
Note that in addition to the algorithms implemented in this pass, the $memrd
and $memwr cells are also subject to generic resource sharing passes (and other
-optimizations) such as opt_share.
+optimizations) such as "share" and "opt_merge".
\section{memory\_unpack -- unpack multi-port memory cells}
@@ -1461,7 +1642,7 @@ detected.
also create an 'assert' cell that checks if trigger is always low.
- call 'flatten; opt_const -keepdc -undriven;;' on the miter circuit.
+ call 'flatten; opt_expr -keepdc -undriven;;' on the miter circuit.
miter -assert [options] module [miter_name]
@@ -1475,7 +1656,7 @@ module is modified.
keep module output ports.
- call 'flatten; opt_const -keepdc -undriven;;' on the miter circuit.
+ call 'flatten; opt_expr -keepdc -undriven;;' on the miter circuit.
\section{muxcover -- cover trees of MUX cells with wider MUXes}
@@ -1507,6 +1688,9 @@ provides a small number of differently sized LUTs.
The number of LUTs with 1, 2, 3, ... inputs that are
available in the target architecture.
+ -assert
+ Create an error if not all logic can be mapped
Excess logic that does not fit into the specified LUTs is mapped back
to generic logic gates ($_AND_, etc.).
@@ -1520,24 +1704,24 @@ This pass calls all the other opt_* passes in a useful order. This performs
a series of trivial optimizations and cleanups. This pass executes the other
passes in the following order:
- opt_const [-mux_undef] [-mux_bool] [-undriven] [-clkinv] [-fine] [-full] [-keepdc]
- opt_share [-share_all] -nomux
+ opt_expr [-mux_undef] [-mux_bool] [-undriven] [-clkinv] [-fine] [-full] [-keepdc]
+ opt_merge [-share_all] -nomux
opt_reduce [-fine] [-full]
- opt_share [-share_all]
- opt_rmdff
+ opt_merge [-share_all]
+ opt_rmdff [-keepdc]
opt_clean [-purge]
- opt_const [-mux_undef] [-mux_bool] [-undriven] [-clkinv] [-fine] [-full] [-keepdc]
+ opt_expr [-mux_undef] [-mux_bool] [-undriven] [-clkinv] [-fine] [-full] [-keepdc]
while <changed design>
When called with -fast the following script is used instead:
- opt_const [-mux_undef] [-mux_bool] [-undriven] [-clkinv] [-fine] [-full] [-keepdc]
- opt_share [-share_all]
- opt_rmdff
+ opt_expr [-mux_undef] [-mux_bool] [-undriven] [-clkinv] [-fine] [-full] [-keepdc]
+ opt_merge [-share_all]
+ opt_rmdff [-keepdc]
opt_clean [-purge]
while <changed design in opt_rmdff>
@@ -1561,12 +1745,13 @@ This pass only operates on completely selected modules without processes.
also remove internal nets if they have a public name
-\section{opt\_const -- perform const folding}
+\section{opt\_expr -- perform const folding and simple expression rewriting}
- opt_const [options] [selection]
+ opt_expr [options] [selection]
This pass performs const folding on internal cell types with constant inputs.
+It also performs some simple expression rewritring.
remove 'undef' inputs from $mux, $pmux and $_MUX_ cells
@@ -1593,6 +1778,21 @@ This pass performs const folding on internal cell types with constant inputs.
replaced by 'a'. the -keepdc option disables all such optimizations.
+\section{opt\_merge -- consolidate identical cells}
+ opt_merge [options] [selection]
+This pass identifies cells with identical type and input signals. Such cells
+are then merged to one cell.
+ -nomux
+ Do not merge MUX cells.
+ -share_all
+ Operate on all cell types, not just built-in types.
\section{opt\_muxtree -- eliminate dead trees in multiplexer trees}
@@ -1628,27 +1828,12 @@ input with the original control signals OR'ed together.
\section{opt\_rmdff -- remove DFFs with constant inputs}
- opt_rmdff [selection]
+ opt_rmdff [-keepdc] [selection]
This pass identifies flip-flops with constant inputs and replaces them with
a constant driver.
-\section{opt\_share -- consolidate identical cells}
- opt_share [options] [selection]
-This pass identifies cells with identical type and input signals. Such cells
-are then merged to one cell.
- -nomux
- Do not merge MUX cells.
- -share_all
- Operate on all cell types, not just built-in types.
\section{plugin -- load and list loaded plugins}
@@ -1686,9 +1871,30 @@ on partly selected designs.
-top <module>
use the specified module as top module (default='top')
+ -auto-top
+ automatically determine the top of the design hierarchy
+ -flatten
+ flatten the design before synthesis. this will pass '-auto-top' to
+ 'hierarchy' if no top module is specified.
+ -ifx
+ passed to 'proc'. uses verilog simulation behavior for verilog if/case
+ undef handling. this also prevents 'wreduce' from being run.
+ -memx
+ simulate verilog simulation behavior for out-of-bounds memory accesses
+ using the 'memory_memx' pass. This option implies -nordff.
+ -nomem
+ do not run any of the memory_* passes
passed to 'memory_dff'. prohibits merging of FFs into memory read ports
+ -nokeepdc
+ do not call opt_* with -keepdc
-run <from_label>[:<to_label>]
only run the commands between the labels (see below). an empty
from label is synonymous to 'begin', and empty to label is
@@ -1698,16 +1904,18 @@ on partly selected designs.
The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
- hierarchy -check [-top <top>]
+ hierarchy -check [-top <top> | -auto-top]
- prep:
- proc
- opt_const
+ coarse:
+ proc [-ifx]
+ flatten (if -flatten)
+ opt_expr -keepdc
opt -keepdc
- wreduce
+ wreduce [-memx]
memory_dff [-nordff]
+ memory_memx (if -memx)
opt -keepdc -fast
@@ -1740,6 +1948,10 @@ The following options are supported:
-global_arst [!]<netname>
This option is passed through to proc_arst.
+ -ifx
+ This option is passed through to proc_mux. proc_rmdead is not
+ executed in -ifx mode.
\section{proc\_arst -- detect asynchronous resets}
@@ -1799,10 +2011,14 @@ respective wire.
\section{proc\_mux -- convert decision trees to multiplexers}
- proc_mux [selection]
+ proc_mux [options] [selection]
This pass converts the decision trees in processes (originating from if-else
and case statements) to trees of multiplexer cells.
+ -ifx
+ Use Verilog simulation behavior with respect to undef values in
+ 'case' expressions and 'if' conditions.
\section{proc\_rmdead -- eliminate dead trees in decision trees}
@@ -1835,6 +2051,9 @@ annotates the cells in the design with 'qwp_position' attributes.
-dump <html_file_name>
Dump a protocol of the placement algorithm to the html file.
+ -v
+ Verbose solver output for profiling or debugging
Note: This implementation of a quadratic wirelength placer uses exact
dense matrix operations. It is only a toy-placer for small circuits.
@@ -1845,6 +2064,9 @@ dense matrix operations. It is only a toy-placer for small circuits.
read_blif [filename]
Load modules from a BLIF file into the current design.
+ -sop
+ Create $sop cells instead of $lut cells
\section{read\_ilang -- read modules from ilang file}
@@ -1894,9 +2116,15 @@ Verilog-2005 is supported.
of SystemVerilog is supported)
- enable support for assert() and assume() from SystemVerilog
+ enable support for SystemVerilog assertions and some Yosys extensions
replace the implicit -D SYNTHESIS with -D FORMAL
+ -norestrict
+ ignore restrict() assertions
+ -assume-asserts
+ treat all assert() statements like assume() statements
dump abstract syntax tree (before simplification)
@@ -1906,6 +2134,9 @@ Verilog-2005 is supported.
dump ast as Verilog code (after simplification)
+ -dump_rtlil
+ dump generated RTLIL netlist
enable parser debug output
@@ -1989,6 +2220,9 @@ Note that the Verilog frontend does a pretty good job of processing valid
verilog input, but has not very good error reporting. It generally is
recommended to use a simulator (for example Icarus Verilog) for checking
the syntax of the code, rather than to rely on read_verilog for that.
+See the Yosys README file for a list of non-standard Verilog features
+supported by the Yosys Verilog front-end.
\section{rename -- rename object in the design}
@@ -2254,7 +2488,7 @@ marked with that label (until the next label) is executed.
select [ -add | -del | -set <name> ] {-read <filename> | <selection>}
- select [ -assert-none | -assert-any ] {-read <filename> | <selection>}
+ select [ <assert_option> ] {-read <filename> | <selection>}
select [ -list | -write <filename> | -count | -clear ]
select -module <modname>
@@ -2290,6 +2524,14 @@ described here.
do not modify the current selection. instead assert that the given
selection contains exactly N objects.
+ -assert-max N
+ do not modify the current selection. instead assert that the given
+ selection contains less than or exactly N objects.
+ -assert-min N
+ do not modify the current selection. instead assert that the given
+ selection contains at least N objects.
list all objects in the current selection
@@ -2473,10 +2715,12 @@ instead of objects within modules.
\section{setparam -- set/unset parameters on objects}
- setparam [ -set name value | -unset name ]... [selection]
+ setparam [ -type cell_type ] [ -set name value | -unset name ]... [selection]
Set/unset the given parameters on the selected cells. String values must be
passed in double quotes (").
+The -type option can be used to change the cell type of the selected cells.
\section{setundef -- replace undef values with defined constants}
@@ -2498,6 +2742,9 @@ This command replaced undef (x) constants with defined (0/1) constants.
-random <seed>
replace with random bits using the specified integer als seed
value for the random number generator.
+ -init
+ also create/update init values for flip-flops
\section{share -- perform sat-based resource sharing}
@@ -2576,8 +2823,9 @@ to a graphics file (usually SVG or PostScript).
Run the specified command with the graphics file as parameter.
-format <format>
- Generate a graphics file in the specified format.
- Usually <format> is 'svg' or 'ps'.
+ Generate a graphics file in the specified format. Use 'dot' to just
+ generate a .dot file, or other <format> strings such as 'svg' or 'ps'
+ to generate files in other formats (this calls the 'dot' command).
-lib <verilog_or_ilang_file>
Use the specified library file for determining whether cell ports are
@@ -2640,7 +2888,65 @@ The generated output files are '~/' and '~/.yosys_show.<format>',
unless another prefix is specified using -prefix <prefix>.
Yosys on Windows and YosysJS use different defaults: The output is written
-to '' in the current directory and new viewer is launched.
+to '' in the current directory and new viewer is launched each time
+the 'show' command is executed.
+\section{shregmap -- map shift registers}
+ shregmap [options] [selection]
+This pass converts chains of $_DFF_[NP]_ gates to target specific shift register
+primitives. The generated shift register will be of type $__SHREG_DFF_[NP]_ and
+will use the same interface as the original $_DFF_*_ cells. The cell parameter
+'DEPTH' will contain the depth of the shift register. Use a target-specific
+'techmap' map file to convert those cells to the actual target cells.
