path: root/backends
diff options
authorAhmed Irfan <>2014-09-22 11:35:04 +0200
committerAhmed Irfan <>2014-09-22 11:35:04 +0200
commitd3c67ad9b61f602de1100cd264efd227dcacb417 (patch)
tree88c462c53bdab128cd1edbded42483772f82612a /backends
parentb783dbe148e6d246ebd107c0913de2989ab5af48 (diff)
parent13117bb346dd02d2345f716b4403239aebe3d0e2 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of into btor
added case for memwr cell that is used in muxes (same cell is used more than one time) corrected bug for xnor and logic_not added pmux cell translation Conflicts: backends/btor/
Diffstat (limited to 'backends')
12 files changed, 1139 insertions, 1284 deletions
diff --git a/backends/autotest/ b/backends/autotest/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9308dcd4..00000000
--- a/backends/autotest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-OBJS += backends/autotest/autotest.o
diff --git a/backends/autotest/ b/backends/autotest/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e2fab00..00000000
--- a/backends/autotest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
- * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- *
- *
- */
-#include "kernel/register.h"
-#include "kernel/log.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define NUM_ITER 1000
-static std::string id(std::string internal_id)
- const char *str = internal_id.c_str();
- bool do_escape = false;
- if (*str == '\\')
- str++;
- if ('0' <= *str && *str <= '9')
- do_escape = true;
- for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
- if ('0' <= str[i] && str[i] <= '9')
- continue;
- if ('a' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'z')
- continue;
- if ('A' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'Z')
- continue;
- if (str[i] == '_')
- continue;
- do_escape = true;
- break;
- }
- if (do_escape)
- return "\\" + std::string(str) + " ";
- return std::string(str);
-static std::string idx(std::string str)
- if (str[0] == '\\')
- return str.substr(1);
- return str;
-static std::string idy(std::string str1, std::string str2 = std::string(), std::string str3 = std::string())
- str1 = idx(str1);
- if (!str2.empty())
- str1 += "_" + idx(str2);
- if (!str3.empty())
- str1 += "_" + idx(str3);
- return id(str1);
-static void autotest(FILE *f, RTLIL::Design *design)
- fprintf(f, "module testbench;\n\n");
- fprintf(f, "integer i;\n\n");
- fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_x = 123456789;\n");
- fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_y = 362436069;\n");
- fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_z = 521288629;\n");
- fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_w = 88675123;\n");
- fprintf(f, "reg [31:0] xorshift128_t;\n\n");
- fprintf(f, "task xorshift128;\n");
- fprintf(f, "begin\n");
- fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_t = xorshift128_x ^ (xorshift128_x << 11);\n");
- fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_x = xorshift128_y;\n");
- fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_y = xorshift128_z;\n");
- fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_z = xorshift128_w;\n");
- fprintf(f, "\txorshift128_w = xorshift128_w ^ (xorshift128_w >> 19) ^ xorshift128_t ^ (xorshift128_t >> 8);\n");
- fprintf(f, "end\n");
- fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
- for (auto it = design->modules.begin(); it != design->modules.end(); it++)
- {
- std::map<std::string, int> signal_in;
- std::map<std::string, std::string> signal_const;
- std::map<std::string, int> signal_clk;
- std::map<std::string, int> signal_out;
- RTLIL::Module *mod = it->second;
- if (mod->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_skip"))
- continue;
- int count_ports = 0;
- log("Generating test bench for module `%s'.\n", it->first.c_str());
- for (auto it2 = mod->wires.begin(); it2 != mod->wires.end(); it2++) {
- RTLIL::Wire *wire = it2->second;
- if (wire->port_output) {
- count_ports++;
- signal_out[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->width;
- fprintf(f, "wire [%d:0] %s;\n", wire->width-1, idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name).c_str());
- } else if (wire->port_input) {
- count_ports++;
- bool is_clksignal = wire->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_clock");
- for (auto it3 = mod->processes.begin(); it3 != mod->processes.end(); it3++)
- for (auto it4 = it3->second->syncs.begin(); it4 != it3->second->syncs.end(); it4++) {
- if ((*it4)->type == RTLIL::ST0 || (*it4)->type == RTLIL::ST1)
- continue;
- RTLIL::SigSpec &signal = (*it4)->signal;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < signal.chunks.size(); i++) {
- if (signal.chunks[i].wire == wire)
- is_clksignal = true;
- }
- }
- if (is_clksignal && wire->attributes.count("\\gentb_constant") == 0) {
- signal_clk[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->width;
- } else {
- signal_in[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->width;
- if (wire->attributes.count("\\gentb_constant") != 0)
- signal_const[idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name)] = wire->attributes["\\gentb_constant"].as_string();
- }
- fprintf(f, "reg [%d:0] %s;\n", wire->width-1, idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name).c_str());
- }
- }
- fprintf(f, "%s %s(\n", id(mod->name).c_str(), idy("uut", mod->name).c_str());
- for (auto it2 = mod->wires.begin(); it2 != mod->wires.end(); it2++) {
- RTLIL::Wire *wire = it2->second;
- if (wire->port_output || wire->port_input)
- fprintf(f, "\t.%s(%s)%s\n", id(wire->name).c_str(),
- idy("sig", mod->name, wire->name).c_str(), --count_ports ? "," : "");
- }
- fprintf(f, ");\n\n");
- fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "reset").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "begin\n");
- int delay_counter = 0;
- for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++)
- fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d 0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
- for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++)
- fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d 0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
- for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 1;\n", it->first.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 0;\n", it->first.c_str());
- }
- delay_counter = 0;
- for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++)
- fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d ~0;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
- for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 1;\n", it->first.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\t#100; %s <= 0;\n", it->first.c_str());
- }
- delay_counter = 0;
- for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
- if (signal_const.count(it->first) == 0)
- continue;
- fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d 'b%s;\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2, signal_const[it->first].c_str());
- }
- fprintf(f, "end\n");
- fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
- fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_data").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "begin\n");
- delay_counter = 0;
- for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
- if (signal_const.count(it->first) > 0)
- continue;
- fprintf(f, "\txorshift128;\n");
- fprintf(f, "\t%s <= #%d { xorshift128_x, xorshift128_y, xorshift128_z, xorshift128_w };\n", it->first.c_str(), ++delay_counter*2);
- }
- fprintf(f, "end\n");
- fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
- fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_clock").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "begin\n");
- if (signal_clk.size()) {
- fprintf(f, "\txorshift128;\n");
- fprintf(f, "\t{");
- int total_clock_bits = 0;
- for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_clk.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
- total_clock_bits += it->second;
- }
- fprintf(f, " } = {");
- for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++)
- fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_clk.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
- fprintf(f, " } ^ (%d'b1 << (xorshift128_w %% %d));\n", total_clock_bits, total_clock_bits);
- }
- fprintf(f, "end\n");
- fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
- char shorthand = 'A';
- std::vector<std::string> header1;
- std::string header2 = "";
- fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_status").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "begin\n");
- fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT# %%b %%b %%b %%t %%d\", {");
- if (signal_in.size())
- for (auto it = signal_in.begin(); it != signal_in.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_in.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
- int len = it->second;
- if (len > 1)
- header2 += "/", len--;
- while (len > 1)
- header2 += "-", len--;
- if (len > 0)
- header2 += shorthand, len--;
- header1.push_back(" " + it->first);
- header1.back()[0] = shorthand++;
- }
- else {
- fprintf(f, " 1'bx");
- header2 += "#";
- }
- fprintf(f, " }, {");
- header2 += " ";
- if (signal_clk.size()) {
- for (auto it = signal_clk.begin(); it != signal_clk.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_clk.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
- int len = it->second;
- if (len > 1)
- header2 += "/", len--;
- while (len > 1)
- header2 += "-", len--;
- if (len > 0)
- header2 += shorthand, len--;
- header1.push_back(" " + it->first);
- header1.back()[0] = shorthand++;
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(f, " 1'bx");
- header2 += "#";
- }
- fprintf(f, " }, {");
- header2 += " ";
- if (signal_out.size()) {
- for (auto it = signal_out.begin(); it != signal_out.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s %s", it == signal_out.begin() ? "" : ",", it->first.c_str());
- int len = it->second;
- if (len > 1)
- header2 += "/", len--;
- while (len > 1)
- header2 += "-", len--;
- if (len > 0)
- header2 += shorthand, len--;
- header1.push_back(" " + it->first);
- header1.back()[0] = shorthand++;
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(f, " 1'bx");
- header2 += "#";
- }
- fprintf(f, " }, $time, i);\n");
- fprintf(f, "end\n");
- fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
- fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_header").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "begin\n");
- fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#\");\n");
- for (auto &hdr : header1)
- fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT# %s\");\n", hdr.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#\");\n");
- fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT# %s\");\n", header2.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "end\n");
- fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
- fprintf(f, "task %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "test").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "begin\n");
- fprintf(f, "\t$display(\"#OUT#\\n#OUT# ==== %s ====\");\n", idy(mod->name).c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\t%s;\n", idy(mod->name, "reset").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\tfor (i=0; i<%d; i=i+1) begin\n", NUM_ITER);
- fprintf(f, "\t\tif (i %% 20 == 0) %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_header").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\t\t#100; %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_data").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\t\t#100; %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "update_clock").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\t\t#100; %s;\n", idy(mod->name, "print_status").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\tend\n");
- fprintf(f, "end\n");
- fprintf(f, "endtask\n\n");
- }
- fprintf(f, "initial begin\n");
- fprintf(f, "\t// $dumpfile(\"testbench.vcd\");\n");
- fprintf(f, "\t// $dumpvars(0, testbench);\n");
- for (auto it = design->modules.begin(); it != design->modules.end(); it++)
- if (!it->second->get_bool_attribute("\\gentb_skip"))
- fprintf(f, "\t%s;\n", idy(it->first, "test").c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\t$finish;\n");
- fprintf(f, "end\n\n");
- fprintf(f, "endmodule\n");
-struct AutotestBackend : public Backend {
- AutotestBackend() : Backend("autotest", "generate simple test benches") { }
- virtual void help()
- {
- // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
- log("\n");
- log(" write_autotest [filename]\n");
- log("\n");
- log("Automatically create primitive verilog test benches for all modules in the\n");
- log("design. The generated testbenches toggle the input pins of the module in\n");
- log("a semi-random manner and dumps the resulting output signals.\n");
- log("\n");
- log("This can be used to check the synthesis results for simple circuits by\n");
- log("comparing the testbench output for the input files and the synthesis results.\n");
- log("\n");
- log("The backend automatically detects clock signals. Additionally a signal can\n");
- log("be forced to be interpreted as clock signal by setting the attribute\n");
- log("'gentb_clock' on the signal.\n");
- log("\n");
- log("The attribute 'gentb_constant' can be used to force a signal to a constant\n");
- log("value after initialization. This can e.g. be used to force a reset signal\n");
- log("low in order to explore more inner states in a state machine.\n");
- log("\n");
- }
- virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
- {
- log_header("Executing AUTOTEST backend (auto-generate pseudo-random test benches).\n");
- extra_args(f, filename, args, 1);
- autotest(f, design);
- }
-} AutotestBackend;
diff --git a/backends/blif/ b/backends/blif/
index f5a98276..ee12546c 100644
--- a/backends/blif/
+++ b/backends/blif/
@@ -27,29 +27,30 @@
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
#include <string>
-#include <assert.h>
struct BlifDumperConfig
- bool subckt_mode;
+ bool icells_mode;
bool conn_mode;
bool impltf_mode;
+ bool gates_mode;
+ bool param_mode;
std::string buf_type, buf_in, buf_out;
std::string true_type, true_out, false_type, false_out;
- BlifDumperConfig() : subckt_mode(false), conn_mode(false), impltf_mode(false) { }
+ BlifDumperConfig() : icells_mode(false), conn_mode(false), impltf_mode(false), gates_mode(false), param_mode(false) { }
struct BlifDumper
- FILE *f;
+ std::ostream &f;
RTLIL::Module *module;
RTLIL::Design *design;
BlifDumperConfig *config;
CellTypes ct;
- BlifDumper(FILE *f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, BlifDumperConfig *config) :
+ BlifDumper(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, BlifDumperConfig *config) :
f(f), module(module), design(design), config(config), ct(design)
@@ -66,34 +67,42 @@ struct BlifDumper
return cstr_buf.back().c_str();
- const char *cstr(RTLIL::SigSpec sig)
+ const char *cstr(RTLIL::SigBit sig)
- sig.optimize();
- log_assert(sig.width == 1);
+ if (sig.wire == NULL)
+ return sig == RTLIL::State::S1 ? "$true" : "$false";
- if ( == NULL)
- return == RTLIL::State::S1 ? "$true" : "$false";
- std::string str = RTLIL::unescape_id(>name);
+ std::string str = RTLIL::unescape_id(sig.wire->name);
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)
if (str[i] == '#' || str[i] == '=')
str[i] = '?';
- if (>width != 1)
- str += stringf("[%d]",;
+ if (sig.wire->width != 1)
+ str += stringf("[%d]", sig.offset);
return cstr_buf.back().c_str();
+ const char *subckt_or_gate(std::string cell_type)
+ {
+ if (!config->gates_mode)
+ return "subckt";
+ if (!design->modules_.count(RTLIL::escape_id(cell_type)))
+ return "gate";
+ if (design->>get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox"))
+ return "gate";
+ return "subckt";
+ }
void dump()
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- fprintf(f, ".model %s\n", cstr(module->name));
+ f << stringf("\n");
+ f << stringf(".model %s\n", cstr(module->name));
std::map<int, RTLIL::Wire*> inputs, outputs;
- for (auto &wire_it : module->wires) {
+ for (auto &wire_it : module->wires_) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = wire_it.second;
if (wire->port_input)
inputs[wire->port_id] = wire;
@@ -101,107 +110,150 @@ struct BlifDumper
outputs[wire->port_id] = wire;
- fprintf(f, ".inputs");
+ f << stringf(".inputs");
for (auto &it : inputs) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = it.second;
for (int i = 0; i < wire->width; i++)
- fprintf(f, " %s", cstr(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire, 1, i)));
+ f << stringf(" %s", cstr(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire, i)));
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- fprintf(f, ".outputs");
+ f << stringf(".outputs");
for (auto &it : outputs) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = it.second;
for (int i = 0; i < wire->width; i++)
- fprintf(f, " %s", cstr(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire, 1, i)));
+ f << stringf(" %s", cstr(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire, i)));
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
if (!config->impltf_mode) {
if (!config->false_type.empty())
- fprintf(f, ".subckt %s %s=$false\n", config->false_type.c_str(), config->false_out.c_str());
+ f << stringf(".%s %s %s=$false\n", subckt_or_gate(config->false_type),
+ config->false_type.c_str(), config->false_out.c_str());
- fprintf(f, ".names $false\n");
+ f << stringf(".names $false\n");
if (!config->true_type.empty())
- fprintf(f, ".subckt %s %s=$true\n", config->true_type.c_str(), config->true_out.c_str());
+ f << stringf(".%s %s %s=$true\n", subckt_or_gate(config->true_type),
+ config->true_type.c_str(), config->true_out.c_str());
- fprintf(f, ".names $true\n1\n");
+ f << stringf(".names $true\n1\n");
- for (auto &cell_it : module->cells)
+ for (auto &cell_it : module->cells_)
RTLIL::Cell *cell = cell_it.second;
- if (!config->subckt_mode && cell->type == "$_INV_") {
- fprintf(f, ".names %s %s\n0 1\n",
- cstr(cell->"\\A")), cstr(cell->"\\Y")));
+ if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_NOT_") {
+ f << stringf(".names %s %s\n0 1\n",
+ cstr(cell->getPort("\\A")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Y")));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_AND_") {
+ f << stringf(".names %s %s %s\n11 1\n",
+ cstr(cell->getPort("\\A")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\B")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Y")));
- if (!config->subckt_mode && cell->type == "$_AND_") {
- fprintf(f, ".names %s %s %s\n11 1\n",
- cstr(cell->"\\A")), cstr(cell->"\\B")), cstr(cell->"\\Y")));
+ if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_OR_") {
+ f << stringf(".names %s %s %s\n1- 1\n-1 1\n",
+ cstr(cell->getPort("\\A")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\B")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Y")));
- if (!config->subckt_mode && cell->type == "$_OR_") {
- fprintf(f, ".names %s %s %s\n1- 1\n-1 1\n",
- cstr(cell->"\\A")), cstr(cell->"\\B")), cstr(cell->"\\Y")));
+ if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_XOR_") {
+ f << stringf(".names %s %s %s\n10 1\n01 1\n",
+ cstr(cell->getPort("\\A")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\B")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Y")));
- if (!config->subckt_mode && cell->type == "$_XOR_") {
- fprintf(f, ".names %s %s %s\n10 1\n01 1\n",
- cstr(cell->"\\A")), cstr(cell->"\\B")), cstr(cell->"\\Y")));
+ if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_MUX_") {
+ f << stringf(".names %s %s %s %s\n1-0 1\n-11 1\n",
+ cstr(cell->getPort("\\A")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\B")),
+ cstr(cell->getPort("\\S")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Y")));
- if (!config->subckt_mode && cell->type == "$_MUX_") {
- fprintf(f, ".names %s %s %s %s\n1-0 1\n-11 1\n",
- cstr(cell->"\\A")), cstr(cell->"\\B")),
- cstr(cell->"\\S")), cstr(cell->"\\Y")));
+ if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_DFF_N_") {
+ f << stringf(".latch %s %s fe %s\n",
