path: root/backends/edif/
diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2018-10-17 18:18:09 +0200
committerRuben Undheim <>2018-10-17 18:18:46 +0200
commit21b42cdffcb5b24bf467ecf2b74adea47bbdc393 (patch)
tree5794a304e60e2060a34a6eaa076230c71de2001e /backends/edif/
parent42942203476b47ac8ec62671e4c133b7c7fceab3 (diff)
parent0b254e3191dbed4a29ee37c5ae7cfcf8d723fbb2 (diff)
Merge branch 'next'
Diffstat (limited to 'backends/edif/')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backends/edif/ b/backends/edif/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..826876a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/edif/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import numpy as np
+enable_upto = True
+enable_offset = True
+enable_hierarchy = True
+enable_logic = True
+def make_module(f, modname, width, subs):
+ print("module %s (A, B, C, X, Y, Z);" % modname, file=f)
+ inbits = list()
+ outbits = list()
+ for p in "ABC":
+ offset = np.random.randint(10) if enable_offset else 0
+ if enable_upto and np.random.randint(2):
+ print(" input [%d:%d] %s;" % (offset, offset+width-1, p), file=f)
+ else:
+ print(" input [%d:%d] %s;" % (offset+width-1, offset, p), file=f)
+ for i in range(offset, offset+width):
+ inbits.append("%s[%d]" % (p, i))
+ for p in "XYZ":
+ offset = np.random.randint(10) if enable_offset else 0
+ if enable_upto and np.random.randint(2):
+ print(" output [%d:%d] %s;" % (offset, offset+width-1, p), file=f)
+ else:
+ print(" output [%d:%d] %s;" % (offset+width-1, offset, p), file=f)
+ for i in range(offset, offset+width):
+ outbits.append("%s[%d]" % (p, i))
+ instidx = 0
+ subcandidates = list(subs.keys())
+ while len(outbits) > 0:
+ submod = None
+ if len(subcandidates):
+ submod = np.random.choice(subcandidates)
+ subcandidates.remove(submod)
+ if submod is None or 3*subs[submod] >= len(outbits):
+ for bit in outbits:
+ if enable_logic:
+ print(" assign %s = %s & ~%s;" % (bit, np.random.choice(inbits), np.random.choice(inbits)), file=f)
+ else:
+ print(" assign %s = %s;" % (bit, np.random.choice(inbits)), file=f)
+ break
+ instidx += 1
+ print(" %s inst%d (" % (submod, instidx), file=f)
+ for p in "ABC":
+ print(" .%s({%s})," % (p, ",".join(np.random.choice(inbits, subs[submod]))), file=f)
+ for p in "XYZ":
+ bits = list(np.random.choice(outbits, subs[submod], False))
+ for bit in bits:
+ outbits.remove(bit)
+ print(" .%s({%s})%s" % (p, ",".join(bits), "," if p != "Z" else ""), file=f)
+ print(" );", file=f);
+ print("endmodule", file=f)
+with open("test_top.v", "w") as f:
+ if enable_hierarchy:
+ make_module(f, "sub1", 2, {})
+ make_module(f, "sub2", 3, {})
+ make_module(f, "sub3", 4, {})
+ make_module(f, "sub4", 8, {"sub1": 2, "sub2": 3, "sub3": 4})
+ make_module(f, "sub5", 8, {"sub1": 2, "sub2": 3, "sub3": 4})
+ make_module(f, "sub6", 8, {"sub1": 2, "sub2": 3, "sub3": 4})
+ make_module(f, "top", 32, {"sub4": 8, "sub5": 8, "sub6": 8})
+ else:
+ make_module(f, "top", 32, {})
+os.system("set -x; ../../yosys -p 'synth_xilinx -top top; write_edif -pvector par test_syn.edif' test_top.v")
+with open("test_syn.tcl", "w") as f:
+ print("read_edif test_syn.edif", file=f)
+ print("link_design", file=f)
+ print("write_verilog -force test_syn.v", file=f)
+os.system("set -x; vivado -nojournal -nolog -mode batch -source test_syn.tcl")
+with open("test_tb.v", "w") as f:
+ print("module tb;", file=f)
+ print(" reg [31:0] A, B, C;", file=f)
+ print(" wire [31:0] X, Y, Z;", file=f)
+ print("", file=f)
+ print(" top uut (", file=f)
+ print(" .A(A),", file=f)
+ print(" .B(B),", file=f)
+ print(" .C(C),", file=f)
+ print(" .X(X),", file=f)
+ print(" .Y(Y),", file=f)
+ print(" .Z(Z)", file=f)
+ print(" );", file=f)
+ print("", file=f)
+ print(" initial begin", file=f)
+ for i in range(100):
+ print(" A = 32'h%08x;" % np.random.randint(2**32), file=f)
+ print(" B = 32'h%08x;" % np.random.randint(2**32), file=f)
+ print(" C = 32'h%08x;" % np.random.randint(2**32), file=f)
+ print(" #10;", file=f)
+ print(" $display(\"%x %x %x\", X, Y, Z);", file=f)
+ print(" #10;", file=f)
+ print(" $finish;", file=f)
+ print(" end", file=f)
+ print("endmodule", file=f)
+os.system("set -x; iverilog -o test_gold test_tb.v test_top.v")
+os.system("set -x; iverilog -o test_gate test_tb.v test_syn.v ../../techlibs/xilinx/cells_sim.v")
+os.system("set -x; ./test_gold > test_gold.out")
+os.system("set -x; ./test_gate > test_gate.out")
+os.system("set -x; md5sum test_gold.out test_gate.out")