+ -minlen N
+ minimum length of shift register (default = 2)
+ (this is the length after -keep_before and -keep_after)
+ -maxlen N
+ maximum length of shift register (default = no limit)
+ larger chains will be mapped to multiple shift register instances
+ -keep_before N
+ number of DFFs to keep before the shift register (default = 0)
+ -keep_after N
+ number of DFFs to keep after the shift register (default = 0)
+ -clkpol pos|neg|any
+ limit match to only positive or negative edge clocks. (default = any)
+ -enpol pos|neg|none|any_or_none|any
+ limit match to FFs with the specified enable polarity. (default = none)
+ -match <cell_type>[:<d_port_name>:<q_port_name>]
+ match the specified cells instead of $_DFF_N_ and $_DFF_P_. If
+ ':<d_port_name>:<q_port_name>' is omitted then 'D' and 'Q' is used
+ by default. E.g. the option '-clkpol pos' is just an alias for
+ '-match $_DFF_P_', which is an alias for '-match $_DFF_P_:D:Q'.
+ -params
+ instead of encoding the clock and enable polarity in the cell name by
+ deriving from the original cell name, simply name all generated cells
+ $__SHREG_ and use CLKPOL and ENPOL parameters. An ENPOL value of 2 is
+ used to denote cells without enable input. The ENPOL parameter is
+ omitted when '-enpol none' (or no -enpol option) is passed.
+ -zinit
+ assume the shift register is automatically zero-initialized, so it
+ becomes legal to merge zero initialized FFs into the shift register.
+ -init
+ map initialized registers to the shift reg, add an INIT parameter to
+ generated cells with the initialization value. (first bit to shift out
+ in LSB position)
+ -tech greenpak4
+ map to greenpak4 shift registers.
\section{simplemap -- mapping simple coarse-grain cells}
@@ -2654,7 +2960,7 @@ primitives. The following internal cell types are mapped by this pass:
$not, $pos, $and, $or, $xor, $xnor
$reduce_and, $reduce_or, $reduce_xor, $reduce_xnor, $reduce_bool
$logic_not, $logic_and, $logic_or, $mux, $tribuf
- $sr, $dff, $dffsr, $adff, $dlatch
+ $sr, $ff, $dff, $dffsr, $adff, $dlatch
\section{singleton -- create singleton modules}
@@ -2793,6 +3099,13 @@ on partly selected designs.
-top <module>
use the specified module as top module (default='top')
+ -auto-top
+ automatically determine the top of the design hierarchy
+ -flatten
+ flatten the design before synthesis. this will pass '-auto-top' to
+ 'hierarchy' if no top module is specified.
-encfile <file>
passed to 'fsm_recode' via 'fsm'
@@ -2818,11 +3131,12 @@ on partly selected designs.
The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
- hierarchy -check [-top <top>]
+ hierarchy -check [-top <top> | -auto-top]
- opt_const
+ flatten (if -flatten)
+ opt_expr
@@ -2850,6 +3164,73 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
+\section{synth\_gowin -- synthesis for Gowin FPGAs}
+ synth_gowin [options]
+This command runs synthesis for Gowin FPGAs. This work is experimental.
+ -top <module>
+ use the specified module as top module (default='top')
+ -vout <file>
+ write the design to the specified Verilog netlist file. writing of an
+ output file is omitted if this parameter is not specified.
+ -run <from_label>:<to_label>
+ only run the commands between the labels (see below). an empty
+ from label is synonymous to 'begin', and empty to label is
+ synonymous to the end of the command list.
+ -retime
+ run 'abc' with -dff option
+The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
+ begin:
+ read_verilog -lib +/gowin/cells_sim.v
+ hierarchy -check -top <top>
+ flatten:
+ proc
+ flatten
+ tribuf -logic
+ deminout
+ coarse:
+ synth -run coarse
+ fine:
+ opt -fast -mux_undef -undriven -fine
+ memory_map
+ opt -undriven -fine
+ techmap
+ clean -purge
+ splitnets -ports
+ setundef -undriven -zero
+ abc -dff (only if -retime)
+ map_luts:
+ abc -lut 4
+ clean
+ map_cells:
+ techmap -map +/gowin/cells_map.v
+ hilomap -hicell VCC V -locell GND G
+ iopadmap -inpad IBUF O:I -outpad OBUF I:O
+ clean -purge
+ check:
+ hierarchy -check
+ stat
+ check -noinit
+ vout:
+ write_verilog -attr2comment -defparam -renameprefix gen <file-name>
\section{synth\_greenpak4 -- synthesis for GreenPAK4 FPGAs}
@@ -2860,12 +3241,12 @@ This command runs synthesis for GreenPAK4 FPGAs. This work is experimental.
-top <module>
use the specified module as top module (default='top')
- -blif <file>
- write the design to the specified BLIF file. writing of an output file
- is omitted if this parameter is not specified.
+ -part <part>
+ synthesize for the specified part. Valid values are SLG46140V,
+ SLG46620V, and SLG46621V (default).
- -edif <file>
- write the design to the specified edif file. writing of an output file
+ -json <file>
+ write the design to the specified JSON file. writing of an output file
is omitted if this parameter is not specified.
-run <from_label>:<to_label>
@@ -2886,7 +3267,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
read_verilog -lib +/greenpak4/cells_sim.v
hierarchy -check -top <top>
- flatten: (unless -noflatten)
+ flatten: (unless -noflatten)
tribuf -logic
@@ -2895,20 +3276,34 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
synth -run coarse
+ greenpak4_counters
+ clean
opt -fast -mux_undef -undriven -fine
opt -undriven -fine
dfflibmap -prepare -liberty +/greenpak4/gp_dff.lib
opt -fast
- abc -dff (only if -retime)
+ abc -dff (only if -retime)
- nlutmap -luts 0,8,16,2
+ nlutmap -assert -luts 0,6,8,2 (for -part SLG46140V)
+ nlutmap -assert -luts 2,8,16,2 (for -part SLG46620V)
+ nlutmap -assert -luts 2,8,16,2 (for -part SLG46621V)
+ shregmap -tech greenpak4
+ dfflibmap -liberty +/greenpak4/gp_dff.lib
+ dffinit -ff GP_DFF Q INIT
+ dffinit -ff GP_DFFR Q INIT
+ dffinit -ff GP_DFFS Q INIT
+ dffinit -ff GP_DFFSR Q INIT
+ iopadmap -bits -inpad GP_IBUF OUT:IN -outpad GP_OBUF IN:OUT -inoutpad GP_OBUF OUT:IN -toutpad GP_OBUFT OE:IN:OUT -tinoutpad GP_IOBUF OE:OUT:IN:IO
+ attrmvcp -attr src -attr LOC t:GP_OBUF t:GP_OBUFT t:GP_IOBUF n:*
+ attrmvcp -attr src -attr LOC -driven t:GP_IBUF n:*
techmap -map +/greenpak4/cells_map.v
+ greenpak4_dffinv
@@ -2916,11 +3311,8 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
check -noinit
- blif:
- write_blif -gates -attr -param <file-name>
- edif:
- write_edif <file-name>
+ json:
+ write_json <file-name>
\section{synth\_ice40 -- synthesis for iCE40 FPGAs}
@@ -2928,7 +3320,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
synth_ice40 [options]
-This command runs synthesis for iCE40 FPGAs. This work is experimental.
+This command runs synthesis for iCE40 FPGAs.
-top <module>
use the specified module as top module (default='top')
@@ -2968,15 +3360,16 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
read_verilog -lib +/ice40/cells_sim.v
hierarchy -check -top <top>
- flatten: (unless -noflatten)
+ flatten: (unless -noflatten)
tribuf -logic
+ deminout
synth -run coarse
- bram: (skip if -nobram)
+ bram: (skip if -nobram)
memory_bram -rules +/ice40/brams.txt
techmap -map +/ice40/brams_map.v
@@ -2984,15 +3377,15 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
opt -fast -mux_undef -undriven -fine
opt -undriven -fine
- techmap -map +/techmap.v [-map +/ice40/arith_map.v]
- abc -dff (only if -retime)
+ techmap -map +/techmap.v -map +/ice40/arith_map.v
+ abc -dff (only if -retime)
dff2dffe -direct-match $_DFF_*
techmap -map +/ice40/cells_map.v
- opt_const -mux_undef
+ opt_expr -mux_undef
@@ -3001,6 +3394,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
abc (only if -abc2)
ice40_opt (only if -abc2)
+ techmap -map +/ice40/latches_map.v
abc -lut 4
@@ -3052,6 +3446,7 @@ The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:
read_verilog -lib +/xilinx/cells_sim.v
+ read_verilog -lib +/xilinx/cells_xtra.v
read_verilog -lib +/xilinx/brams_bb.v
read_verilog -lib +/xilinx/drams_bb.v
hierarchy -check -top <top>
@@ -3258,6 +3653,9 @@ specified logfile(s).
-a logfile
Write output to this file, append if exists.
+ +INT, -INT
+ Add/subract INT from the -v setting for this command.
\section{test\_abcloop -- automatically test handling of loops in abc command}
@@ -3326,7 +3724,7 @@ cell types. Use for example 'all /$add' for all cell types except $add.
pass this option to techmap.
- use "techmap -map +/simlib.v -max_iter 2 -autoproc"
+ use "techmap -D SIMLIB_NOCHECKS -map +/simlib.v -max_iter 2 -autoproc"
instead of calling "techmap", call "aigmap"
@@ -3347,6 +3745,9 @@ cell types. Use for example 'all /$add' for all cell types except $add.
do not check const-eval models
+ -edges
+ test cell edges db creator against sat-based implementation
print additional debug information to the console
@@ -3425,10 +3826,13 @@ Add the specified options to the list of default options to read_verilog.
verilog_defaults -clear
Clear the list of Verilog default options.
- verilog_defaults -push verilog_defaults -pop
+ verilog_defaults -push
+ verilog_defaults -pop
Push or pop the list of default options to a stack. Note that -push does
not imply -clear.
@@ -3480,6 +3884,12 @@ the 32 bit adders in the following code with adders of more appropriate widths:
module test(input [3:0] a, b, c, output [7:0] y);
assign y = a + b + c + 1;
+ -memx
+ Do not change the width of memory address ports. Use this options in
+ flows that use the 'memory_memx' pass.
\section{write\_blif -- write design to BLIF file}
@@ -3505,7 +3915,14 @@ Write the current design to an BLIF file.
use the specified cell types to drive nets that are constant 1, 0, or
undefined. when '-' is used as <cell-type>, then <out-port> specifies
the wire name to be used for the constant signal and no cell driving
- that wire is generated.
+ that wire is generated. when '+' is used as <cell-type>, then <out-port>
+ specifies the wire name to be used for the constant signal and a .names
+ statement is generated to drive the wire.
+ -noalias
+ if a net name is aliasing another net name, then by default a net
+ without fanout is created that is driven by the other net. This option
+ suppresses the generation of this nets without fanout.
The following options can be useful when the generated file is not going to be
read by a BLIF parser but a custom tool. It is recommended to not name the output
@@ -3557,6 +3974,11 @@ Write the current design to an EDIF netlist file.
-top top_module
set the specified module as design top module
+ -nogndvcc
+ do not create "GND" and "VCC" cells. (this will produce an error
+ if the design contains constant nets. use "hilomap" to map to custom
+ constant drivers first)
Unfortunately there are different "flavors" of the EDIF file format. This
command generates EDIF files for the Xilinx place&route tools. It might be
necessary to make small modifications to this command when a different tool
@@ -3831,10 +4253,10 @@ functions operating on that state.
The '<mod>_s' sort represents a module state. Additional '<mod>_n' functions
are provided that can be used to access the values of the signals in the module.