+ cstr(cell->getPort("\\D")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Q")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\C")));
- if (!config->subckt_mode && cell->type == "$_DFF_N_") {
- fprintf(f, ".latch %s %s fe %s\n",
- cstr(cell->"\\D")), cstr(cell->"\\Q")), cstr(cell->"\\C")));
+ if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_DFF_P_") {
+ f << stringf(".latch %s %s re %s\n",
+ cstr(cell->getPort("\\D")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Q")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\C")));
- if (!config->subckt_mode && cell->type == "$_DFF_P_") {
- fprintf(f, ".latch %s %s re %s\n",
- cstr(cell->"\\D")), cstr(cell->"\\Q")), cstr(cell->"\\C")));
+ if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$lut") {
+ f << stringf(".names");
+ auto &inputs = cell->getPort("\\A");
+ auto width = cell->"\\WIDTH").as_int();
+ log_assert(inputs.size() == width);
+ for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
+ f << stringf(" %s", cstr(inputs.extract(i, 1)));
+ }
+ auto &output = cell->getPort("\\Y");
+ log_assert(output.size() == 1);
+ f << stringf(" %s", cstr(output));
+ f << stringf("\n");
+ auto mask = cell->"\\LUT").as_string();
+ for (int i = 0; i < (1 << width); i++) {
+ if (mask[i] == '0') continue;
+ for (int j = width-1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ f << ((i>>j)&1 ? '1' : '0');
+ }
+ f << stringf(" %c\n", mask[i]);
+ }
- fprintf(f, ".subckt %s", cstr(cell->type));
- for (auto &conn : cell->connections)
- for (int i = 0; i < conn.second.width; i++) {
- if (conn.second.width == 1)
- fprintf(f, " %s", cstr(conn.first));
+ f << stringf(".%s %s", subckt_or_gate(cell->type.str()), cstr(cell->type));
+ for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
+ for (int i = 0; i < conn.second.size(); i++) {
+ if (conn.second.size() == 1)
+ f << stringf(" %s", cstr(conn.first));
- fprintf(f, " %s[%d]", cstr(conn.first), i);
- fprintf(f, "=%s", cstr(conn.second.extract(i, 1)));
+ f << stringf(" %s[%d]", cstr(conn.first), i);
+ f << stringf("=%s", cstr(conn.second.extract(i, 1)));
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
+ if (config->param_mode)
+ for (auto &param : cell->parameters) {
+ f << stringf(".param %s ", RTLIL::id2cstr(param.first));
+ if (param.second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_STRING) {
+ std::string str = param.second.decode_string();
+ f << stringf("\"");
+ for (char ch : str)
+ if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\')
+ f << stringf("\\%c", ch);
+ else if (ch < 32 || ch >= 127)
+ f << stringf("\\%03o", ch);
+ else
+ f << stringf("%c", ch);
+ f << stringf("\"\n");
+ } else
+ f << stringf("%s\n", param.second.as_string().c_str());
+ }
- for (auto &conn : module->connections)
- for (int i = 0; i < conn.first.width; i++)
+ for (auto &conn : module->connections())
+ for (int i = 0; i < conn.first.size(); i++)
if (config->conn_mode)
- fprintf(f, ".conn %s %s\n", cstr(conn.second.extract(i, 1)), cstr(conn.first.extract(i, 1)));
+ f << stringf(".conn %s %s\n", cstr(conn.second.extract(i, 1)), cstr(conn.first.extract(i, 1)));
else if (!config->buf_type.empty())
- fprintf(f, ".subckt %s %s=%s %s=%s\n", config->buf_type.c_str(), config->buf_in.c_str(), cstr(conn.second.extract(i, 1)),
+ f << stringf(".%s %s %s=%s %s=%s\n", subckt_or_gate(config->buf_type), config->buf_type.c_str(), config->buf_in.c_str(), cstr(conn.second.extract(i, 1)),
config->buf_out.c_str(), cstr(conn.first.extract(i, 1)));
- fprintf(f, ".names %s %s\n1 1\n", cstr(conn.second.extract(i, 1)), cstr(conn.first.extract(i, 1)));
+ f << stringf(".names %s %s\n1 1\n", cstr(conn.second.extract(i, 1)), cstr(conn.first.extract(i, 1)));
- fprintf(f, ".end\n");
+ f << stringf(".end\n");
- static void dump(FILE *f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, BlifDumperConfig &config)
+ static void dump(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, BlifDumperConfig &config)
BlifDumper dumper(f, module, design, &config);
@@ -228,23 +280,30 @@ struct BlifBackend : public Backend {
log(" -false <cell-type> <out-port>\n");
log(" use the specified cell types to drive nets that are constant 1 or 0\n");
- log("The following options can be usefull when the generated file is not going to be\n");
+ log("The following options can be useful when the generated file is not going to be\n");
log("read by a BLIF parser but a custom tool. It is recommended to not name the output\n");
log("file *.blif when any of this options is used.\n");
- log(" -subckt\n");
+ log(" -icells\n");
log(" do not translate Yosys's internal gates to generic BLIF logic\n");
- log(" functions. Instead create .subckt lines for all cells.\n");
+ log(" functions. Instead create .subckt or .gate lines for all cells.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" -gates\n");
+ log(" print .gate instead of .subckt lines for all cells that are not\n");
+ log(" instantiations of other modules from this design.\n");
log(" -conn\n");
log(" do not generate buffers for connected wires. instead use the\n");
log(" non-standard .conn statement.\n");
+ log(" -param\n");
+ log(" use the non-standard .param statement to write module parameters\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -impltf\n");
log(" do not write definitions for the $true and $false wires.\n");
- virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
std::string top_module_name;
std::string buf_type, buf_in, buf_out;
@@ -277,14 +336,22 @@ struct BlifBackend : public Backend {
config.false_out = args[++argidx];
- if (args[argidx] == "-subckt") {
- config.subckt_mode = true;
+ if (args[argidx] == "-icells") {
+ config.icells_mode = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-gates") {
+ config.gates_mode = true;
if (args[argidx] == "-conn") {
config.conn_mode = true;
+ if (args[argidx] == "-param") {
+ config.param_mode = true;
+ continue;
+ }
if (args[argidx] == "-impltf") {
config.impltf_mode = true;
@@ -294,15 +361,15 @@ struct BlifBackend : public Backend {
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx);
if (top_module_name.empty())
- for (auto & mod_it:design->modules)
+ for (auto & mod_it:design->modules_)
if (mod_it.second->get_bool_attribute("\\top"))
- top_module_name = mod_it.first;
+ top_module_name = mod_it.first.str();
- fprintf(f, "# Generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
+ *f << stringf("# Generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
std::vector<RTLIL::Module*> mod_list;
- for (auto module_it : design->modules)
+ for (auto module_it : design->modules_)
RTLIL::Module *module = module_it.second;
if (module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox"))
@@ -314,7 +381,7 @@ struct BlifBackend : public Backend {
log_error("Found munmapped emories in module %s: unmapped memories are not supported in BLIF backend!\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
if (module->name == RTLIL::escape_id(top_module_name)) {
- BlifDumper::dump(f, module, design, config);
+ BlifDumper::dump(*f, module, design, config);
@@ -326,7 +393,7 @@ struct BlifBackend : public Backend {
log_error("Can't find top module `%s'!\n", top_module_name.c_str());
for (auto module : mod_list)
- BlifDumper::dump(f, module, design, config);
+ BlifDumper::dump(*f, module, design, config);
} BlifBackend;
diff --git a/backends/btor/ b/backends/btor/
index abe09943..8ce5bb5e 100644
--- a/backends/btor/
+++ b/backends/btor/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
#include <string>
-#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
struct BtorDumperConfig
@@ -46,9 +45,9 @@ struct BtorDumperConfig
struct WireInfo
RTLIL::IdString cell_name;
- RTLIL::SigChunk *chunk;
+ const RTLIL::SigChunk *chunk;
- WireInfo(RTLIL::IdString c, RTLIL::SigChunk* ch) : cell_name(c), chunk(ch) { }
+ WireInfo(RTLIL::IdString c, const RTLIL::SigChunk* ch) : cell_name(c), chunk(ch) { }
struct WireInfoOrder
@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ struct WireInfoOrder
struct BtorDumper
- FILE *f;
+ std::ostream &f;
RTLIL::Module *module;
RTLIL::Design *design;
BtorDumperConfig *config;
@@ -75,14 +74,14 @@ struct BtorDumper
std::string str;//temp string for writing file
std::map<RTLIL::IdString, bool> basic_wires;//input wires and registers
RTLIL::IdString curr_cell; //current cell being dumped
- std::set<int> mem_next; //if memory (line_number) already has next
- std::map<std::string, std::string> cell_type_translation, s_cell_type_translation; //RTLIL to BTOR translation
- BtorDumper(FILE *f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, BtorDumperConfig *config) :
- f(f), module(module), design(design), config(config), ct(design), sigmap(module)
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> cell_type_translation, s_cell_type_translation; //RTLIL to BTOR translation
+ std::set<int> mem_next; //if memory (line_number) already has next
+ BtorDumper(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, BtorDumperConfig *config) :
+ f(f), module(module), design(design), config(config), ct(design), sigmap(module)
- for(auto it=module->wires.begin(); it!=module->wires.end(); ++it)
+ for(auto it=module->wires_.begin(); it!=module->wires_.end(); ++it)
@@ -113,6 +112,8 @@ struct BtorDumper
cell_type_translation["$shl"] = "sll";
cell_type_translation["$sshr"] = "sra";
cell_type_translation["$sshl"] = "sll";
+ cell_type_translation["$shift"] = "srl";
+ cell_type_translation["$shiftx"] = "srl";
cell_type_translation["$lt"] = "ult";
cell_type_translation["$le"] = "ulte";
cell_type_translation["$gt"] = "ugt";
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ struct BtorDumper
str = stringf("%d var %d %s", line_num, wire->width, cstr(wire->name));
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
return line_num;
else return it->second;
@@ -194,11 +195,11 @@ struct BtorDumper
if(cell_id == curr_cell)
log(" -- found cell %s\n", cstr(cell_id));
- RTLIL::Cell* cell = module->;
- RTLIL::SigSpec* cell_output = get_cell_output(cell);
+ RTLIL::Cell* cell = module->;
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* cell_output = get_cell_output(cell);
int cell_line = dump_cell(cell);
- if(dep_set.size()==1 && wire->width == cell_output->width)
+ if(dep_set.size()==1 && wire->width == cell_output->size())
wire_line = cell_line;
@@ -207,22 +208,22 @@ struct BtorDumper
int prev_wire_line=0; //previously dumped wire line
int start_bit=0;
- for(unsigned j=0; j<cell_output->chunks.size(); ++j)
+ for(unsigned j=0; j<cell_output->chunks().size(); ++j)
- start_bit+=cell_output->chunks[j].width;
- if(cell_output->chunks[j].wire->name == wire->name)
+ start_bit+=cell_output->chunks().at(j).width;
+ if(cell_output->chunks().at(j).wire->name == wire->name)
prev_wire_line = wire_line;
wire_line = ++line_num;
- str = stringf("%d slice %d %d %d %d;1", line_num, cell_output->chunks[j].width,
- cell_line, start_bit-1, start_bit-cell_output->chunks[j].width);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
- wire_width += cell_output->chunks[j].width;
+ str = stringf("%d slice %d %d %d %d;1", line_num, cell_output->chunks().at(j).width,
+ cell_line, start_bit-1, start_bit-cell_output->chunks().at(j).width);
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
+ wire_width += cell_output->chunks().at(j).width;
str = stringf("%d concat %d %d %d", line_num, wire_width, wire_line, prev_wire_line);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
wire_line = line_num;
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ struct BtorDumper
log(" - checking sigmap\n");
RTLIL::SigSpec s = RTLIL::SigSpec(wire);
- wire_line = dump_sigspec(&s, s.width);
+ wire_line = dump_sigspec(&s, s.size());
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ struct BtorDumper
return it->second;
- assert(false);
+ log_abort();
return -1;
@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ struct BtorDumper
int address_bits = ceil(log(memory->size)/log(2));
str = stringf("%d array %d %d", line_num, memory->width, address_bits);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
return line_num;
else return it->second;
@@ -279,12 +280,12 @@ struct BtorDumper
str = stringf("%d const %d %s", line_num, width, data_str.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
return line_num;
log("writing const error\n");
- assert(false);
+ log_abort();
return -1;
@@ -294,7 +295,8 @@ struct BtorDumper
int l=-1;
if(chunk->wire == NULL)
- l=dump_const(&chunk->data, chunk->width, chunk->offset);
+ RTLIL::Const data_const(chunk->data);
+ l=dump_const(&data_const, chunk->width, chunk->offset);
@@ -303,11 +305,11 @@ struct BtorDumper
int wire_line_num = dump_wire(chunk->wire);
- assert(wire_line_num>0);
+ log_assert(wire_line_num>0);
str = stringf("%d slice %d %d %d %d;2", line_num, chunk->width, wire_line_num,
chunk->width + chunk->offset - 1, chunk->offset);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
l = line_num;
@@ -322,24 +324,24 @@ struct BtorDumper
auto it = sig_ref.find(s);
if(it == std::end(sig_ref))
- if (s.chunks.size() == 1)
+ if (s.is_chunk())
- l = dump_sigchunk(&s.chunks[0]);
+ l = dump_sigchunk(&s.chunks().front());
int l1, l2, w1, w2;
- l1 = dump_sigchunk(&s.chunks[0]);
- assert(l1>0);
- w1 = s.chunks[0].width;
- for (unsigned i=1; i < s.chunks.size(); ++i)
+ l1 = dump_sigchunk(&s.chunks().front());
+ log_assert(l1>0);
+ w1 = s.chunks().front().width;
+ for (unsigned i=1; i < s.chunks().size(); ++i)
- l2 = dump_sigchunk(&s.chunks[i]);
- assert(l2>0);
- w2 = s.chunks[i].width;
+ l2 = dump_sigchunk(&s.chunks().at(i));
+ log_assert(l2>0);
+ w2 = s.chunks().at(i).width;
str = stringf("%d concat %d %d %d", line_num, w1+w2, l2, l1);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
@@ -352,30 +354,30 @@ struct BtorDumper
l = it->second;
- if (expected_width != s.width)
+ if (expected_width != s.size())
log(" - changing width of sigspec\n");
//TODO: this block may not be needed anymore, due to explicit type conversion by "splice" command
- if(expected_width > s.width)
+ if(expected_width > s.size())
//TODO: case the signal is signed
- str = stringf ("%d zero %d", line_num, expected_width - s.width);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ str = stringf ("%d zero %d", line_num, expected_width - s.size());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf ("%d concat %d %d %d", line_num, expected_width, line_num-1, l);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
l = line_num;
- else if(expected_width < s.width)
+ else if(expected_width < s.size())
str = stringf ("%d slice %d %d %d %d;3", line_num, expected_width, l, expected_width-1, 0);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
l = line_num;
- assert(l>0);
+ log_assert(l>0);
return l;
@@ -389,29 +391,29 @@ struct BtorDumper
if(cell->type == "$assert")
log("writing assert cell - %s\n", cstr(cell->type));
- const RTLIL::SigSpec* expr = &cell->"\\A"));
- const RTLIL::SigSpec* en = &cell->"\\EN"));
- assert(expr->width == 1);
- assert(en->width == 1);
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* expr = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A"));
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* en = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\EN"));
+ log_assert(expr->size() == 1);
+ log_assert(en->size() == 1);
int expr_line = dump_sigspec(expr, 1);
int en_line = dump_sigspec(en, 1);
int one_line = ++line_num;
str = stringf("%d one 1", line_num);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num,"$eq").c_str(), 1, en_line, one_line);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf("%d %s %d %d %d %d", line_num,"$mux").c_str(), 1, line_num-1,
expr_line, one_line);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
int cell_line = ++line_num;
str = stringf("%d %s %d %d", line_num,"$assert").c_str(), 1, -1*(line_num-1));
//multiplying the line number with -1, which means logical negation
//the reason for negative sign is that the properties in btor are given as "negation of the original property"
//bug identified by bobosoft
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
//unary cells
@@ -422,20 +424,20 @@ struct BtorDumper
int w = cell->"\\A_WIDTH")).as_int();
int output_width = cell->"\\Y_WIDTH")).as_int();
w = w>output_width ? w:output_width; //padding of w
- int l = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\A")), w);
+ int l = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A")), w);
int cell_line = l;
if(cell->type != "$pos")
cell_line = ++line_num;
bool reduced = (cell->type == "$not" || cell->type == "$neg") ? false : true;
- str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d", cell_line,>type).c_str(), reduced?output_width:w, l);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d", cell_line,>type.str()).c_str(), reduced?output_width:w, l);
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
if(output_width < w && (cell->type == "$not" || cell->type == "$neg" || cell->type == "$pos"))
str = stringf ("%d slice %d %d %d %d;4", line_num, output_width, cell_line, output_width-1, 0);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
cell_line = line_num;
@@ -445,25 +447,23 @@ struct BtorDumper
log("writing unary cell - %s\n", cstr(cell->type));
int w = cell->"\\A_WIDTH")).as_int();
int output_width = cell->"\\Y_WIDTH")).as_int();
- assert(output_width == 1);
- int l = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\A")), w);
+ log_assert(output_width == 1);
+ int l = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A")), w);
if(cell->type == "$logic_not" && w > 1)
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d", line_num,"$reduce_or").c_str(), output_width, l);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
- l = line_num;
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
else if(cell->type == "$reduce_xnor")
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d", line_num,"$reduce_xor").c_str(), output_width, l);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
- l = line_num;
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d", line_num,"$not").c_str(), output_width, l);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
//binary cells
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ struct BtorDumper
log("writing binary cell - %s\n", cstr(cell->type));
int output_width = cell->"\\Y_WIDTH")).as_int();
- assert(!(cell->type == "$eq" || cell->type == "$ne" || cell->type == "$eqx" || cell->type == "$nex" ||
+ log_assert(!(cell->type == "$eq" || cell->type == "$ne" || cell->type == "$eqx" || cell->type == "$nex" ||
cell->type == "$ge" || cell->type == "$gt") || output_width == 1);
bool l1_signed = cell->"\\A_SIGNED")).as_bool();
bool l2_signed = cell->"\\B_SIGNED")).as_bool();
@@ -485,21 +485,21 @@ struct BtorDumper
l1_width = l1_width > l2_width ? l1_width : l2_width;
l2_width = l2_width > l1_width ? l2_width : l1_width;
- int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\A")), l1_width);
- int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\B")), l2_width);
+ int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A")), l1_width);
+ int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\B")), l2_width);
- std::string op =>type);
+ std::string op =>type.str());
if(cell->type == "$lt" || cell->type == "$le" ||
cell->type == "$eq" || cell->type == "$ne" || cell->type == "$eqx" || cell->type == "$nex" ||
cell->type == "$ge" || cell->type == "$gt")
- op =>type);
+ op =>type.str());
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num, op.c_str(), output_width, l1, l2);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
@@ -514,18 +514,18 @@ struct BtorDumper
int l1_width = cell->"\\A_WIDTH")).as_int();
int l2_width = cell->"\\B_WIDTH")).as_int();
- assert(l1_signed == l2_signed);
+ log_assert(l1_signed == l2_signed);
l1_width = l1_width > output_width ? l1_width : output_width;
l1_width = l1_width > l2_width ? l1_width : l2_width;
l2_width = l2_width > l1_width ? l2_width : l1_width;
- int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\A")), l1_width);
- int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\B")), l2_width);
+ int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A")), l1_width);
+ int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\B")), l2_width);