-Only ports, and signals with the 'keep' attribute set are made available via
-such functions. Without the -bv option, multi-bit wires are exported as
-separate functions of type Bool for the individual bits. With the -bv option
-multi-bit wires are exported as single functions of type BitVec.
+By default only ports, registers, and wires with the 'keep' attribute set are
+made available via such functions. With the -nobv option, multi-bit wires are
+exported as separate functions of type Bool for the individual bits. Without
+-nobv multi-bit wires are exported as single functions of type BitVec.
The '<mod>_t' function evaluates to 'true' when the given pair of states
describes a valid state transition.
@@ -3846,29 +4268,33 @@ The '<mod>_u' function evaluates to 'true' when the given state satisfies
the assumptions in the module.
The '<mod>_i' function evaluates to 'true' when the given state conforms
-to the initial state.
+to the initial state. Furthermore the '<mod>_is' function should be asserted
+to be true for initial states in addition to '<mod>_i', and should be
+asserted to be false for non-initial states.
+For hierarchical designs, the '<mod>_h' function must be asserted for each
+state to establish the design hierarchy. The '<mod>_h <cellname>' function
+evaluates to the state corresponding to the given cell within <mod>.
this will print the recursive walk used to export the modules.
- -bv
- enable support for BitVec (FixedSizeBitVectors theory). with this
- option set multi-bit wires are represented using the BitVec sort and
+ -nobv
+ disable support for BitVec (FixedSizeBitVectors theory). without this
+ option multi-bit wires are represented using the BitVec sort and
support for coarse grain cells (incl. arithmetic) is enabled.
- -mem
- enable support for memories (via ArraysEx theory). this option
- also implies -bv. only $mem cells without merged registers in
+ -nomem
+ disable support for memories (via ArraysEx theory). this option is
+ implied by -nobv. only $mem cells without merged registers in
read ports are supported. call "memory" with -nordff to make sure
that no registers are merged into $mem read ports. '<mod>_m' functions
will be generated for accessing the arrays that are used to represent
- -regs
- also create '<mod>_n' functions for all registers.
- also create '<mod>_n' functions for all public wires.
+ create '<mod>_n' functions for all public wires. by default only ports,
+ registers, and wires with the 'keep' attribute are exported.
-tpl <template_file>
use the given template file. the line containing only the token '%%'
@@ -3960,6 +4386,10 @@ Write the current design to an SPICE netlist file.
prefix for not-connected nets (default: _NC)
+ -inames
+ include names of internal ($-prefixed) nets in outputs
+ (default is to use net numbers instead)
-top top_module
set the specified module as design top module
@@ -3976,6 +4406,9 @@ Write the current design to a Verilog file.
instead of a backslash prefix) are changed to short names in the
format '_<number>_'.
+ -renameprefix <prefix>
+ insert this prefix in front of auto-generated instance names
with this option no attributes are included in the output
@@ -3986,6 +4419,21 @@ Write the current design to a Verilog file.
without this option all internal cells are converted to Verilog
+ -nodec
+ 32-bit constant values are by default dumped as decimal numbers,
+ not bit pattern. This option decativates this feature and instead
+ will write out all constants in binary.
+ -nostr
+ Parameters and attributes that are specified as strings in the
+ original input will be output as strings by this back-end. This
+ decativates this feature and instead will write string constants
+ as binary numbers.
+ -defparam
+ Use 'defparam' statements instead of the Verilog-2001 syntax for
+ cell parameters.
usually modules with the 'blackbox' attribute are ignored. with
this option set only the modules with the 'blackbox' attribute
@@ -3994,5 +4442,25 @@ Write the current design to a Verilog file.
only write selected modules. modules must be selected entirely or
not at all.
+ -v
+ verbose output (print new names of all renamed wires and cells)
+Note that RTLIL processes can't always be mapped directly to Verilog
+always blocks. This frontend should only be used to export an RTLIL
+netlist, i.e. after the "proc" pass has been used to convert all
+processes to logic networks and registers. A warning is generated when
+this command is called on a design with RTLIL processes.
+\section{zinit -- add inverters so all FF are zero-initialized}
+ zinit [options] [selection]
+Add inverters as needed to make all FFs zero-initialized.
+ -all
+ also add zero initialization to uninitialized FFs
diff --git a/passes/cmds/ b/passes/cmds/
index 9b05ae32..689e3148 100644
--- a/passes/cmds/
+++ b/passes/cmds/
@@ -134,15 +134,18 @@ struct SetparamPass : public Pass {
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
- log(" setparam [ -set name value | -unset name ]... [selection]\n");
+ log(" setparam [ -type cell_type ] [ -set name value | -unset name ]... [selection]\n");
log("Set/unset the given parameters on the selected cells. String values must be\n");
log("passed in double quotes (\").\n");
+ log("The -type option can be used to change the cell type of the selected cells.\n");
+ log("\n");
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
- std::vector<setunset_t> setunset_list;
+ vector<setunset_t> setunset_list;
+ string new_cell_type;
size_t argidx;
for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++)
@@ -158,6 +161,10 @@ struct SetparamPass : public Pass {
+ if (arg == "-type" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ new_cell_type = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]);
+ continue;
+ }
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
@@ -170,8 +177,11 @@ struct SetparamPass : public Pass {
for (auto &it : module->cells_)
- if (design->selected(module, it.second))
+ if (design->selected(module, it.second)) {
+ if (!new_cell_type.empty())
+ it.second->type = new_cell_type;
do_setunset(it.second->parameters, setunset_list);
+ }
} SetparamPass;
diff --git a/passes/fsm/ b/passes/fsm/
index 3b537ecd..997558b8 100644
--- a/passes/fsm/
+++ b/passes/fsm/
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ struct FsmPass : public Pass {
log(" -expand, -norecode, -export, -nomap\n");
log(" enable or disable passes as indicated above\n");
+ log(" -fullexpand\n");
+ log(" call expand with -full option\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -encoding type\n");
log(" -fm_set_fsm_file file\n");
log(" -encfile file\n");
@@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ struct FsmPass : public Pass {
bool flag_norecode = false;
bool flag_nodetect = false;
bool flag_expand = false;
+ bool flag_fullexpand = false;
bool flag_export = false;
std::string fm_set_fsm_file_opt;
std::string encfile_opt;
@@ -110,6 +114,10 @@ struct FsmPass : public Pass {
flag_expand = true;
+ if (arg == "-fullexpand") {
+ flag_fullexpand = true;
+ continue;
+ }
if (arg == "-export") {
flag_export = true;
@@ -126,8 +134,8 @@ struct FsmPass : public Pass {
Pass::call(design, "opt_clean");
Pass::call(design, "fsm_opt");
- if (flag_expand) {
- Pass::call(design, "fsm_expand");
+ if (flag_expand || flag_fullexpand) {
+ Pass::call(design, flag_fullexpand ? "fsm_expand -full" : "fsm_expand");
Pass::call(design, "opt_clean");
Pass::call(design, "fsm_opt");
diff --git a/passes/fsm/ b/passes/fsm/
index 3ded3f37..e7b9dcf9 100644
--- a/passes/fsm/
+++ b/passes/fsm/
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ struct FsmExpand
RTLIL::Module *module;
RTLIL::Cell *fsm_cell;
+ bool full_mode;
SigMap assign_map;
SigSet<RTLIL::Cell*, RTLIL::sort_by_name_id<RTLIL::Cell>> sig2driver, sig2user;
CellTypes ct;
@@ -45,6 +47,9 @@ struct FsmExpand
bool is_cell_merge_candidate(RTLIL::Cell *cell)
+ if (full_mode || cell->type == "$_MUX_")
+ return true;
if (cell->type == "$mux" || cell->type == "$pmux")
if (cell->getPort("\\A").size() < 2)
return true;
@@ -68,17 +73,6 @@ struct FsmExpand
if (new_signals.size() > 3)
return false;
- if (cell->hasPort("\\Y")) {
- new_signals.append(assign_map(cell->getPort("\\Y")));
- new_signals.sort_and_unify();
- new_signals.remove_const();
- new_signals.remove(assign_map(fsm_cell->getPort("\\CTRL_IN")));
- new_signals.remove(assign_map(fsm_cell->getPort("\\CTRL_OUT")));
- }
- if (new_signals.size() > 2)
- return false;
return true;
@@ -200,13 +194,15 @@ struct FsmExpand
- FsmExpand(RTLIL::Cell *cell, RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *mod)
+ FsmExpand(RTLIL::Cell *cell, RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *mod, bool full)
module = mod;
fsm_cell = cell;
+ full_mode = full;
+ ct.setup_stdcells();
for (auto &cell_it : module->cells_) {
RTLIL::Cell *c = cell_it.second;
@@ -249,17 +245,31 @@ struct FsmExpandPass : public Pass {
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
- log(" fsm_expand [selection]\n");
+ log(" fsm_expand [-full] [selection]\n");
log("The fsm_extract pass is conservative about the cells that belong to a finite\n");
log("state machine. This pass can be used to merge additional auxiliary gates into\n");
log("the finite state machine.\n");
+ log("By default, fsm_expand is still a bit conservative regarding merging larger\n");
+ log("word-wide cells. Call with -full to consider all cells for merging.\n");
+ log("\n");
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ bool full_mode = false;
log_header(design, "Executing FSM_EXPAND pass (merging auxiliary logic into FSMs).\n");
- extra_args(args, 1, design);
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
+ if (args[argidx] == "-full") {
+ full_mode = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ extra_args(args, argidx, design);
for (auto &mod_it : design->modules_) {
if (!design->selected(mod_it.second))
@@ -269,7 +279,7 @@ struct FsmExpandPass : public Pass {