- std::string op =>type);
+ std::string op =>type.str());
if(cell->type == "$div" && l1_signed)
- op =>type);
+ op =>type.str());
else if(cell->type == "$mod")
@@ -534,17 +534,17 @@ struct BtorDumper
op ="$mody");
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num, op.c_str(), l1_width, l1, l2);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
if(output_width < l1_width)
str = stringf ("%d slice %d %d %d %d;5", line_num, output_width, line_num-1, output_width-1, 0);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
- else if(cell->type == "$shr" || cell->type == "$shl" || cell->type == "$sshr" || cell->type == "$sshl")
+ else if(cell->type == "$shr" || cell->type == "$shl" || cell->type == "$sshr" || cell->type == "$sshl" || cell->type == "$shift" || cell->type == "$shiftx")
log("writing binary cell - %s\n", cstr(cell->type));
int output_width = cell->"\\Y_WIDTH")).as_int();
@@ -553,32 +553,32 @@ struct BtorDumper
int l1_width = cell->"\\A_WIDTH")).as_int();
l1_width = pow(2, ceil(log(l1_width)/log(2)));
int l2_width = cell->"\\B_WIDTH")).as_int();
- //assert(l2_width <= ceil(log(l1_width)/log(2)) );
- int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\A")), l1_width);
- int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\B")), ceil(log(l1_width)/log(2)));
+ //log_assert(l2_width <= ceil(log(l1_width)/log(2)) );
+ int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A")), l1_width);
+ int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\B")), ceil(log(l1_width)/log(2)));
int cell_output = ++line_num;
- str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num,>type).c_str(), l1_width, l1, l2);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num,>type.str()).c_str(), l1_width, l1, l2);
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
if(l2_width > ceil(log(l1_width)/log(2)))
int extra_width = l2_width - ceil(log(l1_width)/log(2));
- l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\B")), l2_width);
+ l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\B")), l2_width);
str = stringf ("%d slice %d %d %d %d;6", line_num, extra_width, l2, l2_width-1, l2_width-extra_width);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf ("%d one %d", line_num, extra_width);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
int mux = ++line_num;
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num,"$gt").c_str(), 1, line_num-2, line_num-1);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf("%d %s %d", line_num, l1_signed && cell->type == "$sshr" ? "ones":"zero", l1_width);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d %d", line_num,"$mux").c_str(), l1_width, mux, line_num-1, cell_output);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
cell_output = line_num;
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ struct BtorDumper
str = stringf ("%d slice %d %d %d %d;5", line_num, output_width, cell_output, output_width-1, 0);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
cell_output = line_num;
line_ref[cell->name] = cell_output;
@@ -595,23 +595,23 @@ struct BtorDumper
log("writing binary cell - %s\n", cstr(cell->type));
int output_width = cell->"\\Y_WIDTH")).as_int();
- assert(output_width == 1);
- int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\A")), output_width);
- int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\B")), output_width);
+ log_assert(output_width == 1);
+ int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A")), output_width);
+ int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\B")), output_width);
int l1_width = cell->"\\A_WIDTH")).as_int();
int l2_width = cell->"\\B_WIDTH")).as_int();
if(l1_width >1)
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d", line_num,"$reduce_or").c_str(), output_width, l1);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
l1 = line_num;
if(l2_width > 1)
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d", line_num,"$reduce_or").c_str(), output_width, l2);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
l2 = line_num;
if(cell->type == "$logic_and")
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ struct BtorDumper
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num,"$or").c_str(), output_width, l1, l2);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
@@ -632,13 +632,14 @@ struct BtorDumper
log("writing mux cell\n");
int output_width = cell->"\\WIDTH")).as_int();
- int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\A")), output_width);
- int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\B")), output_width);
- int s = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\S")), 1);
+ int l1 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A")), output_width);
+ int l2 = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\B")), output_width);
+ int s = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\S")), 1);
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d %d",
- line_num,>type).c_str(), output_width, s, l2, l1);//if s is 0 then l1, if s is 1 then l2 //according to the implementation of mux cell
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ line_num,>type.str()).c_str(), output_width, s, l2, l1);
+ //if s is 0 then l1, if s is 1 then l2 //according to the implementation of mux cell
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
else if(cell->type == "$pmux")
@@ -646,97 +647,97 @@ struct BtorDumper
log("writing pmux cell\n");
int output_width = cell->"\\WIDTH")).as_int();
int select_width = cell->"\\S_WIDTH")).as_int();
- int default_case = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\A")), output_width);
- int cases = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\B")), output_width*select_width);
- int select = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\S")), select_width);
+ int default_case = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A")), output_width);
+ int cases = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\B")), output_width*select_width);
+ int select = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\S")), select_width);
int *c = new int[select_width];
for (int i=0; i<select_width; ++i)
str = stringf ("%d slice 1 %d %d %d", line_num, select, i, i);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
c[i] = line_num;
str = stringf ("%d slice %d %d %d %d", line_num, output_width, cases, i*output_width+output_width-1,
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf ("%d cond %d %d %d %d", line_num, output_width, c[select_width-1], c[select_width-1]+1, default_case);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
for (int i=select_width-2; i>=0; --i)
str = stringf ("%d cond %d %d %d %d", line_num, output_width, c[i], c[i]+1, line_num-1);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
- //registers
+ //registers
else if(cell->type == "$dff" || cell->type == "$adff" || cell->type == "$dffsr")
//TODO: remodelling fo adff cells
log("writing cell - %s\n", cstr(cell->type));
int output_width = cell->"\\WIDTH")).as_int();
log(" - width is %d\n", output_width);
- int cond = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\CLK")), 1);
+ int cond = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\CLK")), 1);
bool polarity = cell->"\\CLK_POLARITY")).as_bool();
- const RTLIL::SigSpec* cell_output = &cell->"\\Q"));
- int value = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\D")), output_width);
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* cell_output = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\Q"));
+ int value = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\D")), output_width);
unsigned start_bit = 0;
- for(unsigned i=0; i<cell_output->chunks.size(); ++i)
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<cell_output->chunks().size(); ++i)
- output_width = cell_output->chunks[i].width;
- assert( output_width == cell_output->chunks[i].wire->width);//full reg is given the next value
- int reg = dump_wire(cell_output->chunks[i].wire);//register
+ output_width = cell_output->chunks().at(i).width;
+ log_assert( output_width == cell_output->chunks().at(i).wire->width);//full reg is given the next value
+ int reg = dump_wire(cell_output->chunks().at(i).wire);//register
int slice = value;
- if(cell_output->chunks.size()>1)
+ if(cell_output->chunks().size()>1)
slice = ++line_num;
str = stringf ("%d slice %d %d %d %d;", line_num, output_width, value, start_bit-1,
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
if(cell->type == "$dffsr")
- int sync_reset = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\CLR")), 1);
+ int sync_reset = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\CLR")), 1);
bool sync_reset_pol = cell->"\\CLR_POLARITY")).as_bool();
- int sync_reset_value = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\SET")),
+ int sync_reset_value = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\SET")),
bool sync_reset_value_pol = cell->"\\SET_POLARITY")).as_bool();
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %s%d %s%d %d", line_num,"$mux").c_str(),
output_width, sync_reset_pol ? "":"-", sync_reset, sync_reset_value_pol? "":"-",
sync_reset_value, slice);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
slice = line_num;
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %s%d %d %d", line_num,"$mux").c_str(),
output_width, polarity?"":"-", cond, slice, reg);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
int next = line_num;
if(cell->type == "$adff")
- int async_reset = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\ARST")), 1);
+ int async_reset = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\ARST")), 1);
bool async_reset_pol = cell->"\\ARST_POLARITY")).as_bool();
int async_reset_value = dump_const(&cell->"\\ARST_VALUE")),
output_width, 0);
str = stringf ("%d %s %d %s%d %d %d", line_num,"$mux").c_str(),
output_width, async_reset_pol ? "":"-", async_reset, async_reset_value, next);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
- str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num,>type).c_str(),
+ str = stringf ("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num,>type.str()).c_str(),
output_width, reg, next);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
@@ -749,11 +750,11 @@ struct BtorDumper
str = cell->"\\MEMID")).decode_string();
int mem = dump_memory(module->;
int address_width = cell->"\\ABITS")).as_int();
- int address = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\ADDR")), address_width);
+ int address = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\ADDR")), address_width);
int data_width = cell->"\\WIDTH")).as_int();
str = stringf("%d read %d %d %d", line_num, data_width, mem, address);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
else if(cell->type == "$memwr")
@@ -761,13 +762,13 @@ struct BtorDumper
log("writing memwr cell\n");
if (cell->"\\CLK_ENABLE").as_bool() == false)
log_error("The btor backen does not support $memwr cells without built-in registers. Run memory_dff (but with -wr_only).\n");
- int clk = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\CLK")), 1);
+ int clk = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\CLK")), 1);
bool polarity = cell->"\\CLK_POLARITY")).as_bool();
- int enable = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\EN")), 1);
+ int enable = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\EN")), 1);
int address_width = cell->"\\ABITS")).as_int();
- int address = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\ADDR")), address_width);
- int data_width = cell->"\\WIDTH")).as_int();
- int data = dump_sigspec(&cell->"\\DATA")), data_width);
+ int address = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\ADDR")), address_width);
+ int data_width = cell->"\\WIDTH")).as_int();
+ int data = dump_sigspec(&cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\DATA")), data_width);
str = cell->"\\MEMID")).decode_string();
int mem = dump_memory(module->;
//check if the memory has already next
@@ -779,68 +780,67 @@ struct BtorDumper
RTLIL::Memory *memory = module->;
int address_bits = ceil(log(memory->size)/log(2));
str = stringf("%d array %d %d", line_num, memory->width, address_bits);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf("%d eq 1 %d %d", line_num, mem, line_num - 1);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
mem = line_num - 1;
- ++line_num;
+ ++line_num;
str = stringf("%d one 1", line_num);
str = stringf("%d zero 1", line_num);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf("%d eq 1 %d %d", line_num, clk, line_num-1);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf("%d and 1 %d %d", line_num, line_num-1, enable);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf("%d write %d %d %d %d %d", line_num, data_width, address_width, mem, address, data);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf("%d acond %d %d %d %d %d", line_num, data_width, address_width, line_num-2/*enable*/, line_num-1, mem);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
str = stringf("%d anext %d %d %d %d", line_num, data_width, address_width, mem, line_num-1);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
- line_ref[cell->name]=line_num;
+ line_ref[cell->name]=line_num;
else if(cell->type == "$slice")
log("writing slice cell\n");
- const RTLIL::SigSpec* input = &cell->"\\A"));
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* input = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A"));
int input_width = cell->"\\A_WIDTH")).as_int();
- assert(input->width == input_width);
+ log_assert(input->size() == input_width);
int input_line = dump_sigspec(input, input_width);
- const RTLIL::SigSpec* output = &cell->"\\Y"));
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* output = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\Y"));
int output_width = cell->"\\Y_WIDTH")).as_int();
- assert(output->width == output_width);
+ log_assert(output->size() == output_width);
int offset = cell->"\\OFFSET")).as_int();
- str = stringf("%d %s %d %d %d %d", line_num,>type).c_str(),
- output_width, input_line, output_width+offset-1, offset);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ str = stringf("%d %s %d %d %d %d", line_num,>type.str()).c_str(), output_width, input_line, output_width+offset-1, offset);
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
else if(cell->type == "$concat")
log("writing concat cell\n");
- const RTLIL::SigSpec* input_a = &cell->"\\A"));
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* input_a = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\A"));
int input_a_width = cell->"\\A_WIDTH")).as_int();
- assert(input_a->width == input_a_width);
+ log_assert(input_a->size() == input_a_width);
int input_a_line = dump_sigspec(input_a, input_a_width);
- const RTLIL::SigSpec* input_b = &cell->"\\B"));
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* input_b = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\B"));
int input_b_width = cell->"\\B_WIDTH")).as_int();
- assert(input_b->width == input_b_width);
+ log_assert(input_b->size() == input_b_width);
int input_b_line = dump_sigspec(input_b, input_b_width);
- str = stringf("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num,>type).c_str(), input_a_width+input_b_width,
+ str = stringf("%d %s %d %d %d", line_num,>type.str()).c_str(), input_a_width+input_b_width,
input_a_line, input_b_line);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
@@ -852,12 +852,12 @@ struct BtorDumper
- RTLIL::SigSpec* get_cell_output(RTLIL::Cell* cell)
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* get_cell_output(RTLIL::Cell* cell)
- RTLIL::SigSpec *output_sig = nullptr;
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec *output_sig = nullptr;
if (cell->type == "$memrd")
- output_sig = &cell->"\\DATA"));
+ output_sig = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\DATA"));
else if(cell->type == "$memwr" || cell->type == "$assert")
@@ -865,11 +865,11 @@ struct BtorDumper
else if(cell->type == "$dff" || cell->type == "$adff" || cell->type == "$dffsr")
- output_sig = &cell->"\\Q"));
+ output_sig = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\Q"));
- output_sig = &cell->"\\Y"));
+ output_sig = &cell->getPort(RTLIL::IdString("\\Y"));
return output_sig;
@@ -879,19 +879,19 @@ struct BtorDumper
int l = dump_wire(wire);
str = stringf("%d root 1 %d", line_num, l);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", str.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s\n", str.c_str());
void dump()
- fprintf(f, ";module %s\n", cstr(module->name));
+ f << stringf(";module %s\n", cstr(module->name));
log("creating intermediate wires map\n");
//creating map of intermediate wires as output of some cell
- for (auto it = module->cells.begin(); it != module->cells.end(); ++it)
+ for (auto it = module->cells_.begin(); it != module->cells_.end(); ++it)
RTLIL::Cell *cell = it->second;
- RTLIL::SigSpec* output_sig = get_cell_output(cell);
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec* output_sig = get_cell_output(cell);
RTLIL::SigSpec s = sigmap(*output_sig);
@@ -899,11 +899,11 @@ struct BtorDumper
log(" - %s\n", cstr(it->second->type));
if (cell->type == "$memrd")
- for(unsigned i=0; i<output_sig->chunks.size(); ++i)
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<output_sig->chunks().size(); ++i)
- RTLIL::Wire *w = output_sig->chunks[i].wire;
+ RTLIL::Wire *w = output_sig->chunks().at(i).wire;
RTLIL::IdString wire_id = w->name;
- inter_wire_map[wire_id].insert(WireInfo(cell->name,&output_sig->chunks[i]));
+ inter_wire_map[wire_id].insert(WireInfo(cell->name,&output_sig->chunks().at(i)));
else if(cell->type == "$memwr")
@@ -912,22 +912,22 @@ struct BtorDumper
else if(cell->type == "$dff" || cell->type == "$adff" || cell->type == "$dffsr")
- RTLIL::IdString wire_id = output_sig->chunks[0].wire->name;
- for(unsigned i=0; i<output_sig->chunks.size(); ++i)
+ RTLIL::IdString wire_id = output_sig->chunks().front().wire->name;
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<output_sig->chunks().size(); ++i)
- RTLIL::Wire *w = output_sig->chunks[i].wire;
+ RTLIL::Wire *w = output_sig->chunks().at(i).wire;
RTLIL::IdString wire_id = w->name;
- inter_wire_map[wire_id].insert(WireInfo(cell->name,&output_sig->chunks[i]));
+ inter_wire_map[wire_id].insert(WireInfo(cell->name,&output_sig->chunks().at(i)));
basic_wires[wire_id] = true;
- for(unsigned i=0; i<output_sig->chunks.size(); ++i)
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<output_sig->chunks().size(); ++i)
- RTLIL::Wire *w = output_sig->chunks[i].wire;
+ RTLIL::Wire *w = output_sig->chunks().at(i).wire;
RTLIL::IdString wire_id = w->name;
- inter_wire_map[wire_id].insert(WireInfo(cell->name,&output_sig->chunks[i]));
+ inter_wire_map[wire_id].insert(WireInfo(cell->name,&output_sig->chunks().at(i)));
@@ -936,23 +936,23 @@ struct BtorDumper
std::map<int, RTLIL::Wire*> inputs, outputs;
std::vector<RTLIL::Wire*> safety;
- for (auto &wire_it : module->wires) {
+ for (auto &wire_it : module->wires_) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = wire_it.second;
if (wire->port_input)
inputs[wire->port_id] = wire;
if (wire->port_output) {
outputs[wire->port_id] = wire;
- if (wire->name.find("safety") != std::string::npos )
+ if (wire->name.str().find("safety") != std::string::npos )
- fprintf(f, ";inputs\n");
+ f << stringf(";inputs\n");
for (auto &it : inputs) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = it.second;
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
log("writing memories\n");
for(auto mem_it = module->memories.begin(); mem_it != module->memories.end(); ++mem_it)
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ struct BtorDumper
log("writing cells\n");
- for(auto cell_it = module->cells.begin(); cell_it != module->cells.end(); ++cell_it)
+ for(auto cell_it = module->cells_.begin(); cell_it != module->cells_.end(); ++cell_it)
@@ -975,19 +975,19 @@ struct BtorDumper
for(auto it: safety)
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
log("writing outputs info\n");
- fprintf(f, ";outputs\n");
+ f << stringf(";outputs\n");
for (auto &it : outputs) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = it.second;