if (cell_it.second->type == "$fsm" && design->selected(mod_it.second, cell_it.second))
for (auto c : fsm_cells) {
- FsmExpand fsm_expand(c, design, mod_it.second);
+ FsmExpand fsm_expand(c, design, mod_it.second, full_mode);
diff --git a/passes/fsm/ b/passes/fsm/
index 5b32ed59..c4230375 100644
--- a/passes/fsm/
+++ b/passes/fsm/
@@ -272,7 +272,8 @@ static void map_fsm(RTLIL::Cell *fsm_cell, RTLIL::Module *module)
- RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a, sig_b, sig_s;
+ RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a(RTLIL::State::Sx, next_state_wire->width);
+ RTLIL::SigSpec sig_b, sig_s;
int reset_state = fsm_data.reset_state;
if (reset_state < 0)
reset_state = 0;
diff --git a/passes/fsm/ b/passes/fsm/
index 5102d833..e1bde728 100644
--- a/passes/fsm/
+++ b/passes/fsm/
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ static void fsm_recode(RTLIL::Cell *cell, RTLIL::Module *module, FILE *fm_set_fs
log("Recoding FSM `%s' from module `%s' using `%s' encoding:\n", cell->name.c_str(), module->name.c_str(), encoding.c_str());
- if (encoding != "none" && encoding != "one-hot" && encoding != "binary" && encoding != "auto") {
+ if (encoding != "none" && encoding != "user" && encoding != "one-hot" && encoding != "binary" && encoding != "auto") {
log(" unknown encoding `%s': using auto instead.\n", encoding.c_str());
encoding = "auto";
- if (encoding == "none") {
- log(" nothing to do for encoding `none'.\n");
+ if (encoding == "none" || encoding == "user") {
+ log(" nothing to do for encoding `%s'.\n", encoding.c_str());
diff --git a/passes/hierarchy/ b/passes/hierarchy/
index 4d1e3987..e21a7a4e 100644
--- a/passes/hierarchy/
+++ b/passes/hierarchy/
@@ -212,6 +212,10 @@ bool expand_module(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *module, bool flag_check
} else if (mod->wire(conn.first) == nullptr || mod->wire(conn.first)->port_id == 0)
log_error("Module `%s' referenced in module `%s' in cell `%s' does not have a port named '%s'.\n",
log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(conn.first));
+ for (auto &param : cell->parameters)
+ if (mod->avail_parameters.count(param.first) == 0 && param.first[0] != '$')
+ log_error("Module `%s' referenced in module `%s' in cell `%s' does not have a parameter named '%s'.\n",
+ log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(param.first));
if (cell->parameters.size() == 0)
diff --git a/passes/opt/ b/passes/opt/
index 13ea5469..021c1a03 100644
--- a/passes/opt/
+++ b/passes/opt/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct OptPass : public Pass {
log(" opt_muxtree\n");
log(" opt_reduce [-fine] [-full]\n");
log(" opt_merge [-share_all]\n");
- log(" opt_rmdff\n");
+ log(" opt_rmdff [-keepdc]\n");
log(" opt_clean [-purge]\n");
log(" opt_expr [-mux_undef] [-mux_bool] [-undriven] [-clkinv] [-fine] [-full] [-keepdc]\n");
log(" while <changed design>\n");
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ struct OptPass : public Pass {
log(" do\n");
log(" opt_expr [-mux_undef] [-mux_bool] [-undriven] [-clkinv] [-fine] [-full] [-keepdc]\n");
log(" opt_merge [-share_all]\n");
- log(" opt_rmdff\n");
+ log(" opt_rmdff [-keepdc]\n");
log(" opt_clean [-purge]\n");
log(" while <changed design in opt_rmdff>\n");
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ struct OptPass : public Pass {
std::string opt_expr_args;
std::string opt_reduce_args;
std::string opt_merge_args;
+ std::string opt_rmdff_args;
bool fast_mode = false;
log_header(design, "Executing OPT pass (performing simple optimizations).\n");
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ struct OptPass : public Pass {
if (args[argidx] == "-keepdc") {
opt_expr_args += " -keepdc";
+ opt_rmdff_args += " -keepdc";
if (args[argidx] == "-share_all") {
@@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ struct OptPass : public Pass {
Pass::call(design, "opt_expr" + opt_expr_args);
Pass::call(design, "opt_merge" + opt_merge_args);
- Pass::call(design, "opt_rmdff");
+ Pass::call(design, "opt_rmdff" + opt_rmdff_args);
if (design->scratchpad_get_bool("opt.did_something") == false)
Pass::call(design, "opt_clean" + opt_clean_args);
@@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ struct OptPass : public Pass {
Pass::call(design, "opt_muxtree");
Pass::call(design, "opt_reduce" + opt_reduce_args);
Pass::call(design, "opt_merge" + opt_merge_args);
- Pass::call(design, "opt_rmdff");
+ Pass::call(design, "opt_rmdff" + opt_rmdff_args);
Pass::call(design, "opt_clean" + opt_clean_args);
Pass::call(design, "opt_expr" + opt_expr_args);
if (design->scratchpad_get_bool("opt.did_something") == false)
diff --git a/passes/opt/ b/passes/opt/
index fa954afa..922f086f 100644
--- a/passes/opt/
+++ b/passes/opt/
SigMap assign_map, dff_init_map;
SigSet<RTLIL::Cell*> mux_drivers;
dict<SigBit, pool<SigBit>> init_attributes;
+bool keepdc;
void remove_init_attr(SigSpec sig)
@@ -71,7 +72,11 @@ bool handle_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::Cell *dff)
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d, sig_q, sig_c, sig_r;
RTLIL::Const val_cp, val_rp, val_rv;
- if (dff->type == "$_DFF_N_" || dff->type == "$_DFF_P_") {
+ if (dff->type == "$_FF_") {
+ sig_d = dff->getPort("\\D");
+ sig_q = dff->getPort("\\Q");
+ }
+ else if (dff->type == "$_DFF_N_" || dff->type == "$_DFF_P_") {
sig_d = dff->getPort("\\D");
sig_q = dff->getPort("\\Q");
sig_c = dff->getPort("\\C");
@@ -89,6 +94,10 @@ bool handle_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::Cell *dff)
val_rp = RTLIL::Const(dff->type[7] == 'P', 1);
val_rv = RTLIL::Const(dff->type[8] == '1', 1);
+ else if (dff->type == "$ff") {
+ sig_d = dff->getPort("\\D");
+ sig_q = dff->getPort("\\Q");
+ }
else if (dff->type == "$dff") {
sig_d = dff->getPort("\\D");
sig_q = dff->getPort("\\Q");
@@ -115,12 +124,12 @@ bool handle_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::Cell *dff)
bool has_init = false;
RTLIL::Const val_init;
for (auto bit : dff_init_map(sig_q).to_sigbit_vector()) {
- if (bit.wire == NULL)
+ if (bit.wire == NULL || keepdc)
has_init = true;
val_init.bits.push_back(bit.wire == NULL ? : RTLIL::State::Sx);
- if (dff->type == "$dff" && mux_drivers.has(sig_d)) {
+ if (dff->"$ff", "$dff") && mux_drivers.has(sig_d)) {
std::set<RTLIL::Cell*> muxes;
mux_drivers.find(sig_d, muxes);
for (auto mux : muxes) {
@@ -137,7 +146,7 @@ bool handle_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::Cell *dff)
- if (sig_c.is_fully_const() && (!sig_r.size() || !has_init || val_init == val_rv)) {
+ if (!sig_c.empty() && sig_c.is_fully_const() && (!sig_r.size() || !has_init || val_init == val_rv)) {
if (val_rv.bits.size() == 0)
val_rv = val_init;
mod->connect(sig_q, val_rv);
@@ -182,7 +191,7 @@ struct OptRmdffPass : public Pass {
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
- log(" opt_rmdff [selection]\n");
+ log(" opt_rmdff [-keepdc] [selection]\n");
log("This pass identifies flip-flops with constant inputs and replaces them with\n");
log("a constant driver.\n");
@@ -193,7 +202,17 @@ struct OptRmdffPass : public Pass {
int total_count = 0, total_initdrv = 0;
log_header(design, "Executing OPT_RMDFF pass (remove dff with constant values).\n");
- extra_args(args, 1, design);
+ keepdc = false;
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
+ if (args[argidx] == "-keepdc") {
+ keepdc = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ extra_args(args, argidx, design);
for (auto module : design->selected_modules())
@@ -243,10 +262,10 @@ struct OptRmdffPass : public Pass {
if (!design->selected(module, cell))
- if (cell->"$_DFF_N_", "$_DFF_P_",
+ if (cell->"$_FF_", "$_DFF_N_", "$_DFF_P_",
"$_DFF_NN0_", "$_DFF_NN1_", "$_DFF_NP0_", "$_DFF_NP1_",
"$_DFF_PN0_", "$_DFF_PN1_", "$_DFF_PP0_", "$_DFF_PP1_",
- "$dff", "$adff"))
+ "$ff", "$dff", "$adff"))
if (cell->type == "$dlatch")
diff --git a/passes/proc/ b/passes/proc/
index f532990c..98653dc6 100644
--- a/passes/proc/
+++ b/passes/proc/
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void gen_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_in, RTLIL::Const val_rst, RT
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << "$procdff$" << (autoidx++);
- RTLIL::Cell *cell = mod->addCell(sstr.str(), arst ? "$adff" : "$dff");
+ RTLIL::Cell *cell = mod->addCell(sstr.str(), clk.empty() ? "$ff" : arst ? "$adff" : "$dff");
cell->attributes = proc->attributes;
cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"] = RTLIL::Const(sig_in.size());
@@ -204,15 +204,21 @@ void gen_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::SigSpec sig_in, RTLIL::Const val_rst, RT
cell->parameters["\\ARST_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(arst_polarity, 1);
cell->parameters["\\ARST_VALUE"] = val_rst;
- cell->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(clk_polarity, 1);
+ if (!clk.empty()) {
+ cell->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"] = RTLIL::Const(clk_polarity, 1);
+ }
cell->setPort("\\D", sig_in);
cell->setPort("\\Q", sig_out);
if (arst)
cell->setPort("\\ARST", *arst);
- cell->setPort("\\CLK", clk);
+ if (!clk.empty())
+ cell->setPort("\\CLK", clk);
- log(" created %s cell `%s' with %s edge clock", cell->type.c_str(), cell->name.c_str(), clk_polarity ? "positive" : "negative");
+ if (!clk.empty())
+ log(" created %s cell `%s' with %s edge clock", cell->type.c_str(), cell->name.c_str(), clk_polarity ? "positive" : "negative");
+ else
+ log(" created %s cell `%s' with global clock", cell->type.c_str(), cell->name.c_str());
if (arst)
log(" and %s level reset", arst_polarity ? "positive" : "negative");
@@ -236,6 +242,7 @@ void proc_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::Process *proc, ConstEval &ce)
RTLIL::SyncRule *sync_level = NULL;
RTLIL::SyncRule *sync_edge = NULL;
RTLIL::SyncRule *sync_always = NULL;
+ bool global_clock = false;
std::map<RTLIL::SigSpec, std::set<RTLIL::SyncRule*>> many_async_rules;
@@ -267,6 +274,10 @@ void proc_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::Process *proc, ConstEval &ce)