int l = dump_wire(wire);
- fprintf(f, ";%d %s", l, cstr(wire->name));
+ f << stringf(";%d %s", l, cstr(wire->name));
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- static void dump(FILE *f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, BtorDumperConfig &config)
+ static void dump(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, BtorDumperConfig &config)
BtorDumper dumper(f, module, design, &config);
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ struct BtorBackend : public Backend {
log("Write the current design to an BTOR file.\n");
- virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
std::string top_module_name;
std::string buf_type, buf_in, buf_out;
@@ -1020,18 +1020,18 @@ struct BtorBackend : public Backend {
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx);
if (top_module_name.empty())
- for (auto & mod_it:design->modules)
+ for (auto & mod_it:design->modules_)
if (mod_it.second->get_bool_attribute("\\top"))
- top_module_name = mod_it.first;
+ top_module_name = mod_it.first.str();
- fprintf(f, "; Generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
- fprintf(f, "; %s developed and maintained by Clifford Wolf <>\n", yosys_version_str);
- fprintf(f, "; BTOR Backend developed by Ahmed Irfan <> - Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy\n");
- fprintf(f, ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n");
+ *f << stringf("; Generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
+ *f << stringf("; %s developed and maintained by Clifford Wolf <>\n", yosys_version_str);
+ *f << stringf("; BTOR Backend developed by Ahmed Irfan <> - Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy\n");
+ *f << stringf(";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n");
std::vector<RTLIL::Module*> mod_list;
- for (auto module_it : design->modules)
+ for (auto module_it : design->modules_)
RTLIL::Module *module = module_it.second;
if (module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox"))
@@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@ struct BtorBackend : public Backend {
log_error("Found unmapped processes in module %s: unmapped processes are not supported in BTOR backend!\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
if (module->name == RTLIL::escape_id(top_module_name)) {
- BtorDumper::dump(f, module, design, config);
+ BtorDumper::dump(*f, module, design, config);
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ struct BtorBackend : public Backend {
log_error("Can't find top module `%s'!\n", top_module_name.c_str());
for (auto module : mod_list)
- BtorDumper::dump(f, module, design, config);
+ BtorDumper::dump(*f, module, design, config);
} BtorBackend;
diff --git a/backends/btor/ b/backends/btor/
index 870f0a28..ab45b490 100755
--- a/backends/btor/
+++ b/backends/btor/
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ FULL_PATH=$(readlink -f $1)
DIR=$(dirname $FULL_PATH)
./yosys -q -p "
-read_verilog $1;
+read_verilog -sv $1;
hierarchy -top $3;
hierarchy -libdir $DIR;
hierarchy -check;
opt; opt_const -mux_undef; opt;
rename -hide;;;
-techmap -share_map pmux2mux.v;;
+#techmap -share_map pmux2mux.v;;
splice; opt;
memory_dff -wr_only;
diff --git a/backends/edif/ b/backends/edif/
index 1748ed81..ccedd91d 100644
--- a/backends/edif/
+++ b/backends/edif/
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
#include <string>
-#include <assert.h>
-#define EDIF_NAME(_id) edif_names(RTLIL::unescape_id(_id)).c_str()
+#define EDIF_DEF(_id) edif_names(RTLIL::unescape_id(_id), true).c_str()
+#define EDIF_REF(_id) edif_names(RTLIL::unescape_id(_id), false).c_str()
@@ -40,8 +40,13 @@ namespace
EdifNames() : counter(1) { }
- std::string operator()(std::string id)
+ std::string operator()(std::string id, bool define)
+ if (define) {
+ std::string new_id = operator()(id, false);
+ return new_id != id ? stringf("(rename %s \"%s\")", new_id.c_str(), id.c_str()) : id;
+ }
if (name_map.count(id) > 0)
if (generated_names.count(id) > 0)
@@ -74,7 +79,7 @@ namespace
name_map[id] = gen_name;
- return stringf("(rename %s \"%s\")", gen_name.c_str(), id.c_str());
+ return gen_name;
@@ -98,12 +103,12 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
log("is targeted.\n");
- virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
log_header("Executing EDIF backend.\n");
std::string top_module_name;
- std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> lib_cell_ports;
+ std::map<RTLIL::IdString, std::set<RTLIL::IdString>> lib_cell_ports;
CellTypes ct(design);
EdifNames edif_names;
@@ -119,31 +124,31 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx);
if (top_module_name.empty())
- for (auto & mod_it:design->modules)
+ for (auto & mod_it:design->modules_)
if (mod_it.second->get_bool_attribute("\\top"))
- top_module_name = mod_it.first;
+ top_module_name = mod_it.first.str();
- for (auto module_it : design->modules)
+ for (auto module_it : design->modules_)
RTLIL::Module *module = module_it.second;
if (module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox"))
if (top_module_name.empty())
- top_module_name = module->name;
+ top_module_name = module->name.str();
if (module->processes.size() != 0)
log_error("Found unmapped processes in module %s: unmapped processes are not supported in EDIF backend!\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
if (module->memories.size() != 0)
log_error("Found munmapped emories in module %s: unmapped memories are not supported in EDIF backend!\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
- for (auto cell_it : module->cells)
+ for (auto cell_it : module->cells_)
RTLIL::Cell *cell = cell_it.second;
- if (!design->modules.count(cell->type) || design->>type)->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox")) {
+ if (!design->modules_.count(cell->type) || design->>type)->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox")) {
- for (auto p : cell->connections) {
- if (p.second.width > 1)
+ for (auto p : cell->connections()) {
+ if (p.second.size() > 1)
log_error("Found multi-bit port %s on library cell %s.%s (%s): not supported in EDIF backend!\n",
RTLIL::id2cstr(p.first), RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name), RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->name), RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->type));
@@ -155,38 +160,38 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
if (top_module_name.empty())
log_error("No module found in design!\n");
- fprintf(f, "(edif %s\n", EDIF_NAME(top_module_name));
- fprintf(f, " (edifVersion 2 0 0)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (edifLevel 0)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (keywordMap (keywordLevel 0))\n");
- fprintf(f, " (comment \"Generated by %s\")\n", yosys_version_str);
- fprintf(f, " (external LIB\n");
- fprintf(f, " (edifLevel 0)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (technology (numberDefinition))\n");
- fprintf(f, " (cell GND\n");
- fprintf(f, " (cellType GENERIC)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (view VIEW_NETLIST\n");
- fprintf(f, " (viewType NETLIST)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (interface (port G (direction OUTPUT)))\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
- fprintf(f, " (cell VCC\n");
- fprintf(f, " (cellType GENERIC)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (view VIEW_NETLIST\n");
- fprintf(f, " (viewType NETLIST)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (interface (port P (direction OUTPUT)))\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
+ *f << stringf("(edif %s\n", EDIF_DEF(top_module_name));
+ *f << stringf(" (edifVersion 2 0 0)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (edifLevel 0)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (keywordMap (keywordLevel 0))\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (comment \"Generated by %s\")\n", yosys_version_str);
+ *f << stringf(" (external LIB\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (edifLevel 0)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (technology (numberDefinition))\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (cell GND\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (cellType GENERIC)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (view VIEW_NETLIST\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (viewType NETLIST)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (interface (port G (direction OUTPUT)))\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (cell VCC\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (cellType GENERIC)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (view VIEW_NETLIST\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (viewType NETLIST)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (interface (port P (direction OUTPUT)))\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
for (auto &cell_it : lib_cell_ports) {
- fprintf(f, " (cell %s\n", EDIF_NAME(cell_it.first));
- fprintf(f, " (cellType GENERIC)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (view VIEW_NETLIST\n");
- fprintf(f, " (viewType NETLIST)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (interface\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (cell %s\n", EDIF_DEF(cell_it.first));
+ *f << stringf(" (cellType GENERIC)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (view VIEW_NETLIST\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (viewType NETLIST)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (interface\n");
for (auto &port_it : cell_it.second) {
const char *dir = "INOUT";
if (ct.cell_known(cell_it.first)) {
@@ -195,23 +200,23 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
else if (!ct.cell_input(cell_it.first, port_it))
dir = "OUTPUT";
- fprintf(f, " (port %s (direction %s))\n", EDIF_NAME(port_it), dir);
+ *f << stringf(" (port %s (direction %s))\n", EDIF_DEF(port_it), dir);
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
std::vector<RTLIL::Module*> sorted_modules;
// extract module dependencies
std::map<RTLIL::Module*, std::set<RTLIL::Module*>> module_deps;
- for (auto &mod_it : design->modules) {
+ for (auto &mod_it : design->modules_) {
module_deps[mod_it.second] = std::set<RTLIL::Module*>();
- for (auto &cell_it : mod_it.second->cells)
- if (design->modules.count(cell_it.second->type) > 0)
- module_deps[mod_it.second].insert(design->>type));
+ for (auto &cell_it : mod_it.second->cells_)
+ if (design->modules_.count(cell_it.second->type) > 0)
+ module_deps[mod_it.second].insert(design->>type));
// simple good-enough topological sort
@@ -233,9 +238,9 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
- fprintf(f, " (library DESIGN\n");
- fprintf(f, " (edifLevel 0)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (technology (numberDefinition))\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (library DESIGN\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (edifLevel 0)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (technology (numberDefinition))\n");
for (auto module : sorted_modules)
if (module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox"))
@@ -244,12 +249,12 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
SigMap sigmap(module);
std::map<RTLIL::SigSpec, std::set<std::string>> net_join_db;
- fprintf(f, " (cell %s\n", EDIF_NAME(module->name));
- fprintf(f, " (cellType GENERIC)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (view VIEW_NETLIST\n");
- fprintf(f, " (viewType NETLIST)\n");
- fprintf(f, " (interface\n");
- for (auto &wire_it : module->wires) {
+ *f << stringf(" (cell %s\n", EDIF_DEF(module->name));
+ *f << stringf(" (cellType GENERIC)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (view VIEW_NETLIST\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (viewType NETLIST)\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (interface\n");
+ for (auto &wire_it : module->wires_) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = wire_it.second;
if (wire->port_id == 0)
@@ -259,31 +264,31 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
else if (!wire->port_input)
dir = "OUTPUT";
if (wire->width == 1) {
- fprintf(f, " (port %s (direction %s))\n", EDIF_NAME(wire->name), dir);
+ *f << stringf(" (port %s (direction %s))\n", EDIF_DEF(wire->name), dir);
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire));
- net_join_db[sig].insert(stringf("(portRef %s)", EDIF_NAME(wire->name)));
+ net_join_db[sig].insert(stringf("(portRef %s)", EDIF_REF(wire->name)));
} else {
- fprintf(f, " (port (array %s %d) (direction %s))\n", EDIF_NAME(wire->name), wire->width, dir);
+ *f << stringf(" (port (array %s %d) (direction %s))\n", EDIF_DEF(wire->name), wire->width, dir);
for (int i = 0; i < wire->width; i++) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire, 1, i));
- net_join_db[sig].insert(stringf("(portRef (member %s %d))", EDIF_NAME(wire->name), i));
+ RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(RTLIL::SigSpec(wire, i));
+ net_join_db[sig].insert(stringf("(portRef (member %s %d))", EDIF_REF(wire->name), i));
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
- fprintf(f, " (contents\n");
- fprintf(f, " (instance GND (viewRef VIEW_NETLIST (cellRef GND (libraryRef LIB))))\n");
- fprintf(f, " (instance VCC (viewRef VIEW_NETLIST (cellRef VCC (libraryRef LIB))))\n");
- for (auto &cell_it : module->cells) {
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (contents\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (instance GND (viewRef VIEW_NETLIST (cellRef GND (libraryRef LIB))))\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (instance VCC (viewRef VIEW_NETLIST (cellRef VCC (libraryRef LIB))))\n");
+ for (auto &cell_it : module->cells_) {
RTLIL::Cell *cell = cell_it.second;
- fprintf(f, " (instance %s\n", EDIF_NAME(cell->name));
- fprintf(f, " (viewRef VIEW_NETLIST (cellRef %s%s))", EDIF_NAME(cell->type),
+ *f << stringf(" (instance %s\n", EDIF_DEF(cell->name));
+ *f << stringf(" (viewRef VIEW_NETLIST (cellRef %s%s))", EDIF_REF(cell->type),
lib_cell_ports.count(cell->type) > 0 ? " (libraryRef LIB)" : "");
for (auto &p : cell->parameters)
if ((p.second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_STRING) != 0)
- fprintf(f, "\n (property %s (string \"%s\"))", EDIF_NAME(p.first), p.second.decode_string().c_str());
+ *f << stringf("\n (property %s (string \"%s\"))", EDIF_DEF(p.first), p.second.decode_string().c_str());
else if (p.second.bits.size() <= 32 && RTLIL::SigSpec(p.second).is_fully_def())
- fprintf(f, "\n (property %s (integer %u))", EDIF_NAME(p.first), p.second.as_int());
+ *f << stringf("\n (property %s (integer %u))", EDIF_DEF(p.first), p.second.as_int());
else {
std::string hex_string = "";
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.second.bits.size(); i += 4) {
@@ -295,53 +300,48 @@ struct EdifBackend : public Backend {
char digit_str[2] = { "0123456789abcdef"[digit_value], 0 };
hex_string = std::string(digit_str) + hex_string;
- fprintf(f, "\n (property %s (string \"%s\"))", EDIF_NAME(p.first), hex_string.c_str());
+ *f << stringf("\n (property %s (string \"%s\"))", EDIF_DEF(p.first), hex_string.c_str());
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
- for (auto &p : cell->connections) {
+ *f << stringf(")\n");
+ for (auto &p : cell->connections()) {
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(p.second);
- sig.expand();
- for (int i = 0; i < sig.width; i++) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec sigbit(;
- std::string portname = sig.width > 1 ? stringf("%s[%d]", RTLIL::id2cstr(p.first), i) : RTLIL::id2cstr(p.first);
- net_join_db[sigbit].insert(stringf("(portRef %s (instanceRef %s))", edif_names(portname).c_str(), EDIF_NAME(cell->name)));
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(sig); i++)
+ if (sig.size() == 1)
+ net_join_db[sig[i]].insert(stringf("(portRef %s (instanceRef %s))", EDIF_REF(p.first), EDIF_REF(cell->name)));
+ else
+ net_join_db[sig[i]].insert(stringf("(portRef (member %s %d) (instanceRef %s))", EDIF_REF(p.first), i, EDIF_REF(cell->name)));
for (auto &it : net_join_db) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec sig = it.first;
- sig.optimize();
- log_assert(sig.width == 1);
- if ( == NULL) {
- if ( != RTLIL::State::S0 && != RTLIL::State::S1)
- continue;
- }
+ RTLIL::SigBit sig = it.first;
+ if (sig.wire == NULL && sig != RTLIL::State::S0 && sig != RTLIL::State::S1)
+ continue;
std::string netname = log_signal(sig);
for (size_t i = 0; i < netname.size(); i++)
if (netname[i] == ' ' || netname[i] == '\\')
netname.erase(netname.begin() + i--);
- fprintf(f, " (net %s (joined\n", edif_names(netname).c_str());
+ *f << stringf(" (net %s (joined\n", EDIF_DEF(netname));
for (auto &ref : it.second)
- fprintf(f, " %s\n", ref.c_str());
- if ( == NULL) {
- if ( == RTLIL::State::S0)
- fprintf(f, " (portRef G (instanceRef GND))\n");
- if ( == RTLIL::State::S1)
- fprintf(f, " (portRef P (instanceRef VCC))\n");
+ *f << stringf(" %s\n", ref.c_str());
+ if (sig.wire == NULL) {
+ if (sig == RTLIL::State::S0)
+ *f << stringf(" (portRef G (instanceRef GND))\n");
+ if (sig == RTLIL::State::S1)
+ *f << stringf(" (portRef P (instanceRef VCC))\n");
- fprintf(f, " ))\n");
+ *f << stringf(" ))\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
- fprintf(f, " (design %s\n", EDIF_NAME(top_module_name));
- fprintf(f, " (cellRef %s (libraryRef DESIGN))\n", EDIF_NAME(top_module_name));
- fprintf(f, " )\n");
+ *f << stringf(" (design %s\n", EDIF_DEF(top_module_name));
+ *f << stringf(" (cellRef %s (libraryRef DESIGN))\n", EDIF_REF(top_module_name));
+ *f << stringf(" )\n");
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
+ *f << stringf(")\n");
} EdifBackend;
diff --git a/backends/ilang/ b/backends/ilang/
index c585d40c..48d818d7 100644
--- a/backends/ilang/
+++ b/backends/ilang/
@@ -23,16 +23,12 @@
#include "ilang_backend.h"
-#include "kernel/register.h"
-#include "kernel/log.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
+#include "kernel/yosys.h"
#include <errno.h>
using namespace ILANG_BACKEND;
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_const(FILE *f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width, int offset, bool autoint)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_const(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width, int offset, bool autoint)
if (width < 0)
width = data.bits.size() - offset;
@@ -40,7 +36,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_const(FILE *f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width, int
if (width == 32 && autoint) {
int32_t val = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
- assert(offset+i < (int)data.bits.size());
+ log_assert(offset+i < (int)data.bits.size());
switch (data.bits[offset+i]) {
case RTLIL::S0: break;
case RTLIL::S1: val |= 1 << i; break;
@@ -48,220 +44,230 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_const(FILE *f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width, int
if (val >= 0) {
- fprintf(f, "%d", val);
+ f << stringf("%d", val);
- fprintf(f, "%d'", width);
+ f << stringf("%d'", width);
for (int i = offset+width-1; i >= offset; i--) {
- assert(i < (int)data.bits.size());
+ log_assert(i < (int)data.bits.size());
switch (data.bits[i]) {
- case RTLIL::S0: fprintf(f, "0"); break;
- case RTLIL::S1: fprintf(f, "1"); break;
- case RTLIL::Sx: fprintf(f, "x"); break;
- case RTLIL::Sz: fprintf(f, "z"); break;
- case RTLIL::Sa: fprintf(f, "-"); break;
- case RTLIL::Sm: fprintf(f, "m"); break;
+ case RTLIL::S0: f << stringf("0"); break;
+ case RTLIL::S1: f << stringf("1"); break;
+ case RTLIL::Sx: f << stringf("x"); break;
+ case RTLIL::Sz: f << stringf("z"); break;
+ case RTLIL::Sa: f << stringf("-"); break;
+ case RTLIL::Sm: f << stringf("m"); break;
} else {
- fprintf(f, "\"");
+ f << stringf("\"");
std::string str = data.decode_string();
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) {
if (str[i] == '\n')
- fprintf(f, "\\n");
+ f << stringf("\\n");
else if (str[i] == '\t')
- fprintf(f, "\\t");
+ f << stringf("\\t");
else if (str[i] < 32)
- fprintf(f, "\\%03o", str[i]);
+ f << stringf("\\%03o", str[i]);
else if (str[i] == '"')