sig.replace(action.first, action.second, &insig);
sync_always = sync;
+ else if (sync->type == RTLIL::SyncType::STg) {
+ sig.replace(action.first, action.second, &insig);
+ global_clock = true;
+ }
else {
log_error("Event with any-edge sensitivity found for this signal!\n");
@@ -328,7 +339,7 @@ void proc_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::Process *proc, ConstEval &ce)
- if (!sync_edge)
+ if (!sync_edge && !global_clock)
log_error("Missing edge-sensitive event for this signal!\n");
if (many_async_rules.size() > 0)
@@ -346,9 +357,10 @@ void proc_dff(RTLIL::Module *mod, RTLIL::Process *proc, ConstEval &ce)
gen_dff(mod, insig, rstval.as_const(), sig,
- sync_edge->type == RTLIL::SyncType::STp,
+ sync_edge && sync_edge->type == RTLIL::SyncType::STp,
sync_level && sync_level->type == RTLIL::SyncType::ST1,
- sync_edge->signal, sync_level ? &sync_level->signal : NULL, proc);
+ sync_edge ? sync_edge->signal : SigSpec(),
+ sync_level ? &sync_level->signal : NULL, proc);
if (free_sync_level)
delete sync_level;
diff --git a/passes/sat/ b/passes/sat/
index 0c5f6fc6..6785b750 100644
--- a/passes/sat/
+++ b/passes/sat/
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ OBJS += passes/sat/eval.o
OBJS += passes/sat/miter.o
OBJS += passes/sat/expose.o
OBJS += passes/sat/assertpmux.o
+OBJS += passes/sat/clk2fflogic.o
diff --git a/passes/sat/ b/passes/sat/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef6d5dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/passes/sat/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "kernel/yosys.h"
+#include "kernel/sigtools.h"
+struct Clk2fflogicPass : public Pass {
+ Clk2fflogicPass() : Pass("clk2fflogic", "convert clocked FFs to generic $ff cells") { }
+ virtual void help()
+ {
+ // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
+ log("\n");
+ log(" clk2fflogic [options] [selection]\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("This command replaces clocked flip-flops with generic $ff cells that use the\n");
+ log("implicit global clock. This is useful for formal verification of designs with\n");
+ log("multiple clocks.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ }
+ virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ {
+ // bool flag_noinit = false;
+ log_header(design, "Executing CLK2FFLOGIC pass (convert clocked FFs to generic $ff cells).\n");
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++)
+ {
+ // if (args[argidx] == "-noinit") {
+ // flag_noinit = true;
+ // continue;
+ // }
+ break;
+ }
+ extra_args(args, argidx, design);
+ for (auto module : design->selected_modules())
+ {
+ SigMap sigmap(module);
+ dict<SigBit, State> initbits;
+ pool<SigBit> del_initbits;
+ for (auto wire : module->wires())
+ if (wire->attributes.count("\\init") > 0)
+ {
+ Const initval = wire->"\\init");
+ SigSpec initsig = sigmap(wire);
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(initval) && i < GetSize(initsig); i++)
+ if (initval[i] == State::S0 || initval[i] == State::S1)
+ initbits[initsig[i]] = initval[i];
+ }
+ for (auto cell : vector<Cell*>(module->selected_cells()))
+ {
+ if (cell->"$dlatch"))
+ {
+ bool enpol = cell->parameters["\\EN_POLARITY"].as_bool();
+ SigSpec sig_en = cell->getPort("\\EN");
+ SigSpec sig_d = cell->getPort("\\D");
+ SigSpec sig_q = cell->getPort("\\Q");
+ log("Replacing %s.%s (%s): EN=%s, D=%s, Q=%s\n",
+ log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type),
+ log_signal(sig_en), log_signal(sig_d), log_signal(sig_q));
+ Wire *past_q = module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(sig_q));
+ module->addFf(NEW_ID, sig_q, past_q);
+ if (enpol)
+ module->addMux(NEW_ID, past_q, sig_d, sig_en, sig_q);
+ else
+ module->addMux(NEW_ID, sig_d, past_q, sig_en, sig_q);
+ Const initval;
+ bool assign_initval = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_d); i++) {
+ SigBit qbit = sigmap(sig_q[i]);
+ if (initbits.count(qbit)) {
+ initval.bits.push_back(;
+ del_initbits.insert(qbit);
+ } else
+ initval.bits.push_back(State::Sx);
+ if (initval.bits.back() != State::Sx)
+ assign_initval = true;
+ }
+ if (assign_initval)
+ past_q->attributes["\\init"] = initval;
+ module->remove(cell);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (cell->"$dff", "$adff", "$dffsr"))
+ {
+ bool clkpol = cell->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"].as_bool();
+ SigSpec clk = cell->getPort("\\CLK");
+ Wire *past_clk = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ past_clk->attributes["\\init"] = clkpol ? State::S1 : State::S0;
+ module->addFf(NEW_ID, clk, past_clk);
+ SigSpec sig_d = cell->getPort("\\D");
+ SigSpec sig_q = cell->getPort("\\Q");
+ log("Replacing %s.%s (%s): CLK=%s, D=%s, Q=%s\n",
+ log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type),
+ log_signal(clk), log_signal(sig_d), log_signal(sig_q));
+ SigSpec clock_edge_pattern;
+ if (clkpol) {
+ clock_edge_pattern.append_bit(State::S0);
+ clock_edge_pattern.append_bit(State::S1);
+ } else {
+ clock_edge_pattern.append_bit(State::S1);
+ clock_edge_pattern.append_bit(State::S0);
+ }
+ SigSpec clock_edge = module->Eqx(NEW_ID, {clk, SigSpec(past_clk)}, clock_edge_pattern);
+ Wire *past_d = module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(sig_d));
+ Wire *past_q = module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(sig_q));
+ module->addFf(NEW_ID, sig_d, past_d);
+ module->addFf(NEW_ID, sig_q, past_q);
+ if (cell->type == "$adff")
+ {
+ SigSpec arst = cell->getPort("\\ARST");
+ SigSpec qval = module->Mux(NEW_ID, past_q, past_d, clock_edge);
+ Const rstval = cell->parameters["\\ARST_VALUE"];
+ if (cell->parameters["\\ARST_POLARITY"].as_bool())
+ module->addMux(NEW_ID, qval, rstval, arst, sig_q);
+ else
+ module->addMux(NEW_ID, rstval, qval, arst, sig_q);
+ }
+ else
+ if (cell->type == "$dffsr")
+ {
+ SigSpec qval = module->Mux(NEW_ID, past_q, past_d, clock_edge);
+ SigSpec setval = cell->getPort("\\SET");
+ SigSpec clrval = cell->getPort("\\CLR");
+ if (!cell->parameters["\\SET_POLARITY"].as_bool())
+ setval = module->Not(NEW_ID, setval);
+ if (cell->parameters["\\CLR_POLARITY"].as_bool())
+ clrval = module->Not(NEW_ID, clrval);
+ qval = module->Or(NEW_ID, qval, setval);
+ module->addAnd(NEW_ID, qval, clrval, sig_q);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ module->addMux(NEW_ID, past_q, past_d, clock_edge, sig_q);
+ }
+ Const initval;
+ bool assign_initval = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_d); i++) {
+ SigBit qbit = sigmap(sig_q[i]);
+ if (initbits.count(qbit)) {
+ initval.bits.push_back(;
+ del_initbits.insert(qbit);
+ } else
+ initval.bits.push_back(State::Sx);
+ if (initval.bits.back() != State::Sx)
+ assign_initval = true;
+ }
+ if (assign_initval) {
+ past_d->attributes["\\init"] = initval;
+ past_q->attributes["\\init"] = initval;
+ }
+ module->remove(cell);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto wire : module->wires())
+ if (wire->attributes.count("\\init") > 0)
+ {
+ bool delete_initattr = true;
+ Const initval = wire->"\\init");
+ SigSpec initsig = sigmap(wire);
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(initval) && i < GetSize(initsig); i++)
+ if (del_initbits.count(initsig[i]) > 0)
+ initval[i] = State::Sx;
+ else if (initval[i] != State::Sx)
+ delete_initattr = false;
+ if (delete_initattr)
+ wire->attributes.erase("\\init");
+ else
+ wire->"\\init") = initval;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} Clk2fflogicPass;
diff --git a/passes/sat/ b/passes/sat/
index 4854e19b..9e150b60 100644
--- a/passes/sat/
+++ b/passes/sat/
@@ -312,18 +312,42 @@ void create_miter_assert(struct Pass *that, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL
- SigSpec or_signals;
+ SigSpec assert_signals, assume_signals;
vector<Cell*> cell_list = module->cells();
- for (auto cell : cell_list) {
+ for (auto cell : cell_list)
+ {
+ if (!cell->"$assert", "$assume"))
+ continue;
+ SigBit is_active = module->Nex(NEW_ID, cell->getPort("\\A"), State::S1);
+ SigBit is_enabled = module->Eqx(NEW_ID, cell->getPort("\\EN"), State::S1);
if (cell->type == "$assert") {
- SigBit is_active = module->Nex(NEW_ID, cell->getPort("\\A"), State::S1);
- SigBit is_enabled = module->Eqx(NEW_ID, cell->getPort("\\EN"), State::S1);
- or_signals.append(module->And(NEW_ID, is_active, is_enabled));
- module->remove(cell);
+ assert_signals.append(module->And(NEW_ID, is_active, is_enabled));
+ } else {
+ assume_signals.append(module->And(NEW_ID, is_active, is_enabled));
+ module->remove(cell);
- module->addReduceOr(NEW_ID, or_signals, trigger);
+ if (assume_signals.empty())
+ {
+ module->addReduceOr(NEW_ID, assert_signals, trigger);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Wire *assume_q = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ assume_q->attributes["\\init"] = State::S0;
+ assume_signals.append(assume_q);
+ SigSpec assume_nok = module->ReduceOr(NEW_ID, assume_signals);
+ SigSpec assume_ok = module->Not(NEW_ID, assume_nok);
+ module->addFf(NEW_ID, assume_nok, assume_q);
+ SigSpec assert_fail = module->ReduceOr(NEW_ID, assert_signals);
+ module->addAnd(NEW_ID, assert_fail, assume_ok, trigger);
+ }
if (flag_flatten) {
diff --git a/passes/techmap/ b/passes/techmap/
index b5024fa9..311a1af9 100644
--- a/passes/techmap/
+++ b/passes/techmap/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ OBJS += passes/techmap/deminout.o
OBJS += passes/techmap/insbuf.o
OBJS += passes/techmap/attrmvcp.o
OBJS += passes/techmap/attrmap.o
+OBJS += passes/techmap/zinit.o
GENFILES += passes/techmap/
diff --git a/passes/techmap/ b/passes/techmap/
index f715b63e..dec81d21 100644
--- a/passes/techmap/
+++ b/passes/techmap/
@@ -33,13 +33,32 @@ Const make_value(string &value)
return sig.as_const();
+bool string_compare_nocase(const string &str1, const string &str2)
+ if (str1.size() != str2.size())
+ return false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < str1.size(); i++)
+ {
+ char ch1 = str1[i], ch2 = str2[i];
+ if ('a' <= ch1 && ch1 <= 'z')