- fprintf(f, "\\\"");
+ f << stringf("\\\"");
else if (str[i] == '\\')
- fprintf(f, "\\\\");
+ f << stringf("\\\\");
- fputc(str[i], f);
+ f << str[i];
- fprintf(f, "\"");
+ f << stringf("\"");
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_sigchunk(FILE *f, const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk, bool autoint)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_sigchunk(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk, bool autoint)
if (chunk.wire == NULL) {
dump_const(f,, chunk.width, chunk.offset, autoint);
} else {
if (chunk.width == chunk.wire->width && chunk.offset == 0)
- fprintf(f, "%s", chunk.wire->name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s", chunk.wire->name.c_str());
else if (chunk.width == 1)
- fprintf(f, "%s [%d]", chunk.wire->name.c_str(), chunk.offset);
+ f << stringf("%s [%d]", chunk.wire->name.c_str(), chunk.offset);
- fprintf(f, "%s [%d:%d]", chunk.wire->name.c_str(), chunk.offset+chunk.width-1, chunk.offset);
+ f << stringf("%s [%d:%d]", chunk.wire->name.c_str(), chunk.offset+chunk.width-1, chunk.offset);
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_sigspec(FILE *f, const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig, bool autoint)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_sigspec(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig, bool autoint)
- if (sig.chunks.size() == 1) {
- dump_sigchunk(f, sig.chunks[0], autoint);
+ if (sig.is_chunk()) {
+ dump_sigchunk(f, sig.as_chunk(), autoint);
} else {
- fprintf(f, "{ ");
- for (auto it = sig.chunks.rbegin(); it != sig.chunks.rend(); it++) {
+ f << stringf("{ ");
+ for (auto it = sig.chunks().rbegin(); it != sig.chunks().rend(); it++) {
dump_sigchunk(f, *it, false);
- fprintf(f, " ");
+ f << stringf(" ");
- fprintf(f, "}");
+ f << stringf("}");
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_wire(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Wire *wire)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_wire(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Wire *wire)
- for (auto it = wire->attributes.begin(); it != wire->attributes.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
+ std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> sorted_attributes(wire->attributes.begin(), wire->attributes.end());
+ for (auto it = sorted_attributes.begin(); it != sorted_attributes.end(); it++) {
+ f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" "wire ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "wire ", indent.c_str());
if (wire->width != 1)
- fprintf(f, "width %d ", wire->width);
+ f << stringf("width %d ", wire->width);
+ if (wire->upto)
+ f << stringf("upto ");
if (wire->start_offset != 0)
- fprintf(f, "offset %d ", wire->start_offset);
+ f << stringf("offset %d ", wire->start_offset);
if (wire->port_input && !wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "input %d ", wire->port_id);
+ f << stringf("input %d ", wire->port_id);
if (!wire->port_input && wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "output %d ", wire->port_id);
+ f << stringf("output %d ", wire->port_id);
if (wire->port_input && wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "inout %d ", wire->port_id);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", wire->name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("inout %d ", wire->port_id);
+ f << stringf("%s\n", wire->name.c_str());
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_memory(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Memory *memory)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_memory(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Memory *memory)
- for (auto it = memory->attributes.begin(); it != memory->attributes.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
+ std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> sorted_attributes(memory->attributes.begin(), memory->attributes.end());
+ for (auto it = sorted_attributes.begin(); it != sorted_attributes.end(); it++) {
+ f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" "memory ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "memory ", indent.c_str());
if (memory->width != 1)
- fprintf(f, "width %d ", memory->width);
+ f << stringf("width %d ", memory->width);
if (memory->size != 0)
- fprintf(f, "size %d ", memory->size);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", memory->name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("size %d ", memory->size);
+ f << stringf("%s\n", memory->name.c_str());
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_cell(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Cell *cell)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_cell(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Cell *cell)
- for (auto it = cell->attributes.begin(); it != cell->attributes.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
+ std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> sorted_attributes(cell->attributes.begin(), cell->attributes.end());
+ std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> sorted_parameters(cell->parameters.begin(), cell->parameters.end());
+ std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::SigSpec, RTLIL::sort_by_id_str> sorted_connections(cell->connections().begin(), cell->connections().end());
+ for (auto it = sorted_attributes.begin(); it != sorted_attributes.end(); it++) {
+ f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" "cell %s %s\n", indent.c_str(), cell->type.c_str(), cell->name.c_str());
- for (auto it = cell->parameters.begin(); it != cell->parameters.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s parameter%s %s ", indent.c_str(), (it->second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0 ? " signed" : "", it->first.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "cell %s %s\n", indent.c_str(), cell->type.c_str(), cell->name.c_str());
+ for (auto it = sorted_parameters.begin(); it != sorted_parameters.end(); it++) {
+ f << stringf("%s parameter%s %s ", indent.c_str(), (it->second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0 ? " signed" : "", it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- for (auto it = cell->connections.begin(); it != cell->connections.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s connect %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
+ for (auto it = sorted_connections.begin(); it != sorted_connections.end(); it++) {
+ f << stringf("%s connect %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_case_body(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::CaseRule *cs)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_case_body(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::CaseRule *cs)
for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); it++)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, it->first);
- fprintf(f, " ");
+ f << stringf(" ");
dump_sigspec(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); it++)
dump_proc_switch(f, indent, *it);
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_switch(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw)
for (auto it = sw->attributes.begin(); it != sw->attributes.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" "switch ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "switch ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, sw->signal);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); it++)
- fprintf(f, "%s case ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s case ", indent.c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*it)->compare.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0)
- fprintf(f, ", ");
+ f << stringf(", ");
dump_sigspec(f, (*it)->compare[i]);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
dump_proc_case_body(f, indent + " ", *it);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_sync(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SyncRule *sy)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc_sync(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SyncRule *sy)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "sync ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "sync ", indent.c_str());
switch (sy->type) {
- if (0) case RTLIL::ST0: fprintf(f, "low ");
- if (0) case RTLIL::ST1: fprintf(f, "high ");
- if (0) case RTLIL::STp: fprintf(f, "posedge ");
- if (0) case RTLIL::STn: fprintf(f, "negedge ");
- if (0) case RTLIL::STe: fprintf(f, "edge ");
+ if (0) case RTLIL::ST0: f << stringf("low ");
+ if (0) case RTLIL::ST1: f << stringf("high ");
+ if (0) case RTLIL::STp: f << stringf("posedge ");
+ if (0) case RTLIL::STn: f << stringf("negedge ");
+ if (0) case RTLIL::STe: f << stringf("edge ");
dump_sigspec(f, sy->signal);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- case RTLIL::STa: fprintf(f, "always\n"); break;
- case RTLIL::STi: fprintf(f, "init\n"); break;
+ case RTLIL::STa: f << stringf("always\n"); break;
+ case RTLIL::STi: f << stringf("init\n"); break;
for (auto it = sy->actions.begin(); it != sy->actions.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s update ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s update ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, it->first);
- fprintf(f, " ");
+ f << stringf(" ");
dump_sigspec(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Process *proc)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_proc(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Process *proc)
for (auto it = proc->attributes.begin(); it != proc->attributes.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" "process %s\n", indent.c_str(), proc->name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "process %s\n", indent.c_str(), proc->name.c_str());
dump_proc_case_body(f, indent + " ", &proc->root_case);
for (auto it = proc->syncs.begin(); it != proc->syncs.end(); it++)
dump_proc_sync(f, indent + " ", *it);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_conn(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SigSpec &left, const RTLIL::SigSpec &right)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_conn(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SigSpec &left, const RTLIL::SigSpec &right)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "connect ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "connect ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, left);
- fprintf(f, " ");
+ f << stringf(" ");
dump_sigspec(f, right);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_module(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Module *module, const RTLIL::Design *design, bool only_selected, bool flag_m, bool flag_n)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, bool only_selected, bool flag_m, bool flag_n)
bool print_header = flag_m || design->selected_whole_module(module->name);
bool print_body = !flag_n || !design->selected_whole_module(module->name);
@@ -269,51 +275,71 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_module(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Module
if (print_header)
for (auto it = module->attributes.begin(); it != module->attributes.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "attribute %s ", indent.c_str(), it->first.c_str());
dump_const(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" "module %s\n", indent.c_str(), module->name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "module %s\n", indent.c_str(), module->name.c_str());
if (print_body)
- for (auto it = module->wires.begin(); it != module->wires.end(); it++)
- if (!only_selected || design->selected(module, it->second)) {
+ std::vector<RTLIL::Wire*> sorted_wires;
+ for (auto it : module->wires())
+ sorted_wires.push_back(it);
+ std::sort(sorted_wires.begin(), sorted_wires.end(), RTLIL::sort_by_name_str<RTLIL::Wire>());
+ std::vector<RTLIL::Memory*> sorted_memories;
+ for (auto it : module->memories)
+ sorted_memories.push_back(it.second);
+ std::sort(sorted_memories.begin(), sorted_memories.end(), RTLIL::sort_by_name_str<RTLIL::Memory>());
+ std::vector<RTLIL::Cell*> sorted_cells;
+ for (auto it : module->cells())
+ sorted_cells.push_back(it);
+ std::sort(sorted_cells.begin(), sorted_cells.end(), RTLIL::sort_by_name_str<RTLIL::Cell>());
+ std::vector<RTLIL::Process*> sorted_processes;
+ for (auto it : module->processes)
+ sorted_processes.push_back(it.second);
+ std::sort(sorted_processes.begin(), sorted_processes.end(), RTLIL::sort_by_name_str<RTLIL::Process>());
+ for (auto it : sorted_wires)
+ if (!only_selected || design->selected(module, it)) {
if (only_selected)
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- dump_wire(f, indent + " ", it->second);
+ f << stringf("\n");
+ dump_wire(f, indent + " ", it);
- for (auto it = module->memories.begin(); it != module->memories.end(); it++)
- if (!only_selected || design->selected(module, it->second)) {
+ for (auto it : sorted_memories)
+ if (!only_selected || design->selected(module, it)) {
if (only_selected)
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- dump_memory(f, indent + " ", it->second);
+ f << stringf("\n");
+ dump_memory(f, indent + " ", it);
- for (auto it = module->cells.begin(); it != module->cells.end(); it++)
- if (!only_selected || design->selected(module, it->second)) {
+ for (auto it : sorted_cells)
+ if (!only_selected || design->selected(module, it)) {
if (only_selected)
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- dump_cell(f, indent + " ", it->second);
+ f << stringf("\n");
+ dump_cell(f, indent + " ", it);
- for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); it++)
- if (!only_selected || design->selected(module, it->second)) {
+ for (auto it : sorted_processes)
+ if (!only_selected || design->selected(module, it)) {
if (only_selected)
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- dump_proc(f, indent + " ", it->second);
+ f << stringf("\n");
+ dump_proc(f, indent + " ", it);
bool first_conn_line = true;
- for (auto it = module->connections.begin(); it != module->connections.end(); it++) {
+ for (auto it = module->connections().begin(); it != module->connections().end(); it++) {
bool show_conn = !only_selected;
if (only_selected) {
RTLIL::SigSpec sigs = it->first;
- for (auto &c : sigs.chunks) {
+ for (auto &c : sigs.chunks()) {
if (c.wire == NULL || !design->selected(module, c.wire))
show_conn = true;
@@ -321,7 +347,7 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_module(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Module
if (show_conn) {
if (only_selected && first_conn_line)
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
dump_conn(f, indent + " ", it->first, it->second);
first_conn_line = false;
@@ -329,27 +355,40 @@ void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_module(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Module
if (print_header)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
-void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_design(FILE *f, const RTLIL::Design *design, bool only_selected, bool flag_m, bool flag_n)
+void ILANG_BACKEND::dump_design(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, bool only_selected, bool flag_m, bool flag_n)
+ int init_autoidx = autoidx;
if (!flag_m) {
int count_selected_mods = 0;
- for (auto it = design->modules.begin(); it != design->modules.end(); it++)
+ for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++) {
+ if (design->selected_whole_module(it->first))
+ flag_m = true;
if (design->selected(it->second))
+ }
if (count_selected_mods > 1)
flag_m = true;
- for (auto it = design->modules.begin(); it != design->modules.end(); it++) {
+ if (!only_selected || flag_m) {
+ if (only_selected)
+ f << stringf("\n");
+ f << stringf("autoidx %d\n", autoidx);
+ }
+ for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++) {
if (!only_selected || design->selected(it->second)) {
if (only_selected)
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
dump_module(f, "", it->second, design, only_selected, flag_m, flag_n);
+ log_assert(init_autoidx == autoidx);
struct IlangBackend : public Backend {
@@ -367,7 +406,7 @@ struct IlangBackend : public Backend {
log(" only write selected parts of the design.\n");
- virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
bool selected = false;
@@ -385,8 +424,8 @@ struct IlangBackend : public Backend {
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx);
log("Output filename: %s\n", filename.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "# Generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
- ILANG_BACKEND::dump_design(f, design, selected, true, false);
+ *f << stringf("# Generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
+ ILANG_BACKEND::dump_design(*f, design, selected, true, false);
} IlangBackend;
@@ -446,25 +485,27 @@ struct DumpPass : public Pass {
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
- FILE *f = NULL;
- char *buf_ptr;
- size_t buf_size;
+ std::ostream *f;
+ std::stringstream buf;
if (!filename.empty()) {
- f = fopen(filename.c_str(), append ? "a" : "w");
- if (f == NULL)
+ std::ofstream *ff = new std::ofstream;
+ ff->open(filename.c_str(), append ? std::ofstream::app : std::ofstream::trunc);
+ if (ff->fail()) {
+ delete ff;
log_error("Can't open file `%s' for writing: %s\n", filename.c_str(), strerror(errno));
+ }
+ f = ff;
} else {
- f = open_memstream(&buf_ptr, &buf_size);
+ f = &buf;
- ILANG_BACKEND::dump_design(f, design, true, flag_m, flag_n);
+ ILANG_BACKEND::dump_design(*f, design, true, flag_m, flag_n);
- fclose(f);
- if (filename.empty()) {
- log("%s", buf_ptr);
- free(buf_ptr);
+ if (!filename.empty()) {
+ delete f;
+ } else {
+ log("%s", buf.str().c_str());
} DumpPass;
diff --git a/backends/ilang/ilang_backend.h b/backends/ilang/ilang_backend.h
index fecbcc1f..159cd719 100644
--- a/backends/ilang/ilang_backend.h
+++ b/backends/ilang/ilang_backend.h
@@ -25,23 +25,27 @@
-#include "kernel/rtlil.h"
+#include "kernel/yosys.h"
#include <stdio.h>
namespace ILANG_BACKEND {
- void dump_const(FILE *f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width = -1, int offset = 0, bool autoint = true);
- void dump_sigchunk(FILE *f, const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk, bool autoint = true);
- void dump_sigspec(FILE *f, const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig, bool autoint = true);
- void dump_wire(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Wire *wire);
- void dump_memory(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Memory *memory);
- void dump_cell(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Cell *cell);
- void dump_proc_case_body(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::CaseRule *cs);
- void dump_proc_switch(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw);
- void dump_proc_sync(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SyncRule *sy);
- void dump_proc(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Process *proc);
- void dump_conn(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SigSpec &left, const RTLIL::SigSpec &right);
- void dump_module(FILE *f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Module *module, const RTLIL::Design *design, bool only_selected, bool flag_m = true, bool flag_n = false);
- void dump_design(FILE *f, const RTLIL::Design *design, bool only_selected, bool flag_m = true, bool flag_n = false);
+ void dump_const(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width = -1, int offset = 0, bool autoint = true);
+ void dump_sigchunk(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk, bool autoint = true);
+ void dump_sigspec(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig, bool autoint = true);
+ void dump_wire(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Wire *wire);
+ void dump_memory(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Memory *memory);
+ void dump_cell(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Cell *cell);
+ void dump_proc_case_body(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::CaseRule *cs);
+ void dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw);
+ void dump_proc_sync(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SyncRule *sy);