+ ch1 -= 'a' - 'A';
+ if ('a' <= ch2 && ch2 <= 'z')
+ ch2 -= 'a' - 'A';
+ if (ch1 != ch2)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
bool match_name(string &name, IdString &id, bool ignore_case=false)
string str1 = RTLIL::escape_id(name);
string str2 = id.str();
if (ignore_case)
- return !strcasecmp(str1.c_str(), str2.c_str());
+ return string_compare_nocase(str1, str2);
return str1 == str2;
@@ -49,7 +68,7 @@ bool match_value(string &value, Const &val, bool ignore_case=false)
if (ignore_case && ((val.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_STRING) != 0) && GetSize(value) && value.front() == '"' && value.back() == '"') {
string str1 = value.substr(1, GetSize(value)-2);
string str2 = val.decode_string();
- return !strcasecmp(str1.c_str(), str2.c_str());
+ return string_compare_nocase(str1, str2);
return make_value(value) == val;
diff --git a/passes/techmap/ b/passes/techmap/
index 50eaf61d..1537def0 100644
--- a/passes/techmap/
+++ b/passes/techmap/
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ struct AttrmvcpPass : public Pass {
for (auto cell : module->selected_cells())
for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
+ {
if (driven_mode) {
if (cell->input(conn.first))
for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
@@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ struct AttrmvcpPass : public Pass {
for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
+ }
for (auto wire : module->selected_wires())
diff --git a/passes/techmap/ b/passes/techmap/
index 0fb64734..c6b932bd 100644
--- a/passes/techmap/
+++ b/passes/techmap/
@@ -388,6 +388,23 @@ void simplemap_sr(RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
+void simplemap_ff(RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
+ int width = cell->"\\WIDTH").as_int();
+ RTLIL::SigSpec sig_d = cell->getPort("\\D");
+ RTLIL::SigSpec sig_q = cell->getPort("\\Q");
+ std::string gate_type = "$_FF_";
+ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
+ RTLIL::Cell *gate = module->addCell(NEW_ID, gate_type);
+ gate->add_strpool_attribute("\\src", cell->get_strpool_attribute("\\src"));
+ gate->setPort("\\D", sig_d[i]);
+ gate->setPort("\\Q", sig_q[i]);
+ }
void simplemap_dff(RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
int width = cell->"\\WIDTH").as_int();
@@ -532,6 +549,7 @@ void simplemap_get_mappers(std::map<RTLIL::IdString, void(*)(RTLIL::Module*, RTL
mappers["$slice"] = simplemap_slice;
mappers["$concat"] = simplemap_concat;
mappers["$sr"] = simplemap_sr;
+ mappers["$ff"] = simplemap_ff;
mappers["$dff"] = simplemap_dff;
mappers["$dffe"] = simplemap_dffe;
mappers["$dffsr"] = simplemap_dffsr;
@@ -569,7 +587,7 @@ struct SimplemapPass : public Pass {
log(" $not, $pos, $and, $or, $xor, $xnor\n");
log(" $reduce_and, $reduce_or, $reduce_xor, $reduce_xnor, $reduce_bool\n");
log(" $logic_not, $logic_and, $logic_or, $mux, $tribuf\n");
- log(" $sr, $dff, $dffsr, $adff, $dlatch\n");
+ log(" $sr, $ff, $dff, $dffsr, $adff, $dlatch\n");
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
diff --git a/passes/techmap/ b/passes/techmap/
index b2cc492b..6784f48c 100644
--- a/passes/techmap/
+++ b/passes/techmap/
@@ -345,6 +345,12 @@ struct TechmapWorker
c->setParam("\\MEMID", Const(memory_renames[memid].str()));
+ if (c->type == "$mem") {
+ string memid = c->getParam("\\MEMID").decode_string();
+ apply_prefix(cell->name.str(), memid);
+ c->setParam("\\MEMID", Const(memid));
+ }
if (c->attributes.count("\\src"))
c->add_strpool_attribute("\\src", extra_src_attrs);
@@ -1164,8 +1170,9 @@ struct FlattenPass : public Pass {
} else {
- for (auto mod : vector<Module*>(design->modules()))
+ for (auto mod : vector<Module*>(design->modules())) {
while (worker.techmap_module(design, mod, design, handled_cells, celltypeMap, false)) { }
+ }
log("No more expansions possible.\n");
diff --git a/passes/techmap/ b/passes/techmap/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a577e123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/passes/techmap/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "kernel/yosys.h"
+#include "kernel/sigtools.h"
+struct ZinitPass : public Pass {
+ ZinitPass() : Pass("zinit", "add inverters so all FF are zero-initialized") { }
+ virtual void help()
+ {
+ // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
+ log("\n");
+ log(" zinit [options] [selection]\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("Add inverters as needed to make all FFs zero-initialized.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -all\n");
+ log(" also add zero initialization to uninitialized FFs\n");
+ log("\n");
+ }
+ virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ {
+ bool all_mode = false;
+ log_header(design, "Executing ZINIT pass (make all FFs zero-initialized).\n");
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++)
+ {
+ if (args[argidx] == "-singleton") {
+ all_mode = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ extra_args(args, argidx, design);
+ for (auto module : design->selected_modules())
+ {
+ SigMap sigmap(module);
+ dict<SigBit, State> initbits;
+ pool<SigBit> donebits;
+ for (auto wire : module->selected_wires())
+ {
+ if (wire->attributes.count("\\init") == 0)
+ continue;
+ SigSpec wirebits = sigmap(wire);
+ Const initval = wire->"\\init");
+ wire->attributes.erase("\\init");
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(wirebits) && i < GetSize(initval); i++)
+ {
+ SigBit bit = wirebits[i];
+ State val = initval[i];
+ if (val != State::S0 && val != State::S1 && bit.wire != nullptr)
+ continue;
+ if (initbits.count(bit)) {
+ if ( != val)
+ log_error("Conflicting init values for signal %s (%s = %s != %s).\n",
+ log_signal(bit), log_signal(SigBit(wire, i)),
+ log_signal(val), log_signal(;
+ continue;
+ }
+ initbits[bit] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ pool<IdString> dff_types = {
+ "$ff", "$dff", "$dffe", "$dffsr", "$adff",
+ "$_FF_", "$_DFFE_NN_", "$_DFFE_NP_", "$_DFFE_PN_", "$_DFFE_PP_",
+ "$_DFFSR_NNN_", "$_DFFSR_NNP_", "$_DFFSR_NPN_", "$_DFFSR_NPP_",
+ "$_DFFSR_PNN_", "$_DFFSR_PNP_", "$_DFFSR_PPN_", "$_DFFSR_PPP_",
+ "$_DFF_N_", "$_DFF_NN0_", "$_DFF_NN1_", "$_DFF_NP0_", "$_DFF_NP1_",
+ "$_DFF_P_", "$_DFF_PN0_", "$_DFF_PN1_", "$_DFF_PP0_", "$_DFF_PP1_"
+ };
+ for (auto cell : module->selected_cells())
+ {
+ if (!dff_types.count(cell->type))
+ continue;
+ SigSpec sig_d = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\D"));
+ SigSpec sig_q = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Q"));
+ if (GetSize(sig_d) < 1 || GetSize(sig_q) < 1)
+ continue;
+ Const initval;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_q); i++) {
+ if (initbits.count(sig_q[i])) {
+ initval.bits.push_back([i]));
+ donebits.insert(sig_q[i]);
+ } else
+ initval.bits.push_back(all_mode ? State::S0 : State::Sx);
+ }
+ Wire *initwire = module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(initval));
+ initwire->attributes["\\init"] = initval;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(initwire); i++)
+ if ( == State::S1)
+ {
+ sig_d[i] = module->NotGate(NEW_ID, sig_d[i]);
+ module->addNotGate(NEW_ID, SigSpec(initwire, i), sig_q[i]);
+ initwire->attributes["\\init"] = State::S0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ module->connect(sig_q[i], SigSpec(initwire, i));
+ }
+ log("FF init value for cell %s (%s): %s = %s\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type),
+ log_signal(sig_q), log_signal(initval));
+ cell->setPort("\\D", sig_d);
+ cell->setPort("\\Q", initwire);
+ }
+ for (auto &it : initbits)
+ if (donebits.count(it.first) == 0)
+ log_error("Failed to handle init bit %s = %s.\n", log_signal(it.first), log_signal(it.second));
+ }
+ }
+} ZinitPass;
diff --git a/techlibs/common/ b/techlibs/common/
index fac6c4ba..71534983 100644
--- a/techlibs/common/
+++ b/techlibs/common/
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ struct PrepPass : public ScriptPass
log(" -nordff\n");
log(" passed to 'memory_dff'. prohibits merging of FFs into memory read ports\n");
+ log(" -nokeepdc\n");
+ log(" do not call opt_* with -keepdc\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -run <from_label>[:<to_label>]\n");
log(" only run the commands between the labels (see below). an empty\n");
log(" from label is synonymous to 'begin', and empty to label is\n");
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ struct PrepPass : public ScriptPass
string top_module, fsm_opts, memory_opts;
- bool autotop, flatten, ifxmode, memxmode, nomemmode;
+ bool autotop, flatten, ifxmode, memxmode, nomemmode, nokeepdc;
virtual void clear_flags() YS_OVERRIDE
@@ -87,6 +90,7 @@ struct PrepPass : public ScriptPass
ifxmode = false;
memxmode = false;
nomemmode = false;
+ nokeepdc = false;
virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE
@@ -136,6 +140,10 @@ struct PrepPass : public ScriptPass
memory_opts += " -nordff";
+ if (args[argidx] == "-nokeepdc") {
+ nokeepdc = true;
+ continue;
+ }
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
@@ -177,10 +185,10 @@ struct PrepPass : public ScriptPass
run(ifxmode ? "proc -ifx" : "proc");
if (help_mode || flatten)
run("flatten", "(if -flatten)");
- run("opt_expr -keepdc");
+ run(nokeepdc ? "opt_expr" : "opt_expr -keepdc");
- run("opt -keepdc");
+ run(nokeepdc ? "opt" : "opt -keepdc");
if (!ifxmode) {
if (help_mode)
run("wreduce [-memx]");
@@ -194,7 +202,7 @@ struct PrepPass : public ScriptPass
- run("opt -keepdc -fast");
+ run(nokeepdc ? "opt -fast" : "opt -keepdc -fast");
if (check_label("check"))
diff --git a/techlibs/common/simcells.v b/techlibs/common/simcells.v
index c4f170a3..e770c545 100644
--- a/techlibs/common/simcells.v
+++ b/techlibs/common/simcells.v
@@ -495,6 +495,23 @@ always @(posedge S, posedge R) begin
+// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
+//- $_FF_ (D, Q)
+//- A D-type flip-flop that is clocked from the implicit global clock. (This cell
+//- type is usually only used in netlists for formal verification.)