+ void dump_proc(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::Process *proc);
+ void dump_conn(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SigSpec &left, const RTLIL::SigSpec &right);
+ void dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, bool only_selected, bool flag_m = true, bool flag_n = false);
+ void dump_design(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Design *design, bool only_selected, bool flag_m = true, bool flag_n = false);
diff --git a/backends/intersynth/ b/backends/intersynth/
index 47c1125f..8502d90f 100644
--- a/backends/intersynth/
+++ b/backends/intersynth/
@@ -23,30 +23,23 @@
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
#include <string>
-#include <assert.h>
static std::string netname(std::set<std::string> &conntypes_code, std::set<std::string> &celltypes_code, std::set<std::string> &constcells_code, RTLIL::SigSpec sig)
- sig.optimize();
- if (sig.chunks.size() != 1)
+ if (!sig.is_fully_const() && !sig.is_wire())
log_error("Can't export composite or non-word-wide signal %s.\n", log_signal(sig));
- conntypes_code.insert(stringf("conntype b%d %d 2 %d\n", sig.width, sig.width, sig.width));
+ conntypes_code.insert(stringf("conntype b%d %d 2 %d\n", sig.size(), sig.size(), sig.size()));
- if (sig.chunks[0].wire == NULL) {
- celltypes_code.insert(stringf("celltype CONST_%d b%d *CONST cfg:%d VALUE\n", sig.width, sig.width, sig.width));
- constcells_code.insert(stringf("node CONST_%d_0x%x CONST_%d CONST CONST_%d_0x%x VALUE 0x%x\n", sig.width, sig.chunks[0].data.as_int(),
- sig.width, sig.width, sig.chunks[0].data.as_int(), sig.chunks[0].data.as_int()));
- return stringf("CONST_%d_0x%x", sig.width, sig.chunks[0].data.as_int());
+ if (sig.is_fully_const()) {
+ celltypes_code.insert(stringf("celltype CONST_%d b%d *CONST cfg:%d VALUE\n", sig.size(), sig.size(), sig.size()));
+ constcells_code.insert(stringf("node CONST_%d_0x%x CONST_%d CONST CONST_%d_0x%x VALUE 0x%x\n",
+ sig.size(), sig.as_int(), sig.size(), sig.size(), sig.as_int(), sig.as_int()));
+ return stringf("CONST_%d_0x%x", sig.size(), sig.as_int());
- if (sig.chunks[0].offset != 0 || sig.width != sig.chunks[0].wire->width)
- goto error;
- return RTLIL::unescape_id(sig.chunks[0].wire->name);
+ return RTLIL::unescape_id(sig.as_wire()->name);
struct IntersynthBackend : public Backend {
@@ -76,7 +69,7 @@ struct IntersynthBackend : public Backend {
- virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
log_header("Executing INTERSYNTH backend.\n");
@@ -108,13 +101,13 @@ struct IntersynthBackend : public Backend {
log("Output filename: %s\n", filename.c_str());
for (auto filename : libfiles) {
- FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rt");
- if (f == NULL)
+ std::ifstream f;
+ if (
log_error("Can't open lib file `%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
RTLIL::Design *lib = new RTLIL::Design;
- Frontend::frontend_call(lib, f, filename, (filename.size() > 3 && filename.substr(filename.size()-3) == ".il") ? "ilang" : "verilog");
+ Frontend::frontend_call(lib, &f, filename, (filename.size() > 3 && filename.substr(filename.size()-3) == ".il") ? "ilang" : "verilog");
- fclose(f);
if (libs.size() > 0)
@@ -127,14 +120,14 @@ struct IntersynthBackend : public Backend {
for (auto lib : libs)
- for (auto module_it : design->modules)
+ for (auto module_it : design->modules_)
RTLIL::Module *module = module_it.second;
SigMap sigmap(module);
if (module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox"))
- if (module->memories.size() == 0 && module->processes.size() == 0 && module->cells.size() == 0)
+ if (module->memories.size() == 0 && module->processes.size() == 0 && module->cells_.size() == 0)
if (selected && !design->selected_whole_module(module->name)) {
@@ -153,7 +146,7 @@ struct IntersynthBackend : public Backend {
netlists_code += stringf("netlist %s\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
// Module Ports: "std::set<string> celltypes_code" prevents duplicate top level ports
- for (auto wire_it : module->wires) {
+ for (auto wire_it : module->wires_) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = wire_it.second;
if (wire->port_input || wire->port_output) {
celltypes_code.insert(stringf("celltype !%s b%d %sPORT\n" "%s %s %d %s PORT\n",
@@ -165,7 +158,7 @@ struct IntersynthBackend : public Backend {
// Submodules: "std::set<string> celltypes_code" prevents duplicate cell types
- for (auto cell_it : module->cells)
+ for (auto cell_it : module->cells_)
RTLIL::Cell *cell = cell_it.second;
std::string celltype_code, node_code;
@@ -175,11 +168,11 @@ struct IntersynthBackend : public Backend {
celltype_code = stringf("celltype %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->type));
node_code = stringf("node %s %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->name), RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->type));
- for (auto &port : cell->connections) {
+ for (auto &port : cell->connections()) {
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(port.second);
- if (sig.width != 0) {
- conntypes_code.insert(stringf("conntype b%d %d 2 %d\n", sig.width, sig.width, sig.width));
- celltype_code += stringf(" b%d %s%s", sig.width, ct.cell_output(cell->type, port.first) ? "*" : "", RTLIL::id2cstr(port.first));
+ if (sig.size() != 0) {
+ conntypes_code.insert(stringf("conntype b%d %d 2 %d\n", sig.size(), sig.size(), sig.size()));
+ celltype_code += stringf(" b%d %s%s", sig.size(), ct.cell_output(cell->type, port.first) ? "*" : "", RTLIL::id2cstr(port.first));
node_code += stringf(" %s %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(port.first), netname(conntypes_code, celltypes_code, constcells_code, sig).c_str());
@@ -205,15 +198,15 @@ struct IntersynthBackend : public Backend {
if (!flag_notypes) {
- fprintf(f, "### Connection Types\n");
+ *f << stringf("### Connection Types\n");
for (auto code : conntypes_code)
- fprintf(f, "%s", code.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\n### Cell Types\n");
+ *f << stringf("%s", code.c_str());
+ *f << stringf("\n### Cell Types\n");
for (auto code : celltypes_code)
- fprintf(f, "%s", code.c_str());
+ *f << stringf("%s", code.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "\n### Netlists\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s", netlists_code.c_str());
+ *f << stringf("\n### Netlists\n");
+ *f << stringf("%s", netlists_code.c_str());
for (auto lib : libs)
delete lib;
diff --git a/backends/spice/ b/backends/spice/
index e7926e90..b057063c 100644
--- a/backends/spice/
+++ b/backends/spice/
@@ -23,53 +23,51 @@
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
#include <string>
-#include <assert.h>
-static void print_spice_net(FILE *f, RTLIL::SigSpec s, std::string &neg, std::string &pos, std::string &ncpf, int &nc_counter)
+static void print_spice_net(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::SigBit s, std::string &neg, std::string &pos, std::string &ncpf, int &nc_counter)
- log_assert(s.chunks.size() == 1 && s.chunks[0].width == 1);
- if (s.chunks[0].wire) {
- if (s.chunks[0].wire->width > 1)
- fprintf(f, " %s[%d]", RTLIL::id2cstr(s.chunks[0].wire->name), s.chunks[0].offset);
+ if (s.wire) {
+ if (s.wire->width > 1)
+ f << stringf(" %s[%d]", RTLIL::id2cstr(s.wire->name), s.offset);
- fprintf(f, " %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(s.chunks[0].wire->name));
+ f << stringf(" %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(s.wire->name));
} else {
- if (s.chunks[0] == RTLIL::State::S0)
- fprintf(f, " %s", neg.c_str());
- else if (s.chunks[0] == RTLIL::State::S1)
- fprintf(f, " %s", pos.c_str());
+ if (s == RTLIL::State::S0)
+ f << stringf(" %s", neg.c_str());
+ else if (s == RTLIL::State::S1)
+ f << stringf(" %s", pos.c_str());
- fprintf(f, " %s%d", ncpf.c_str(), nc_counter++);
+ f << stringf(" %s%d", ncpf.c_str(), nc_counter++);
-static void print_spice_module(FILE *f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, std::string &neg, std::string &pos, std::string &ncpf, bool big_endian)
+static void print_spice_module(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *design, std::string &neg, std::string &pos, std::string &ncpf, bool big_endian)
SigMap sigmap(module);
int cell_counter = 0, conn_counter = 0, nc_counter = 0;
- for (auto &cell_it : module->cells)
+ for (auto &cell_it : module->cells_)
RTLIL::Cell *cell = cell_it.second;
- fprintf(f, "X%d", cell_counter++);
+ f << stringf("X%d", cell_counter++);
std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> port_sigs;
- if (design->modules.count(cell->type) == 0)
+ if (design->modules_.count(cell->type) == 0)
log("Warning: no (blackbox) module for cell type `%s' (%s.%s) found! Guessing order of ports.\n",
RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->type), RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name), RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->name));
- for (auto &conn : cell->connections) {
+ for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) {
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(conn.second);
- RTLIL::Module *mod = design->>type);
+ RTLIL::Module *mod = design->>type);
std::vector<RTLIL::Wire*> ports;
- for (auto wire_it : mod->wires) {
+ for (auto wire_it : mod->wires_) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = wire_it.second;
if (wire->port_id == 0)
@@ -81,8 +79,8 @@ static void print_spice_module(FILE *f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *de
for (RTLIL::Wire *wire : ports) {
log_assert(wire != NULL);
RTLIL::SigSpec sig(RTLIL::State::Sz, wire->width);
- if (cell->connections.count(wire->name) > 0) {
- sig = sigmap(cell->>name));
+ if (cell->hasPort(wire->name)) {
+ sig = sigmap(cell->getPort(wire->name));
sig.extend(wire->width, false);
@@ -90,22 +88,21 @@ static void print_spice_module(FILE *f, RTLIL::Module *module, RTLIL::Design *de
for (auto &sig : port_sigs) {
- for (int i = 0; i < sig.width; i++) {
- RTLIL::SigSpec s = sig.extract(big_endian ? sig.width - 1 - i : i, 1);
- log_assert(s.chunks.size() == 1 && s.chunks[0].width == 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < sig.size(); i++) {
+ RTLIL::SigSpec s = sig.extract(big_endian ? sig.size() - 1 - i : i, 1);
print_spice_net(f, s, neg, pos, ncpf, nc_counter);
- fprintf(f, " %s\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->type));
+ f << stringf(" %s\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(cell->type));
- for (auto &conn : module->connections)
- for (int i = 0; i < conn.first.width; i++) {
- fprintf(f, "V%d", conn_counter++);
+ for (auto &conn : module->connections())
+ for (int i = 0; i < conn.first.size(); i++) {
+ f << stringf("V%d", conn_counter++);
print_spice_net(f, conn.first.extract(i, 1), neg, pos, ncpf, nc_counter);
print_spice_net(f, conn.second.extract(i, 1), neg, pos, ncpf, nc_counter);
- fprintf(f, " DC 0\n");
+ f << stringf(" DC 0\n");
@@ -136,7 +133,7 @@ struct SpiceBackend : public Backend {
log(" set the specified module as design top module\n");
- virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
std::string top_module_name;
RTLIL::Module *top_module = NULL;
@@ -173,14 +170,14 @@ struct SpiceBackend : public Backend {
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx);
if (top_module_name.empty())
- for (auto & mod_it:design->modules)
+ for (auto & mod_it:design->modules_)
if (mod_it.second->get_bool_attribute("\\top"))
- top_module_name = mod_it.first;
+ top_module_name = mod_it.first.str();
- fprintf(f, "* SPICE netlist generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ *f << stringf("* SPICE netlist generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str);
+ *f << stringf("\n");
- for (auto module_it : design->modules)
+ for (auto module_it : design->modules_)
RTLIL::Module *module = module_it.second;
if (module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox"))
@@ -197,7 +194,7 @@ struct SpiceBackend : public Backend {
std::vector<RTLIL::Wire*> ports;
- for (auto wire_it : module->wires) {
+ for (auto wire_it : module->wires_) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = wire_it.second;
if (wire->port_id == 0)
@@ -206,31 +203,31 @@ struct SpiceBackend : public Backend {>port_id-1) = wire;
- fprintf(f, ".SUBCKT %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
+ *f << stringf(".SUBCKT %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
for (RTLIL::Wire *wire : ports) {
log_assert(wire != NULL);
if (wire->width > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < wire->width; i++)
- fprintf(f, " %s[%d]", RTLIL::id2cstr(wire->name), big_endian ? wire->width - 1 - i : i);
+ *f << stringf(" %s[%d]", RTLIL::id2cstr(wire->name), big_endian ? wire->width - 1 - i : i);
} else
- fprintf(f, " %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(wire->name));
+ *f << stringf(" %s", RTLIL::id2cstr(wire->name));
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- print_spice_module(f, module, design, neg, pos, ncpf, big_endian);
- fprintf(f, ".ENDS %s\n\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
+ *f << stringf("\n");
+ print_spice_module(*f, module, design, neg, pos, ncpf, big_endian);
+ *f << stringf(".ENDS %s\n\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(module->name));
if (!top_module_name.empty()) {
if (top_module == NULL)
log_error("Can't find top module `%s'!\n", top_module_name.c_str());
- print_spice_module(f, top_module, design, neg, pos, ncpf, big_endian);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ print_spice_module(*f, top_module, design, neg, pos, ncpf, big_endian);
+ *f << stringf("\n");
- fprintf(f, "************************\n");
- fprintf(f, "* end of SPICE netlist *\n");
- fprintf(f, "************************\n");
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ *f << stringf("************************\n");
+ *f << stringf("* end of SPICE netlist *\n");
+ *f << stringf("************************\n");
+ *f << stringf("\n");
} SpiceBackend;
diff --git a/backends/verilog/ b/backends/verilog/
index d7fe4c4e..bbdbbbfa 100644
--- a/backends/verilog/
+++ b/backends/verilog/
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#include "kernel/register.h"
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
-#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
@@ -40,14 +39,12 @@ namespace {
bool norename, noattr, attr2comment, noexpr;
int auto_name_counter, auto_name_offset, auto_name_digits;
-std::map<std::string, int> auto_name_map;
+std::map<RTLIL::IdString, int> auto_name_map;
+std::set<RTLIL::IdString> reg_wires, reg_ct;
-std::set<std::string> reg_wires;
-CellTypes reg_ct;
RTLIL::Module *active_module;
-void reset_auto_counter_id(const std::string &id, bool may_rename)
+void reset_auto_counter_id(RTLIL::IdString id, bool may_rename)
const char *str = id.c_str();
@@ -76,10 +73,10 @@ void reset_auto_counter(RTLIL::Module *module)
reset_auto_counter_id(module->name, false);
- for (auto it = module->wires.begin(); it != module->wires.end(); it++)
+ for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); it++)
reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->name, true);
- for (auto it = module->cells.begin(); it != module->cells.end(); it++) {
+ for (auto it = module->cells_.begin(); it != module->cells_.end(); it++) {
reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->name, true);
reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->type, false);
@@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ void reset_auto_counter(RTLIL::Module *module)
log(" renaming `%s' to `_%0*d_'.\n", it->first.c_str(), auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + it->second);
-std::string id(std::string internal_id, bool may_rename = true)
+std::string id(RTLIL::IdString internal_id, bool may_rename = true)
const char *str = internal_id.c_str();
bool do_escape = false;
@@ -133,23 +130,27 @@ std::string id(std::string internal_id, bool may_rename = true)
bool is_reg_wire(RTLIL::SigSpec sig, std::string &reg_name)
- sig.optimize();
- if (sig.chunks.size() != 1 || sig.chunks[0].wire == NULL)
+ if (!sig.is_chunk() || sig.as_chunk().wire == NULL)
return false;
- if (reg_wires.count(sig.chunks[0].wire->name) == 0)
+ RTLIL::SigChunk chunk = sig.as_chunk();
+ if (reg_wires.count(chunk.wire->name) == 0)
return false;
- reg_name = id(sig.chunks[0].wire->name);
- if (sig.width != sig.chunks[0].wire->width) {
- if (sig.width == 1)
- reg_name += stringf("[%d]", sig.chunks[0].wire->start_offset + sig.chunks[0].offset);
+ reg_name = id(chunk.wire->name);
+ if (sig.size() != chunk.wire->width) {
+ if (sig.size() == 1)
+ reg_name += stringf("[%d]", chunk.wire->start_offset + chunk.offset);
- reg_name += stringf("[%d:%d]", sig.chunks[0].wire->start_offset + sig.chunks[0].offset + sig.chunks[0].width - 1,
- sig.chunks[0].wire->start_offset + sig.chunks[0].offset);
+ reg_name += stringf("[%d:%d]", chunk.wire->start_offset + chunk.offset + chunk.width - 1,
+ chunk.wire->start_offset + chunk.offset);
return true;
-void dump_const(FILE *f, RTLIL::Const &data, int width = -1, int offset = 0, bool no_decimal = false, bool set_signed = false)
+void dump_const(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width = -1, int offset = 0, bool no_decimal = false, bool set_signed = false)
if (width < 0)
width = data.bits.size() - offset;
@@ -157,159 +158,172 @@ void dump_const(FILE *f, RTLIL::Const &data, int width = -1, int offset = 0, boo
if (width == 32 && !no_decimal) {
int32_t val = 0;
for (int i = offset+width-1; i >= offset; i--) {
- assert(i < (int)data.bits.size());
+ log_assert(i < (int)data.bits.size());
if (data.bits[i] != RTLIL::S0 && data.bits[i] != RTLIL::S1)
goto dump_bits;
+ if (data.bits[i] == RTLIL::S1 && (i - offset) == 31)
+ goto dump_bits;
if (data.bits[i] == RTLIL::S1)
val |= 1 << (i - offset);
- // fprintf(f, "%s32'sd%u", val < 0 ? "-" : "", abs(val));
- fprintf(f, "%d", val);
+ f << stringf("32'%sd%d", set_signed ? "s" : "", val);
} else {
- fprintf(f, "%d'%sb", width, set_signed ? "s" : "");
+ f << stringf("%d'%sb", width, set_signed ? "s" : "");
if (width == 0)
- fprintf(f, "0");
+ f << stringf("0");
for (int i = offset+width-1; i >= offset; i--) {
- assert(i < (int)data.bits.size());
+ log_assert(i < (int)data.bits.size());
switch (data.bits[i]) {
- case RTLIL::S0: fprintf(f, "0"); break;
- case RTLIL::S1: fprintf(f, "1"); break;
- case RTLIL::Sx: fprintf(f, "x"); break;
- case RTLIL::Sz: fprintf(f, "z"); break;
- case RTLIL::Sa: fprintf(f, "z"); break;
+ case RTLIL::S0: f << stringf("0"); break;
+ case RTLIL::S1: f << stringf("1"); break;
+ case RTLIL::Sx: f << stringf("x"); break;
+ case RTLIL::Sz: f << stringf("z"); break;
+ case RTLIL::Sa: f << stringf("z"); break;
case RTLIL::Sm: log_error("Found marker state in final netlist.");
} else {
- fprintf(f, "\"");
+ f << stringf("\"");
std::string str = data.decode_string();
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) {
if (str[i] == '\n')
- fprintf(f, "\\n");
+ f << stringf("\\n");
else if (str[i] == '\t')
- fprintf(f, "\\t");
+ f << stringf("\\t");
else if (str[i] < 32)
- fprintf(f, "\\%03o", str[i]);
+ f << stringf("\\%03o", str[i]);
else if (str[i] == '"')
- fprintf(f, "\\\"");
+ f << stringf("\\\"");
else if (str[i] == '\\')
- fprintf(f, "\\\\");
+ f << stringf("\\\\");
- fputc(str[i], f);
+ f << str[i];
- fprintf(f, "\"");
+ f << stringf("\"");
-void dump_sigchunk(FILE *f, RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk, bool no_decimal = false)
+void dump_sigchunk(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk, bool no_decimal = false)
if (chunk.wire == NULL) {
dump_const(f,, chunk.width, chunk.offset, no_decimal);
} else {
- if (chunk.width == chunk.wire->width && chunk.offset == 0)
- fprintf(f, "%s", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str());
- else if (chunk.width == 1)
- fprintf(f, "%s[%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(), chunk.offset + chunk.wire->start_offset);
- else
- fprintf(f, "%s[%d:%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(),
- chunk.offset + chunk.wire->start_offset + chunk.width - 1,
- chunk.offset + chunk.wire->start_offset);