+module \$_FF_ (D, Q);
+input D;
+output reg Q;
+always @($global_clock) begin
+ Q <= D;
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
//- $_DFF_N_ (D, C, Q)
diff --git a/techlibs/common/simlib.v b/techlibs/common/simlib.v
index 922a47ca..2c4db1ac 100644
--- a/techlibs/common/simlib.v
+++ b/techlibs/common/simlib.v
@@ -1334,6 +1334,18 @@ endmodule
// --------------------------------------------------------
+module \$anyseq (Y);
+parameter WIDTH = 0;
+output [WIDTH-1:0] Y;
+assign Y = 'bx;
+// --------------------------------------------------------
module \$equiv (A, B, Y);
input A, B;
@@ -1382,6 +1394,23 @@ endmodule
// --------------------------------------------------------
+`ifdef SIMLIB_FF
+module \$ff (D, Q);
+parameter WIDTH = 0;
+input [WIDTH-1:0] D;
+output reg [WIDTH-1:0] Q;
+always @($global_clk) begin
+ Q <= D;
+// --------------------------------------------------------
module \$dff (CLK, D, Q);
diff --git a/techlibs/common/techmap.v b/techlibs/common/techmap.v
index 90c4ed7e..d7ec3947 100644
--- a/techlibs/common/techmap.v
+++ b/techlibs/common/techmap.v
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module _90_simplemap_various;
(* techmap_simplemap *)
-(* techmap_celltype = "$sr $dff $dffe $adff $dffsr $dlatch" *)
+(* techmap_celltype = "$sr $ff $dff $dffe $adff $dffsr $dlatch" *)
module _90_simplemap_registers;
diff --git a/techlibs/gowin/ b/techlibs/gowin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..679d7eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techlibs/gowin/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+OBJS += techlibs/gowin/synth_gowin.o
+$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/gowin,techlibs/gowin/cells_map.v))
+$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/gowin,techlibs/gowin/cells_sim.v))
diff --git a/techlibs/gowin/cells_map.v b/techlibs/gowin/cells_map.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1f85eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techlibs/gowin/cells_map.v
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+module \$_DFF_N_ (input D, C, output Q); DFFN _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.D(D), .Q(Q), .CLK(C)); endmodule
+module \$_DFF_P_ (input D, C, output Q); DFF _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.D(D), .Q(Q), .CLK(C)); endmodule
+module \$lut (A, Y);
+ parameter WIDTH = 0;
+ parameter LUT = 0;
+ input [WIDTH-1:0] A;
+ output Y;
+ generate
+ if (WIDTH == 1) begin
+ .I0(A[0]));
+ end else
+ if (WIDTH == 2) begin
+ .I0(A[0]), .I1(A[1]));
+ end else
+ if (WIDTH == 3) begin
+ .I0(A[0]), .I1(A[1]), .I2(A[2]));
+ end else
+ if (WIDTH == 4) begin
+ .I0(A[0]), .I1(A[1]), .I2(A[2]), .I3(A[3]));
+ end else begin
+ wire _TECHMAP_FAIL_ = 1;
+ end
+ endgenerate
diff --git a/techlibs/gowin/cells_sim.v b/techlibs/gowin/cells_sim.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a09c157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techlibs/gowin/cells_sim.v
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+module LUT1(output F, input I0);
+ parameter [1:0] INIT = 0;
+ assign F = I0 ? INIT[1] : INIT[0];
+module LUT2(output F, input I0, I1);
+ parameter [3:0] INIT = 0;
+ wire [ 1: 0] s1 = I1 ? INIT[ 3: 2] : INIT[ 1: 0];
+ assign F = I0 ? s1[1] : s1[0];
+module LUT3(output F, input I0, I1, I2);
+ parameter [7:0] INIT = 0;
+ wire [ 3: 0] s2 = I2 ? INIT[ 7: 4] : INIT[ 3: 0];
+ wire [ 1: 0] s1 = I1 ? s2[ 3: 2] : s2[ 1: 0];
+ assign F = I0 ? s1[1] : s1[0];
+module LUT4(output F, input I0, I1, I2, I3);
+ parameter [15:0] INIT = 0;
+ wire [ 7: 0] s3 = I3 ? INIT[15: 8] : INIT[ 7: 0];
+ wire [ 3: 0] s2 = I2 ? s3[ 7: 4] : s3[ 3: 0];
+ wire [ 1: 0] s1 = I1 ? s2[ 3: 2] : s2[ 1: 0];
+ assign F = I0 ? s1[1] : s1[0];
+module DFF (output reg Q, input CLK, D);
+ always @(posedge C)
+ Q <= D;
+module DFFN (output reg Q, input CLK, D);
+ always @(negedge C)
+ Q <= D;
+module VCC(output V);
+ assign V = 1;
+module GND(output G);
+ assign G = 0;
+module IBUF(output O, input I);
+ assign O = I;
+module OBUF(output O, input I);
+ assign O = I;
diff --git a/techlibs/gowin/ b/techlibs/gowin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..129ab839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techlibs/gowin/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "kernel/register.h"
+#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
+#include "kernel/rtlil.h"
+#include "kernel/log.h"
+struct SynthGowinPass : public ScriptPass
+ SynthGowinPass() : ScriptPass("synth_gowin", "synthesis for Gowin FPGAs") { }
+ virtual void help() YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
+ log("\n");
+ log(" synth_gowin [options]\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("This command runs synthesis for Gowin FPGAs. This work is experimental.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -top <module>\n");
+ log(" use the specified module as top module (default='top')\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -vout <file>\n");
+ log(" write the design to the specified Verilog netlist file. writing of an\n");
+ log(" output file is omitted if this parameter is not specified.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -run <from_label>:<to_label>\n");
+ log(" only run the commands between the labels (see below). an empty\n");
+ log(" from label is synonymous to 'begin', and empty to label is\n");
+ log(" synonymous to the end of the command list.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -retime\n");
+ log(" run 'abc' with -dff option\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:\n");
+ help_script();
+ log("\n");
+ }
+ string top_opt, vout_file;
+ bool retime;
+ virtual void clear_flags() YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ top_opt = "-auto-top";
+ vout_file = "";
+ retime = false;
+ }
+ virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ string run_from, run_to;
+ clear_flags();
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++)
+ {
+ if (args[argidx] == "-top" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ top_opt = "-top " + args[++argidx];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-vout" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ vout_file = args[++argidx];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-run" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
+ size_t pos = args[argidx+1].find(':');
+ if (pos == std::string::npos)
+ break;
+ run_from = args[++argidx].substr(0, pos);
+ run_to = args[argidx].substr(pos+1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-retime") {
+ retime = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ extra_args(args, argidx, design);
+ if (!design->full_selection())
+ log_cmd_error("This comannd only operates on fully selected designs!\n");
+ log_header(design, "Executing SYNTH_GOWIN pass.\n");
+ log_push();
+ run_script(design, run_from, run_to);
+ log_pop();
+ }
+ virtual void script() YS_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (check_label("begin"))
+ {
+ run("read_verilog -lib +/gowin/cells_sim.v");
+ run(stringf("hierarchy -check %s", help_mode ? "-top <top>" : top_opt.c_str()));
+ }
+ if (check_label("flatten"))
+ {
+ run("proc");
+ run("flatten");
+ run("tribuf -logic");
+ run("deminout");
+ }
+ if (check_label("coarse"))
+ {
+ run("synth -run coarse");
+ }
+ if (check_label("fine"))
+ {
+ run("opt -fast -mux_undef -undriven -fine");
+ run("memory_map");
+ run("opt -undriven -fine");
+ run("techmap");
+ run("clean -purge");
+ run("splitnets -ports");
+ run("setundef -undriven -zero");
+ if (retime || help_mode)
+ run("abc -dff", "(only if -retime)");
+ }
+ if (check_label("map_luts"))
+ {
+ run("abc -lut 4");
+ run("clean");
+ }
+ if (check_label("map_cells"))
+ {
+ run("techmap -map +/gowin/cells_map.v");
+ run("hilomap -hicell VCC V -locell GND G");
+ run("iopadmap -inpad IBUF O:I -outpad OBUF I:O");
+ run("clean -purge");
+ }
+ if (check_label("check"))
+ {
+ run("hierarchy -check");
+ run("stat");
+ run("check -noinit");
+ }
+ if (check_label("vout"))
+ {
+ if (!vout_file.empty() || help_mode)
+ run(stringf("write_verilog -attr2comment -defparam -renameprefix gen %s",
+ help_mode ? "<file-name>" : vout_file.c_str()));
+ }
+ }
+} SynthGowinPass;
diff --git a/techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v b/techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v
index 6ae9ae79..80746be0 100644
--- a/techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v
+++ b/techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v
@@ -131,9 +131,8 @@ endmodule
module GP_DELAY(input IN, output reg OUT);
parameter DELAY_STEPS = 1;
- //TODO: additional delay/glitch filter mode
+ parameter GLITCH_FILTER = 0;
initial OUT = 0;
@@ -241,6 +240,16 @@ module GP_DFFSRI(input D, CLK, nSR, output reg nQ);
+module GP_EDGEDET(input IN, output reg OUT);
+ parameter EDGE_DIRECTION = "RISING";
+ parameter DELAY_STEPS = 1;
+ parameter GLITCH_FILTER = 0;
+ //not implemented for simulation
module GP_IBUF(input IN, output OUT);
assign OUT = IN;
@@ -296,6 +305,27 @@ module GP_PGA(input wire VIN_P, input wire VIN_N, input wire VIN_SEL, output reg
+module GP_PGEN(input wire nRST, input wire CLK, output reg OUT);
+ initial OUT = 0;
+ parameter PATTERN_DATA = 16'h0;
+ parameter PATTERN_LEN = 5'd16;
+ reg[3:0] count = 0;
+ always @(posedge CLK) begin
+ if(!nRST)
+ else begin
+ count <= count + 1;
+ OUT <= PATTERN_DATA[count];
+ if( (count + 1) == PATTERN_LEN)
+ count <= 0;
+ end
+ end
module GP_POR(output reg RST_DONE);
parameter POR_TIME = 500;
@@ -409,7 +439,8 @@ endmodule
//keep constraint needed to prevent optimization since we have no outputs
(* keep *)
module GP_SYSRESET(input RST);
- parameter RESET_MODE = "RISING";
+ parameter RESET_MODE = "EDGE";
+ parameter EDGE_SPEED = 4;
//cannot simulate whole system reset
diff --git a/techlibs/ice40/ b/techlibs/ice40/
index 38a9cf9d..2533d3af 100644
--- a/techlibs/ice40/
+++ b/techlibs/ice40/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ struct SynthIce40Pass : public ScriptPass
log(" synth_ice40 [options]\n");
- log("This command runs synthesis for iCE40 FPGAs. This work is experimental.\n");
+ log("This command runs synthesis for iCE40 FPGAs.\n");
log(" -top <module>\n");
log(" use the specified module as top module (default='top')\n");
diff --git a/tests/asicworld/ b/tests/asicworld/
index 24983f1a..d5708c45 100755
--- a/tests/asicworld/
+++ b/tests/asicworld/
@@ -1,2 +1,14 @@
-exec ${MAKE:-make} -f ../tools/ EXTRA_FLAGS="-e" *.v
+seed="" # default to no seed specified
+while getopts "S:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ S) arg="${OPTARG#"${OPTARG%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove leading space
+ seed="SEED=$arg" ;;
+ esac
+shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
+exec ${MAKE:-make} -f ../tools/ $seed EXTRA_FLAGS="-e" *.v
diff --git a/tests/bram/ b/tests/bram/
index 05a7ed02..def0b23c 100644
--- a/tests/bram/
+++ b/tests/bram/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
import os
import sys
import random
debug_mode = False
-seed = (int(os.times()[4]*100) + os.getpid()) % 900000 + 100000
def create_bram(dsc_f, sim_f, ref_f, tb_f, k1, k2, or_next):
while True:
@@ -25,12 +25,15 @@ def create_bram(dsc_f, sim_f, ref_f, tb_f, k1, k2, or_next):
if wrmode.count(0) == 0: continue
- if random.randrange(2) or True:
+ if random.randrange(2):
maxpol = 4
maxtransp = 1
+ maxclocks = 4
- maxpol = 2
+ maxpol = None
+ clkpol = random.randrange(4)
maxtransp = 2
+ maxclocks = 1
def generate_enable(i):
if wrmode[i]:
@@ -45,11 +48,16 @@ def create_bram(dsc_f, sim_f, ref_f, tb_f, k1, k2, or_next):
return random.randrange(maxtransp)
return 0
- ports = [ random.randrange(1, 3) for i in range(groups) ]
- enable = [ generate_enable(i) for i in range(groups) ]
- transp = [ generate_transp(i) for i in range(groups) ]
- clocks = [ random.randrange(1, 4) for i in range(groups) ]
- clkpol = [ random.randrange(maxpol) for i in range(groups) ]
+ def generate_clkpol(i):
+ if maxpol is None:
+ return clkpol
+ return random.randrange(maxpol)
+ ports = [ random.randrange(1, 3) for i in range(groups) ]
+ enable = [ generate_enable(i) for i in range(groups) ]
+ transp = [ generate_transp(i) for i in range(groups) ]
+ clocks = [ random.randrange(maxclocks)+1 for i in range(groups) ]
+ clkpol = [ generate_clkpol(i) for i in range(groups) ]
print("bram bram_%02d_%02d" % (k1, k2), file=dsc_f)
@@ -109,11 +117,13 @@ def create_bram(dsc_f, sim_f, ref_f, tb_f, k1, k2, or_next):
if clocks[p1] and not ("CLK%d" % clocks[p1]) in v_ports:
v_ports.add("CLK%d" % clocks[p1])
v_stmts.append("input CLK%d;" % clocks[p1])
- tb_decls.append("reg CLK%d;" % clocks[p1])
+ tb_decls.append("reg CLK%d = 0;" % clocks[p1])
tb_clocks.append("CLK%d" % clocks[p1])
v_ports.add("%sADDR" % pf)
v_stmts.append("input [%d:0] %sADDR;" % (abits-1, pf))
+ if transp[p1]:
+ v_stmts.append("reg [%d:0] %sADDR_Q;" % (abits-1, pf))
tb_decls.append("reg [%d:0] %sADDR;" % (abits-1, pf))
tb_addr.append("%sADDR" % pf)
@@ -159,8 +169,11 @@ def create_bram(dsc_f, sim_f, ref_f, tb_f, k1, k2, or_next):
for i in range(enable[p1]):
enrange = "[%d:%d]" % ((i+1)*dbits/enable[p1]-1, i*dbits/enable[p1])
v_always[last_always_hdr].append((portindex, pf, "if (%sEN[%d]) memory[%sADDR]%s = %sDATA%s;" % (pf, i, pf, enrange, pf, enrange)))
+ elif transp[p1]:
+ v_always[last_always_hdr].append((sum(ports)+1, pf, "%sADDR_Q %s %sADDR;" % (pf, assign_op, pf)))
+ v_stmts.append("always @* %sDATA = memory[%sADDR_Q];" % (pf, pf))
- v_always[last_always_hdr].append((sum(ports)+1 if transp[p1] else 0, pf, "%sDATA %s memory[%sADDR];" % (pf, assign_op, pf)))
+ v_always[last_always_hdr].append((0, pf, "%sDATA %s memory[%sADDR];" % (pf, assign_op, pf)))
for always_hdr in sorted(v_always):
@@ -243,10 +256,23 @@ def create_bram(dsc_f, sim_f, ref_f, tb_f, k1, k2, or_next):
print(" end", file=tb_f)
print("endmodule", file=tb_f)
-print("Rng seed: %d" % seed)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+parser.add_argument('-S', '--seed', type = int, help = 'seed for PRNG')
+parser.add_argument('-c', '--count', type = int, default = 5, help = 'number of test cases to generate')
+parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+debug_mode = args.debug
+if args.seed is not None:
+ seed = args.seed
+ seed = (int(os.times()[4]*100) + os.getpid()) % 900000 + 100000
+print("PRNG seed: %d" % seed)
-for k1 in range(5):
+for k1 in range(args.count):
dsc_f = open("temp/brams_%02d.txt" % k1, "w")
sim_f = open("temp/brams_%02d.v" % k1, "w")
ref_f = open("temp/brams_%02d_ref.v" % k1, "w")
diff --git a/tests/bram/ b/tests/bram/
index 19a235c7..98a45b61 100644
--- a/tests/bram/
+++ b/tests/bram/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
set -e
../../yosys -qq -p "proc; opt; memory -nomap -bram temp/brams_${2}.txt; opt -fast -full" \
-l temp/synth_${1}_${2}.log -o temp/synth_${1}_${2}.v temp/brams_${1}.v
-iverilog -Dvcd_file=\"temp/tb_${1}_${2}.vcd\" -DSIMLIB_MEMDELAY=1ns -o temp/tb_${1}_${2}.tb temp/brams_${1}_tb.v \
+iverilog -Dvcd_file=\"temp/tb_${1}_${2}.vcd\" -DSIMLIB_MEMDELAY=1 -o temp/tb_${1}_${2}.tb temp/brams_${1}_tb.v \
temp/brams_${1}_ref.v temp/synth_${1}_${2}.v temp/brams_${2}.v ../../techlibs/common/simlib.v
temp/tb_${1}_${2}.tb > temp/tb_${1}_${2}.txt
if grep -q ERROR temp/tb_${1}_${2}.txt; then
diff --git a/tests/bram/ b/tests/bram/
index f0bf0131..d6ba0de4 100755
--- a/tests/bram/
+++ b/tests/bram/
@@ -4,11 +4,26 @@
# MAKE="make -j8" time bash -c 'for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do echo "-- $i --"; bash || exit 1; done'
set -e
+seed="" # default to no seed specified
+while getopts "c:dS:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ c) count="$OPTARG" ;;
+ d) debug="-d" ;;
+ S) seed="-S $OPTARG" ;;
+ esac
+shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
rm -rf temp
mkdir -p temp
echo "generating tests.."
+python3 $debug -c $count $seed
echo -n "all:"
diff --git a/tests/fsm/ b/tests/fsm/
index 8757d474..c8eda0cd 100644
--- a/tests/fsm/
+++ b/tests/fsm/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
import sys
import random
from contextlib import contextmanager
@@ -30,7 +31,16 @@ def random_expr(variables):
return "%d'd%s" % (bits, random.randint(0, 2**bits-1))
raise AssertionError
-for idx in range(50):
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+parser.add_argument('-S', '--seed', type = int, help = 'seed for PRNG')
+parser.add_argument('-c', '--count', type = int, default = 50, help = 'number of test cases to generate')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.seed is not None:
+ print("PRNG seed: %d" % args.seed)
+ random.seed(args.seed)
+for idx in range(args.count):
with open('temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx, 'w') as f:
with redirect_stdout(f):
rst2 = random.choice([False, True])
diff --git a/tests/fsm/ b/tests/fsm/
index 42389233..cf506470 100755
--- a/tests/fsm/
+++ b/tests/fsm/
@@ -5,10 +5,22 @@
set -e
+seed="" # default to no seed specified
+while getopts "c:S:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ c) count="$OPTARG" ;;
+ S) seed="-S $OPTARG" ;;
+ esac
+shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
rm -rf temp
mkdir -p temp
echo "generating tests.."
+python3 -c $count $seed
diff --git a/tests/hana/ b/tests/hana/
index fb766eec..878c80b3 100755
--- a/tests/hana/
+++ b/tests/hana/
@@ -1,2 +1,14 @@
-exec ${MAKE:-make} -f ../tools/ EXTRA_FLAGS="-l hana_vlib.v -n 300 -e" test_*.v
+seed="" # default to no seed specified
+while getopts "S:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ S) arg="${OPTARG#"${OPTARG%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove leading space
+ seed="SEED=$arg" ;;
+ esac
+shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
+exec ${MAKE:-make} -f ../tools/ $seed EXTRA_FLAGS="-l hana_vlib.v -n 300 -e" test_*.v
diff --git a/tests/memories/ b/tests/memories/
index c3b19618..734a9668 100755
--- a/tests/memories/
+++ b/tests/memories/
@@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
set -e
-bash ../tools/ -G *.v
+seed="" # default to no seed specified
+while getopts "S:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ S) seed="-S $OPTARG" ;;
+ esac
+shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
+bash ../tools/ $seed -G *.v
for f in `egrep -l 'expect-(wr|rd)-ports' *.v`; do
echo -n "Testing expectations for $f .."
diff --git a/tests/realmath/ b/tests/realmath/
index 19d01c7c..2bedf38e 100644
--- a/tests/realmath/
+++ b/tests/realmath/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
import sys
import random
from contextlib import contextmanager
@@ -36,7 +37,16 @@ def random_expression(depth = 3, maxparam = 0):
return op + '(' + recursion() + ', ' + recursion() + ')'
-for idx in range(100):
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+parser.add_argument('-S', '--seed', type = int, help = 'seed for PRNG')
+parser.add_argument('-c', '--count', type = int, default = 100, help = 'number of test cases to generate')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.seed is not None:
+ print("PRNG seed: %d" % args.seed)
+ random.seed(args.seed)
+for idx in range(args.count):
with open('temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx, 'w') as f:
with redirect_stdout(f):
print('module uut_%05d(output [63:0] %s);\n' % (idx, ', '.join(['y%02d' % i for i in range(100)])))
diff --git a/tests/realmath/ b/tests/realmath/
index f1ec5476..e1a36c69 100755
--- a/tests/realmath/
+++ b/tests/realmath/
@@ -1,14 +1,26 @@
set -e
+seed="" # default to no seed specified
+while getopts "c:S:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ c) count="$OPTARG" ;;
+ S) seed="-S $OPTARG" ;;
+ esac
+shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
rm -rf temp
mkdir -p temp
echo "generating tests.."
+python3 -c $count $seed
cd temp
echo "running tests.."
-for ((i = 0; i < 100; i++)); do
+for ((i = 0; i < $count; i++)); do
echo -n "[$i]"
idx=$( printf "%05d" $i )
../../../yosys -qq uut_${idx}.ys
diff --git a/tests/share/ b/tests/share/
index 01a19a8d..7e87bd64 100644
--- a/tests/share/
+++ b/tests/share/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
import sys
import random
from contextlib import contextmanager
@@ -21,7 +22,16 @@ def maybe_plus_x(expr):
return expr
-for idx in range(100):
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+parser.add_argument('-S', '--seed', type = int, help = 'seed for PRNG')
+parser.add_argument('-c', '--count', type = int, default = 100, help = 'number of test cases to generate')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.seed is not None:
+ print("PRNG seed: %d" % args.seed)
+ random.seed(args.seed)
+for idx in range(args.count):
with open('temp/uut_%05d.v' % idx, 'w') as f:
with redirect_stdout(f):
if random.choice(['bin', 'uni']) == 'bin':
diff --git a/tests/share/ b/tests/share/
index 18dbbc27..1bcd8e42 100755
--- a/tests/share/
+++ b/tests/share/
@@ -5,10 +5,22 @@
set -e
+seed="" # default to no seed specified
+while getopts "c:S:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ c) count="$OPTARG" ;;
+ S) seed="-S $OPTARG" ;;
+ esac
+shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
rm -rf temp
mkdir -p temp
echo "generating tests.."
+python3 -c $count $seed
echo "running tests.."
for i in $( ls temp/*.ys | sed 's,[^0-9],,g; s,^0*\(.\),\1,g;' ); do
diff --git a/tests/simple/ b/tests/simple/
index 6531d51a..aaa1cf94 100755
--- a/tests/simple/
+++ b/tests/simple/
@@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
+seed="" # default to no seed specified
+while getopts "S:" opt
+ case "$opt" in
+ S) arg="${OPTARG#"${OPTARG%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove leading space
+ seed="SEED=$arg" ;;
+ esac
+shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
# check for Icarus Verilog
if ! which iverilog > /dev/null ; then
echo "$0: Error: Icarus Verilog 'iverilog' not found."
exit 1
-exec ${MAKE:-make} -f ../tools/ *.v
+exec ${MAKE:-make} -f ../tools/ $seed *.v
diff --git a/tests/tools/ b/tests/tools/
index f65002ce..c6867892 100644
--- a/tests/tools/
+++ b/tests/tools/
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
+ifneq ($(strip $(SEED)),)
- @$(basename $(MAKEFILE_LIST)).sh -G -j $(EXTRA_FLAGS) $@
+ @$(basename $(MAKEFILE_LIST)).sh -G -j $(SEEDOPT) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) $@