+ if (chunk.width == chunk.wire->width && chunk.offset == 0) {
+ f << stringf("%s", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str());
+ } else if (chunk.width == 1) {
+ if (chunk.wire->upto)
+ f << stringf("%s[%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(), (chunk.wire->width - chunk.offset - 1) + chunk.wire->start_offset);
+ else
+ f << stringf("%s[%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(), chunk.offset + chunk.wire->start_offset);
+ } else {
+ if (chunk.wire->upto)
+ f << stringf("%s[%d:%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(),
+ (chunk.wire->width - (chunk.offset + chunk.width - 1) - 1) + chunk.wire->start_offset,
+ (chunk.wire->width - chunk.offset - 1) + chunk.wire->start_offset);
+ else
+ f << stringf("%s[%d:%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(),
+ (chunk.offset + chunk.width - 1) + chunk.wire->start_offset,
+ chunk.offset + chunk.wire->start_offset);
+ }
-void dump_sigspec(FILE *f, RTLIL::SigSpec &sig)
+void dump_sigspec(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig)
- if (sig.chunks.size() == 1) {
- dump_sigchunk(f, sig.chunks[0]);
+ if (sig.is_chunk()) {
+ dump_sigchunk(f, sig.as_chunk());
} else {
- fprintf(f, "{ ");
- for (auto it = sig.chunks.rbegin(); it != sig.chunks.rend(); it++) {
- if (it != sig.chunks.rbegin())
- fprintf(f, ", ");
+ f << stringf("{ ");
+ for (auto it = sig.chunks().rbegin(); it != sig.chunks().rend(); it++) {
+ if (it != sig.chunks().rbegin())
+ f << stringf(", ");
dump_sigchunk(f, *it, true);
- fprintf(f, " }");
+ f << stringf(" }");
-void dump_attributes(FILE *f, std::string indent, std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const> &attributes, char term = '\n')
+void dump_attributes(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const> &attributes, char term = '\n')
if (noattr)
for (auto it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "%s %s", indent.c_str(), attr2comment ? "/*" : "(*", id(it->first).c_str());
- fprintf(f, " = ");
+ f << stringf("%s" "%s %s", indent.c_str(), attr2comment ? "/*" : "(*", id(it->first).c_str());
+ f << stringf(" = ");
dump_const(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, " %s%c", attr2comment ? "*/" : "*)", term);
+ f << stringf(" %s%c", attr2comment ? "*/" : "*)", term);
-void dump_wire(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Wire *wire)
+void dump_wire(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Wire *wire)
dump_attributes(f, indent, wire->attributes);
#if 0
if (wire->port_input && !wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "input %s", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg " : "");
+ f << stringf("%s" "input %s", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg " : "");
else if (!wire->port_input && wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "output %s", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg " : "");
+ f << stringf("%s" "output %s", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg " : "");
else if (wire->port_input && wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "inout %s", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg " : "");
+ f << stringf("%s" "inout %s", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg " : "");
- fprintf(f, "%s" "%s ", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg" : "wire");
+ f << stringf("%s" "%s ", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg" : "wire");
if (wire->width != 1)
- fprintf(f, "[%d:%d] ", wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset, wire->start_offset);
- fprintf(f, "%s;\n", id(wire->name).c_str());
+ f << stringf("[%d:%d] ", wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset, wire->start_offset);
+ f << stringf("%s;\n", id(wire->name).c_str());
// do not use Verilog-2k "outut reg" syntax in verilog export
std::string range = "";
- if (wire->width != 1)
- range = stringf(" [%d:%d]", wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset, wire->start_offset);
+ if (wire->width != 1) {
+ if (wire->upto)
+ range = stringf(" [%d:%d]", wire->start_offset, wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset);
+ else
+ range = stringf(" [%d:%d]", wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset, wire->start_offset);
+ }
if (wire->port_input && !wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "input%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "input%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
if (!wire->port_input && wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "output%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "output%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
if (wire->port_input && wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "inout%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "inout%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
if (reg_wires.count(wire->name))
- fprintf(f, "%s" "reg%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "reg%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
else if (!wire->port_input && !wire->port_output)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "wire%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "wire%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str());
-void dump_memory(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Memory *memory)
+void dump_memory(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Memory *memory)
dump_attributes(f, indent, memory->attributes);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "reg [%d:0] %s [%d:0];\n", indent.c_str(), memory->width-1, id(memory->name).c_str(), memory->size-1);
+ f << stringf("%s" "reg [%d:0] %s [%d:0];\n", indent.c_str(), memory->width-1, id(memory->name).c_str(), memory->size-1);
-void dump_cell_expr_port(FILE *f, RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string port, bool gen_signed = true)
+void dump_cell_expr_port(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string port, bool gen_signed = true)
if (gen_signed && cell->parameters.count("\\" + port + "_SIGNED") > 0 && cell->parameters["\\" + port + "_SIGNED"].as_bool()) {
- fprintf(f, "$signed(");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\" + port]);
- fprintf(f, ")");
+ f << stringf("$signed(");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\" + port));
+ f << stringf(")");
} else
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\" + port]);
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\" + port));
std::string cellname(RTLIL::Cell *cell)
- if (!norename && cell->name[0] == '$' && reg_ct.cell_known(cell->type) && cell->connections.count("\\Q") > 0)
+ if (!norename && cell->name[0] == '$' && reg_ct.count(cell->type) && cell->hasPort("\\Q"))
- RTLIL::SigSpec sig = cell->connections["\\Q"];
- if (sig.width != 1 || sig.is_fully_const())
+ RTLIL::SigSpec sig = cell->getPort("\\Q");
+ if (SIZE(sig) != 1 || sig.is_fully_const())
goto no_special_reg_name;
- sig.optimize();
- RTLIL::Wire *wire = sig.chunks[0].wire;
+ RTLIL::Wire *wire = sig[0].wire;
if (wire->name[0] != '\\')
goto no_special_reg_name;
- std::string cell_name = wire->name;
+ std::string cell_name = wire->name.str();
size_t pos = cell_name.find('[');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
@@ -318,7 +332,7 @@ std::string cellname(RTLIL::Cell *cell)
cell_name = cell_name + "_reg";
if (wire->width != 1)
- cell_name += stringf("[%d]", wire->start_offset + sig.chunks[0].offset);
+ cell_name += stringf("[%d]", wire->start_offset + sig[0].offset);
if (active_module && active_module->count_id(cell_name) > 0)
goto no_special_reg_name;
@@ -332,107 +346,143 @@ no_special_reg_name:
-void dump_cell_expr_uniop(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string op)
+void dump_cell_expr_uniop(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string op)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Y"]);
- fprintf(f, " = %s ", op.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = %s ", op.c_str());
dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' ');
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", true);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
-void dump_cell_expr_binop(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string op)
+void dump_cell_expr_binop(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string op)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Y"]);
- fprintf(f, " = ");
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = ");
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", true);
- fprintf(f, " %s ", op.c_str());
+ f << stringf(" %s ", op.c_str());
dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' ');
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", true);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
-bool dump_cell_expr(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
+bool dump_cell_expr(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
- if (cell->type == "$_INV_") {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Y"]);
- fprintf(f, " = ");
- fprintf(f, "~");
+ if (cell->type == "$_NOT_") {
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = ");
+ f << stringf("~");
dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' ');
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
return true;
- if (cell->type == "$_AND_" || cell->type == "$_OR_" || cell->type == "$_XOR_") {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Y"]);
- fprintf(f, " = ");
+ if (cell->"$_AND_", "$_NAND_", "$_OR_", "$_NOR_", "$_XOR_", "$_XNOR_")) {
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = ");
+ if (cell->"$_NAND_", "$_NOR_", "$_XNOR_"))
+ f << stringf("~(");
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false);
- fprintf(f, " ");
- if (cell->type == "$_AND_")
- fprintf(f, "&");
- if (cell->type == "$_OR_")
- fprintf(f, "|");
- if (cell->type == "$_XOR_")
- fprintf(f, "^");
+ f << stringf(" ");
+ if (cell->"$_AND_", "$_NAND_"))
+ f << stringf("&");
+ if (cell->"$_OR_", "$_NOR_"))
+ f << stringf("|");
+ if (cell->"$_XOR_", "$_XNOR_"))
+ f << stringf("^");
dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' ');
- fprintf(f, " ");
+ f << stringf(" ");
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", false);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ if (cell->"$_NAND_", "$_NOR_", "$_XNOR_"))
+ f << stringf(")");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
return true;
if (cell->type == "$_MUX_") {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Y"]);
- fprintf(f, " = ");
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = ");
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "S", false);
- fprintf(f, " ? ");
+ f << stringf(" ? ");
dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' ');
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", false);
- fprintf(f, " : ");
+ f << stringf(" : ");
+ dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false);
+ f << stringf(";\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (cell->"$_AOI3_", "$_OAI3_")) {
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = ~((");
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI3_" ? " & " : " | ");
+ dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", false);
+ f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI3_" ? ") |" : ") &");
+ dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' ');
+ f << stringf(" ");
+ dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "C", false);
+ f << stringf(");\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (cell->"$_AOI4_", "$_OAI4_")) {
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = ~((");
+ dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false);
+ f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI4_" ? " & " : " | ");
+ dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", false);
+ f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI4_" ? ") |" : ") &");
+ dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' ');
+ f << stringf(" (");
+ dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "C", false);
+ f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI4_" ? " & " : " | ");
+ dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "D", false);
+ f << stringf("));\n");
return true;
if (cell->type.substr(0, 6) == "$_DFF_")
std::string reg_name = cellname(cell);
- bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(cell->connections["\\Q"], reg_name);
+ bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(cell->getPort("\\Q"), reg_name);
if (!out_is_reg_wire)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "reg %s;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "reg %s;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
dump_attributes(f, indent, cell->attributes);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), cell->type[6] == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\C"]);
+ f << stringf("%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), cell->type[6] == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\C"));
if (cell->type[7] != '_') {
- fprintf(f, " or %sedge ", cell->type[7] == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\R"]);
+ f << stringf(" or %sedge ", cell->type[7] == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\R"));
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
+ f << stringf(")\n");
if (cell->type[7] != '_') {
- fprintf(f, "%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), cell->type[7] == 'P' ? "" : "!");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\R"]);
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %s <= %c;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str(), cell->type[8]);
- fprintf(f, "%s" " else\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), cell->type[7] == 'P' ? "" : "!");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\R"));
+ f << stringf(")\n");
+ f << stringf("%s" " %s <= %c;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str(), cell->type[8]);
+ f << stringf("%s" " else\n", indent.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "D", false);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
if (!out_is_reg_wire) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Q"]);
- fprintf(f, " = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Q"));
+ f << stringf(" = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str());
return true;
@@ -443,39 +493,39 @@ bool dump_cell_expr(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
char pol_c = cell->type[8], pol_s = cell->type[9], pol_r = cell->type[10];
std::string reg_name = cellname(cell);
- bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(cell->connections["\\Q"], reg_name);
+ bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(cell->getPort("\\Q"), reg_name);
if (!out_is_reg_wire)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "reg %s;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "reg %s;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
dump_attributes(f, indent, cell->attributes);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), pol_c == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\C"]);
- fprintf(f, " or %sedge ", pol_s == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\S"]);
- fprintf(f, " or %sedge ", pol_r == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\R"]);
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_r == 'P' ? "" : "!");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\R"]);
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %s <= 0;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" " else if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_s == 'P' ? "" : "!");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\S"]);
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %s <= 1;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" " else\n", indent.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), pol_c == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\C"));
+ f << stringf(" or %sedge ", pol_s == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\S"));
+ f << stringf(" or %sedge ", pol_r == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\R"));
+ f << stringf(")\n");
+ f << stringf("%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_r == 'P' ? "" : "!");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\R"));
+ f << stringf(")\n");
+ f << stringf("%s" " %s <= 0;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " else if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_s == 'P' ? "" : "!");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\S"));
+ f << stringf(")\n");
+ f << stringf("%s" " %s <= 1;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " else\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "D", false);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
if (!out_is_reg_wire) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Q"]);
- fprintf(f, " = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Q"));
+ f << stringf(" = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str());
return true;
@@ -529,67 +579,87 @@ bool dump_cell_expr(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
- if (cell->type == "$mux" || cell->type == "$pmux" || cell->type == "$pmux_safe")
+ if (cell->type == "$mux")
+ {
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = ");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\S"));
+ f << stringf(" ? ");
+ dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' ');
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\B"));
+ f << stringf(" : ");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\A"));
+ f << stringf(";\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (cell->type == "$pmux" || cell->type == "$pmux_safe")
int width = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"].as_int();
- int s_width = cell->connections["\\S"].width;
- std::string reg_name = cellname(cell);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "reg [%d:0] %s;\n", indent.c_str(), width-1, reg_name.c_str());
+ int s_width = cell->getPort("\\S").size();
+ std::string func_name = cellname(cell);
- dump_attributes(f, indent, cell->attributes);
- if (!noattr)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "(* parallel_case *)\n", indent.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" "always @*\n", indent.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" " casez (", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\S"]);
- fprintf(f, noattr ? ") // synopsys parallel_case\n" : ")\n");
+ f << stringf("%s" "function [%d:0] %s;\n", indent.c_str(), width-1, func_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " input [%d:0] a;\n", indent.c_str(), width-1);
+ f << stringf("%s" " input [%d:0] b;\n", indent.c_str(), s_width*width-1);
+ f << stringf("%s" " input [%d:0] s;\n", indent.c_str(), s_width-1);
+ dump_attributes(f, indent + " ", cell->attributes);
+ if (cell->type != "$pmux_safe" && !noattr)
+ f << stringf("%s" " (* parallel_case *)\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " casez (s)", indent.c_str());
+ if (cell->type != "$pmux_safe")
+ f << stringf(noattr ? " // synopsys parallel_case\n" : "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < s_width; i++)
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %d'b", indent.c_str(), s_width);
+ f << stringf("%s" " %d'b", indent.c_str(), s_width);
for (int j = s_width-1; j >= 0; j--)
- fprintf(f, "%c", j == i ? '1' : cell->type == "$pmux_safe" ? '0' : '?');
+ f << stringf("%c", j == i ? '1' : cell->type == "$pmux_safe" ? '0' : '?');
- fprintf(f, ":\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %s = ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
- RTLIL::SigSpec s = cell->connections["\\B"].extract(i * width, width);
- dump_sigspec(f, s);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(":\n");
+ f << stringf("%s" " %s = b[%d:%d];\n", indent.c_str(), func_name.c_str(), (i+1)*width-1, i*width);
- fprintf(f, "%s" " default:\n", indent.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %s = ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\A"]);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" " endcase\n", indent.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Y"]);
- fprintf(f, " = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " default:\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " %s = a;\n", indent.c_str(), func_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " endcase\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "endfunction\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = %s(", func_name.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\A"));
+ f << stringf(", ");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\B"));
+ f << stringf(", ");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\S"));
+ f << stringf(");\n");
return true;
if (cell->type == "$slice")
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Y"]);
- fprintf(f, " = ");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\A"]);
- fprintf(f, " >> %d;\n", cell->"\\OFFSET").as_int());
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = ");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\A"));
+ f << stringf(" >> %d;\n", cell->"\\OFFSET").as_int());
return true;
if (cell->type == "$concat")
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Y"]);
- fprintf(f, " = { ");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\B"]);
- fprintf(f, " , ");
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\A"]);
- fprintf(f, " };\n");
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ f << stringf(" = { ");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\B"));
+ f << stringf(" , ");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\A"));
+ f << stringf(" };\n");
return true;
@@ -598,59 +668,59 @@ bool dump_cell_expr(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, sig_arst, val_arst;
bool pol_clk, pol_arst = false;
- sig_clk = cell->connections["\\CLK"];
+ sig_clk = cell->getPort("\\CLK");
pol_clk = cell->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"].as_bool();
if (cell->type == "$adff") {
- sig_arst = cell->connections["\\ARST"];
+ sig_arst = cell->getPort("\\ARST");
pol_arst = cell->parameters["\\ARST_POLARITY"].as_bool();
val_arst = RTLIL::SigSpec(cell->parameters["\\ARST_VALUE"]);
std::string reg_name = cellname(cell);
- bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(cell->connections["\\Q"], reg_name);
+ bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(cell->getPort("\\Q"), reg_name);
if (!out_is_reg_wire)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "reg [%d:0] %s;\n", indent.c_str(), cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"].as_int()-1, reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "reg [%d:0] %s;\n", indent.c_str(), cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"].as_int()-1, reg_name.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), pol_clk ? "pos" : "neg");
+ f << stringf("%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), pol_clk ? "pos" : "neg");
dump_sigspec(f, sig_clk);
if (cell->type == "$adff") {
- fprintf(f, " or %sedge ", pol_arst ? "pos" : "neg");
+ f << stringf(" or %sedge ", pol_arst ? "pos" : "neg");
dump_sigspec(f, sig_arst);
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
+ f << stringf(")\n");
if (cell->type == "$adff") {
- fprintf(f, "%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_arst ? "" : "!");
+ f << stringf("%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_arst ? "" : "!");
dump_sigspec(f, sig_arst);
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf(")\n");
+ f << stringf("%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, val_arst);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s" " else\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf(";\n");
+ f << stringf("%s" " else\n", indent.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str());
dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "D", false);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
if (!out_is_reg_wire) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
- dump_sigspec(f, cell->connections["\\Q"]);
- fprintf(f, " = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Q"));
+ f << stringf(" = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str());
return true;
- // FIXME: $_SR_[PN][PN]_, $_DLATCH_[PN]_
+ // FIXME: $_SR_[PN][PN]_, $_DLATCH_[PN]_, $_DLATCHSR_[PN][PN][PN]_
// FIXME: $sr, $dffsr, $dlatch, $memrd, $memwr, $mem, $fsm
return false;
-void dump_cell(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
+void dump_cell(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
if (cell->type[0] == '$' && !noexpr) {
if (dump_cell_expr(f, indent, cell))
@@ -658,39 +728,39 @@ void dump_cell(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
dump_attributes(f, indent, cell->attributes);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "%s", indent.c_str(), id(cell->type, false).c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "%s", indent.c_str(), id(cell->type, false).c_str());
if (cell->parameters.size() > 0) {
- fprintf(f, " #(");
+ f << stringf(" #(");
for (auto it = cell->parameters.begin(); it != cell->parameters.end(); it++) {
if (it != cell->parameters.begin())
- fprintf(f, ",");
- fprintf(f, "\n%s .%s(", indent.c_str(), id(it->first).c_str());
+ f << stringf(",");
+ f << stringf("\n%s .%s(", indent.c_str(), id(it->first).c_str());
bool is_signed = (it->second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0;
dump_const(f, it->second, -1, 0, !is_signed, is_signed);
- fprintf(f, ")");
+ f << stringf(")");
- fprintf(f, "\n%s" ")", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("\n%s" ")", indent.c_str());
std::string cell_name = cellname(cell);
if (cell_name != id(cell->name))
- fprintf(f, " %s /* %s */ (", cell_name.c_str(), id(cell->name).c_str());
+ f << stringf(" %s /* %s */ (", cell_name.c_str(), id(cell->name).c_str());
- fprintf(f, " %s (", cell_name.c_str());
+ f << stringf(" %s (", cell_name.c_str());
bool first_arg = true;
- std::set<std::string> numbered_ports;
+ std::set<RTLIL::IdString> numbered_ports;
for (int i = 1; true; i++) {
char str[16];
snprintf(str, 16, "$%d", i);
- for (auto it = cell->connections.begin(); it != cell->connections.end(); it++) {
+ for (auto it = cell->connections().begin(); it != cell->connections().end(); it++) {
if (it->first != str)
if (!first_arg)
- fprintf(f, ",");
+ f << stringf(",");
first_arg = false;
- fprintf(f, "\n%s ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("\n%s ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, it->second);
goto found_numbered_port;
@@ -698,90 +768,90 @@ void dump_cell(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell)
- for (auto it = cell->connections.begin(); it != cell->connections.end(); it++) {
+ for (auto it = cell->connections().begin(); it != cell->connections().end(); it++) {
if (numbered_ports.count(it->first))
if (!first_arg)
- fprintf(f, ",");
+ f << stringf(",");
first_arg = false;
- fprintf(f, "\n%s .%s(", indent.c_str(), id(it->first).c_str());
- if (it->second.width > 0)
+ f << stringf("\n%s .%s(", indent.c_str(), id(it->first).c_str());
+ if (it->second.size() > 0)
dump_sigspec(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, ")");
+ f << stringf(")");
- fprintf(f, "\n%s" ");\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("\n%s" ");\n", indent.c_str());
-void dump_conn(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SigSpec &left, RTLIL::SigSpec &right)
+void dump_conn(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SigSpec &left, const RTLIL::SigSpec &right)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, left);
- fprintf(f, " = ");
+ f << stringf(" = ");
dump_sigspec(f, right);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
-void dump_proc_switch(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw);
+void dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw);
-void dump_case_body(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::CaseRule *cs, bool omit_trailing_begin = false)
+void dump_case_body(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::CaseRule *cs, bool omit_trailing_begin = false)
int number_of_stmts = cs->switches.size() + cs->actions.size();
if (!omit_trailing_begin && number_of_stmts >= 2)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "begin\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "begin\n", indent.c_str());
for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); it++) {
- if (it->first.width == 0)
+ if (it->first.size() == 0)
- fprintf(f, "%s ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, it->first);
- fprintf(f, " = ");
+ f << stringf(" = ");
dump_sigspec(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); it++)
dump_proc_switch(f, indent + " ", *it);
if (!omit_trailing_begin && number_of_stmts == 0)
- fprintf(f, "%s /* empty */;\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s /* empty */;\n", indent.c_str());
if (omit_trailing_begin || number_of_stmts >= 2)
- fprintf(f, "%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
-void dump_proc_switch(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw)
+void dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw)
- if (sw->signal.width == 0) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "begin\n", indent.c_str());
+ if (sw->signal.size() == 0) {
+ f << stringf("%s" "begin\n", indent.c_str());
for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); it++) {
if ((*it)->compare.size() == 0)
dump_case_body(f, indent + " ", *it);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str());
- fprintf(f, "%s" "casez (", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "casez (", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, sw->signal);
- fprintf(f, ")\n");
+ f << stringf(")\n");
for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); it++) {
- fprintf(f, "%s ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s ", indent.c_str());
if ((*it)->compare.size() == 0)
- fprintf(f, "default");
+ f << stringf("default");
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*it)->compare.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0)
- fprintf(f, ", ");
+ f << stringf(", ");
dump_sigspec(f, (*it)->compare[i]);
- fprintf(f, ":\n");
+ f << stringf(":\n");
dump_case_body(f, indent + " ", *it);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "endcase\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "endcase\n", indent.c_str());
void case_body_find_regs(RTLIL::CaseRule *cs)
@@ -791,26 +861,26 @@ void case_body_find_regs(RTLIL::CaseRule *cs)
for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); it++) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < it->first.chunks.size(); i++)
- if (it->first.chunks[i].wire)
- reg_wires.insert(it->first.chunks[i].wire->name);
+ for (auto &c : it->first.chunks())
+ if (c.wire != NULL)
+ reg_wires.insert(c.wire->name);
-void dump_process(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Process *proc, bool find_regs = false)
+void dump_process(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Process *proc, bool find_regs = false)
if (find_regs) {
for (auto it = proc->syncs.begin(); it != proc->syncs.end(); it++)
for (auto it2 = (*it)->actions.begin(); it2 != (*it)->actions.end(); it2++) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < it2->first.chunks.size(); i++)
- if (it2->first.chunks[i].wire)
- reg_wires.insert(it2->first.chunks[i].wire->name);
+ for (auto &c : it2->first.chunks())
+ if (c.wire != NULL)
+ reg_wires.insert(c.wire->name);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "always @* begin\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "always @* begin\n", indent.c_str());
dump_case_body(f, indent, &proc->root_case, true);
std::string backup_indent = indent;
@@ -821,23 +891,23 @@ void dump_process(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Process *proc, bool find_r
indent = backup_indent;
if (sync->type == RTLIL::STa) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "always @* begin\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "always @* begin\n", indent.c_str());
} else {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "always @(", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "always @(", indent.c_str());
if (sync->type == RTLIL::STp || sync->type == RTLIL::ST1)
- fprintf(f, "posedge ");
+ f << stringf("posedge ");
if (sync->type == RTLIL::STn || sync->type == RTLIL::ST0)
- fprintf(f, "negedge ");
+ f << stringf("negedge ");
dump_sigspec(f, sync->signal);
- fprintf(f, ") begin\n");
+ f << stringf(") begin\n");
std::string ends = indent + "end\n";
indent += " ";
if (sync->type == RTLIL::ST0 || sync->type == RTLIL::ST1) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "if (%s", indent.c_str(), sync->type == RTLIL::ST0 ? "!" : "");
+ f << stringf("%s" "if (%s", indent.c_str(), sync->type == RTLIL::ST0 ? "!" : "");
dump_sigspec(f, sync->signal);
- fprintf(f, ") begin\n");
+ f << stringf(") begin\n");
ends = indent + "end\n" + ends;
indent += " ";
@@ -846,9 +916,9 @@ void dump_process(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Process *proc, bool find_r
for (size_t j = 0; j < proc->syncs.size(); j++) {
RTLIL::SyncRule *sync2 = proc->syncs[j];
if (sync2->type == RTLIL::ST0 || sync2->type == RTLIL::ST1) {
- fprintf(f, "%s" "if (%s", indent.c_str(), sync2->type == RTLIL::ST1 ? "!" : "");
+ f << stringf("%s" "if (%s", indent.c_str(), sync2->type == RTLIL::ST1 ? "!" : "");
dump_sigspec(f, sync2->signal);
- fprintf(f, ") begin\n");
+ f << stringf(") begin\n");
ends = indent + "end\n" + ends;
indent += " ";
@@ -856,90 +926,93 @@ void dump_process(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Process *proc, bool find_r
for (auto it = sync->actions.begin(); it != sync->actions.end(); it++) {
- if (it->first.width == 0)
+ if (it->first.size() == 0)
- fprintf(f, "%s ", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s ", indent.c_str());
dump_sigspec(f, it->first);
- fprintf(f, " <= ");
+ f << stringf(" <= ");
dump_sigspec(f, it->second);
- fprintf(f, ";\n");
+ f << stringf(";\n");
- fprintf(f, "%s", ends.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s", ends.c_str());
-void dump_module(FILE *f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Module *module)
+void dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Module *module)
active_module = module;
- fprintf(f, "\n");
+ f << stringf("\n");
for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); it++)
dump_process(f, indent + " ", it->second, true);
if (!noexpr)
std::set<std::pair<RTLIL::Wire*,int>> reg_bits;
- for (auto &it : module->cells)
+ for (auto &it : module->cells_)
RTLIL::Cell *cell = it.second;
- if (!reg_ct.cell_known(cell->type) || cell->connections.count("\\Q") == 0)
+ if (!reg_ct.count(cell->type) || !cell->hasPort("\\Q"))
- RTLIL::SigSpec sig = cell->connections["\\Q"];
- sig.optimize();
+ RTLIL::SigSpec sig = cell->getPort("\\Q");
- if (sig.chunks.size() == 1 && sig.chunks[0].wire)
- for (int i = 0; i < sig.chunks[0].width; i++)
- reg_bits.insert(std::pair<RTLIL::Wire*,int>(sig.chunks[0].wire, sig.chunks[0].offset+i));
+ if (sig.is_chunk()) {
+ RTLIL::SigChunk chunk = sig.as_chunk();
+ if (chunk.wire != NULL)
+ for (int i = 0; i < chunk.width; i++)
+ reg_bits.insert(std::pair<RTLIL::Wire*,int>(chunk.wire, chunk.offset+i));
+ }
- for (auto &it : module->wires)
+ for (auto &it : module->wires_)
RTLIL::Wire *wire = it.second;
for (int i = 0; i < wire->width; i++)
if (reg_bits.count(std::pair<RTLIL::Wire*,int>(wire, i)) == 0)
goto this_wire_aint_reg;
- reg_wires.insert(wire->name);
+ if (wire->width)
+ reg_wires.insert(wire->name);
dump_attributes(f, indent, module->attributes);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "module %s(", indent.c_str(), id(module->name, false).c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "module %s(", indent.c_str(), id(module->name, false).c_str());
bool keep_running = true;
for (int port_id = 1; keep_running; port_id++) {
keep_running = false;
- for (auto it = module->wires.begin(); it != module->wires.end(); it++) {
+ for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); it++) {
RTLIL::Wire *wire = it->second;
if (wire->port_id == port_id) {
if (port_id != 1)
- fprintf(f, ", ");
- fprintf(f, "%s", id(wire->name).c_str());
+ f << stringf(", ");
+ f << stringf("%s", id(wire->name).c_str());
keep_running = true;
- fprintf(f, ");\n");
+ f << stringf(");\n");
- for (auto it = module->wires.begin(); it != module->wires.end(); it++)
+ for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); it++)
dump_wire(f, indent + " ", it->second);
for (auto it = module->memories.begin(); it != module->memories.end(); it++)
dump_memory(f, indent + " ", it->second);
- for (auto it = module->cells.begin(); it != module->cells.end(); it++)
+ for (auto it = module->cells_.begin(); it != module->cells_.end(); it++)
dump_cell(f, indent + " ", it->second);
for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); it++)
dump_process(f, indent + " ", it->second);
- for (auto it = module->connections.begin(); it != module->connections.end(); it++)
+ for (auto it = module->connections().begin(); it != module->connections().end(); it++)
dump_conn(f, indent + " ", it->first, it->second);
- fprintf(f, "%s" "endmodule\n", indent.c_str());
+ f << stringf("%s" "endmodule\n", indent.c_str());
active_module = NULL;
@@ -980,7 +1053,7 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
log(" not at all.\n");
- virtual void execute(FILE *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
log_header("Executing Verilog backend.\n");
@@ -993,10 +1066,30 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
bool selected = false;
- reg_ct.setup_stdcells_mem();
- reg_ct.cell_types.insert("$sr");
- reg_ct.cell_types.insert("$dff");
- reg_ct.cell_types.insert("$adff");
+ reg_ct.insert("$dff");
+ reg_ct.insert("$adff");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_N_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_P_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_NN0_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_NN1_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_NP0_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_NP1_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_PN0_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_PN1_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_PP0_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_PP1_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_NNN_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_NNP_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_NPN_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_NPP_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_PNN_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_PNP_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_PPN_");
+ reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_PPP_");
size_t argidx;
for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
@@ -1029,8 +1122,8 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx);
- fprintf(f, "/* Generated by %s */\n", yosys_version_str);
- for (auto it = design->modules.begin(); it != design->modules.end(); it++) {
+ *f << stringf("/* Generated by %s */\n", yosys_version_str);
+ for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); it++) {
if (it->second->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox") != blackboxes)
if (selected && !design->selected_whole_module(it->first)) {
@@ -1039,7 +1132,7 @@ struct VerilogBackend : public Backend {
log("Dumping module `%s'.\n", it->first.c_str());
- dump_module(f, "", it->second);
+ dump_module(*f, "", it->second);
diff --git a/backends/verilog/verilog_backend.h b/backends/verilog/verilog_backend.h
index c40830ef..7e6ef5ab 100644
--- a/backends/verilog/verilog_backend.h
+++ b/backends/verilog/verilog_backend.h
@@ -29,11 +29,10 @@
-#include "kernel/rtlil.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
+#include "kernel/yosys.h"
- void verilog_backend(FILE *f, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design);
+ void verilog_backend(std::ostream &f, std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design);